-- A class of algebraic structures, based on non-recursive simple
-- types, satisfies the property that isomorphic instances of a
-- structure are equal (assuming univalence)

-- In fact, isomorphism and equality are basically the same thing, and
-- the main theorem can be instantiated with several different
-- "universes", not only the one based on simple types.

-- This module is similar to
-- Univalence-axiom.Isomorphism-is-equality.Simple, but the
-- definitions of isomorphism used below are perhaps closer to the
-- "standard" ones. Carrier types also live in Type rather than Type₁
-- (at the cost of quite a bit of lifting).

-- This module has been developed in collaboration with Thierry
-- Coquand.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Univalence-axiom.Isomorphism-is-equality.Simple.Variant
  {reflexive} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where

open import Bijection eq as B using (_↔_)
open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open import Equality.Decision-procedures eq
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Extensionality eq
  renaming (lower-extensionality to lower-ext)
open import Function-universe eq hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_; module _⇔_)
open import Preimage eq
open import Prelude as P hiding (id)
open import Univalence-axiom eq

-- Universes with some extra stuff

-- A record type packing up some assumptions.

record Assumptions : Type₃ where

    -- Univalence at three different levels.

    univ  : Univalence (# 0)
    univ₁ : Univalence (# 1)
    univ₂ : Univalence (# 2)


    -- Extensionality.

    ext : Extensionality (# 1) (# 1)
    ext = dependent-extensionality univ₂ univ₁

    ext₀ : Extensionality (# 0) (# 0)
    ext₀ = dependent-extensionality univ₁ univ

-- Universes with some extra stuff.

record Universe : Type₃ where

    -- Codes for something.

    U : Type₁

    -- Interpretation of codes.

    El : U  Type  Type₁

    -- A predicate, possibly specifying what it means for a bijection
    -- to be an isomorphism between two elements.

    Is-isomorphism :  a {B C}  B  C  El a B  El a C  Type₁

    -- El a, seen as a predicate, respects equivalences (assuming
    -- univalence).

    resp : Assumptions   a {B C}  B  C  El a B  El a C

    -- The resp function respects identities (assuming univalence).

    resp-id : (ass : Assumptions) 
               a {B} (x : El a B)  resp ass a Eq.id x  x

  -- An alternative definition of Is-isomorphism, (possibly) defined
  -- using univalence.

  Is-isomorphism′ : Assumptions 
                     a {B C}  B  C  El a B  El a C  Type₁
  Is-isomorphism′ ass a B↔C x y = resp ass a (Eq.↔⇒≃ B↔C) x  y


    -- Is-isomorphism and Is-isomorphism′ are isomorphic (assuming
    -- univalence).

    isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic :
      (ass : Assumptions) 
       a {B C} (B↔C : B  C) {x y} 
      Is-isomorphism a B↔C x y  Is-isomorphism′ ass a B↔C x y

  -- Another alternative definition of Is-isomorphism, defined using
  -- univalence.

  Is-isomorphism″ : Assumptions 
                     a {B C}  B  C  El a B  El a C  Type₁
  Is-isomorphism″ ass a B↔C x y =
    subst (El a) (≃⇒≡ univ (Eq.↔⇒≃ B↔C)) x  y
    where open Assumptions ass


    -- Every element is isomorphic to itself, transported along the
    -- isomorphism.

    isomorphic-to-itself :
      (ass : Assumptions)  let open Assumptions ass in
       a {B C} (B↔C : B  C) x 
      Is-isomorphism′ ass a B↔C x
        (subst (El a) (≃⇒≡ univ (Eq.↔⇒≃ B↔C)) x)
    isomorphic-to-itself ass a B↔C x =
      transport-theorem (El a) (resp ass a) (resp-id ass a)
                        univ (Eq.↔⇒≃ B↔C) x
      where open Assumptions ass

    -- Is-isomorphism and Is-isomorphism″ are isomorphic (assuming
    -- univalence).

    isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic₂ :
      (ass : Assumptions) 
       a {B C} (B↔C : B  C) {x y} 
      Is-isomorphism a B↔C x y  Is-isomorphism″ ass a B↔C x y
    isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic₂ ass a B↔C {x} {y} =
      Is-isomorphism      a B↔C x y  ↝⟨ isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic ass a B↔C 
      Is-isomorphism′ ass a B↔C x y  ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  z  z  y) $ isomorphic-to-itself ass a B↔C x ⟩□
      Is-isomorphism″ ass a B↔C x y  

-- A universe-indexed family of classes of structures

module Class (Univ : Universe) where

  open Universe Univ

  -- Codes for structures.

