-- Another implementation of the Fibonacci sequence using tail, along
-- with some other examples

module ArbitraryChunks where

open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Codata.Musical.Stream as S using (Stream; _≈_; _∷_)
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Vec as V using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
  using (_≡_; refl)

-- Stream programs

-- StreamP m n A encodes programs generating streams in chunks of size
-- (at least) m, where the first chunk has size (at least) n.

infixr 5 _∷_

data StreamP (m : ) :   Set  Set₁ where
  [_]     :  {A} (xs :  (StreamP m m A))  StreamP m 0 A
  _∷_     :  {n A} (x : A) (xs : StreamP m n A)  StreamP m (suc n) A
  forget  :  {n A} (xs : StreamP m (suc n) A)  StreamP m n A
  tail    :  {n A} (xs : StreamP m (suc n) A)  StreamP m n A
  zipWith :  {n A B C} (f : A  B  C)
            (xs : StreamP m n A) (ys : StreamP m n B)  StreamP m n C
  map     :  {n A B} (f : A  B) (xs : StreamP m n A)  StreamP m n B

data StreamW (m : ) :   Set  Set₁ where
  [_] :  {A} (xs : StreamP m m A)  StreamW m 0 A
  _∷_ :  {n A} (x : A) (xs : StreamW m n A)  StreamW m (suc n) A

forgetW :  {m n A}  StreamW (suc m) (suc n) A  StreamW (suc m) n A
forgetW {n = zero}  (x  [ xs ]) = [ x  forget xs ]
forgetW {n = suc n} (x  xs)     = x  forgetW xs

tailW :  {m n A}  StreamW m (suc n) A  StreamW m n A
tailW (x  xs) = xs

zipWithW :  {m n A B C}  (A  B  C) 
           StreamW m n A  StreamW m n B  StreamW m n C
zipWithW f [ xs ]   [ ys ]   = [ zipWith f xs ys ]
zipWithW f (x  xs) (y  ys) = f x y  zipWithW f xs ys

mapW :  {m n A B}  (A  B)  StreamW m n A  StreamW m n B
mapW f [ xs ]   = [ map f xs ]
mapW f (x  xs) = f x  mapW f xs

whnf :  {m n A}  StreamP (suc m) n A  StreamW (suc m) n A
whnf [ xs ]            = [  xs ]
whnf (x  xs)          = x  whnf xs
whnf (forget xs)       = forgetW (whnf xs)
whnf (tail xs)         = tailW (whnf xs)
whnf (zipWith f xs ys) = zipWithW f (whnf xs) (whnf ys)
whnf (map f xs)        = mapW f (whnf xs)


  ⟦_⟧W :  {m n A}  StreamW (suc m) (suc n) A  Stream A
   x  [ xs ]   ⟧W = x    xs ⟧P
   x  (y  xs) ⟧W = x    y  xs ⟧W

  ⟦_⟧P :  {m n A}  StreamP (suc m) (suc n) A  Stream A
   xs ⟧P =  whnf xs ⟧W

-- Some examples

-- The Fibonacci sequence.

fib : StreamP 1 1 
fib = 0  [  (1  zipWith _+_ (forget fib) (tail fib)) ]

-- Some sequence which is defined using (tail ∘ tail).

someSequence : StreamP 2 2 
someSequence =
  0  1  [  (1  2  zipWith _+_ (tail (tail someSequence))
                                   (forget (forget someSequence))) ]

-- The definition of fib is correct

-- ⟦_⟧ is homomorphic with respect to zipWith/S.zipWith.


