-- Monads

{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

open import Equality

module Monad
  {reflexive} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bijection eq using (_↔_)
open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open import Function-universe eq using (inverse)

-- Basic definitions

-- Raw monads.

record Raw-monad {d c} (M : Set d  Set c) : Set (lsuc d  c) where
  constructor mk
  infixl 6 _⟨$⟩_ _⊛_
  infixl 5 _>>=_
    return :  {A}  A  M A
    _>>=_  :  {A B}  M A  (A  M B)  M B

  -- A map function.

  map :  {A B}  (A  B)  M A  M B
  map f x = x >>= return  f

  -- A synonym.

  _⟨$⟩_ :  {A B}  (A  B)  M A  M B
  _⟨$⟩_ = map

  -- Applicative functor application.

  _⊛_ :  {A B}  M (A  B)  M A  M B
  f  x = f >>= λ f  x >>= λ x  return (f x)

open Raw-monad    public

-- Monads.

record Monad {d c} (M : Set d  Set c) : Set (lsuc d  c) where
  constructor mk
     raw-monad   : Raw-monad M

    left-identity  :  {A B} (x : A) (f : A  M B) 
                     return x >>= f  f x
    right-identity :  {A} (x : M A) 
                     x >>= return  x
    associativity  :  {A B C} 
                     (x : M A) (f : A  M B) (g : B  M C) 
                     x >>=  x  f x >>= g)  x >>= f >>= g

  -- Monads are functors.

  map-id :  {A} (x : M A)  map id x  x
  map-id x =
    x >>= return  id  ≡⟨⟩
    x >>= return       ≡⟨ right-identity _ ⟩∎

  map-∘ : Extensionality d c 
           {A B C} (f : B  C) (g : A  B) (x : M A) 
          map (f  g) x  map f (map g x)
  map-∘ ext f g x =
    x >>= return  (f  g)                     ≡⟨ cong (x >>=_) (ext λ _  sym $ left-identity _ _) 
    x >>=  x  return (g x) >>= return  f)  ≡⟨ associativity _ _ _ ⟩∎
    (x >>= return  g) >>= return  f          

  -- More lemmas.

  map-return :  {A B} (f : A  B) (x : A) 
               map {M = M} f (return x)  return (f x)
  map-return f x =
    return x >>= return  f  ≡⟨ left-identity _ _ ⟩∎
    return (f x)             

  map->>= :  {A B C} (f : B  C) (x : M A) (g : A  M B) 
            map f (x >>= g)  x >>= map f  g
  map->>= f x g =
    x >>= g >>= return  f            ≡⟨ sym $ associativity _ _ _ 
    x >>=  x  g x >>= return  f)  ≡⟨⟩
    x >>=  x  map f (g x))         ≡⟨ refl _ ⟩∎
    x >>= map f  g                   

  >>=-map : Extensionality d c 
             {A B C} (f : A  B) (x : M A) (g : B  M C) 
            map f x >>= g  x >>= g  f
  >>=-map ext f x g =
    (x >>= return  f) >>= g          ≡⟨ sym $ associativity _ _ _ 
    x >>=  x  return (f x) >>= g)  ≡⟨ cong (x >>=_) (ext λ _  left-identity _ _) ⟩∎
    x >>= g  f                       

open Monad    public hiding (raw-monad)

-- Monad transformers.

record Raw-monad-transformer
         {d c} (F : (Set d  Set c)  (Set d  Set c)) :
         Set (lsuc (c  d)) where
  constructor mk
    transform :  {M}    is-raw-monad : Raw-monad M   Raw-monad (F M)
    liftʳ     :  {M A}  is-raw-monad : Raw-monad M   M A  F M A

open Raw-monad-transformer    public using (liftʳ)

record Monad-transformer
         {d c} (F : (Set d  Set c)  (Set d  Set c)) :
         Set (lsuc (c  d)) where
  constructor mk
    transform :  {M}    is-monad : Monad M   Monad (F M)
    liftᵐ     :  {M A}  is-monad : Monad M   M A  F M A

    lift-return :
       {M A}  is-monad : Monad M  (x : A) 
      let module M = Raw-monad (Monad.raw-monad transform) in
      liftᵐ {M = M} (return x)  M.return x

    lift->>= :
       {M A B}  is-monad : Monad M 
      (x : M A) (f : A  M B) 
      let module M = Raw-monad (Monad.raw-monad transform) in
      liftᵐ (x >>= f)  liftᵐ x M.>>= liftᵐ  f

open Monad-transformer    public using (liftᵐ; lift-return; lift->>=)

-- Preservation lemmas

-- If F and G are pointwise logically equivalent, then Raw-monad F and
-- Raw-monad G are logically equivalent.