  Code : Type₃
  Code =
    -- A code.
    Σ U λ a 

    -- A proposition.
    (C : Set (# 0))  El a  C   Σ Type₁ λ P 
      -- The proposition should be propositional (assuming
      -- univalence).
      Assumptions  Is-proposition P

  -- Interpretation of the codes. The elements of "Instance c" are
  -- instances of the structure encoded by c.

  Instance : Code  Type₁
  Instance (a , P) =
    -- A carrier set.
    Σ (Set (# 0)) λ C 

    -- An element.
    Σ (El a  C ) λ x 

    -- The element should satisfy the proposition.
    proj₁ (P C x)

  -- The carrier type.

  Carrier :  c  Instance c  Type
  Carrier _ I =  proj₁ I 

  -- The "element".

  element :  c (I : Instance c)  El (proj₁ c) (Carrier c I)
  element _ I = proj₁ (proj₂ I)

  -- One can prove that two instances of a structure are equal by
  -- proving that the carrier types and "elements" (suitably
  -- transported) are equal (assuming univalence).

  instances-equal↔ :
     c {I₁ I₂} 
    (I₁  I₂) 
     λ (C-eq : Carrier c I₁  Carrier c I₂) 
      subst (El (proj₁ c)) C-eq (element c I₁)  element c I₂
  instances-equal↔ ass (a , P)
                   {(C₁ , S₁) , x₁ , p₁} {(C₂ , S₂) , x₂ , p₂} =

    ((C₁ , λ {_ _}  S₁) , x₁ , p₁)  ((C₂ , λ {_ _}  S₂) , x₂ , p₂)  ↔⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-≡ $ Eq.↔⇒≃ bij 

    ((C₁ , x₁) , ((λ {_ _}  S₁) , p₁)) 
    ((C₂ , x₂) , ((λ {_ _}  S₂) , p₂))                                ↝⟨ inverse $ ignore-propositional-component prop 

    ((C₁ , x₁)  (C₂ , x₂))                                            ↝⟨ inverse B.Σ-≡,≡↔≡ ⟩□

    ( λ (C-eq : C₁  C₂)  subst (El a) C-eq x₁  x₂)                 

    bij : Instance (a , P) 
          Σ (Σ Type (El a)) λ { (C , x) 
          Σ (Is-set C) λ S  proj₁ (P (C , S) x) }
    bij =
      (Σ (Σ Type Is-set) λ { (C , S) 
         Σ (El a C) λ x  proj₁ (P (C , S) x) })    ↝⟨ inverse Σ-assoc 

      (Σ Type λ C  Σ (Is-set C) λ S 
         Σ (El a C) λ x  proj₁ (P (C , S) x))      ↝⟨ ∃-cong  _  ∃-comm) 

      (Σ Type λ C  Σ (El a C) λ x 
         Σ (Is-set C) λ S  proj₁ (P (C , S) x))    ↝⟨ Σ-assoc ⟩□

      (Σ (Σ Type (El a)) λ { (C , x) 
         Σ (Is-set C) λ S  proj₁ (P (C , S) x) })  

    prop : Is-proposition
             (Σ (Is-set C₂) λ S₂  proj₁ (P (C₂ , S₂) x₂))
    prop =
      Σ-closure 1
        (H-level-propositional (Assumptions.ext₀ ass) 2)
         S₂  proj₂ (P (C₂ , S₂) x₂) ass)

  -- Structure isomorphisms.

  Isomorphic :  c  Instance c  Instance c  Type₁
  Isomorphic (a , _) ((C₁ , _) , x₁ , _) ((C₂ , _) , x₂ , _) =
    Σ (C₁  C₂) λ C₁↔C₂  Is-isomorphism a C₁↔C₂ x₁ x₂


    -- The type of isomorphisms between two instances of a structure
    -- is isomorphic to the type of equalities between the same
    -- instances (assuming univalence).
    -- In short, isomorphism is isomorphic to equality.

    isomorphic↔equal :
       c {I₁ I₂}  Isomorphic c I₁ I₂  (I₁  I₂)
    isomorphic↔equal ass c {I₁} {I₂} =

      ( λ (C-eq : Carrier c I₁  Carrier c I₂) 
         Is-isomorphism (proj₁ c) C-eq (element c I₁) (element c I₂))    ↝⟨ ∃-cong  C-eq  isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic₂
                                                                                               ass (proj₁ c) C-eq) 
      ( λ (C-eq : Carrier c I₁  Carrier c I₂) 
         subst (El (proj₁ c)) (≃⇒≡ univ (Eq.↔⇒≃ C-eq)) (element c I₁) 
         element c I₂)                                                   ↝⟨ Σ-cong (Eq.↔↔≃ ext₀ (proj₂ (proj₁ I₁)))  _  _ ) 

