-- An alternative but equivalent definition of the partiality monad
-- (but only for sets), based on the lifting construction in Lifting

-- The code in this module is based on a suggestion from Paolo
-- Capriotti.

{-# OPTIONS --erased-cubical --safe #-}

open import Prelude hiding (T; )

module Lifting.Partiality-monad {a : Level} where

open import Equality.Propositional.Cubical
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (⊥↔⊥)
open import H-level equality-with-J

import Lifting
open import Omega-cpo
import Partiality-monad.Inductive as I
import Partiality-monad.Inductive.Eliminators as IE

  module L {A : Set a} = Lifting (Set→ω-cpo A)

-- The partiality monad as an ω-cppo.

partiality-monad : Set a  ω-cppo a a
partiality-monad A = L.cppo {A = A}

-- The partiality monad.

infix 10 _⊥
infix  4 _⊑_

_⊥ : Set a  Type a
A  = ω-cppo.Carrier (partiality-monad A)

_⊑_ :  {A}  A   A   Type a
_⊑_ {A = A} = ω-cppo._⊑_ (partiality-monad A)

-- This definition of the partiality monad is isomorphic to the
-- definition in Partiality-monad.Inductive.


  argsL :
    L.Rec-args  (_ : A )   A  I.⊥)  x y _  x I.⊑ y)
  argsL = record
    { pe = I.never
    ; po = I.now
    ; pl = λ _  I.⨆
    ; pa = λ x⊑y y⊑x p-x p-y p-x⊑p-y p-y⊑p-x 
             subst (const _) (L.antisymmetry x⊑y y⊑x) p-x  ≡⟨ subst-const (L.antisymmetry x⊑y y⊑x) 
             p-x                                           ≡⟨ I.antisymmetry p-x⊑p-y p-y⊑p-x ⟩∎
    ; pp = I.⊥-is-set
    ; qr = λ _  I.⊑-refl
    ; qt = λ _ _ _ _ _  I.⊑-trans
    ; qe = λ _  I.never⊑
    ; qu = λ _  I.upper-bound
    ; ql = λ _ _ _  I.least-upper-bound
    ; qm = λ { refl  I.⊑-refl _ }
    ; q⨆ = λ s 
             I.now (proj₁ s 0)                    I.⊑⟨ I.upper-bound _ 0 ⟩■
             I.⨆ ((λ n  I.now (proj₁ s n)) , _)  
    ; qp = λ _ _ _  I.⊑-propositional

  argsI :  {A}  IE.Arguments-nd a a  A 
  argsI {A} = record
    { P  = A 
    ; Q  = _⊑_
    ; pe = L.never
    ; po = L.now
    ; pl = λ _  L.⨆
    ; pa = λ _ _  L.antisymmetry
    ; ps = L.Carrier-is-set
    ; qr = λ _  L.⊑-refl
    ; qt = λ _ _  L.⊑-trans
    ; qe = λ _  L.never⊑
    ; qu = λ _  L.upper-bound
    ; ql = λ _ _ _  L.least-upper-bound
    ; qp = λ _ _  L.⊑-propositional

⊥↔⊥ :  {A}  A    A  I.⊥
⊥↔⊥ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = L.⊥-rec argsL
      ; from = IE.⊥-rec-nd argsI
    ; right-inverse-of = IE.⊥-rec-⊥ (record
        { pe = L.⊥-rec argsL (IE.⊥-rec-nd argsI I.never)  ≡⟨ cong (L.⊥-rec argsL) (IE.⊥-rec-nd-never argsI) 
               L.⊥-rec argsL L.never                      ≡⟨ L.⊥-rec-never _ ⟩∎
        ; po = λ x 
                 L.⊥-rec argsL (IE.⊥-rec-nd argsI (I.now x))  ≡⟨ cong (L.⊥-rec argsL) (IE.⊥-rec-nd-now argsI _) 
                 L.⊥-rec argsL (L.now x)                      ≡⟨ L.⊥-rec-now _ _ ⟩∎
                 I.now x 
        ; pl = λ s ih 
                 L.⊥-rec argsL (IE.⊥-rec-nd argsI (I.⨆ s))      ≡⟨ cong (L.⊥-rec argsL) (IE.⊥-rec-nd-⨆ argsI _) 
                 L.⊥-rec argsL (L.⨆ (IE.inc-rec-nd argsI s))    ≡⟨ L.⊥-rec-⨆ _ _ 
                 I.⨆ (L.inc-rec argsL (IE.inc-rec-nd argsI s))  ≡⟨ cong I.⨆ $ _↔_.to I.equality-characterisation-increasing ih ⟩∎
                 I.⨆ s                                          
        ; pp = λ _  I.⊥-is-set
  ; left-inverse-of = L.⊥-rec {Q = λ _ _ _  } (record
      { pe = IE.⊥-rec-nd argsI (L.⊥-rec argsL L.never)  ≡⟨ cong (IE.⊥-rec-nd argsI) (L.⊥-rec-never _) 
             IE.⊥-rec-nd argsI I.never                  ≡⟨ IE.⊥-rec-nd-never argsI ⟩∎
      ; po = λ x 
               IE.⊥-rec-nd argsI (L.⊥-rec argsL (L.now x))  ≡⟨ cong (IE.⊥-rec-nd argsI) (L.⊥-rec-now _ _) 
               IE.⊥-rec-nd argsI (I.now x)                  ≡⟨ IE.⊥-rec-nd-now argsI _ ⟩∎
               L.now x                                      
      ; pl = λ s ih 
                 IE.⊥-rec-nd argsI (L.⊥-rec argsL (L.⨆ s))      ≡⟨ cong (IE.⊥-rec-nd argsI) (L.⊥-rec-⨆ _ _) 
                 IE.⊥-rec-nd argsI (I.⨆ (L.inc-rec argsL s))    ≡⟨ IE.⊥-rec-nd-⨆ argsI _ 
                 L.⨆ (IE.inc-rec-nd argsI (L.inc-rec argsL s))  ≡⟨ cong L.⨆ $ _↔_.to L.equality-characterisation-increasing (proj₁ ih) ⟩∎
                 L.⨆ s                                          
      ; pa = λ _ _ _ _ _ _  L.Carrier-is-set _ _
      ; pp = mono₁ 1 L.Carrier-is-set
      ; qp = λ _ _ _ _ _  refl

⊑≃⊑ :  {A} {x y : A } 
      (x  y)  (_↔_.to ⊥↔⊥ x I.⊑ _↔_.to ⊥↔⊥ y)
⊑≃⊑ {x = x} {y} =
  _↔_.to (Eq.⇔↔≃ ext L.⊑-propositional I.⊑-propositional)
       { to   = L.⊑-rec argsL
       ; from =
                _↔_.to ⊥↔⊥ x I.⊑ _↔_.to ⊥↔⊥ y  ↝⟨ IE.⊑-rec-nd argsI 

                _↔_.from ⊥↔⊥ (_↔_.to ⊥↔⊥ x) 
                _↔_.from ⊥↔⊥ (_↔_.to ⊥↔⊥ y)    ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ (cong₂ _⊑_ (_↔_.left-inverse-of ⊥↔⊥ _)
                                                                   (_↔_.left-inverse-of ⊥↔⊥ _)) ⟩□
                x  y                          