Homework Assignments

General Information

Two compulsory homework assignments are included in the course. The homework assignments can be handed in by individuals or as a group of no more than 2 (two) students. The homework assignments are graded individually for each of the two assignments (grade scale: U, 3, 4, 5). For an assignment to pass, the group member should (a) submit solutions of good enough quality in a written report and (b) orally present, and argue for, their choice of solutions in a meeting with the examiner.

The homework assignments consists of a combination of problem solving and paper reading. The two assignments are handed out (via the Downloads section below) on two specific dates and must be handed in within 18 days from the date when the assignment was handed out.  Each assignment solution must be must be written in English, be computer generated (no handwritten solutions) and contain a separate front page which states the group name, the author(s) name, ID number (personnummer), email address and specialization ("linjetillhörighet").

The homework assignments are administrated in the following way. First, you register for a group (link to group registration) and will thereby be assigned a group name. Then, you submit the homework solutions electronically (link to homework submission). Finally, you book a time for presentation of the homework solutions using your group name (link to booking of presentation times). Please note that you must be logged on to the portal in order to be able to use these services. If you do not have access to the portal services, please contact the examiner.


Please read these early and carefully!
  1. Deadlines are hard. If you for some reason cannot make the deadline, contact us in due time before the homework assignment deadline, and tell us what your reason is, together with a realistic proposal of a new personal deadline for you. You may then get an extension of the deadline.
  2. If sickness prevented you from submitting the homework assignment in time, you need to provide a note from your physician.
  3. Cheating is taken very seriously. Before you start working on the assignment, please read the Rules for Collaboration.


The homework assignments can be downloaded using the links provided below. A password is required for downloading the documents.