      ( λ (C-eq : Carrier c I₁  Carrier c I₂) 
         subst (El (proj₁ c)) (≃⇒≡ univ C-eq) (element c I₁) 
         element c I₂)                                                   ↝⟨ inverse $
                                                                              Σ-cong (≡≃≃ univ)  C-eq  ≡⇒↝ _ $ sym $
                                                                                cong  eq  subst (El (proj₁ c)) eq (element c I₁) 
                                                                                             element c I₂)
                                                                                     (_≃_.left-inverse-of (≡≃≃ univ) C-eq)) 
      ( λ (C-eq : Carrier c I₁  Carrier c I₂) 
         subst (El (proj₁ c)) C-eq (element c I₁)  element c I₂)        ↝⟨ inverse $ instances-equal↔ ass c ⟩□

      (I₁  I₂)                                                          

      where open Assumptions ass

    -- The first part of the from component of the preceding lemma is
    -- extensionally equal to a simple function. (The codomain of the
    -- second part is propositional whenever El (proj₁ c) applied to
    -- either carrier type is a set.)

    proj₁-from-isomorphic↔equal :
       ass c {I J} (I≡J : I  J) 
      proj₁ (_↔_.from (isomorphic↔equal ass c) I≡J) 
      _≃_.bijection (≡⇒≃ (cong (proj₁  proj₁) I≡J))
    proj₁-from-isomorphic↔equal ass (a , P) I≡J =
      let A = Instance (a , P)
          B = Σ ( (El a)) λ { (C , x) 
                 λ (S : Is-set C)  proj₁ (P (C , S) x) }

      cong (_≃_.bijection  ≡⇒≃) (
        proj₁ (Σ-≡,≡←≡ (proj₁ (Σ-≡,≡←≡ (cong {B = B}
           { ((C , S) , x , p)  (C , x) , S , p }) I≡J))))            ≡⟨ cong (proj₁  Σ-≡,≡←≡) $ proj₁-Σ-≡,≡←≡ _ 
        proj₁ (Σ-≡,≡←≡ (cong proj₁ (cong {B = B}
           { ((C , S) , x , p)  (C , x) , S , p }) I≡J)))             ≡⟨ cong (proj₁  Σ-≡,≡←≡) $
                                                                              cong-∘ {B = B} proj₁
                                                                                      { ((C , S) , x , p)  (C , x) , S , p }) _ 
        proj₁ (Σ-≡,≡←≡ (cong {A = A}
           { ((C , S) , x , p)  C , x }) I≡J))                        ≡⟨ proj₁-Σ-≡,≡←≡ _ 
        cong proj₁ (cong {A = A}  { ((C , S) , x , p)  C , x }) I≡J)  ≡⟨ cong-∘ {A = A} proj₁  { ((C , S) , x , p)  C , x }) _ ⟩∎
        cong (proj₁  proj₁) I≡J                                         )

    -- The type of (lifted) isomorphisms between two instances of a
    -- structure is equal to the type of equalities between the same
    -- instances (assuming univalence).
    -- In short, isomorphism is equal to equality.

    isomorphic≡equal :
       c {I₁ I₂}  Isomorphic c I₁ I₂  (I₁  I₂)
    isomorphic≡equal ass c {I₁} {I₂} =
      ≃⇒≡ univ₁ $ Eq.↔⇒≃ (isomorphic↔equal ass c)
      where open Assumptions ass

-- A universe of non-recursive, simple types

-- Codes for types.

infixr 20 _⊗_
infixr 15 _⊕_
infixr 10 _⇾_

data U : Type₁ where
  id prop     : U
  k           : Type  U
  _⇾_ _⊕_ _⊗_ : U  U  U

-- Interpretation of types.

El : U  Type₁  Type₁
El id      B = B
El prop    B = Proposition (# 0)
El (k A)   B =  _ A
El (a  b) B = El a B  El b B
El (a  b) B = El a B  El b B
El (a  b) B = El a B × El b B

-- El a preserves equivalences (assuming extensionality).

cast : Extensionality (# 1) (# 1) 
        a {B C}  B  C  El a B  El a C
cast ext id      B≃C = B≃C
cast ext prop    B≃C = Eq.id
cast ext (k A)   B≃C = Eq.id
cast ext (a  b) B≃C = →-cong ext (cast ext a B≃C) (cast ext b B≃C)
cast ext (a  b) B≃C = cast ext a B≃C ⊎-cong cast ext b B≃C
cast ext (a  b) B≃C = cast ext a B≃C ×-cong cast ext b B≃C


  -- The cast function respects identities (assuming extensionality).