  zipWithW-hom :
     {m n A B C} (_∙_ : A  B  C)
    (xs : StreamW (suc m) (suc n) A) ys 
     zipWithW _∙_ xs ys ⟧W  S.zipWith _∙_  xs ⟧W  ys ⟧W
  zipWithW-hom _∙_ (x  [ xs ]) (y  [ ys ])   =
    refl   zipWith-hom _∙_ xs ys
  zipWithW-hom _∙_ (x  x′  xs) (y  y′  ys) =
    refl   zipWithW-hom _∙_ (x′  xs) (y′  ys)

  zipWith-hom :  {m n A B C} (_∙_ : A  B  C)
                (xs : StreamP (suc m) (suc n) A) ys 
                 zipWith _∙_ xs ys ⟧P  S.zipWith _∙_  xs ⟧P  ys ⟧P
  zipWith-hom _∙_ xs ys = zipWithW-hom _∙_ (whnf xs) (whnf ys)

-- forget is the identity on streams.

open import MapIterate using (_≈P_; _∷_; _≈⟨_⟩_; _∎; soundP)


  forgetW-lemma :  {m n A} x (xs : StreamW (suc m) (suc n) A) 
                   x  forgetW xs ⟧W ≈P x    xs ⟧W
  forgetW-lemma x (x′  [ xs ])  = x   (_ ≈⟨ forget-lemma x′ xs  x′   (_ ))
  forgetW-lemma x (x′  x″  xs) = x   (_ ≈⟨ forgetW-lemma x′ (x″  xs)  x′   (_ ) )

  forget-lemma :  {m n A} x (xs : StreamP (suc m) (suc n) A) 
                  x  forget xs ⟧P ≈P x    xs ⟧P
  forget-lemma x xs with whnf xs in eq
  ... | y  y′  ys = x   helper eq
    helper : whnf xs  y  y′  ys 
              y  forgetW (y′  ys) ⟧W ≈P  xs ⟧P
    helper eq rewrite eq = _ ≈⟨ forgetW-lemma y (y′  ys)  y   (_ )
  ... | y  [ ys ] = x   helper eq
    helper : whnf xs  y  [ ys ] 
              y  forget ys ⟧P ≈P  xs ⟧P
    helper eq rewrite eq = _ ≈⟨ forget-lemma y ys  y   (_ )

-- The stream ⟦ fib ⟧P satisfies its intended defining equation.

open import Relation.Binary
module SS {A : Set} = Setoid (S.setoid A)

fib-correct :
   fib ⟧P  0   (1   S.zipWith _+_  fib ⟧P (S.tail  fib ⟧P))
fib-correct =
  refl   (refl   SS.trans
    (zipWith-hom _+_ (0  forget fib′) fib′)
    (S.zipWith-cong _+_ (SS.trans (soundP (forget-lemma 0 fib′))
                                  (refl   SS.refl)) SS.refl))
  where fib′ = 1  zipWith _+_ (forget fib) (tail fib)

-- map₂

-- A variant of S.map which processes streams in chunks of size 2.

map₂ : {A B : Set}  (A  B)  Stream A  Stream B
map₂ f (x  xs) with  xs
map₂ f (x  xs) | y  ys = f x   (f y   map₂ f ( ys))

-- This function is extensionally equal to S.map.

map≈map₂ :  {A B} 
           (f : A  B)  (xs : Stream A)  S.map f xs  map₂ f xs
map≈map₂ f (x  xs) with  xs in eq
map≈map₂ f (x  xs) | y  ys = refl   helper eq
  map-f-y∷ys = _

  helper :  {xs}  xs  y  ys  S.map f xs  map-f-y∷ys
  helper refl = refl   map≈map₂ f ( ys)

-- However, as explained in "Beating the Productivity Checker Using
-- Embedded Languages", the two functions are not interchangeable
-- (assuming that pattern matching is evaluated strictly). Let us see
-- what happens when we use the language above. We can define the
-- stream of natural numbers using chunks of size 1 and 2.

nats : StreamP 1 1 
nats = 0  [  map suc nats ]

nats₂ : StreamP 2 2 
nats₂ = 0  1  [  map suc nats₂ ]

-- The first use of map corresponds to S.map, and the second to map₂.
-- If we try to use map₂ in the first definition, then we get a type
-- error. The following code is not accepted.

-- nats : StreamP 2 1 ℕ
-- nats = 0 ∷ [ ♯ map suc nats ]