-- If the "Outrageous but Meaningful Coincidences" approach is used to
-- formalise a language, then you can end up with an extensional type
-- theory (with equality reflection)

module README.DependentlyTyped.Extensional-type-theory where

import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional as E
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Product renaming (curry to c)
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Universe.Indexed
import deBruijn.Context
open import Function hiding (_∋_) renaming (const to k)
import Level
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P

-- A non-indexed universe


  data U : Set where
    empty : U
    π     : (a : U) (b : El a  U)  U

  El : U  Set
  El empty   = 
  El (π a b) = (x : El a)  El (b x)

Uni : IndexedUniverse _ _ _
Uni = record { I = ; U = λ _  U; El = El }

-- Contexts and variables

-- We get these for free.

open deBruijn.Context Uni public
  renaming (_·_ to _⊙_; ·-cong to ⊙-cong)

-- Some abbreviations.

⟨empty⟩ :  {Γ}  Type Γ
⟨empty⟩ = -, λ _  empty

⟨π⟩ :  {Γ} (σ : Type Γ)  Type (Γ  σ)  Type Γ
⟨π⟩ σ τ = -, k π ˢ indexed-type σ ˢ c (indexed-type τ)

⟨π̂⟩ :  {Γ} (σ : Type Γ) 
      ((γ : Env Γ)  El (indexed-type σ γ)  U)  Type Γ
⟨π̂⟩ σ τ = -, k π ˢ indexed-type σ ˢ τ

-- Well-typed terms


  infixl 9 _·_
  infix  3 _⊢_

  -- Terms.

  data _⊢_ (Γ : Ctxt) : Type Γ  Set where
    var :  {σ} (x : Γ  σ)  Γ  σ
    ƛ   :  {σ τ} (t : Γ  σ  τ)  Γ  ⟨π⟩ σ τ
    _·_ :  {σ τ} (t₁ : Γ  ⟨π̂⟩ σ τ) (t₂ : Γ  σ)  Γ  (-, τ ˢ  t₂ )

  -- Semantics of terms.

  ⟦_⟧ :  {Γ σ}  Γ  σ  Value Γ σ
   var x    γ = lookup x γ
   ƛ t      γ = λ v   t  (γ , v)
   t₁ · t₂  γ = ( t₁  γ) ( t₂  γ)

-- We can define looping terms (assuming extensionality)

module Looping (ext : E.Extensionality Level.zero Level.zero) where

  -- The casts are examples of the use of equality reflection: the
  -- casts are meta-language constructions, not object-language
  -- constructions.

  cast₁ :  {Γ} 
          Γ  ⟨empty⟩  ⟨π⟩ ⟨empty⟩ ⟨empty⟩  Γ  ⟨empty⟩  ⟨empty⟩
  cast₁ t = P.subst (_⊢_ _) (P.cong (_,_ tt) (ext (⊥-elim  proj₂))) t

  cast₂ :  {Γ} 
          Γ  ⟨empty⟩  ⟨empty⟩  Γ  ⟨empty⟩  ⟨π⟩ ⟨empty⟩ ⟨empty⟩
  cast₂ t = P.subst (_⊢_ _) (P.cong (_,_ tt) (ext (⊥-elim  proj₂))) t

  ω : ε  ⟨empty⟩  ⟨empty⟩
  ω = cast₁ (ƛ (cast₂ (var zero) · var zero))

  -- A simple example of a term which does not have a normal form.

  Ω : ε  ⟨empty⟩  ⟨empty⟩
  Ω = cast₂ ω · ω

  const-Ω : ε  ⟨π⟩ ⟨empty⟩ ⟨empty⟩
  const-Ω = ƛ Ω

-- Some observations:
-- * The language with spines (in README.DependentlyTyped.Term) does
--   not support terms like the ones above; in the casts one would
--   have to prove that distinct spines are equal.
-- * The spines ensure that the normaliser in
--   README.DependentlyTyped.NBE terminates. The existence of terms
--   like Ω implies that it is impossible to implement a normaliser
--   for the spine-less language defined in this module.