  cast-id : (ext : Extensionality (# 1) (# 1)) 
             a {B}  cast ext a (Eq.id {A = B})  Eq.id
  cast-id ext id      = refl _
  cast-id ext prop    = refl _
  cast-id ext (k A)   = refl _
  cast-id ext (a  b) = Eq.lift-equality ext $ cong _≃_.to $
                          cong₂ (→-cong ext) (cast-id ext a) (cast-id ext b)
  cast-id ext (a  b) = Eq.lift-equality ext $ cong _≃_.to $
                          cong₂ _×-cong_ (cast-id ext a) (cast-id ext b)
  cast-id ext (a  b) =
    cast ext a Eq.id ⊎-cong cast ext b Eq.id  ≡⟨ cong₂ _⊎-cong_ (cast-id ext a) (cast-id ext b) 
    Eq.⟨ [ inj₁ , inj₂ ] , _                 ≡⟨ Eq.lift-equality ext (apply-ext ext [ refl  inj₁ , refl  inj₂ ]) ⟩∎

-- The property of being an isomorphism between two elements.

Is-isomorphism :  a {B C}  B  C  El a B  El a C  Type₁
Is-isomorphism id      B↔C = λ x y  _↔_.to B↔C x  y
Is-isomorphism prop    B↔C = λ { (P , _) (Q , _)   _ (P  Q) }
Is-isomorphism (k A)   B↔C = λ x y  x  y
Is-isomorphism (a  b) B↔C = Is-isomorphism a B↔C →-rel
                             Is-isomorphism b B↔C
Is-isomorphism (a  b) B↔C = Is-isomorphism a B↔C ⊎-rel
                             Is-isomorphism b B↔C
Is-isomorphism (a  b) B↔C = Is-isomorphism a B↔C ×-rel
                             Is-isomorphism b B↔C

-- Another definition of "being an isomorphism" (defined using
-- extensionality).

Is-isomorphism′ : Extensionality (# 1) (# 1) 
                   a {B C}  B  C  El a B  El a C  Type₁
Is-isomorphism′ ext a B↔C x y = _≃_.to (cast ext a (Eq.↔⇒≃ B↔C)) x  y


  -- The two definitions of "being an isomorphism" are "isomorphic"
  -- (in bijective correspondence), assuming univalence.

  isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic :
    (ass : Assumptions)  let open Assumptions ass in
     a {B C} (B↔C : B  C) {x y} 
    Is-isomorphism a B↔C x y  Is-isomorphism′ ext a B↔C x y

  isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic ass id B↔C {x} {y} =

    (_↔_.to B↔C x  y)  

  isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic ass prop B↔C {x = P} {y = Q} =

     _ (proj₁ P  proj₁ Q)  ↝⟨ B.↑↔ 

    (proj₁ P  proj₁ Q)      ↝⟨ Eq.⇔↔≃ ext₀ (proj₂ P) (proj₂ Q) 

    (proj₁ P  proj₁ Q)      ↔⟨ inverse $ ≡≃≃ univ 

    (proj₁ P  proj₁ Q)      ↝⟨ ignore-propositional-component (H-level-propositional ext₀ 1) ⟩□

    (P  Q)                

    where open Assumptions ass

  isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic ass (k A) B↔C {x} {y} =

    (x  y) 

  isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic ass (a  b) B↔C {x = f} {y = g} =
    let B≃C = Eq.↔⇒≃ B↔C in

    (∀ x y  Is-isomorphism a B↔C x y 
             Is-isomorphism b B↔C (f x) (g y))                     ↝⟨ ∀-cong ext  _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                        →-cong ext (isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic ass a B↔C)
                                                                                   (isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic ass b B↔C)) 
    (∀ x y  to (cast ext a B≃C) x  y 
             to (cast ext b B≃C) (f x)  g y)                      ↝⟨ inverse $ ∀-cong ext  x 
                                                                        ∀-intro  y _  to (cast ext b B≃C) (f x)  g y) ext) 
    (∀ x  to (cast ext b B≃C) (f x)  g (to (cast ext a B≃C) x))  ↔⟨ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext 

    (to (cast ext b B≃C)  f  g  to (cast ext a B≃C))            ↝⟨ inverse $ ∘from≡↔≡∘to ext (cast ext a B≃C) ⟩□

    (to (cast ext b B≃C)  f  from (cast ext a B≃C)  g)          

    open _≃_
    open Assumptions ass

    ass (a  b) B↔C {x = inj₁ x} {y = inj₁ y} =
    let B≃C = Eq.↔⇒≃ B↔C in

    Is-isomorphism a B↔C x y                 ↝⟨ isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic ass a B↔C 

