-- Functional semantics for a non-deterministic untyped λ-calculus
-- with constants

module Lambda.Closure.Functional.Non-deterministic where

open import Category.Monad.Partiality as Pa using (_⊥; now; later)
open import Coinduction
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc; #_)
open import Data.List
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Vec using ([]; _∷_; lookup)
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable

open import Lambda.Syntax using (Ty; Ctxt)
open Lambda.Syntax.Closure using (con; ƛ)
open Lambda.Syntax.Ty
open import Lambda.VirtualMachine
  hiding (comp; comp-val; comp-env; lookup-hom)
open Functional
  module VM = Lambda.Syntax.Closure Code

-- A monad with partiality, failure and non-determinism

module D where

  -- This is basically the maybe monad transformer applied to the
  -- partiality monad transformer applied to the non-determinism monad
  -- N A = μX. A ⊎ X × X. Unfortunately it is somewhat awkward to
  -- implement the partiality monad transformer in Agda: the
  -- definition
  --   data Partiality′ (M : Set → Set) (A : Set) : Set where
  --     now-or-later : M (A ⊎ Partiality′ M A) → Partiality′ M A
  -- is rejected, because M might use its argument negatively.

  infixr 6 _∣_

  data D (A : Set) : Set where
    fail   : D A
    return : (x : A)  D A
    _∣_    : (x y : D A)  D A
    later  : (x :  (D A))  D A

  -- The function force n removes (up to) n layers of later
  -- constructors.

  force : {A : Set}    D A  D A
  force (suc n) (later x) = force n ( x)
  force n       (x₁  x₂) = force n x₁  force n x₂
  force _       x         = x

  -- Bind.

  infixl 5 _>>=_

  _>>=_ : {A B : Set}  D A  (A  D B)  D B
  fail      >>= f = fail
  return x  >>= f = f x
  (x₁  x₂) >>= f = (x₁ >>= f)  (x₂ >>= f)
  later x   >>= f = later ( ( x >>= f))

  -- A deterministic non-terminating computation.

  never : {A : Set}  D A
  never = later ( never)

  -- Strong bisimilarity.

  infix 4 _≅_

  data _≅_ {A : Set} : D A  D A  Set where
    fail   : fail  fail
    return :  {x}  return x  return x
    _∣_    :  {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂}
             (x₁≅y₁ : x₁  y₁) (x₂≅y₂ : x₂  y₂)  x₁  x₂  y₁  y₂
    later  :  {x y} (x≅y :  ( x   y))  later x  later y

  -- Strong bisimilarity is reflexive.

  infixr 2 _∎

  _∎ : {A : Set} (x : D A)  x  x
  fail      = fail
  return x  = return
  x₁  x₂   = (x₁ )  (x₂ )
  later x   = later ( ( x ))

  -- Strong bisimilarity is symmetric.

  sym : {A : Set} {x y : D A}  x  y  y  x
  sym fail            = fail
  sym return          = return
  sym (x₁≅y₁  x₂≅y₂) = sym x₁≅y₁  sym x₂≅y₂
  sym (later x≅y)     = later ( sym ( x≅y))

  -- Strong bisimilarity is transitive.

  infixr 2 _≅⟨_⟩_

  _≅⟨_⟩_ :  {A : Set} (x : D A) {y z}  x  y  y  z  x  z
  ._ ≅⟨ fail           fail          = fail
  ._ ≅⟨ return         return        = return
  ._ ≅⟨ x₁≅y₁  x₂≅y₂  y₁≅z₁  y₂≅z₂ = (_ ≅⟨ x₁≅y₁  y₁≅z₁)  (_ ≅⟨ x₂≅y₂  y₂≅z₂)
  ._ ≅⟨ later x≅y      later y≅z     = later ( (_ ≅⟨  x≅y   y≅z))

  -- The monad laws hold up to strong bisimilarity.

  left-identity : {A B : Set} {x : A} {f : A  D B} 
                  return x >>= f  f x
  left-identity {x = x} {f} = f x 

  right-identity : {A : Set} (x : D A)  x >>= return  x
  right-identity fail       = fail
  right-identity (return x) = return
  right-identity (x₁  x₂)  = right-identity x₁  right-identity x₂
  right-identity (later x)  = later ( right-identity ( x))

  associative : {A B C : Set} (x : D A) {f : A  D B} {g : B  D C} 
                x >>= f >>= g  x >>= λ y  f y >>= g
  associative fail               = fail
  associative (return x) {f} {g} = f x >>= g 
  associative (x₁  x₂)          = associative x₁  associative x₂
  associative (later x)          = later ( associative ( x))

