-- Recursive types and potentially infinite trees

module RecursiveTypes.Syntax where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin
open import Function.Base
open import Data.Product
open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Relation.Nullary
import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
import Data.Fin.Properties as FP
  open module DF {n} = DecSetoid (FP.≡-decSetoid n)
                         using () renaming (_≟_ to _≟F_)

-- Types

infixr 10 _⟶_
infix  10 μ_⟶_

-- Recursive types, parameterised on the maximum number of free
-- variables.
-- μ σ ⟶ τ stands for μX. σ ⟶ τ, where X can be free in σ and τ. The
-- arrow is included to avoid nonsensical types like μX.X. Note that
-- no attempt is made to ensure that the variable bound in μ_⟶_ is
-- actually used.

data Ty (n : ) : Set where
      : Ty n
      : Ty n
  var  : (x : Fin n)  Ty n
  _⟶_  : (τ₁ τ₂ : Ty n)  Ty n
  μ_⟶_ : (τ₁ τ₂ : Ty (suc n))  Ty n

-- Potentially infinite trees.

data Tree (n : ) : Set where
      : Tree n
      : Tree n
  var  : (x : Fin n)  Tree n
  _⟶_  : (τ₁ τ₂ :  (Tree n))  Tree n

-- Syntactic equality of types is decidable


  drop-var :  {n x y}  (Ty n  var x)  var y  x  y
  drop-var refl = refl

  drop⟶ˡ :  {n σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂} 
           (Ty n  σ₁  σ₂)  τ₁  τ₂  σ₁  τ₁
  drop⟶ˡ refl = refl

  drop⟶ʳ :  {n σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂} 
           (Ty n  σ₁  σ₂)  τ₁  τ₂  σ₂  τ₂
  drop⟶ʳ refl = refl

  dropμ⟶ˡ :  {n σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂} 
            (Ty n  μ σ₁  σ₂)  μ τ₁  τ₂  σ₁  τ₁
  dropμ⟶ˡ refl = refl

  dropμ⟶ʳ :  {n σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂} 
            (Ty n  μ σ₁  σ₂)  μ τ₁  τ₂  σ₂  τ₂
  dropμ⟶ʳ refl = refl

infix 4 _≡?_

_≡?_ :  {n} (σ τ : Ty n)  Dec (σ  τ)
         ≡?            = yes refl
         ≡?            = no  ())
         ≡? var y       = no  ())
         ≡? τ₁  τ₂     = no  ())
         ≡? μ τ₁  τ₂   = no  ())
         ≡?            = no  ())
         ≡?            = yes refl
         ≡? var y       = no  ())
         ≡? τ₁  τ₂     = no  ())
         ≡? μ τ₁  τ₂   = no  ())
var x     ≡?            = no  ())
var x     ≡?            = no  ())
var x     ≡? var  y      = Dec.map′ (cong var) drop-var (x ≟F y)
var x     ≡? τ₁  τ₂     = no  ())
var x     ≡? μ τ₁  τ₂   = no  ())
σ₁  σ₂   ≡?            = no  ())
σ₁  σ₂   ≡?            = no  ())
σ₁  σ₂   ≡? var y       = no  ())
σ₁  σ₂   ≡?  τ₁   τ₂   with σ₁ ≡? τ₁ | σ₂ ≡? τ₂
σ₁  σ₂   ≡? .σ₁  .σ₂   | yes refl | yes refl = yes refl
σ₁  σ₂   ≡?  τ₁   τ₂   | no σ₁≢τ₁ | _        = no (σ₁≢τ₁  drop⟶ˡ)
σ₁  σ₂   ≡?  τ₁   τ₂   | _        | no σ₂≢τ₂ = no (σ₂≢τ₂  drop⟶ʳ)
σ₁  σ₂   ≡? μ τ₁  τ₂   = no  ())
μ σ₁  σ₂ ≡?            = no  ())
μ σ₁  σ₂ ≡?            = no  ())
μ σ₁  σ₂ ≡? var y       = no  ())
μ σ₁  σ₂ ≡? τ₁  τ₂     = no  ())
μ σ₁  σ₂ ≡? μ  τ₁   τ₂ with σ₁ ≡? τ₁ | σ₂ ≡? τ₂
μ σ₁  σ₂ ≡? μ .σ₁  .σ₂ | yes refl | yes refl = yes refl
μ σ₁  σ₂ ≡? μ  τ₁   τ₂ | no σ₁≢τ₁ | _        = no (σ₁≢τ₁  dropμ⟶ˡ)
μ σ₁  σ₂ ≡? μ  τ₁   τ₂ | _        | no σ₂≢τ₂ = no (σ₂≢τ₂  dropμ⟶ʳ)

-- Hypotheses

-- A hypothesis is a pair of types where the first is assumed to be a
-- subtype of the other.

open Data.Product public using () renaming (_,_ to _≲_)

Hyp :   Set
Hyp n = Ty n × Ty n