module Builtin.Float where

open import Prelude.Bool
open import Prelude.Equality
open import Prelude.Equality.Unsafe
open import Prelude.Decidable
open import Prelude.Ord

postulate Float : Set

{-# BUILTIN FLOAT Float #-}

  primFloatEquality : Float  Float  Bool
  primFloatLess     : Float  Float  Bool 

-- This is a little dangerous since NaN is not equal to itself, but the
-- type checker will accept refl : NaN ≡ NaN. Right now we don't export
-- any operations on floats so it's no problem, but there's some thinking
-- to be done if we want to.
  EqFloat : Eq Float
  EqFloat = record { _==_ = eqFloat }
      eqFloat :  x y  Dec (x  y)
      eqFloat x y with primFloatEquality x y
      ... | true  = yes unsafeEqual
      ... | false = no  unsafeNotEqual

data LessFloat (x y : Float) : Set where
  less-float : primFloatLess x y  true  LessFloat x y

  OrdFloat : Ord Float
  OrdFloat = defaultOrd cmpFloat
      cmpFloat :  x y  Comparison LessFloat x y
      cmpFloat x y with inspect (primFloatLess x y)
      ... | true  with≡ eq = less (less-float eq)
      ... | false with≡ _ with inspect (primFloatLess y x)
      ...   | true  with≡ eq = greater (less-float eq)
      ...   | false with≡ _  = equal unsafeEqual   -- Same issue with NaN as for equality