  -- Bind respects strong bisimilarity.

  infixl 5 _>>=-cong_

  _>>=-cong_ : {A B : Set} {x₁ x₂ : D A} {f₁ f₂ : A  D B} 
               x₁  x₂  (∀ y  f₁ y  f₂ y)  x₁ >>= f₁  x₂ >>= f₂
  fail          >>=-cong f₁≅f₂ = fail
  return        >>=-cong f₁≅f₂ = f₁≅f₂ _
  later x≅y     >>=-cong f₁≅f₂ = later ( ( x≅y >>=-cong f₁≅f₂))
  x₁≅x₂  y₁≅y₂ >>=-cong f₁≅f₂ =
    (x₁≅x₂ >>=-cong f₁≅f₂)  (y₁≅y₂ >>=-cong f₁≅f₂)

  -- More laws.

  never-left-zero : {A B : Set} {f : A  D B}  never >>= f  never
  never-left-zero = later ( never-left-zero)

  fail-left-zero : {A B : Set} {f : A  D B}  fail >>= f  fail
  fail-left-zero = fail 

open D using (D; _≅_; _≅⟨_⟩_; _∎; _>>=-cong_)
open D.D
open D._≅_

-- Syntax

infixl 9 _·_

data Tm (n : ) : Set where
  con : (i : )  Tm n
  var : (x : Fin n)  Tm n
  ƛ   : (t : Tm (suc n))  Tm n
  _·_ : (t₁ t₂ : Tm n)  Tm n
  _∣_ : (t₁ t₂ : Tm n)  Tm n

-- Convenient helper.

vr :  m {n} {m<n : True (suc m ≤? n)}  Tm n
vr _ {m<n = m<n} = var (#_ _ {m<n = m<n})

open Lambda.Syntax.Closure Tm hiding (con; ƛ)

-- A workaround for the limitations of guardedness

module Workaround where

  infixr 6 _∣_
  infixl 5 _>>=_

  data DP : Set  Set₁ where
    fail   :  {A}  DP A
    return :  {A} (x : A)  DP A
    _∣_    :  {A} (x y : DP A)  DP A
    later  :  {A} (x :  (DP A))  DP A
    _>>=_  :  {A B} (x : DP A) (f : A  DP B)  DP B


    data DW : Set  Set₁ where
      fail   :  {A}  DW A
      return :  {A} (x : A)  DW A
      _∣_    :  {A} (x y : DW A)  DW A
      later  :  {A} (x : DP A)  DW A


      _>>=W_ :  {A B}  DW A  (A  DP B)  DW B
      fail     >>=W f = fail
      return x >>=W f = whnf (f x)
      (x  y)  >>=W f = (x >>=W f)  (y >>=W f)
      later x  >>=W f = later (x >>= f)

      whnf :  {A}  DP A  DW A
      whnf fail       = fail
      whnf (return x) = return x
      whnf (later x)  = later ( x)
      whnf (x  y)    = whnf x  whnf y
      whnf (x >>= f)  = whnf x >>=W f



      ⟪_⟫W :  {A}  DW A  D A
       fail     ⟫W = fail
       return x ⟫W = return x
       x  y    ⟫W =  x ⟫W   y ⟫W
       later x  ⟫W = later (  x ⟫P)

    ⟪_⟫P :  {A}  DP A  D A
     p ⟫P =  whnf p ⟫W

  -- The definitions above make sense. ⟪_⟫P is homomorphic with respect
  -- to fail, return, _∣_, later and _>>=_.

  fail-hom :  {A}   fail {A = A} ⟫P  fail
  fail-hom = fail 

  return-hom :  {A} (x : A)   return x ⟫P  return x
  return-hom x = return x 

  ∣-hom :  {A} (x y : DP A)   x  y ⟫P   x ⟫P   y ⟫P
  ∣-hom x y =  x ⟫P   y ⟫P 

  later-hom :  {A} (x :  (DP A))   later x ⟫P  later (   x ⟫P)
  later-hom x = later ( (  x ⟫P ))



