-- An ad-hoc but straightforward solution to the problem of showing
-- that elegant definitions of the Hamming numbers (see EWD 792) and
-- the Fibonacci sequence are productive

module StreamProg where

open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Codata.Musical.Stream as S using (Stream; _∷_; _≈_)
open import Data.Nat
open import Relation.Binary
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P

  module SS {A : Set} = Setoid (S.setoid A)

-- Merging of streams

data Ord : Set where
  lt : Ord
  eq : Ord
  gt : Ord

merge : {A : Set}  (A  A  Ord)  Stream A  Stream A  Stream A
merge cmp (x  xs) (y  ys) with cmp x y
... | lt = x   merge cmp ( xs)   (y  ys)
... | eq = x   merge cmp ( xs)   ( ys)
... | gt = y   merge cmp (x  xs) ( ys)

-- Stream programs

infixr 5 _∷_

data StreamP (A : Set) : Set1 where
  _∷_     : (x : A) (xs :  (StreamP A))  StreamP A
  zipWith :  {B C} (f : B  C  A)
            (xs : StreamP B) (ys : StreamP C)  StreamP A
  map     :  {B} (f : B  A) (xs : StreamP B)  StreamP A
  mergeP  : (cmp : A  A  Ord)
            (xs : StreamP A) (ys : StreamP A)  StreamP A

data StreamW A : Set1 where
  _∷_ : (x : A) (xs : StreamP A)  StreamW A

zipWithW : {A B C : Set} 
           (A  B  C)  StreamW A  StreamW B  StreamW C
zipWithW f (x  xs) (y  ys) = f x y  zipWith f xs ys

mapW : {A B : Set}  (A  B)  StreamW A  StreamW B
mapW f (x  xs) = f x  map f xs

mergeW : {A : Set} 
         (A  A  Ord)  StreamW A  StreamW A  StreamW A
mergeW cmp (x  xs) (y  ys) with cmp x y
... | lt = x  mergeP cmp xs (y   ys)
... | eq = x  mergeP cmp xs ys
... | gt = y  mergeP cmp (x   xs) ys

whnf :  {A}  StreamP A  StreamW A
whnf (x  xs)           = x   xs
whnf (zipWith f xs ys)  = zipWithW f (whnf xs) (whnf ys)
whnf (map f xs)         = mapW f (whnf xs)
whnf (mergeP cmp xs ys) = mergeW cmp (whnf xs) (whnf ys)


  ⟦_⟧W :  {A}  StreamW A  Stream A
   x  xs ⟧W = x    xs ⟧P

  ⟦_⟧P :  {A}  StreamP A  Stream A
   xs ⟧P =  whnf xs ⟧W

-- Examples

fib : StreamP 
fib = 0   zipWith _+_ fib (1   fib)

-- Alternative definition showing that definitions do not need to
-- start with a cons constructor.

fib′ : StreamP 
fib′ = zipWith _+_ (0   fib′) (0   (1   fib′))

cmp :     Ord
cmp m n = toOrd (compare m n)
  toOrd :  {m n}  Ordering m n  Ord
  toOrd (less _ _)    = lt
  toOrd (equal _)     = eq
  toOrd (greater _ _) = gt

hamming : StreamP 
hamming = 1   mergeP cmp (map (_*_ 2) hamming) (map (_*_ 3) hamming)

-- The definition of fib is correct

-- ⟦_⟧P is homomorphic with respect to zipWith/S.zipWith.

zipWith-hom :  {A B C} (_∙_ : A  B  C) xs ys 
               zipWith _∙_ xs ys ⟧P  S.zipWith _∙_  xs ⟧P  ys ⟧P
zipWith-hom _∙_ xs ys with whnf xs | whnf ys
zipWith-hom _∙_ xs ys | x  xs′ | y  ys′ =
  P.refl   zipWith-hom _∙_ xs′ ys′

-- Unfortunately Agda's definitional equality for coinductive
-- constructors is currently a little strange, so the result type
-- cannot be written out completely here:

fib-correct′ :
   fib ⟧P  0   S.zipWith _+_  fib ⟧P (1  _ {- ♯ ⟦ fib ⟧P -})
fib-correct′ = P.refl   zipWith-hom _+_ fib (1   fib)

-- Fortunately there is a workaround.

fib-correct :  fib ⟧P  0   S.zipWith _+_  fib ⟧P (1    fib ⟧P)
fib-correct =
  P.refl   SS.trans (zipWith-hom _+_ fib (1   fib))
                      (S.zipWith-cong _+_ (SS.refl {x = 0  _})
                                          (P.refl   SS.refl))

-- For a proof showing that the given equation for fib has a unique
-- solution, see MapIterate.

-- The definition of hamming is correct

-- ⟦_⟧P is homomorphic with respect to map/S.map.

map-hom :  {A B} (f : A  B) xs 
           map f xs ⟧P  S.map f  xs ⟧P
map-hom f xs with whnf xs
... | x  xs′ = P.refl   map-hom f xs′

-- ⟦_⟧P is homomorphic with respect to mergeP/merge.

merge-hom :  {A} (cmp : A  A  Ord) xs ys 
             mergeP cmp xs ys ⟧P  merge cmp  xs ⟧P  ys ⟧P
merge-hom cmp xs ys with whnf xs | whnf ys
... | x  xs′ | y  ys′ with cmp x y
...   | lt = P.refl   merge-hom cmp xs′ (y   ys′)
...   | eq = P.refl   merge-hom cmp xs′ ys′
...   | gt = P.refl   merge-hom cmp (x   xs′) ys′

-- merge is a congruence.

merge-cong :  {A} (cmp : A  A  Ord) {xs xs′ ys ys′} 
             xs  xs′  ys  ys′ 
             merge cmp xs ys  merge cmp xs′ ys′
merge-cong cmp (_∷_ {x = x} P.refl xs≈)
               (_∷_ {x = y} P.refl ys≈) with cmp x y
... | lt = P.refl   merge-cong cmp ( xs≈) (P.refl  ys≈)
... | eq = P.refl   merge-cong cmp ( xs≈) ( ys≈)
... | gt = P.refl   merge-cong cmp (P.refl  xs≈) ( ys≈)

-- hamming is correct.

hamming-correct :  hamming ⟧P 
                  1   merge cmp (S.map (_*_ 2)  hamming ⟧P)
                                  (S.map (_*_ 3)  hamming ⟧P)
hamming-correct =
  P.refl   SS.trans (merge-hom cmp (map (_*_ 2) hamming)
                                     (map (_*_ 3) hamming))
                      (merge-cong cmp (map-hom (_*_ 2) hamming)
                                      (map-hom (_*_ 3) hamming))