-- Lemmas related to strong similarity for CCS

{-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}

open import Prelude

module Similarity.CCS {} {Name : Type } where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude.Size

open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)

import Bisimilarity.CCS as BL
import Bisimilarity.Equational-reasoning-instances
open import Equational-reasoning
open import Labelled-transition-system.CCS Name
import Similarity.Equational-reasoning-instances

open import Bisimilarity CCS as B using (_∼_; _∼′_)
open import Similarity CCS

-- Congruence lemmas

  module CL {i} = BL.Cong-lemmas [ i ]_≤′_ challenge


  -- _∣_ preserves similarity.

  infix 6 _∣-cong_ _∣-cong′_

  _∣-cong_ :  {i P P′ Q Q′} 
             [ i ] P  P′  [ i ] Q  Q′  [ i ] P  Q  P′  Q′
  P≤P′ ∣-cong Q≤Q′ =  CL.∣-cong _∣-cong′_ P≤P′ Q≤Q′ 

  _∣-cong′_ :  {i P P′ Q Q′} 
              [ i ] P ≤′ P′  [ i ] Q ≤′ Q′  [ i ] P  Q ≤′ P′  Q′
  force (P≤P′ ∣-cong′ Q≤Q′) = force P≤P′ ∣-cong force Q≤Q′

-- _⊕_ preserves similarity.

infix 8 _⊕-cong_ _⊕-cong′_

_⊕-cong_ :  {i P P′ Q Q′} 
           [ i ] P  P′  [ i ] Q  Q′  [ i ] P  Q  P′  Q′
P≤P′ ⊕-cong Q≤Q′ =  CL.⊕-cong P≤P′ Q≤Q′ 

_⊕-cong′_ :  {i P P′ Q Q′} 
            [ i ] P ≤′ P′  [ i ] Q ≤′ Q′  [ i ] P  Q ≤′ P′  Q′
force (P≤P′ ⊕-cong′ Q≤Q′) = force P≤P′ ⊕-cong force Q≤Q′

-- _·_ preserves similarity.

infix 12 _·-cong_ _·-cong′_

_·-cong_ :
   {i μ μ′ P P′} 
  μ  μ′  [ i ] force P ≤′ force P′  [ i ] μ · P  μ′ · P′
_·-cong_ {i} refl P≤P′ =  CL.·-cong {i = i} P≤P′ 

_·-cong′_ :
   {i μ μ′ P P′} 
  μ  μ′  [ i ] force P ≤′ force P′  [ i ] μ · P ≤′ μ′ · P′
force (μ≡μ′ ·-cong′ P≤P′) = μ≡μ′ ·-cong P≤P′

-- _∙_ preserves similarity.

infix 12 _∙-cong_ _∙-cong′_

_∙-cong_ :  {i μ μ′ P P′} 
           μ  μ′  [ i ] P  P′  [ i ] μ  P  μ′  P′
refl ∙-cong P≤P′ = refl ·-cong convert {a = } P≤P′

_∙-cong′_ :  {i μ μ′ P P′} 
            μ  μ′  [ i ] P ≤′ P′  [ i ] μ  P ≤′ μ′  P′
force (μ≡μ′ ∙-cong′ P≤P′) = μ≡μ′ ∙-cong force P≤P′

-- _∙ turns equal actions into similar processes.

infix 12 _∙-cong _∙-cong′

_∙-cong :  {μ μ′}  μ  μ′  μ   μ′ 
refl ∙-cong = reflexive

_∙-cong′ :  {μ μ′}  μ  μ′  μ  ≤′ μ′ 
refl ∙-cong′ = reflexive


  -- ⟨ν_⟩ preserves similarity.

  ⟨ν_⟩-cong :  {i a a′ P P′} 
              a  a′  [ i ] P  P′  [ i ] ⟨ν a  P  ⟨ν a′  P′
  ⟨ν refl ⟩-cong P≤P′ =  CL.⟨ν⟩-cong ⟨ν refl ⟩-cong′ P≤P′ 

  ⟨ν_⟩-cong′ :  {i a a′ P P′} 
               a  a′  [ i ] P ≤′ P′  [ i ] ⟨ν a  P ≤′ ⟨ν a′  P′
  force (⟨ν a≡a′ ⟩-cong′ P≤P′) = ⟨ν a≡a′ ⟩-cong (force P≤P′)


  -- !_ preserves similarity.

