Chalmers -- Computer Science and Engineering

Electrical Grid

Data-driven support for cyber-physical systems

Fall semester, study period 1, 2019/2020

(DAT300/DIT615 -- Masterclass in Areas of advance)


Course Description

Associate Professor Magnus Almgren, phone: 031-772 1702, email: magnus.almgren

Associate Professor Marina Papatriantafilou, phone: 031-772 5413, email: ptrianta

This is a masterclass in the areas of advance, giving an overview of how important technologies from the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) area that is being used in other domains to make them more efficient ("smart"), with several examples drawn from the smart grid but other infrastructures are also used in the lectures and for the projects. The focus is on algorithms, distributed computing, communication and security.

Additionally, this course aims to provide entrepreneurial experiences according to Chalmers’ definition including:

Value may be economical but also ecological, social, mental, physiological etc. Read more here: Chalmers Student Portal.

The course is built around (i) seminars and (ii) project work. Through the seminars you learn about the design or development of systems, infrastructure, and applications that are related to other domains such as the electric power smart grid, with a focus on distributed algorithms and security. You are expected to participate actively in discussions. Through the second part of the course, you are also expected to complete lab work, i.e. a significant project with interdisciplinary relevance to another domain (such as the smart grid). In this way you will also gain experience at the front connecting research and education in the main domain overlapping two of the Areas of Advance, namely ICT and Energy/Transportation/Building Technology/etc. Your project should be presented and demonstrated for your peers, and documented through a technical report. Through your presentations, you will also get feedback and learn to better present materials to your peers. Through your report, you will improve your skills in technical writing (connected to DAT147).

The course memo can be found here.

Recommended text book
The class sessions are built around seminars, lecture notes, research papers and project work.

Study Material - Lectures and list of papers

The course will start with lectures from faculty and invited speakers. You will also in the first week form a group and work on a project. As part of that work, you should find and connect your work to the scientific literature. As such, each group/project will touch upon a series of scientific articles, both to give an introduction to our work and then support you in your respective projects. We have assembled a list of papers from which you can choose: You may also suggest your own papers, but they need to be challenging and of sufficient theoretical depth. These papers should be connected to your project and support your work (for example in that you implement a suggested algorithm, evaluate two algorithms, etc.).

For both presentations and project report, please take a careful look at the lectures/instructions at the technical writing course: or the current one in Canvas if you are registered.

Previous years, we had the following speakers lined up. Please get back later for information for 2019. In August we will schedule exact times and titles.

Project Information

A major part of the course will evolve around the projects (see here for suggestions ). Our idea is that this should be a hands-on approach, but for each project we also expect you to read scientific papers. These will help you for the implementation but also show research problems. We know that the seven weeks will go by very quickly, so you will need to have decided on your project (and your group) in the first week. We are in the process of extending our testbed, and we can promise you some cool gadgets for you to build your project upon. At project start, we will share access with a github for you to look at (and possibly extend earlier projects) as well as discuss available hardware that you can use in your projects, and available data.


The following is expected of you, if you decide to pursue this course.

Schedule, notes, slides and other course material

The following course material is electronically available by following the links below. Please note that the slides alone do not give a full coverage of the course contents. The schedule of the course is listed in timeedit. Participation is mandatory.

Monday 2019-09-02, 1000-1145, EL42 Introduction and Administration
Wednesday 2019-09-04, 1000-1145, ES61 Project Discussions
Thursday 2018-09-05, 1315-1500, EL42 Introduction to Electric Power Systems, Jimmy Ehnberg (Chalmers EE)
SW1 DEADLINE, 2019-09-08 Forming a group + choose a project. Add in your progress report what problem you are going to solve and why it is important.
Monday 2019-09-09 Short team presentations + short video + project administration
Wednesday 2019-09-11 Intrusion Detection for Industrial Control Systems: theory and handson experience, Wissam Aoudi (Chalmers, 1h) + Discussions about papers + workplan
SW2 DEADLINE, 2019-09-15 Submit a workplan + supporting scientific papers.
Monday 2019-09-16 Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Joris van Rooij (Göteborg Energi/ Chalmers CSE, 1h) + Project Discussions
Wednesday 2019-09-18 Introduction to Data Streaming, Vincenzo Gulisano (Chalmers CSE)
Monday 2019-09-23 SaaS for B2B using Kubernetes, Staffan Olsson (Yolean AB)
Wednesday 2019-09-25 Short Team Presentations
An overview of Vattenfall R&D, Jonas Alin (Vattenfall)
SW4 DEADLINE, 2019-09-29 (1) Submit an *individual* mid-term progress report, as well as (2) an outline of your final report written by the full team.
Monday 2019-09-30 Understanding security for industrial processes, Rikard Bodforss (security consultant)
Wednesday 2019-10-02 Attending a public defence (details to be announced)
SW5 DEADLINE, 2019-10-06 Submit an *individual* peer-review over another team's outline of their report
Monday 2019-10-07 Production systems, Digitalization in production and maintenance, Anders Skoogh (Chalmers);
Power Systems Communications - Essential Parts of a Future ELectrical Grid, Göran Ericsson (Swedish Grid)
Wednesday 2019-10-09 The Industrial Cloud: techniques and tools, Wolfgang John (Ericsson)
Monday 2019-10-14 Automation in Production Systems, Maziar Mashaei (Flexlink)
Security challenges in telecom (cloud, containers, 3PP, design, security testing), Mathias Weibull (Ericsson)
Wednesday 2019-10-16 Short Team Presentations
Monday 2019-10-21 How the trend with self-driving and connected cars requires security, Christian Sandberg (Volvo Trucks)
IoT and the Smart Grid, Ismail Butun (Chalmers)
Wednesday 2019-10-23 time to fill in course survey, group time to work on project, no scheduled lecture
REPORT DEADLINE 2019-10-27 Submit your final project-report, as a group. Name the file group0-project-final-report-Title.pdf
Wednesday 2019-10-30 Final project presentations, starting 08:00; each group has 15 min for presentation + 10 min for questions

Course Evaluation

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Latest change 2019-08-27