⇔→raw⇔raw :  {a f g} {F : Set a  Set f} {G : Set a  Set g} 
            (∀ x  F x  G x)  Raw-monad F  Raw-monad G
⇔→raw⇔raw {a} = λ F⇔G  record
  { to   = to F⇔G
  ; from = to (inverse  F⇔G)
  to :  {f g} {F : Set a  Set f} {G : Set a  Set g} 
       (∀ x  F x  G x)  Raw-monad F  Raw-monad G
  Raw-monad.return (to F⇔G F-monad) x =
    _⇔_.to (F⇔G _) (F.return x)
    module F = Raw-monad F-monad

  Raw-monad._>>=_ (to F⇔G F-monad) x f =
    _⇔_.to (F⇔G _) (_⇔_.from (F⇔G _) x F.>>= λ x 
                    _⇔_.from (F⇔G _) (f x))
    module F = Raw-monad F-monad

-- If F and G are pointwise isomorphic, then Raw-monad F and
-- Raw-monad G are isomorphic (assuming extensionality).

↔→raw↔raw :  {a f g} 
            Extensionality (lsuc a  f  g) (lsuc a  f  g) 
            {F : Set a  Set f} {G : Set a  Set g} 
            (∀ x  F x  G x)  Raw-monad F  Raw-monad G
↔→raw↔raw {a} {f} {g} = λ ext F↔G  record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = ⇔→raw⇔raw (_↔_.logical-equivalence  F↔G)
    ; right-inverse-of    = to∘to (lower-extensionality f f ext)
                                  (inverse  F↔G)
  ; left-inverse-of = to∘to (lower-extensionality g g ext) F↔G
  to∘to :
     {f g} {F : Set a  Set f} {G : Set a  Set g} 
    Extensionality (lsuc a  f) (lsuc a  f) 
    (F↔G :  x  F x  G x) (F-monad : Raw-monad F) 
    let eq = ⇔→raw⇔raw (_↔_.logical-equivalence  F↔G) in
    _⇔_.from eq (_⇔_.to eq F-monad)  F-monad
  to∘to {f} ext F↔G (mk return _>>=_) = cong₂ Raw-monad.mk
    (implicit-extensionality (lower-extensionality f (lsuc a) ext) λ _ 
     lower-extensionality _ (lsuc a) ext λ x 

       _↔_.from (F↔G _) (_↔_.to (F↔G _) (return x))  ≡⟨ _↔_.left-inverse-of (F↔G _) _ ⟩∎
       return x                                      )

    (implicit-extensionality (lower-extensionality f lzero    ext) λ _ 
     implicit-extensionality (lower-extensionality f (lsuc a) ext) λ _ 
     lower-extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc a) ext λ x 
     lower-extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc a) ext λ f 

       _↔_.from (F↔G _) (_↔_.to (F↔G _)
         (_↔_.from (F↔G _) (_↔_.to (F↔G _) x) >>= λ x 
          _↔_.from (F↔G _) (_↔_.to (F↔G _) (f x))))      ≡⟨ _↔_.left-inverse-of (F↔G _) _ 

       (_↔_.from (F↔G _) (_↔_.to (F↔G _) x) >>= λ x 
        _↔_.from (F↔G _) (_↔_.to (F↔G _) (f x)))         ≡⟨ cong₂ _>>=_ (_↔_.left-inverse-of (F↔G _) _)
                                                                        (lower-extensionality _ (lsuc a) ext λ _ 
                                                                         _↔_.left-inverse-of (F↔G _) _) ⟩∎
       x >>= f                                           )

-- If F and G are pointwise isomorphic, then Monad F and Monad G are
-- logically equivalent (assuming extensionality).

↔→⇔ :  {a f g} 
      Extensionality a (f  g) 
      {F : Set a  Set f} {G : Set a  Set g} 
      (∀ x  F x  G x)  Monad F  Monad G
↔→⇔ {a} {f} {g} = λ ext F↔G  record
  { to   = to (lower-extensionality lzero g ext) F↔G
  ; from = to (lower-extensionality lzero f ext) (inverse  F↔G)
  to :  {f g} {F : Set a  Set f} {G : Set a  Set g} 
       Extensionality a f 
       (∀ x  F x  G x)  Monad F  Monad G
  Monad.raw-monad (to ext F↔G F-monad) =
    _⇔_.to (⇔→raw⇔raw (_↔_.logical-equivalence  F↔G)) F.raw-monad
    module F = Monad F-monad

