-- Andreas Abel and Brigitte Pientka,
-- Wellfounded Recursion with Copatterns and Sized Types.
-- Journal of Functional Programming, volume 26, 2016
-- Agda code for examples

{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections #-}

module Fibonacci where

open import Prelude

-- Section 2.1 Example: Fibonacci

record Stream (i : Size) (A : Set) : Set where
  field head : ∀{j : Size< i}  A
        tail : ∀{j : Size< i}  Stream j A
open Stream

zipWith : ∀{i A B C}  (A  B  C)  Stream i A  Stream i B  Stream i C
zipWith f s t .head = f (s .head) (t .head)
zipWith f s t .tail = zipWith f (s .tail) (t .tail)

fib : ∀{i}  Stream i 
fib .head       = 0
fib .tail .head = 1
fib .tail .tail = zipWith _+_ fib (fib .tail)