    (to (cast ext a B≃C) x  y)              ↝⟨ B.≡↔inj₁≡inj₁ ⟩□

    (inj₁ (to (cast ext a B≃C) x)  inj₁ y)  

    open _≃_
    open Assumptions ass

    ass (a  b) B↔C {x = inj₂ x} {y = inj₂ y} =
    let B≃C = Eq.↔⇒≃ B↔C in

    Is-isomorphism b B↔C x y                 ↝⟨ isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic ass b B↔C 

    (to (cast ext b B≃C) x  y)              ↝⟨ B.≡↔inj₂≡inj₂ ⟩□

    (inj₂ (to (cast ext b B≃C) x)  inj₂ y)  

    open _≃_
    open Assumptions ass

    ass (a  b) B↔C {x = inj₁ x} {y = inj₂ y} =

                      ↝⟨ B.⊥↔uninhabited ⊎.inj₁≢inj₂ ⟩□

    (inj₁ _  inj₂ _)  

    ass (a  b) B↔C {x = inj₂ x} {y = inj₁ y} =

                      ↝⟨ B.⊥↔uninhabited (⊎.inj₁≢inj₂  sym) ⟩□

    (inj₂ _  inj₁ _)  

    ass (a  b) B↔C {x = x , u} {y = y , v} =
    let B≃C = Eq.↔⇒≃ B↔C in

    Is-isomorphism  a B↔C x y × Is-isomorphism  b B↔C u v        ↝⟨ isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic ass a B↔C ×-cong
                                                                    isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic ass b B↔C 
    (to (cast ext a B≃C) x  y × to (cast ext b B≃C) u  v)      ↝⟨ ≡×≡↔≡ ⟩□

    ((to (cast ext a B≃C) x , to (cast ext b B≃C) u)  (y , v))  

    open _≃_
    open Assumptions ass

-- The universe above is a "universe with some extra stuff".

simple : Universe
simple = record
  { U              = U
  ; El             = λ a  El a   _
  ; Is-isomorphism = λ a B↔C  Is-isomorphism a (↑-cong B↔C)
  ; resp           = λ ass a  _≃_.to  cast (ext ass) a  ↑-cong
  ; resp-id        = λ ass a x  cong  f  _≃_.to f x) (
                       cast (ext ass) a (↑-cong Eq.id)  ≡⟨ cong (cast (ext ass) a) $ Eq.lift-equality (ext ass) (refl _) 
                       cast (ext ass) a Eq.id           ≡⟨ cast-id (ext ass) a ⟩∎
                       Eq.id                            )
  ; isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic = λ ass a B↔C {x y} 
      Is-isomorphism a (↑-cong B↔C) x y                        ↝⟨ isomorphism-definitions-isomorphic ass a (↑-cong B↔C) 
      (_≃_.to (cast (ext ass) a (Eq.↔⇒≃ (↑-cong B↔C))) x  y)  ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  eq  _≃_.to (cast (ext ass) a eq) x  y) $
                                                                    Eq.lift-equality (ext ass) (refl _) ⟩□
      (_≃_.to (cast (ext ass) a (↑-cong (Eq.↔⇒≃ B↔C))) x  y)  
  where open Assumptions

-- Let us use this universe in the examples below.

open Class simple

-- An example: monoids

monoid : Code
monoid =
  -- Binary operation.
  (id  id  id) 

  -- Identity.
  id ,

  λ { (_ , M-set) (_∙_ , e) 

      (-- Left and right identity laws.
       (∀ x  (e  x)  x) ×
       (∀ x  (x  e)  x) ×

       -- Associativity.
       (∀ x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z))) ,

       -- The laws are propositional (assuming extensionality).
      λ ass  let open Assumptions ass in
        ×-closure 1  (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 M-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 M-set)
                     (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 M-set)) }

-- The interpretation of the code is reasonable.

Instance-monoid :

  Instance monoid
  Σ (Set (# 0)) λ { (M , _) 
  Σ (( _ M   _ M   _ M) ×  _ M) λ { (_∙_ , e) 
  (∀ x  (e  x)  x) ×
  (∀ x  (x  e)  x) ×
  (∀ x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z)) }}

Instance-monoid = refl _

-- The notion of isomorphism that we get is also reasonable.

Isomorphic-monoid :
   {M₁} {S₁ : Is-set M₁} {_∙₁_ e₁ laws₁}
    {M₂} {S₂ : Is-set M₂} {_∙₂_ e₂ laws₂} 

  Isomorphic monoid ((M₁ , S₁) , (_∙₁_ , e₁) , laws₁)
                    ((M₂ , S₂) , (_∙₂_ , e₂) , laws₂)
  Σ (M₁  M₂) λ M₁↔M₂  let open _↔_ (↑-cong M₁↔M₂) in
  (∀ x y  to x  y   u v  to u  v  to (x ∙₁ u)  (y ∙₂ v)) ×
  to e₁  e₂

Isomorphic-monoid = refl _

-- Note that this definition of isomorphism is isomorphic to a more
-- standard one (assuming extensionality).