  Monad.left-identity (to ext F↔G F-monad) x f =
    _↔_.to (F↔G _)
      (_↔_.from (F↔G _) (_↔_.to (F↔G _) (FR.return x)) FR.>>= λ x 
       _↔_.from (F↔G _) (f x))                                        ≡⟨ cong  y  _↔_.to (F↔G _) (y FR.>>= _)) (_↔_.left-inverse-of (F↔G _) _) 

    _↔_.to (F↔G _) (FR.return x FR.>>= λ x  _↔_.from (F↔G _) (f x))  ≡⟨ cong (_↔_.to (F↔G _)) (FM.left-identity _ _) 

    _↔_.to (F↔G _) (_↔_.from (F↔G _) (f x))                           ≡⟨ _↔_.right-inverse-of (F↔G _) _ ⟩∎

    f x                                                               
    module FM = Monad F-monad
    module FR = Raw-monad FM.raw-monad

  Monad.right-identity (to ext F↔G F-monad) x =
    _↔_.to (F↔G _) (_↔_.from (F↔G _) x FR.>>= λ x 
                    _↔_.from (F↔G _) (_↔_.to (F↔G _) (FR.return x)))  ≡⟨ cong  g  _↔_.to (F↔G _) (_ FR.>>= g))
                                                                              (ext λ _  _↔_.left-inverse-of (F↔G _) _) 
    _↔_.to (F↔G _) (_↔_.from (F↔G _) x FR.>>= FR.return)              ≡⟨ cong (_↔_.to (F↔G _)) (FM.right-identity _) 

    _↔_.to (F↔G _) (_↔_.from (F↔G _) x)                               ≡⟨ _↔_.right-inverse-of (F↔G _) _ ⟩∎

    module FM = Monad F-monad
    module FR = Raw-monad FM.raw-monad

  Monad.associativity (to ext F↔G F-monad) x f g =
    _↔_.to (F↔G _)
      (_↔_.from (F↔G _) x FR.>>= λ x 
       _↔_.from (F↔G _) (_↔_.to (F↔G _)
         (_↔_.from (F↔G _) (f x) FR.>>= λ x  _↔_.from (F↔G _) (g x))))  ≡⟨ cong  g  _↔_.to (F↔G _) (_↔_.from (F↔G _) x FR.>>= g))
                                                                                 (ext λ _  _↔_.left-inverse-of (F↔G _) _) 
    _↔_.to (F↔G _)
      (_↔_.from (F↔G _) x FR.>>= λ x 
       _↔_.from (F↔G _) (f x) FR.>>= λ x  _↔_.from (F↔G _) (g x))       ≡⟨ cong (_↔_.to (F↔G _)) (FM.associativity _ _ _) 

    _↔_.to (F↔G _)
      ((_↔_.from (F↔G _) x FR.>>= λ x 
        _↔_.from (F↔G _) (f x)) FR.>>= λ x 
       _↔_.from (F↔G _) (g x))                                           ≡⟨ cong  y  _↔_.to (F↔G _) (y FR.>>= _))
                                                                                 (sym $ _↔_.left-inverse-of (F↔G _) _) ⟩∎
    _↔_.to (F↔G _)
      (_↔_.from (F↔G _) (_↔_.to (F↔G _)
         (_↔_.from (F↔G _) x FR.>>= λ x 
          _↔_.from (F↔G _) (f x))) FR.>>= λ x 
       _↔_.from (F↔G _) (g x))                                           
    module FM = Monad F-monad
    module FR = Raw-monad FM.raw-monad

-- Identity monads

-- The identity monad.

identity-monad :  {}  Monad {d = } id
Raw-monad.return (Monad.raw-monad identity-monad) x   = x
Raw-monad._>>=_  (Monad.raw-monad identity-monad) x f = f x
Monad.left-identity  identity-monad x f               = refl (f x)
Monad.right-identity identity-monad x                 = refl x
Monad.associativity  identity-monad x f g             = refl (g (f x))

-- The identity monad, defined using a wrapper type to make instance
-- resolution easier.

record Id {a} (A : Set a) : Set a where
  constructor wrap
    run : A

open Id public


  Id-raw-monad :  {}  Raw-monad {d = } Id
  run (Raw-monad.return Id-raw-monad x)   = x
  run (Raw-monad._>>=_  Id-raw-monad x f) = run (f (run x))

  Id-monad :  {}  Monad {d = } Id
  Monad.raw-monad      Id-monad       = Id-raw-monad
  Monad.left-identity  Id-monad x f   = cong wrap (refl (run (f x)))
  Monad.right-identity Id-monad x     = cong wrap (refl (run x))
  Monad.associativity  Id-monad x f g = cong wrap (refl (run (g (run (f (run x))))))