      >>=-homW :  {A B} (x : DW A) (f : A  DP B) 
                  x >>=W f ⟫W  D._>>=_  x ⟫W  y   f y ⟫P)
      >>=-homW fail       f = fail 
      >>=-homW (return x) f =  f x ⟫P 
      >>=-homW (x  y)    f = >>=-homW x f  >>=-homW y f
      >>=-homW (later x)  f = later ( >>=-hom x f)

    >>=-hom :  {A B} (x : DP A) (f : A  DP B) 
               x >>= f ⟫P  D._>>=_  x ⟫P  y   f y ⟫P)
    >>=-hom x f = >>=-homW (whnf x) f

open Workaround hiding (_>>=_)

-- Semantics

infix 9 _∙_


  ⟦_⟧′ :  {n}  Tm n  Env n  DP Value
   con i ⟧′   ρ = return (con i)
   var x ⟧′   ρ = return (lookup x ρ)
   ƛ t ⟧′     ρ = return (ƛ t ρ)
   t₁ · t₂ ⟧′ ρ =  t₁ ⟧′ ρ >>= λ v₁ 
                    t₂ ⟧′ ρ >>= λ v₂ 
                   v₁  v₂
                   where open Workaround
   t₁  t₂ ⟧′ ρ =  t₁ ⟧′ ρ   t₂ ⟧′ ρ

  _∙_ : Value  Value  DP Value
  con i   v₂ = fail
  ƛ t₁ ρ  v₂ = later ( ( t₁ ⟧′ (v₂  ρ)))

⟦_⟧ :  {n}  Tm n  Env n  D Value
 t  ρ =   t ⟧′ ρ ⟫P

-- An abbreviation.

infix 9 _⟦·⟧_

_⟦·⟧_ : D Value  D Value  D Value
v₁ ⟦·⟧ v₂ = v₁ >>= λ v₁  v₂ >>= λ v₂   v₁  v₂ ⟫P
  where open D

-- The semantics of application is compositional (with respect to the
-- syntactic equality which is used).

·-comp :  {n} (t₁ t₂ : Tm n) {ρ} 
          t₁ · t₂  ρ   t₁  ρ ⟦·⟧  t₂  ρ
·-comp t₁ t₂ {ρ} =
   t₁ · t₂  ρ                                   ≅⟨ >>=-hom ( t₁ ⟧′ ρ) _ 

  D._>>=_ ( t₁  ρ)  v₁ 
           Workaround._>>=_ ( t₂ ⟧′ ρ)  v₂ 
            v₁  v₂) ⟫P)                          ≅⟨ (( t₁  ρ ) >>=-cong λ _ 
                                                      >>=-hom ( t₂ ⟧′ ρ) _) 
   t₁  ρ ⟦·⟧  t₂  ρ                           

open D

-- Compiler

-- The compiler takes a code continuation.
-- Non-determinism is resolved by always picking the left choice.

comp :  {n}  Tm n  Code n  Code n
comp (con i)   c = con i  c
comp (var x)   c = var x  c
comp (ƛ t)     c = clo (comp t [ ret ])  c
comp (t₁ · t₂) c = comp t₁ (comp t₂ (app  c))
comp (t₁  t₂) c = comp t₁ c

-- Environments and values can also be compiled.


  comp-env :  {n}  Env n  VM.Env n
  comp-env []      = []
  comp-env (v  ρ) = comp-val v  comp-env ρ

  comp-val : Value  VM.Value
  comp-val (con i) = con i
  comp-val (ƛ t ρ) = ƛ (comp t [ ret ]) (comp-env ρ)

-- lookup x is homomorphic with respect to comp-env/comp-val.

lookup-hom :  {n} (x : Fin n) ρ 
             lookup x (comp-env ρ)  comp-val (lookup x ρ)
lookup-hom zero    (v  ρ) = P.refl
lookup-hom (suc x) (v  ρ) = lookup-hom x ρ

-- Examples

-- A non-terminating term.

Ω : Tm 0
Ω = ω · ω
  where ω = ƛ (vr 0 · vr 0)

Ω-loops :  Ω  []  never
Ω-loops = later ( Ω-loops)

-- A call-by-value fix-point combinator.

Z : {n : }  Tm n
Z = ƛ (t · t)
  where t = ƛ (vr 1 · ƛ (vr 1 · vr 1 · vr 0))

-- A non-deterministically non-terminating term.

