-- Some theory of Erased, developed using the K rule and propositional
-- equality

-- This module instantiates and reexports code from Erased.

{-# OPTIONS --with-K --safe #-}

module Erased.With-K where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Embedding equality-with-J as Emb using (Is-embedding)
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq
  using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
import Erased.Basics as EB
import Erased.Level-1 equality-with-J as E
open import Extensionality equality-with-J
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import Injection equality-with-J using (Injective)

    a b p : Level
    A     : Type a

-- Code related to the module Erased

-- Given an erased proof of equality of x and y one can show that
-- [ x ] is equal to [ y ].

[]-cong : {@0 A : Type a} {@0 x y : A} 
          EB.Erased (x  y)  EB.[ x ]  EB.[ y ]
[]-cong EB.[ refl ] = refl

-- []-cong maps [ refl ] to refl (by definition).

[]-cong-[refl] :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 x : A} 
  []-cong EB.[ refl {x = x} ]  refl {x = EB.[ x ]}
[]-cong-[refl] = refl

-- The []-cong axioms can be instantiated.

instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation : E.[]-cong-axiomatisation a
instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation = λ where
  .E.[]-cong-axiomatisation.[]-cong         []-cong
  .E.[]-cong-axiomatisation.[]-cong-[refl]  []-cong-[refl]

-- Some reexported definitions.

open import Erased equality-with-J instance-of-[]-cong-axiomatisation
  hiding ([]-cong; []-cong-[refl]; Injective-[];
          Π-Erased≃Π0[]; Π-Erased≃Π0)

-- Other code

-- [_]→ is injective.

Injective-[] : {@0 A : Type a}  Injective [ A ∣_]→
Injective-[] refl = refl

-- [_]→ is an embedding.

Is-embedding-[] : {@0 A : Type a}  Is-embedding [ A ∣_]→
Is-embedding-[] _ _ =
     { refl  refl })
  ,  { refl  refl })
  ,  { refl  refl })
  ,  { refl  refl })

-- If Erased A is a proposition, then A is a proposition.

Is-proposition-Erased→Is-proposition :
  {@0 A : Type a} 
  Is-proposition (Erased A)  Is-proposition A
Is-proposition-Erased→Is-proposition prop x y =
  Injective-[] (prop [ x ] [ y ])

-- A variant of the previous result.

H-level′-1-Erased→H-level′-1 :
  {@0 A : Type a} 
  H-level′ 1 (Erased A)  H-level′ 1 A
H-level′-1-Erased→H-level′-1 prop x y
  with proj₁ (prop [ x ] [ y ])
... | refl = refl , λ { refl  refl }

-- Equality is always very stable.

Very-stable-≡-trivial : Very-stable-≡ A
Very-stable-≡-trivial =
  _⇔_.from (Very-stable-≡↔Is-embedding-[] _)

-- The following four results are inspired by a result in
-- Mishra-Linger's PhD thesis (see Section 5.4.1).

-- There is a bijection between (x : Erased A) → P x and
-- (@0 x : A) → P [ x ].

Π-Erased↔Π0[] :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : Erased A  Type p} 
  ((x : Erased A)  P x)  ((@0 x : A)  P [ x ])
Π-Erased↔Π0[] = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = Π-Erased⇔Π0
    ; right-inverse-of = λ _  refl
  ; left-inverse-of = λ _  refl

-- There is an equivalence between (x : Erased A) → P x and
-- (@0 x : A) → P [ x ].
-- This is not proved by converting Π-Erased↔Π0[] to an equivalence,
-- because the type arguments of the conversion function in
-- Equivalence are not erased, and P can only be used in erased
-- contexts.
-- This is a strengthening of E.Π-Erased≃Π0[].

Π-Erased≃Π0[] :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : Erased A  Type p} 
  ((x : Erased A)  P x)  ((@0 x : A)  P [ x ])
Π-Erased≃Π0[] = record
  { to             = λ f x  f [ x ]
  ; is-equivalence =
         f ([ x ])  f x)
      ,  _  refl)
      ,  _  refl)
      ,  _  refl)

-- There is a bijection between (x : Erased A) → P (erased x) and
-- (@0 x : A) → P x.

Π-Erased↔Π0 :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A  Type p} 
  ((x : Erased A)  P (erased x))  ((@0 x : A)  P x)
Π-Erased↔Π0 = Π-Erased↔Π0[]

-- There is an equivalence between (x : Erased A) → P (erased x) and
-- (@0 x : A) → P x.
-- This is a strengthening of E.Π-Erased≃Π0.