  infix 10 !-cong_ !-cong′_

  !-cong_ :  {i P P′} 
            [ i ] P  P′  [ i ] ! P  ! P′
  !-cong P≤P′ =  CL.!-cong BL.6-1-3-2 _∣-cong′_ !-cong′_ P≤P′ 

  !-cong′_ :  {i P P′}  [ i ] P ≤′ P′  [ i ] ! P ≤′ ! P′
  force (!-cong′ P≤P′) = !-cong force P≤P′

-- _[_] preserves similarity.


  infix 5 _[_]-cong _[_]-cong′

  _[_]-cong :
     {i n Ps Qs}
    (C : Context  n)  (∀ x  [ i ] Ps x  Qs x) 
    [ i ] C [ Ps ]  C [ Qs ]
  hole x   [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong = Ps≤Qs x
          [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong = reflexive
  C₁  C₂  [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong = (C₁ [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong) ∣-cong (C₂ [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong)
  C₁  C₂  [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong = (C₁ [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong) ⊕-cong (C₂ [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong)
  μ · C    [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong = refl ·-cong λ { .force  force C [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong }
  ⟨ν a  C [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong = ⟨ν refl ⟩-cong (C [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong)
  ! C      [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong = !-cong (C [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong)

  _[_]-cong′ :
     {i n Ps Qs}
    (C : Context  n)  (∀ x  [ i ] Ps x ≤′ Qs x) 
    [ i ] C [ Ps ] ≤′ C [ Qs ]
  force (C [ Ps≤Qs ]-cong′) = C [  x  force (Ps≤Qs x)) ]-cong

-- Other results

-- P is similar to P ⊕ Q.

≤-⊕-left :  {i P Q}  [ i ] P  P  Q
≤-⊕-left =   P⟶P′  _ , sum-left P⟶P′ , reflexive) 

-- Q is similar to P ⊕ Q.

≤-⊕-right :  {i P Q}  [ i ] Q  P  Q
≤-⊕-right =   Q⟶Q′  _ , sum-right Q⟶Q′ , reflexive) 

-- If Name is inhabited, then there are two processes that are similar
-- in both directions, but not bisimilar.
-- I took this example from Wikipedia; I suspect that it is due to
-- Milner.

≤≥≁ : Name   λ P   λ Q  P  Q × Q  P × ¬ P  Q
≤≥≁ x = machine₁ , machine₂
      , machine₁≤machine₂ , machine₂≤machine₁ , machine₁≁machine₂

  -- Some names (with kinds), constructed using x.

  pay coffee tea : Name-with-kind

  pay    = x , true
  coffee = pay
  tea    = x , false

  -- Two vending machines.

  machine₁ machine₂ machine₁′ machine₂′ : Proc 

  machine₁′ = name pay  (coffee   tea )
  machine₁  = ! machine₁′

  machine₂′ = (name pay  (coffee )  name pay  (tea ))
  machine₂  = ! machine₂′

  -- A lemma.

  machine₁⟶ :
     {P μ}  machine₁ [ μ ]⟶ P 
    μ  name pay × P  machine₁  (coffee   tea )
  machine₁⟶ tr = case BL.6-1-3-2 tr of λ where
    (inj₁ (_ , action , P∼))                  refl , P∼
    (inj₂ (_ , _ , _ , _ , action , tr , _)) 
      ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted tr)

  -- The first machine is similar to the second one.

  machine₁≤machine₂ :  {i}  [ i ] machine₁  machine₂
  machine₁≤machine₂ {i} =
    StepC.⟨  {P} tr 
               case machine₁⟶ tr of λ where
                 (refl , P∼) 
                   , (machine₂                      [ name pay ]⟶⟨ replication (par-right (sum-right action)) 
                      machine₂  coffee   tea )
                   , (P                            ∼⟨ ≤: convert {a = } P∼ 
                      machine₁  coffee   tea   ∼⟨ machine₁≤′machine₂ ∣-cong′ (_ ) ⟩■
                      machine₂  coffee   tea ))
    machine₁≤′machine₂ : [ i ] machine₁ ≤′ machine₂
    force machine₁≤′machine₂ = machine₁≤machine₂

  -- The second machine is similar to the first one.