! : Tm 0
! = Z · ƛ (ƛ (vr 1 · vr 0  vr 1 · vr 0)) · con 0

-- Its semantics.

!-sem : D Value
!-sem = later ( later ( later ( later ( (!-sem  !-sem)))))

⟦!⟧≅!-sem :  !  []  !-sem
⟦!⟧≅!-sem = later ( lem)
  lem : force 1 ( !  [])  force 1 !-sem
  lem = later ( later ( later ( (later ( lem)  later ( lem)))))

-- How did I come up with this proof term? Through a manual
-- calculation...
-- Let us first define some abbreviations:
--   t₀ = vr 1 · vr 1 · vr 0
--   t₁ = ƛ t₀
--   t₂ = vr 1 · t₁
--   t₃ = ƛ t₂
--   u₀ = vr 1 · vr 0
--   u₁ = u₀ ∣ u₀
--   u₂ = ƛ u₁
--   u₃ = ƛ u₂
--   c₀ = ƛ u₂ []
--   c₁ = ƛ t₂ (c₀ ∷ [])
--   c₂ = ƛ t₀ (c₁ ∷ c₀ ∷ [])
-- Now we can calculate as follows (ignoring ♯):
--   ⟦ Z · u₃ · con 0 ⟧ []
-- = ⟦ Z · u₃ ⟧ [] ⟦·⟧ return (con 0)
-- = ƛ (t₃ · t₃) [] ∙ c₀ ⟦·⟧ return (con 0)
-- = later (⟦ t₃ · t₃ ⟧ (c₀ ∷ []) ⟦·⟧ return (con 0))
-- = later (c₁ ∙ c₁ ⟦·⟧ return (con 0))
-- = c₁ ∙ c₁ ⟦·⟧ return (con 0)
-- = later (⟦ t₂ ⟧ (c₁ ∷ c₀ ∷ []) ⟦·⟧ return (con 0))
-- = later (c₀ ∙ c₂ ⟦·⟧ return (con 0))
-- = later (later (⟦ u₂ ⟧ (c₂ ∷ []) ⟦·⟧ return (con 0)))
-- = later (later (ƛ u₁ (c₂ ∷ []) ∙ con 0))
-- = later (later (later (⟦ u₁ ⟧ (con 0 ∷ c₂ ∷ []))))
-- = later (later (later (⟦ u₀ ⟧ (con 0 ∷ c₂ ∷ []) ∣
--                        ⟦ u₀ ⟧ (con 0 ∷ c₂ ∷ []))))
-- = later (later (later (c₂ ∙ con 0 ∣ c₂ ∙ con 0)))
-- = later (later (later (⟦ t₀ ⟧ (con 0 ∷ c₁ ∷ c₀ ∷ []) ∣
--                        ⟦ t₀ ⟧ (con 0 ∷ c₁ ∷ c₀ ∷ []))))
-- = later (later (later (later (c₁ ∙ c₁ ⟦·⟧ return (con 0)) ∣
--                        later (c₁ ∙ c₁ ⟦·⟧ return (con 0)))))

-- A relation relating deterministic and non-deterministic
-- computations

-- x ≈∈ y means that x implements /one/ possible semantics of y (up to
-- weak bisimilarity).

infix 4 _≈∈_

data _≈∈_ {A : Set} : Maybe A   D A  Set where
  fail   : now nothing ≈∈ fail

  return :  {x}  now (just x) ≈∈ return x

  ∣ˡ     :  {x y₁ y₂} (x≈∈y₁ : x ≈∈ y₁)  x ≈∈ y₁  y₂
  ∣ʳ     :  {x y₁ y₂} (x≈∈y₂ : x ≈∈ y₂)  x ≈∈ y₁  y₂

  later  :  {x y} (x≈∈y :  ( x ≈∈  y))  later x ≈∈ later y
  laterˡ :  {x y} (x≈∈y :     x ≈∈   y )  later x ≈∈       y
  laterʳ :  {x y} (x≈∈y :      x ≈∈  y )        x ≈∈ later y

-- A transitivity-like result for _≡_ and _≈∈_.

infixr 2 _≡⟨_⟩_

_≡⟨_⟩_ :  {A : Set} (x : Maybe A ) {y z}  x  y  y ≈∈ z  x ≈∈ z
_ ≡⟨ P.refl  y≈z = y≈z

-- A transitivity-like result for _≈∈_ and _≅_.