Isomorphism-monoid-isomorphic-to-standard :
  Extensionality (# 1) (# 1) 
   {M₁} {S₁ : Is-set M₁} {_∙₁_ e₁ laws₁}
    {M₂} {S₂ : Is-set M₂} {_∙₂_ e₂ laws₂} 

  Isomorphic monoid ((M₁ , S₁) , (_∙₁_ , e₁) , laws₁)
                    ((M₂ , S₂) , (_∙₂_ , e₂) , laws₂)
  Σ (M₁  M₂) λ M₁↔M₂  let open _↔_ (↑-cong M₁↔M₂) in
  (∀ x y  to (x ∙₁ y)  (to x ∙₂ to y)) ×
  to e₁  e₂

Isomorphism-monoid-isomorphic-to-standard ext
  {M₁} {S₁} {_∙₁_} {e₁} {M₂} {_∙₂_} {e₂} =

  (Σ (M₁  M₂) λ M₁↔M₂  let open _↔_ (↑-cong M₁↔M₂) in
   (∀ x y  to x  y   u v  to u  v  to (x ∙₁ u)  (y ∙₂ v)) ×
   to e₁  e₂)                                                       ↝⟨ inverse $ ∃-cong  _ 
                                                                          (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-intro  _ _  _) ext) ×-cong (_ )) 
  (Σ (M₁  M₂) λ M₁↔M₂  let open _↔_ (↑-cong M₁↔M₂) in
   (∀ x u v  to u  v  to (x ∙₁ u)  (to x ∙₂ v)) ×
   to e₁  e₂)                                                       ↝⟨ inverse $ ∃-cong  _ 
                                                                          (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-intro  _ _  _) ext)
                                                                          (_ )) ⟩□
  (Σ (M₁  M₂) λ M₁↔M₂  let open _↔_ (↑-cong M₁↔M₂) in
   (∀ x u  to (x ∙₁ u)  (to x ∙₂ to u)) ×
   to e₁  e₂)                                                       

-- An example: posets

poset : Code
poset =
  -- The ordering relation.
  (id  id  prop) ,

  λ { (P , P-set) Le 

    let _≤_ :  _ P   _ P  Type
        _≤_ x y = proj₁ (Le x y)

     -- Reflexivity.
    ((∀ x  x  x) ×

     -- Transitivity.
     (∀ x y z  x  y  y  z  x  z) ×

     -- Antisymmetry.
     (∀ x y  x  y  y  x  x  y)) ,

    λ ass  let open Assumptions ass in
      ×-closure 1  (Π-closure (lower-ext (# 0) _ ext) 1 λ _ 
                    proj₂ (Le _ _))
      (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext                     1 λ _ 
                    Π-closure ext                     1 λ _ 
                    Π-closure (lower-ext (# 0) _ ext) 1 λ _ 
                    Π-closure ext₀                    1 λ _ 
                    Π-closure ext₀                    1 λ _ 
                    proj₂ (Le _ _))
                   (Π-closure ext                     1 λ _ 
                    Π-closure ext                     1 λ _ 
                    Π-closure (lower-ext _ (# 0) ext) 1 λ _ 
                    Π-closure (lower-ext _ (# 0) ext) 1 λ _ 
                    ↑-closure 2 P-set)) }

-- The interpretation of the code is reasonable.

Instance-poset :

  Instance poset
  Σ (Set (# 0)) λ { (P , _) 
  Σ ( _ P   _ P  Proposition (# 0)) λ Le 
  let _≤_ :  _ P   _ P  Type
      _≤_ x y = proj₁ (Le x y)
  (∀ x  x  x) ×
  (∀ x y z  x  y  y  z  x  z) ×
  (∀ x y  x  y  y  x  x  y) }

Instance-poset = refl _

-- The notion of isomorphism that we get is also reasonable. It is the
-- usual notion of "order isomorphism".

Isomorphic-poset :
   {P₁} {S₁ : Is-set P₁} {Le₁ laws₁}
    {P₂} {S₂ : Is-set P₂} {Le₂ laws₂} 
  let _≤₁_ :  _ P₁   _ P₁  Type
      _≤₁_ x y = proj₁ (Le₁ x y)

      _≤₂_ :  _ P₂   _ P₂  Type
      _≤₂_ x y = proj₁ (Le₂ x y)

  Isomorphic poset ((P₁ , S₁) , Le₁ , laws₁) ((P₂ , S₂) , Le₂ , laws₂)
  Σ (P₁  P₂) λ P₁↔P₂  let open _↔_ (↑-cong P₁↔P₂) in
   a b  to a  b   c d  to c  d   _ ((a ≤₁ c)  (b ≤₂ d))

Isomorphic-poset = refl _

-- An example: discrete fields

-- Discrete fields.

discrete-field : Code
discrete-field =
  -- Addition.
  (id  id  id) 

  -- Zero.

