Note on deadlines: if you have missed the final deadline for a lab, there is an extra chance to pass by showing it to me (Nick) personally. I will be in my office (5463) between 1pm and 5pm on the 3rd of June for anyone who wants to do this. You will need to submit your latest solution to Fire before you come — please email me at <> with your group number to get Fire reopened. If you want to do this but can’t make the 3rd of June, email me and we can arrange a date and time.

There are three labs and one written hand-in. You must pass all of them (as well as the exam) in order to pass the course. You should do the labs in pairs, unless you get permission from Nick to do it alone. If you are looking for a lab partner, you might try the Google group.

You should submit everything through the Fire system. See the separate page on how to use the Fire system if you are not sure. Your code should be well-commented and well-structured. Submissions that are poorly commented or hard to understand may be summarily rejected!