infixr 2 _≈∈⟨_⟩_

_≈∈⟨_⟩_ :  {A : Set} (x : Maybe A ) {y z}  x ≈∈ y  y  z  x ≈∈ z
._ ≈∈⟨ fail         fail          = fail
._ ≈∈⟨ return       return        = return
_  ≈∈⟨ ∣ˡ x₁≈∈y₁    y₁≅z₁  y₂≅z₂ = ∣ˡ (_ ≈∈⟨ x₁≈∈y₁  y₁≅z₁)
_  ≈∈⟨ ∣ʳ x₂≈∈y₂    y₁≅z₁  y₂≅z₂ = ∣ʳ (_ ≈∈⟨ x₂≈∈y₂  y₂≅z₂)
._ ≈∈⟨ later  x≈∈y  later y≅z     = later ( (_ ≈∈⟨  x≈∈y   y≅z))
._ ≈∈⟨ laterˡ x≈∈y        y≅z     = laterˡ   (_ ≈∈⟨   x≈∈y    y≅z)
_  ≈∈⟨ laterʳ x≈∈y  later y≅z     = laterʳ   (_ ≈∈⟨   x≈∈y   y≅z)

-- An example.

lemma : Pa.never ≈∈ !-sem
lemma = later ( later ( later ( later ( ∣ˡ lemma))))

-- Compiler correctness

module Correctness where

  infix  4 _≈∈P_ _≈∈W_
  infixr 2 _≡⟨_⟩W_ _≈∈⟨_⟩P_ _≈∈⟨_⟩W_


    data _≈∈P_ : Maybe VM.Value   D VM.Value  Set where
      _≈∈⟨_⟩P_ :  x {y z} (x≈y : x ≈∈P y) (y≅z : y  z)  x ≈∈P z
      correct :
         {n} t {ρ : Env n} {c s} {k : Value  D VM.Value} 
        (hyp :  v  exec  c , val (comp-val v)  s , comp-env ρ 
                       ≈∈W k v) 
        exec  comp t c , s , comp-env ρ  ≈∈P ( t  ρ >>= k)

    data _≈∈W_ : Maybe VM.Value   D VM.Value  Set where
      ⌈_⌉    :  {x y} (x≈y : x ≈∈ y)  x ≈∈W y
      ∣ˡ     :  {x y₁ y₂} (x≈y₁ : x ≈∈W y₁)  x ≈∈W y₁  y₂
      later  :  {x y} (x≈y :  x ≈∈P  y)  later x ≈∈W later y
      laterˡ :  {x y} (x≈y :  x ≈∈W   y)  later x ≈∈W       y

  _≡⟨_⟩W_ :  x {y z}  x  y  y ≈∈W z  x ≈∈W z
  _ ≡⟨ P.refl ⟩W y≈z = y≈z

  _≈∈⟨_⟩W_ :  x {y z}  x ≈∈W y  y  z  x ≈∈W z
  _  ≈∈⟨  x≈y     ⟩W       y≅z     =  _ ≈∈⟨ x≈y  y≅z 
  _  ≈∈⟨ ∣ˡ x≈y₁    ⟩W y₁≅z₁  y₂≅z₂ = ∣ˡ (_ ≈∈⟨ x≈y₁ ⟩W y₁≅z₁)
  ._ ≈∈⟨ later  x≈y ⟩W later y≅z     = later  (_ ≈∈⟨ x≈y ⟩P  y≅z)
  ._ ≈∈⟨ laterˡ x≈y ⟩W       y≅z     = laterˡ (_ ≈∈⟨ x≈y ⟩W   y≅z)


