-- Application of substitutions to normal and neutral terms

open import Level using (zero)
open import Data.Universe

module README.DependentlyTyped.NormalForm.Substitution
  (Uni₀ : Universe zero zero) where

open import Data.Product as Prod renaming (curry to c; uncurry to uc)
open import deBruijn.Substitution.Data
open import Function.Base as F renaming (const to k)
import README.DependentlyTyped.NormalForm as NF; open NF Uni₀
import README.DependentlyTyped.Term.Substitution as S
open S Uni₀ using (module Apply)
import README.DependentlyTyped.Term as Term; open Term Uni₀
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P

open P.≡-Reasoning

-- Code for applying substitutions containing terms which can be
-- transformed into /neutral/ terms.

module Apply-n {T : Term-like Level.zero} (T↦Ne : T  Tm-n ne) where

  open _↦_ T↦Ne hiding (var)

  T↦Tm : T  Tm
  T↦Tm = record
    { trans  = forget-n [∘] trans
    ; simple = simple

  open Apply T↦Tm using (_/⊢_; _/⊢t_; app)

  -- Applies a substitution to an atomic type.

  infixl 8 _/⊢a_

  _/⊢a_ :  {Γ Δ σ} {ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ} 
          Γ  σ atomic-type  (ρ : Sub T ρ̂)  Δ  σ / ρ atomic-type
    /⊢a ρ = 
  el /⊢a ρ = el


    -- Applies a renaming to a normal or neutral term.

    infixl 8 _/⊢n_ _/⊢n-lemma_

    _/⊢n_ :  {Γ Δ σ k} {ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ} 
            Γ  σ  k   (ρ : Sub T ρ̂)  Δ  σ / ρ  k 
    ne σ′ t /⊢n ρ = ne (σ′ /⊢a ρ) (t /⊢n ρ)
    var x   /⊢n ρ = trans  (x /∋ ρ)
    ƛ t     /⊢n ρ = ƛ (t /⊢n ρ )
    t₁ · t₂ /⊢n ρ = [ t₁ · t₂ ]/⊢n ρ

    -- The body of the last case above. (At the time of writing the
    -- termination checker complains if [ t₁ · t₂ ]/⊢n ρ is replaced
    -- by t₁ · t₂ /⊢n ρ in the type signature of ·-/⊢n below.)

    [_·_]/⊢n :
       {Γ Δ sp₁ sp₂ σ} {ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ}
      (t₁ : Γ  π sp₁ sp₂ , σ  ne ) (t₂ : Γ  fst σ  no )
      (ρ : Sub T ρ̂) 
      Δ  snd σ  ŝub  t₂ ⟧n  ρ̂  ne 
    [_·_]/⊢n {σ = σ} t₁ t₂ ρ =
      P.subst  v  _  snd σ   ρ ⟧⇨ ↑̂  ŝub v  ne )
              (≅-Value-⇒-≡ $ P.sym (t₂ /⊢n-lemma ρ))
              ((t₁ /⊢n ρ) · (t₂ /⊢n ρ))


      -- An unfolding lemma.

      ·-/⊢n :
         {Γ Δ sp₁ sp₂ σ} {ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ}
        (t₁ : Γ  π sp₁ sp₂ , σ  ne ) (t₂ : Γ  fst σ  no )
        (ρ : Sub T ρ̂) 
        [ t₁ · t₂ ]/⊢n ρ ≅-⊢n (t₁ /⊢n ρ) · (t₂ /⊢n ρ)
      ·-/⊢n {σ = σ} t₁ t₂ ρ =
        drop-subst-⊢n  v  snd σ   ρ ⟧⇨ ↑̂  ŝub v)
                      (≅-Value-⇒-≡ $ P.sym $ t₂ /⊢n-lemma ρ)

      -- The application operation is well-behaved.

      _/⊢n-lemma_ :  {Γ Δ σ k} {ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ}
                    (t : Γ  σ  k ) (ρ : Sub T ρ̂) 
                     t ⟧n /Val ρ ≅-Value  t /⊢n ρ ⟧n
      ne σ′ t /⊢n-lemma ρ = begin
        [  t ⟧n /Val ρ ]  ≡⟨ t /⊢n-lemma ρ 
        [  t /⊢n ρ ⟧n  ]  
      var x /⊢n-lemma ρ = /̂∋-⟦⟧⇨ x ρ
      ƛ t   /⊢n-lemma ρ = begin
        [ c  t ⟧n /Val ρ     ]  ≡⟨ P.refl 
        [ c ( t ⟧n /Val ρ ) ]  ≡⟨ curry-cong (t /⊢n-lemma (ρ )) 
        [ c  t /⊢n ρ  ⟧n    ]  
      t₁ · t₂ /⊢n-lemma ρ = begin
        [  t₁ · t₂ ⟧n /Val ρ                 ]  ≡⟨ P.refl 
        [ ( t₁ ⟧n /Val ρ) ˢ ( t₂ ⟧n /Val ρ) ]  ≡⟨ ˢ-cong (t₁ /⊢n-lemma ρ) (t₂ /⊢n-lemma ρ) 
        [  t₁ /⊢n ρ ⟧n ˢ  t₂ /⊢n ρ ⟧n       ]  ≡⟨ P.refl 
        [  (t₁ /⊢n ρ) · (t₂ /⊢n ρ) ⟧n        ]  ≡⟨ ⟦⟧n-cong (P.sym $ ·-/⊢n t₁ t₂ ρ) 
        [  t₁ · t₂ /⊢n ρ ⟧n                  ]  

  app-n :  {Γ Δ} {ρ̂ : Γ ⇨̂ Δ}  Sub T ρ̂  [ Tm-n ne  Tm-n ne ] ρ̂
  app-n ρ = record
    { function    = λ _ t  t /⊢n ρ
    ; corresponds = λ _ t  t /⊢n-lemma ρ

substitution₁-n : Substitution₁ (Tm-n ne)
substitution₁-n = record
  { var      = record { function    = λ _  var
                      ; corresponds = λ _ _  P.refl
  ; app′     = Apply-n.app-n
  ; app′-var = λ _ _ _  P.refl

open Substitution₁ substitution₁-n public hiding (var)

-- Let us make _/⊢n_ and friends immediately available for use with
-- /renamings/.

open Apply-n (Translation-from.translation Var-↦) public