  -- Multiplication.
  (id  id  id) 

  -- One.

  -- Minus.
  (id  id) 

  -- Multiplicative inverse (a partial operation).
  (id  k   id) ,

  λ { (_ , F-set) (_+_ , 0# , _*_ , 1# , -_ , _⁻¹) 

       -- Associativity.
      ((∀ x y z  (x + (y + z))  ((x + y) + z)) ×
       (∀ x y z  (x * (y * z))  ((x * y) * z)) ×

       -- Commutativity.
       (∀ x y  (x + y)  (y + x)) ×
       (∀ x y  (x * y)  (y * x)) ×

       -- Distributivity.
       (∀ x y z  (x * (y + z))  ((x * y) + (x * z))) ×

       -- Identity laws.
       (∀ x  (x + 0#)  x) ×
       (∀ x  (x * 1#)  x) ×

       -- Zero and one are distinct.
       0#  1# ×

       -- Inverse laws.
       (∀ x  (x + (- x))  0#) ×
       (∀ x  (x ⁻¹)  inj₁ (lift tt)  x  0#) ×
       (∀ x y  (x ⁻¹)  inj₂ y  (x * y)  1#)) ,

      λ ass  let open Assumptions ass in
        ×-closure 1  (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 F-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 F-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 F-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 F-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 F-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 F-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 F-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure (lower-ext (# 0) (# 1) ext) 1 λ _ 
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 F-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 F-set)
                     (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 F-set)))))))))) }

-- The interpretation of the code is reasonable.

Instance-discrete-field :

  Instance discrete-field
  Σ (Set (# 0)) λ { (F , _) 
  Σ (( _ F   _ F   _ F) ×  _ F × ( _ F   _ F   _ F) ×
      _ F × ( _ F   _ F) × ( _ F   (# 1)    _ F))
    λ { (_+_ , 0# , _*_ , 1# , -_ , _⁻¹) 
  (∀ x y z  (x + (y + z))  ((x + y) + z)) ×
  (∀ x y z  (x * (y * z))  ((x * y) * z)) ×
  (∀ x y  (x + y)  (y + x)) ×
  (∀ x y  (x * y)  (y * x)) ×
  (∀ x y z  (x * (y + z))  ((x * y) + (x * z))) ×
  (∀ x  (x + 0#)  x) ×
  (∀ x  (x * 1#)  x) ×
  0#  1# ×
  (∀ x  (x + (- x))  0#) ×
  (∀ x  (x ⁻¹)  inj₁ (lift tt)  x  0#) ×
  (∀ x y  (x ⁻¹)  inj₂ y  (x * y)  1#) }}

Instance-discrete-field = refl _

-- The notion of isomorphism that we get is also reasonable.

Isomorphic-discrete-field :
   {F₁} {S₁ : Is-set F₁} {_+₁_ 0₁ _*₁_ 1₁ -₁_ _⁻¹₁ laws₁}
    {F₂} {S₂ : Is-set F₂} {_+₂_ 0₂ _*₂_ 1₂ -₂_ _⁻¹₂ laws₂} 

  Isomorphic discrete-field
    ((F₁ , S₁) , (_+₁_ , 0₁ , _*₁_ , 1₁ , -₁_ , _⁻¹₁) , laws₁)
    ((F₂ , S₂) , (_+₂_ , 0₂ , _*₂_ , 1₂ , -₂_ , _⁻¹₂) , laws₂)
  Σ (F₁  F₂) λ F₁↔F₂  let open _↔_ (↑-cong F₁↔F₂) in
  (∀ x y  to x  y   u v  to u  v  to (x +₁ u)  (y +₂ v)) ×
  to 0₁  0₂ ×
  (∀ x y  to x  y   u v  to u  v  to (x *₁ u)  (y *₂ v)) ×
  to 1₁  1₂ ×
  (∀ x y  to x  y  to (-₁ x)  (-₂ y)) ×
  (∀ x y  to x  y 
     ((λ _ _  lift tt  lift tt) ⊎-rel  u v  to u  v))
       (x ⁻¹₁) (y ⁻¹₂))

Isomorphic-discrete-field = refl _

-- An example: vector spaces over discrete fields

-- Vector spaces over a particular discrete field.

vector-space : Instance discrete-field  Code
vector-space ((F , _) , (_+F_ , _ , _*F_ , 1F , _ , _) , _) =
  -- Addition.
  (id  id  id) 

  -- Scalar multiplication.
  (k F  id  id) 

  -- Zero vector.