    correctW :
       {n} t {ρ : Env n} {c s} {k : Value  D VM.Value} 
      (∀ v  exec  c , val (comp-val v)  s , comp-env ρ  ≈∈W k v) 
      exec  comp t c , s , comp-env ρ  ≈∈W ( t  ρ >>= k)
    correctW (con i) {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp = laterˡ (
      exec  c , val (con i)  s , comp-env ρ   ≈∈⟨ hyp (con i) ⟩W
      k (con i)                                  )
    correctW (var x) {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp = laterˡ (
      exec  c , val (lookup x (comp-env ρ))  s , comp-env ρ   ≡⟨ P.cong  v  exec  c , val v  s , comp-env ρ ) (lookup-hom x ρ) ⟩W
      exec  c , val (comp-val (lookup x ρ))  s , comp-env ρ   ≈∈⟨ hyp (lookup x ρ) ⟩W
      k (lookup x ρ)                                             )
    correctW (ƛ t) {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp = laterˡ (
      exec  c , val (comp-val (ƛ t ρ))  s , comp-env ρ   ≈∈⟨ hyp (ƛ t ρ) ⟩W
      k (ƛ t ρ)                                             )
    correctW (t₁ · t₂) {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp =
      exec  comp t₁ (comp t₂ (app  c)) , s , comp-env ρ            ≈∈⟨ correctW t₁  v₁  correctW t₂  v₂ 
                                                                            ∙-correctW v₁ v₂ hyp)) ⟩W
      ( t₁  ρ >>= λ v₁    t₂  ρ >>= λ v₂   v₁  v₂ ⟫P  >>= k)  ≅⟨ (( t₁  ρ ) >>=-cong λ _  sym $ associative ( t₂  ρ)) 
      ( t₁  ρ >>= λ v₁  ( t₂  ρ >>= λ v₂   v₁  v₂ ⟫P) >>= k)  ≅⟨ sym $ associative ( t₁  ρ) 
      ( t₁  ρ ⟦·⟧  t₂  ρ >>= k)                                   ≅⟨ sym (·-comp t₁ t₂ >>=-cong λ v  k v ) 
      ( t₁ · t₂  ρ >>= k)                                           
    correctW (t₁  t₂) {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp =
      exec  comp t₁ c , s , comp-env ρ   ≈∈⟨ ∣ˡ (correctW t₁ hyp) ⟩W
      ( t₁  ρ >>= k)  ( t₂  ρ >>= k)  

    ∙-correctW :
       {n} v₁ v₂ {ρ : Env n} {c s} {k : Value  D VM.Value} 
      (∀ v  exec  c , val (comp-val v)  s , comp-env ρ  ≈∈W k v) 
      exec  app  c , val (comp-val v₂)  val (comp-val v₁)  s , comp-env ρ  ≈∈W
       v₁  v₂ ⟫P >>= k
    ∙-correctW (con i)   v₂                 _   =  fail 
    ∙-correctW (ƛ t₁ ρ₁) v₂ {ρ} {c} {s} {k} hyp =
      exec  app  c , val (comp-val v₂)  val (comp-val (ƛ t₁ ρ₁))  s , comp-env ρ   ≈∈⟨ later (

        exec  comp t₁ [ ret ] , ret c (comp-env ρ)  s , comp-env (v₂  ρ₁)                 ≈∈⟨ correct t₁  v  laterˡ (hyp v)) ⟩P
        ( t₁  (v₂  ρ₁) >>= k)                                                              ) ⟩W

      ( ƛ t₁ ρ₁  v₂ ⟫P >>= k)                                                         

  whnf :  {x y}  x ≈∈P y  x ≈∈W y
  whnf (x ≈∈⟨ x≈y ⟩P y≅z) = x ≈∈⟨ whnf x≈y ⟩W y≅z
  whnf (correct t hyp)    = correctW t hyp


    soundW :  {x y}  x ≈∈W y  x ≈∈ y
    soundW  x≈y       = x≈y
    soundW (∣ˡ x≈y₁)    = ∣ˡ (soundW x≈y₁)
    soundW (later  x≈y) = later ( soundP x≈y)
    soundW (laterˡ x≈y) = laterˡ (soundW x≈y)

    soundP :  {x y}  x ≈∈P y  x ≈∈ y
    soundP x≈y = soundW (whnf x≈y)

correct :  t 
          exec  comp t [] , [] , []  ≈∈
           t  [] >>= λ v  return (comp-val v)
correct t =
  soundP $ Correctness.correct t  _   return )
  where open Correctness

-- Type system (following Leroy and Grall)

infix 4 _⊢_∈_

data _⊢_∈_ {n} (Γ : Ctxt n) : Tm n  Ty  Set where
  con :  {i}  Γ  con i  nat
  var :  {x}  Γ  var x  lookup x Γ
  ƛ   :  {t σ τ} (t∈ :  σ  Γ  t   τ)  Γ  ƛ t  σ  τ
  _·_ :  {t₁ t₂ σ τ} (t₁∈ : Γ  t₁  σ  τ) (t₂∈ : Γ  t₂   σ) 
        Γ  t₁ · t₂   τ
  _∣_ :  {t₁ t₂ σ} (t₁∈ : Γ  t₁  σ) (t₂∈ : Γ  t₂  σ) 
        Γ  t₁  t₂  σ

-- Ω is well-typed.

