-- The Agda standard library
-- An inductive definition of the sublist relation with respect to a
-- setoid. This is a generalisation of what is commonly known as Order
-- Preserving Embeddings (OPE).

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Relation.Binary using (Setoid; Rel)

module Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Setoid
  {c } (S : Setoid c ) where

open import Level using (_⊔_)

open import Data.List.Base using (List; []; _∷_)
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Equality.Setoid as SetoidEquality
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Heterogeneous as Heterogeneous
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Heterogeneous.Core
  as HeterogeneousCore
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Heterogeneous.Properties
  as HeterogeneousProperties
open import Data.Product using (; _,_)

open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)

open Setoid S renaming (Carrier to A)
open SetoidEquality S

-- Definition

infix 4 _⊆_ _⊇_ _⊈_ _⊉_

_⊆_ : Rel (List A) (c  )
_⊆_ = Heterogeneous.Sublist _≈_

_⊇_ : Rel (List A) (c  )
xs  ys = ys  xs

_⊈_ : Rel (List A) (c  )
xs  ys = ¬ (xs  ys)

_⊉_ : Rel (List A) (c  )
xs  ys = ¬ (xs  ys)

-- Re-export definitions and operations from heterogeneous sublists

open HeterogeneousCore _≈_ using ([]; _∷_; _∷ʳ_) public
open Heterogeneous {R = _≈_} hiding (Sublist; []; _∷_; _∷ʳ_) public
  (toAny to to∈; fromAny to from∈)

-- Relational properties holding for Setoid case

⊆-reflexive : _≋_  _⊆_
⊆-reflexive = HeterogeneousProperties.fromPointwise

open HeterogeneousProperties.Reflexivity {R = _≈_} refl public using ()
  renaming (refl to ⊆-refl)  -- ⊆-refl : Reflexive _⊆_

open HeterogeneousProperties.Transitivity {R = _≈_} {S = _≈_} {T = _≈_} trans public using ()
  renaming (trans to ⊆-trans)  -- ⊆-trans : Transitive _⊆_

open HeterogeneousProperties.Antisymmetry {R = _≈_} {S = _≈_}  x≈y _  x≈y) public using ()
  renaming (antisym to ⊆-antisym)  -- ⊆-antisym : Antisymmetric _≋_ _⊆_

⊆-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≋_ _⊆_
⊆-isPreorder = record
  { isEquivalence = ≋-isEquivalence
  ; reflexive     = ⊆-reflexive
  ; trans         = ⊆-trans

⊆-isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≋_ _⊆_
⊆-isPartialOrder = record
  { isPreorder = ⊆-isPreorder
  ; antisym    = ⊆-antisym

⊆-preorder : Preorder c (c  ) (c  )
⊆-preorder = record
  { isPreorder = ⊆-isPreorder

⊆-poset : Poset c (c  ) (c  )
⊆-poset = record
  { isPartialOrder = ⊆-isPartialOrder

-- Raw pushout
-- The category _⊆_ does not have proper pushouts.  For instance consider:
--   τᵤ : [] ⊆ (u ∷ [])
--   τᵥ : [] ⊆ (v ∷ [])
-- Then, there are two unrelated upper bounds (u ∷ v ∷ []) and (v ∷ u ∷ []),
-- since _⊆_ does not include permutations.
-- Even though there are no unique least upper bounds, we can merge two
-- extensions of a list, producing a minimial superlist of both.
-- For the example, the left-biased merge would produce the pair:
--   τᵤ′ : (u ∷ []) ⊆ (u ∷ v ∷ [])
--   τᵥ′ : (v ∷ []) ⊆ (u ∷ v ∷ [])
-- We call such a pair a raw pushout.  It is then a weak pushout if the
-- resulting square commutes, i.e.:
--   ⊆-trans τᵤ τᵤ′ ~ ⊆-trans τᵥ τᵥ′
-- This requires a notion of equality _~_ on sublist morphisms.
-- Further, commutation requires a similar commutation property
-- for the underlying equality _≈_, namely
--   trans x≈y (sym x≈y) == trans x≈z (sym x≈z)
-- for some notion of equality _==_ for equality proofs _≈_.
-- Such a property is given e.g. if _≈_ is proof irrelevant
-- or forms a groupoid.

record RawPushout {xs ys zs : List A} (τ : xs  ys) (σ : xs  zs) : Set (c  ) where
    {upperBound} : List A
    leg₁         : ys  upperBound
    leg₂         : zs  upperBound

open RawPushout

-- Extending corners of a raw pushout square

-- Extending the right upper corner.

_∷ʳ₁_ :  {xs ys zs : List A} {τ : xs  ys} {σ : xs  zs} 
        (y : A)  RawPushout τ σ  RawPushout (y ∷ʳ τ) σ
y ∷ʳ₁ rpo = record
  { leg₁ = refl  leg₁ rpo
  ; leg₂ = y   ∷ʳ leg₂ rpo

-- Extending the left lower corner.

_∷ʳ₂_ :  {xs ys zs : List A} {τ : xs  ys} {σ : xs  zs} 
        (z : A)  RawPushout τ σ  RawPushout τ (z ∷ʳ σ)
z ∷ʳ₂ rpo = record
  { leg₁ = z   ∷ʳ leg₁ rpo
  ; leg₂ = refl  leg₂ rpo

-- Extending both of these corners with equal elements.

∷-rpo :  {x y z : A} {xs ys zs : List A} {τ : xs  ys} {σ : xs  zs} 
        (x≈y : x  y) (x≈z : x  z)  RawPushout τ σ  RawPushout (x≈y  τ) (x≈z  σ)
∷-rpo x≈y x≈z rpo = record
  { leg₁ = sym x≈y  leg₁ rpo
  ; leg₂ = sym x≈z  leg₂ rpo

-- Left-biased pushout: add elements of left extension first.

⊆-pushoutˡ :  {xs ys zs : List A} 
             (τ : xs  ys) (σ : xs  zs)  RawPushout τ σ
⊆-pushoutˡ []        σ         = record { leg₁ = σ ; leg₂ = ⊆-refl }
⊆-pushoutˡ (y  ∷ʳ τ) σ         = y ∷ʳ₁ ⊆-pushoutˡ τ σ
⊆-pushoutˡ τ@(_  _) (z  ∷ʳ σ) = z ∷ʳ₂ ⊆-pushoutˡ τ σ
⊆-pushoutˡ (x≈y  τ) (x≈z  σ) = ∷-rpo x≈y x≈z (⊆-pushoutˡ τ σ)

-- Join two extensions, returning the upper bound and the diagonal
-- of the pushout square.

⊆-joinˡ :  {xs ys zs : List A} 
          (τ : xs  ys) (σ : xs  zs)   λ us  xs  us
⊆-joinˡ τ σ = upperBound rpo , ⊆-trans τ (leg₁ rpo)
  rpo = ⊆-pushoutˡ τ σ