-- The delay monad defined as the greatest fixpoint of an indexed
-- container

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Indexed-container.Delay-monad where

open import Equality.Propositional as Equality
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bijection equality-with-J as Bijection using (_↔_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (_∘_)

open import Delay-monad
open import Delay-monad.Strong-bisimilarity as Strong

open import Indexed-container
open import Indexed-container.Combinators as C hiding (_∘_)
open import Relation

-- A container for the delay monad.

DelayC :  {}  Set   Container (  ) (  )
DelayC A =
   _  Maybe A)  λ { (just _) _  ; nothing _   _  }

-- An alternative definition.

DelayC′ :  {}  Set   Container (  ) (  )
DelayC′ A = C.id  C.const  _  A)

-- The two containers' interpretations are pointwise logically
-- equivalent, and in the presence of extensionality they are
-- pointwise isomorphic.

⟦DelayC⟧↔⟦DelayC′⟧ :
   {k a x} {A : Set a} {X : Rel x ( a )} {i} 
  Extensionality? k a (a  x) 
   DelayC A  X i ↝[ k ]  DelayC′ A  X i
⟦DelayC⟧↔⟦DelayC′⟧ {k} {a} {A = A} {X} {i} ext =
   DelayC A  X i                                              ↔⟨⟩
  ( λ (s : Maybe A)  Container.Position (DelayC A) s  X)     ↝⟨ Σ-cong (inverse Bijection.↑↔ ⊎-cong F.id)
                                                                     [  _  implicit-∀-cong ext $
                                                                              Π-cong (lower-extensionality? k lzero a ext) lemma λ _ 
                                                                     ,  _  F.id)
  ( λ (s :  _   A)  [  _  _ ≡_) ,  _ _  ) ] s  X)  ↔⟨⟩
   DelayC′ A  X i                                             
  lemma :  a   lift { = a} tt  lift tt
  lemma = record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { to = λ _  refl
      ; right-inverse-of = λ { refl  refl }
    ; left-inverse-of = λ _  refl

-- An unfolding lemma.

νDelayC↔ :  {k a i} {A : Set a} 
           Extensionality? k a a 
           ν (DelayC A) i _ ↝[ k ] A  ν′ (DelayC A) i _
νDelayC↔ {i = i} {A} ext =
  ν (DelayC A) i _                           ↔⟨⟩

   DelayC  A  (ν′ (DelayC A) i) _          ↝⟨ ⟦DelayC⟧↔⟦DelayC′⟧ ext 

   DelayC′ A  (ν′ (DelayC A) i) _          ↔⟨ ⟦⊕⟧↔ C.id (C.const  _  A)) 

   C.id  (ν′ (DelayC A) i) _ 
   C.const  _  A)  (ν′ (DelayC A) i) _  ↝⟨ ⟦id⟧↔ ext ⊎-cong ⟦const⟧↔ _ ext 

  ν′ (DelayC A) i _  A                      ↔⟨ ⊎-comm ⟩□

  A  ν′ (DelayC A) i _                      

-- There is a (size-preserving) logical equivalence between the direct
-- definition of the delay monad and an indirect definition using the
-- container DelayC and ν.


  Delay⇔νDelayC :  {a i} {A : Set a}  Delay A i  ν (DelayC A) i _
  Delay⇔νDelayC {i = i} {A} =
    Delay A i              ↔⟨ Delay↔ 
    A  Delay′ A i         ↝⟨ F.id ⊎-cong Delay′⇔ν′DelayC 
    A  ν′ (DelayC A) i _  ↝⟨ inverse $ νDelayC↔ _ ⟩□
    ν (DelayC A) i _       

  Delay′⇔ν′DelayC :  {a i} {A : Set a}  Delay′ A i  ν′ (DelayC A) i _
  Delay′⇔ν′DelayC = record
    { to   = λ x  λ { .force  _⇔_.to   Delay⇔νDelayC (force x) }
    ; from = λ x  λ { .force  _⇔_.from Delay⇔νDelayC (force x) }

-- The two components of Delay⇔νDelayC {i = ∞} are inverses up to
-- (strong) bisimilarity.

Delay⇔νDelayC-inverses :
   {a} {A : Set a} 
  let to   = _⇔_.to   (Delay⇔νDelayC {i = })
      from = _⇔_.from (Delay⇔νDelayC {i = })
  (∀ x  ν-bisimilar  (to (from x) , x))
  (∀ x  [  ] from (to x)  x)
Delay⇔νDelayC-inverses {A = A} = to∘from , from∘to
  to :  {i}  Delay A i  ν (DelayC A) i _
  to = _⇔_.to Delay⇔νDelayC

  from :  {i}  ν (DelayC A) i _  Delay A i
  from = _⇔_.from Delay⇔νDelayC


    from∘to :  {i} x  [ i ] from (to x)  x
    from∘to (now x)   = now x ∎∼
    from∘to (later x) = later λ { .force 
      from (to (force x))  ∼⟨ from∘to (force x) 
      force x              ∎∼ }

    to∘from :  {i} x  ν-bisimilar i (to (from x) , x)
    to∘from x@(just _ , _) =
      _⇔_.from (ν-bisimilar↔ _ (to (from x)) x)
        ( refl
        , λ ()
    to∘from x@(nothing , f) =
      _⇔_.from (ν-bisimilar↔ _ (to (from x)) x)
        ( refl
        , λ p  λ { .force  to∘from (force (f p)) }

-- There is an isomorphism between the direct definition of the delay
-- monad and an indirect definition using the container DelayC and ν
-- (assuming three kinds of extensionality).

Delay↔νDelayC :
   {a} {A : Set a} 
  Equality.Extensionality a a 
  Strong.Extensionality a 
  ν′-extensionality (DelayC A) 
  Delay A   ν (DelayC A)  _
Delay↔νDelayC ext ∼-ext ν′-ext = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = Delay⇔νDelayC
    ; right-inverse-of    = ν-extensionality ext ν′-ext 
                            proj₁ Delay⇔νDelayC-inverses
  ; left-inverse-of = ∼-ext  proj₂ Delay⇔νDelayC-inverses