  machine₂≤machine₁ :  {i}  [ i ] machine₂  machine₁
  machine₂≤machine₁ {i} = StepC.⟨ helper  BL.6-1-3-2 
    machine₂≤′machine₁ : [ i ] machine₂ ≤′ machine₁
    force machine₂≤′machine₁ = machine₂≤machine₁

    lemma =
      machine₁                     [ name pay ]⟶⟨ replication (par-right action) 
      machine₁  coffee   tea 

    helper :
       {P μ} 
      ( λ P′  machine₂′ [ μ ]⟶ P′ × P  machine₂  P′)
      (μ  τ ×  λ P′   λ P″   λ a 
       machine₂′ [ name a ]⟶ P′ × machine₂′ [ name (co a) ]⟶ P″ ×
       P  (machine₂  P′)  P″) 
       λ Q  machine₁ [ μ ]⟶ Q × [ i ] P ≤′ Q
    helper {P} (inj₁ (_ , sum-left (sum-left action) , P∼)) =
      , lemma
      , (P                            ∼⟨ ≤: convert {a = } P∼ 
         machine₂  coffee           ∼⟨ machine₂≤′machine₁ ∣-cong′ convert {a = } ≤-⊕-left ⟩■
         machine₁  coffee   tea )

    helper {P} (inj₁ (_ , sum-left (sum-right action) , P∼)) =
      , lemma
      , (P                            ∼⟨ ≤: convert {a = } P∼ 
         machine₂  tea              ∼⟨ machine₂≤′machine₁ ∣-cong′ convert {a = } ≤-⊕-right ⟩■
         machine₁  coffee   tea )

    helper {P} (inj₁ (_ , sum-right action , P∼)) =
      , lemma
      , (P                            ∼⟨ ≤: convert {a = } P∼ 
         machine₂  coffee   tea   ∼⟨ machine₂≤′machine₁ ∣-cong′ (_ ) ⟩■
         machine₁  coffee   tea )

    helper (inj₂ (_ , _ , _ , _ , sum-left (sum-left action)  , sum-left (sum-left tr)  , _)) = ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted tr)
    helper (inj₂ (_ , _ , _ , _ , sum-left (sum-left action)  , sum-left (sum-right tr) , _)) = ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted tr)
    helper (inj₂ (_ , _ , _ , _ , sum-left (sum-left action)  , sum-right tr            , _)) = ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted tr)
    helper (inj₂ (_ , _ , _ , _ , sum-left (sum-right action) , sum-left (sum-left tr)  , _)) = ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted tr)
    helper (inj₂ (_ , _ , _ , _ , sum-left (sum-right action) , sum-left (sum-right tr) , _)) = ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted tr)
    helper (inj₂ (_ , _ , _ , _ , sum-left (sum-right action) , sum-right tr            , _)) = ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted tr)
    helper (inj₂ (_ , _ , _ , _ , sum-right action            , sum-left (sum-left tr)  , _)) = ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted tr)
    helper (inj₂ (_ , _ , _ , _ , sum-right action            , sum-left (sum-right tr) , _)) = ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted tr)
    helper (inj₂ (_ , _ , _ , _ , sum-right action            , sum-right tr            , _)) = ⊥-elim (names-are-not-inverted tr)

  -- The two machines are not bisimilar.

  machine₁≁machine₂ : ¬ machine₁  machine₂
  machine₁≁machine₂ =
    machine₁  machine₂                                            ↝⟨  hyp  B.right-to-left hyp
                                                                                 (replication (par-right (sum-left (sum-left action))))) 

    ( λ P  machine₁ [ name pay ]⟶ P × P ∼′ machine₂  coffee )  ↝⟨ Σ-map id (Σ-map (proj₂  machine₁⟶) id) 

    ( λ P  P  machine₁  (coffee   tea ) ×
             P ∼′ machine₂  coffee )                             ↝⟨  { (_ , P∼ , P∼′)  transitive {a = } (symmetric P∼) (convert {a = } P∼′) }) 

    machine₁  (coffee   tea )  machine₂  coffee             ↝⟨  hyp  Σ-map id proj₁ $
                                                                                 B.left-to-right hyp (par-right (sum-right action))) 

    ( λ P  machine₂  coffee  [ name tea ]⟶ P)                  ↝⟨ helper  proj₂ 

    pay  tea  coffee  tea                                       ↝⟨ [  ()) ,  ()) ] ⟩□

    helper :  {P} 
             machine₂  coffee  [ name tea ]⟶ P 
             pay  tea  coffee  tea
    helper (par-right tr) = inj₂ $ cancel-name $ ·-only tr
    helper (par-left  tr) =
      inj₁ $ cancel-name $
        !-only (⊕-only (⊕-only ·-only ·-only) ·-only) tr