  -- Additive inverse.
  (id  id) ,

  λ { (_ , V-set) (_+_ , _*_ , 0V , -_) 

       -- Associativity.
      ((∀ u v w  (u + (v + w))  ((u + v) + w)) ×
       (∀ x y v  (x * (y * v))  ((x *F y) * v)) ×

       -- Commutativity.
       (∀ u v  (u + v)  (v + u)) ×

       -- Distributivity.
       (∀ x u v  (x * (u + v))  ((x * u) + (x * v))) ×
       (∀ x y v  ((x +F y) * v)  ((x * v) + (y * v))) ×

       -- Identity laws.
       (∀ v  (v + 0V)  v) ×
       (∀ v  (1F * v)  v) ×

       -- Inverse law.
       (∀ v  (v + (- v))  0V)) ,

      λ ass  let open Assumptions ass in
        ×-closure 1  (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 V-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 V-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 V-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 V-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 V-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 V-set)
        (×-closure 1 (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 V-set)
                     (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                      ↑-closure 2 V-set))))))) }

-- The interpretation of the code is reasonable.

Instance-vector-space :
   {F} {S : Is-set F} {_+F_ 0F _*F_ 1F -F_ _⁻¹F laws} 

  Instance (vector-space
              ((F , S) , (_+F_ , 0F , _*F_ , 1F , -F_ , _⁻¹F) , laws))
  Σ (Set (# 0)) λ { (V , _) 
  Σ (( _ V   _ V   _ V) × ( _ F   _ V   _ V) ×  _ V ×
     ( _ V   _ V))
    λ { (_+_ , _*_ , 0V , -_) 
  (∀ u v w  (u + (v + w))  ((u + v) + w)) ×
  (∀ x y v  (x * (y * v))  ((x *F y) * v)) ×
  (∀ u v  (u + v)  (v + u)) ×
  (∀ x u v  (x * (u + v))  ((x * u) + (x * v))) ×
  (∀ x y v  ((x +F y) * v)  ((x * v) + (y * v))) ×
  (∀ v  (v + 0V)  v) ×
  (∀ v  (1F * v)  v) ×
  (∀ v  (v + (- v))  0V) }}

Instance-vector-space = refl _

-- The notion of isomorphism that we get is also reasonable.

Isomorphic-vector-space :
   {F V₁} {S₁ : Is-set V₁} {_+₁_ _*₁_ 0₁ -₁_ laws₁}
      {V₂} {S₂ : Is-set V₂} {_+₂_ _*₂_ 0₂ -₂_ laws₂} 

  Isomorphic (vector-space F)
             ((V₁ , S₁) , (_+₁_ , _*₁_ , 0₁ , -₁_) , laws₁)
             ((V₂ , S₂) , (_+₂_ , _*₂_ , 0₂ , -₂_) , laws₂)
  Σ (V₁  V₂) λ V₁↔V₂  let open _↔_ (↑-cong V₁↔V₂) in
  (∀ a b  to a  b   u v  to u  v  to (a +₁ u)  (b +₂ v)) ×
  (∀ x y     x  y   u v  to u  v  to (x *₁ u)  (y *₂ v)) ×
  to 0₁  0₂ ×
  (∀ u v  to u  v  to (-₁ u)  (-₂ v))

Isomorphic-vector-space = refl _

-- An example: sets equipped with fixpoint operators

set-with-fixpoint-operator : Code
set-with-fixpoint-operator =
  (id  id)  id ,

  λ { (_ , F-set) fix 

     -- The fixpoint operator property.
    (∀ f  f (fix f)  fix f) ,

    λ ass  let open Assumptions ass in
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
      ↑-closure 2 F-set }

-- The usual unfolding lemmas.

Instance-set-with-fixpoint-operator :

  Instance set-with-fixpoint-operator
  Σ (Set (# 0)) λ { (F , _) 
  Σ (( _ F   _ F)   _ F) λ fix 
   f  f (fix f)  fix f }

Instance-set-with-fixpoint-operator = refl _

Isomorphic-set-with-fixpoint-operator :
   {F₁} {S₁ : Is-set F₁} {fix₁ law₁}
    {F₂} {S₂ : Is-set F₂} {fix₂ law₂} 

  Isomorphic set-with-fixpoint-operator
             ((F₁ , S₁) , fix₁ , law₁) ((F₂ , S₂) , fix₂ , law₂)
  Σ (F₁  F₂) λ F₁↔F₂  let open _↔_ (↑-cong F₁↔F₂) in
   f g  (∀ x y  to x  y  to (f x)  g y)  to (fix₁ f)  fix₂ g

Isomorphic-set-with-fixpoint-operator = refl _