module Database where

open import Data.Function
import IO.Primitive as IO
open IO using (IO)
open import Data.Maybe
import Data.List as List
open List hiding (mapM; sequence)
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.String as String renaming (_++_ to _&_)
open import Data.Product
open import Foreign.Haskell
open import Category.Monad
open import Category.Monad.Indexed

open import Util hiding (_<$>_)
open import Schema

MonadIO : RawMonad IO
MonadIO = record { return = IO.return
                 ; _>>=_  = IO._>>=_

open RawMonad MonadIO

{-# IMPORT Database.Firebird #-}

ServerName = String
UserName   = String
Password   = String

  RawHandle     : Set
  hs_connect    : ServerName  UserName  Password  IO (Maybe RawHandle)
  hs_tableInfo  : RawHandle  TableName  IO (List HsColumnInfo)
  hs_disconnect : RawHandle  IO Unit

{-# COMPILED_TYPE RawHandle DbHandle #-}

{-# COMPILED hs_connect dbConnect #-}
{-# COMPILED hs_tableInfo tableInfo #-}
{-# COMPILED hs_disconnect dbDisconnect #-}

data Db (s₁ s₂ : Schema)(A : Set) : Set where
  mkDb : (RawHandle  IO A)  Db s₁ s₂ A

unDb :  {A s₁ s₂}  Db s₁ s₂ A  RawHandle  IO A
unDb (mkDb f) = f

MonadDb : RawIMonad Db
MonadDb = record
  { return = λ x  mkDb λ _  return x
  ; _>>=_  = λ m f  mkDb λ h  unDb m h >>= λ x  unDb (f x) h

open RawIMonad MonadDb using () renaming (return to return′; _>>=_ to _>>=′_; _>>_ to _>>′_)

liftIO :  {A s}  IO A  Db s s A
liftIO io = mkDb λ h  io

data Handle (s : Schema) : Set where
  handle : RawHandle  Handle s

showType : FieldType  String
showType (string n) = primStringAppend "STRING " (showInteger (primNatToInteger n))
showType number     = "NUMBER"
showType date       = "DATE"
showType time       = "TIME"

mapM :  {A B}  (A  IO B)  List A  IO (List B)
mapM f []       = return []
mapM f (x  xs) = f x >>= λ y  mapM f xs >>= λ ys  return (y  ys)

mapM₋ :  {A B}  (A  IO B)  List A  IO Unit
mapM₋ f xs = mapM f xs >> return unit

putStr : String  IO Unit
putStr = IO.putStr  fromColist  String.toCostring

putStrLn : String  IO Unit
putStrLn = IO.putStrLn  fromColist  String.toCostring

printCol : Attribute  IO Unit
printCol (name , type) =
  mapM₋ putStr (name  " : "  showType type  "\n"  [])

printTableInfo : TableType  IO Unit
printTableInfo = mapM₋ printCol

checkTable : RawHandle  TableName × TableType  IO Bool
checkTable h (name , type) =
  hs_tableInfo h name >>= λ info 
  if parseTableInfo info =TT= type
  then return true
  else putStrLn ("Schema mismatch for table " & name) >>
       putStrLn "Expected:" >>
       printTableInfo type >>
       putStrLn "Found:" >>
       printTableInfo (parseTableInfo info) >>
       return false

checkSchema : RawHandle  Schema  IO Bool
checkSchema h s = 
  putStrLn "Checking schema..." >>
  and <$> mapM (checkTable h) s

withDatabase :  {s′ A}  ServerName  UserName  Password 
               (s : Schema)  Db s s′ A  IO (Maybe A)
withDatabase server user pass s action =
  putStrLn ("Connecting to " & server & "...") >>
  hs_connect server user pass >>= λ mh 
  withMaybe mh (return nothing) λ h 
  checkSchema h s >>= λ ok 
  if ok then just <$> unDb action h >>=  x  hs_disconnect h >> return x)
        else return nothing

withRawHandle :  {A s₁ s₂}  (RawHandle  Db s₁ s₂ A)  Db s₁ s₂ A
withRawHandle f = mkDb λ h  unDb (f h) h