Π-Erased≃Π0 :
  {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A  Type p} 
  ((x : Erased A)  P (erased x))  ((@0 x : A)  P x)
Π-Erased≃Π0 = Π-Erased≃Π0[]


  -- As an aside it is possible to prove the four previous results
  -- without relying on eta-equality for Erased. However, the code
  -- makes use of extensionality, and it also makes use of
  -- eta-equality for Π. (The use of η-equality for Π could perhaps be
  -- avoided, but Agda does not, at the time of writing, provide a
  -- simple way to turn off this kind of η-equality.)

  -- Some lemmas.

  Π-Erased-no-η→Π0[] :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : Erased-no-η A  Type p} 
    ((x : Erased-no-η A)  P x)  (@0 x : A)  P [ x ]-no-η
  Π-Erased-no-η→Π0[] f x = f [ x ]-no-η

  Π0[]→Π-Erased-no-η :
    {@0 A : Type a} (@0 P : Erased-no-η A  Type p) 
    ((@0 x : A)  P [ x ]-no-η)  (x : Erased-no-η A)  P x
  Π0[]→Π-Erased-no-η _ f [ x ]-no-η = f x

  Π0[]→Π-Erased-no-η-Π-Erased-no-η→Π0[] :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : Erased-no-η A  Type p}
    (f : (x : Erased-no-η A)  P x) (x : Erased-no-η A) 
    Π0[]→Π-Erased-no-η P (Π-Erased-no-η→Π0[] f) x  f x
  Π0[]→Π-Erased-no-η-Π-Erased-no-η→Π0[] f [ x ]-no-η = refl

  -- There is a bijection between (x : Erased-no-η A) → P x and
  -- (@0 x : A) → P [ x ] (assuming extensionality).

  Π-Erased-no-η↔Π0[] :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : Erased-no-η A  Type p} 
    Function-extensionality′ (Erased-no-η A) P 
    ((x : Erased-no-η A)  P x)  ((@0 x : A)  P [ x ]-no-η)
  Π-Erased-no-η↔Π0[] {P} ext = record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { to   = Π-Erased-no-η→Π0[]
        ; from = Π0[]→Π-Erased-no-η _
      ; right-inverse-of    = λ _  refl
    ; left-inverse-of = λ f 
        ext (Π0[]→Π-Erased-no-η-Π-Erased-no-η→Π0[] f)

  -- There is an equivalence between (x : Erased-no-η A) → P x and
  -- (@0 x : A) → P [ x ] (assuming extensionality).
  -- This is not proved by converting Π-Erased-no-η↔Π0[] to an
  -- equivalence, because the type arguments of the conversion
  -- function in Equivalence are not erased, and A and P can only be
  -- used in erased contexts.

  Π-Erased-no-η≃Π0[] :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : Erased-no-η A  Type p} 
    Function-extensionality′ (Erased-no-η A) P 
    ((x : Erased-no-η A)  P x)  ((@0 x : A)  P [ x ]-no-η)
  Π-Erased-no-η≃Π0[] {A} {P} ext = record
    { to             = λ f x  f [ x ]-no-η
    ; is-equivalence =
          Π0[]→Π-Erased-no-η _
        ,  _  refl)
        ,  f  ext (Π0[]→Π-Erased-no-η-Π-Erased-no-η→Π0[] f))
        ,  _  uip _ _)
    uip : {@0 B : Type b} {@0 x y : B} (@0 p q : x  y)  p  q
    uip refl refl = refl

  -- There is a bijection between
  -- (x : Erased-no-η A) → P (erased-no-η x) and (@0 x : A) → P x
  -- (assuming extensionality).

  Π-Erased-no-η↔Π0 :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A  Type p} 
    Function-extensionality′ (Erased-no-η A) (P  erased-no-η) 
    ((x : Erased-no-η A)  P (erased-no-η x))  ((@0 x : A)  P x)
  Π-Erased-no-η↔Π0 = Π-Erased-no-η↔Π0[]

  -- There is an equivalence between
  -- (x : Erased-no-η A) → P (erased-no-η x) and (@0 x : A) → P x
  -- (assuming extensionality).

  Π-Erased-no-η≃Π0 :
    {@0 A : Type a} {@0 P : A  Type p} 
    Function-extensionality′ (Erased-no-η A) (P  erased-no-η) 
    ((x : Erased-no-η A)  P (erased-no-η x))  ((@0 x : A)  P x)
  Π-Erased-no-η≃Π0 = Π-Erased-no-η≃Π0[]