Ω-well-typed : (τ : Ty)  []  Ω  τ
Ω-well-typed τ =
  _·_ {σ =  σ} {τ =  τ} (ƛ (var · var)) (ƛ (var · var))
  where σ =  σ   τ

-- The call-by-value fix-point combinator is also well-typed.

fix-well-typed :
   {σ τ}  []  Z   ( (σ  τ)   (σ  τ))   (σ  τ)
fix-well-typed =
  ƛ (_·_ {σ = υ} {τ =  _}
         (ƛ (var · ƛ (var · var · var)))
         (ƛ (var · ƛ (var · var · var))))
  υ :  Ty
  υ =  (υ   _)

-- Type soundness

-- WF-Value, WF-Env and WF-DV specify when a
-- value/environment/computation is well-formed with respect to a
-- given context (and type).


  data WF-Value : Ty  Value  Set where
    con :  {i}  WF-Value nat (con i)
    ƛ   :  {n Γ σ τ} {t : Tm (1 + n)} {ρ}
          (t∈ :  σ  Γ  t   τ) (ρ-wf : WF-Env Γ ρ) 
          WF-Value (σ  τ) (ƛ t ρ)

  infixr 5 _∷_

  data WF-Env :  {n}  Ctxt n  Env n  Set where
    []  : WF-Env [] []
    _∷_ :  {n} {Γ : Ctxt n} {ρ σ v}
          (v-wf : WF-Value σ v) (ρ-wf : WF-Env Γ ρ) 
          WF-Env (σ  Γ) (v  ρ)

data WF-DV (σ : Ty) : D Value  Set where
  return :  {v} (v-wf : WF-Value σ v)  WF-DV σ (return v)
  _∣_    :  {x y}
           (x-wf : WF-DV σ x) (y-wf : WF-DV σ y)  WF-DV σ (x  y)
  later  :  {x} (x-wf :  (WF-DV σ ( x)))  WF-DV σ (later x)

-- Variables pointing into a well-formed environment refer to
-- well-formed values.

lookup-wf :  {n Γ ρ} (x : Fin n)  WF-Env Γ ρ 
            WF-Value (lookup x Γ) (lookup x ρ)
lookup-wf zero    (v-wf  ρ-wf) = v-wf
lookup-wf (suc x) (v-wf  ρ-wf) = lookup-wf x ρ-wf

-- If we can prove WF-DV σ x, then x does not "go wrong".

does-not-go-wrong :  {σ x}  WF-DV σ x  ¬ now nothing ≈∈ x
does-not-go-wrong (return v-wf) ()
does-not-go-wrong (x-wf  y-wf) (∣ˡ x↯)     = does-not-go-wrong x-wf x↯
does-not-go-wrong (x-wf  y-wf) (∣ʳ y↯)     = does-not-go-wrong y-wf y↯
does-not-go-wrong (later x-wf)  (laterʳ x↯) =
  does-not-go-wrong ( x-wf) x↯

-- A variant of WF-DV, used to please the productivity checker.

infixr 2 _≅⟨_⟩P_
infix  2 _⟨_⟩P

data WF-DVP (σ : Ty) : D Value  Set where
  return      :  {v} (v-wf : WF-Value σ v)  WF-DVP σ (return v)
  _∣_         :  {x y} (x-wf : WF-DVP σ x) (y-wf : WF-DVP σ y) 
                WF-DVP σ (x  y)
  later       :  {x} (x-wf :  (WF-DVP σ ( x)))  WF-DVP σ (later x)
  _>>=-congP_ :  {τ x f}
                (x-wf : WF-DVP τ x)
                (f-wf :  {v}  WF-Value τ v  WF-DVP σ (f v)) 
                WF-DVP σ (x >>= f)
  _≅⟨_⟩P_     :  x {y} (x≅y : x  y) (y-wf : WF-DVP σ y)  WF-DVP σ x
  _⟨_⟩P       :  x (x-wf : WF-DVP σ x)  WF-DVP σ x

-- WF-DVP is sound with respect to WF-DV.


