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Even though declarative programming languages have been around for some thirty years by now they have still not gained any widespread use for real-world applications. At the same time object-oriented programming has conquered the world and is the methodology used for most programs developed today. This is a fact even though the used object-oriented languages like C++ lacks most features considered important in declarative programming like a clear and simple semantics, automatic memory management, and so on. It should be obvious that the object-oriented approach contains something that is intuitevely appealing to humans. Accordingly many attempts have been made to include object-oriented features into declarative programming and several languages like Prolog and Haskell have object-oriented extensions

In this note we discuss some existing declarative programming paradigms including definitional programming. In particular we will focus on control and also try to identify some characteristics that we feel it is necessary to incorporate in the next generation definitional programming language to gain success.

Olof Torgersson
Tue Mar 19 11:03:41 MET 1996