  -- WHNFs.

  data WF-DVW (σ : Ty) : D Value  Set where
    return :  {v} (v-wf : WF-Value σ v)  WF-DVW σ (return v)
    _∣_    :  {x y} (x-wf : WF-DVW σ x) (y-wf : WF-DVW σ y) 
             WF-DVW σ (x  y)
    later  :  {x} (x-wf : WF-DVP σ ( x))  WF-DVW σ (later x)

  -- Functions which turn programs into WHNFs.

  trans-≅ :  {σ x y}  x  y  WF-DVW σ y  WF-DVW σ x
  trans-≅ fail            ()
  trans-≅ return          (return v-wf)   = return v-wf
  trans-≅ (x₁≅y₁  x₂≅y₂) (y₁-wf  y₂-wf) = trans-≅ x₁≅y₁ y₁-wf
                                           trans-≅ x₂≅y₂ y₂-wf
  trans-≅ (later x≅y)     (later y-wf)    = later (_ ≅⟨  x≅y ⟩P y-wf)


    _>>=-congW_ :  {σ τ x f} 
                  WF-DVW σ x 
                  (∀ {v}  WF-Value σ v  WF-DVP τ (f v)) 
                  WF-DVW τ (x >>= f)
    return v-wf   >>=-congW f-wf = whnf (f-wf v-wf)
    (x-wf  y-wf) >>=-congW f-wf = (x-wf >>=-congW f-wf)
                                  (y-wf >>=-congW f-wf)
    later x-wf    >>=-congW f-wf = later (x-wf >>=-congP f-wf)

    whnf :  {σ x}  WF-DVP σ x  WF-DVW σ x
    whnf (return v-wf)         = return v-wf
    whnf (x-wf  y-wf)         = whnf x-wf  whnf y-wf
    whnf (later x-wf)          = later ( x-wf)
    whnf (x-wf >>=-congP f-wf) = whnf x-wf >>=-congW f-wf
    whnf (_ ≅⟨ x≅y ⟩P y-wf)    = trans-≅ x≅y (whnf y-wf)
    whnf (_  x-wf ⟩P)         = whnf x-wf

sound :  {σ x}  WF-DVP σ x  WF-DV σ x
sound = λ p  soundW (whnf p)
  soundW :  {σ x}  WF-DVW σ x  WF-DV σ x
  soundW (return v-wf) = return v-wf
  soundW (x-wf  y-wf) = soundW x-wf  soundW y-wf
  soundW (later x-wf)  = later ( sound x-wf)

-- Well-typed programs do not "go wrong".


  ⟦⟧-wf :  {n Γ} (t : Tm n) {σ}  Γ  t  σ 
           {ρ}  WF-Env Γ ρ  WF-DVP σ ( t  ρ)
  ⟦⟧-wf (con i)   con             ρ-wf = return con
  ⟦⟧-wf (var x)   var             ρ-wf = return (lookup-wf x ρ-wf)
  ⟦⟧-wf (ƛ t)     (ƛ t∈)          ρ-wf = return (ƛ t∈ ρ-wf)
  ⟦⟧-wf (t₁  t₂) (t₁∈  t₂∈)     ρ-wf = ⟦⟧-wf t₁ t₁∈ ρ-wf
                                        ⟦⟧-wf t₂ t₂∈ ρ-wf
  ⟦⟧-wf (t₁ · t₂) (t₁∈ · t₂∈) {ρ} ρ-wf =
     t₁ · t₂  ρ          ≅⟨ ·-comp t₁ t₂ ⟩P
     t₁  ρ ⟦·⟧  t₂  ρ    (⟦⟧-wf t₁ t₁∈ ρ-wf >>=-congP λ f-wf 
                               ⟦⟧-wf t₂ t₂∈ ρ-wf >>=-congP λ v-wf 
                               ∙-wf f-wf v-wf) ⟩P

  ∙-wf :  {σ τ f v} 
         WF-Value (σ  τ) f  WF-Value ( σ) v 
         WF-DVP ( τ)  f  v ⟫P
  ∙-wf (ƛ t₁∈ ρ₁-wf) v₂-wf = later ( ⟦⟧-wf _ t₁∈ (v₂-wf  ρ₁-wf))

type-soundness :  {t : Tm 0} {σ} 
                 []  t  σ  ¬ now nothing ≈∈  t  []
type-soundness t∈ = does-not-go-wrong (sound (⟦⟧-wf _ t∈ []))