-- A solution to a problem posed by Venanzio Capretta

module VenanziosProblem where

open import Coinduction
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Stream as Stream using (Stream; _⋎_; evens; odds; _≈_)
open Stream.Stream; open Stream._≈_
open import Relation.Binary

  module S {A} = Setoid (Stream.setoid A)

-- Problem formulation

-- The problem concerns functions satisfying a certain equation:

rhs : {A : Set}  (Stream A  Stream A)  Stream A  Stream A
rhs φ s = s  φ (evens (φ s))

SatisfiesEquation : {A : Set}  (Stream A  Stream A)  Set
SatisfiesEquation φ =  s  φ s  rhs φ s

-- The statement of the problem:

Statement : Set₁
Statement = {A : Set} {φ₁ φ₂ : Stream A  Stream A} 
            SatisfiesEquation φ₁  SatisfiesEquation φ₂ 
             s  φ₁ s  φ₂ s

-- Solution

module Solution {A : Set} where

  infixr 5 _∷_
  infix  4 _∣_∣_≈P_ _∣_∣_≈W_
  infix  2 _∎
  infixr 2 _≈⟨_⟩_

  -- Let us first define a small language of equality proofs.
  -- m ∣ n ∣ xs ≈P ys means that xs and ys, which are streams
  -- generated in chunks of size 1 + m, where the outer chunk has size
  -- n, are equal.


    -- Weak head normal forms of programs.

    data _∣_∣_≈W_ :     Stream A  Stream A  Set where
      reset :  {xs₁ xs₂ m} (xs₁≈xs₂ :  (m  suc m  xs₁ ≈P xs₂)) 
              m  0  xs₁ ≈W xs₂
      _∷_   :  x {xs₁ xs₂ m n} (xs₁≈xs₂ : m  n   xs₁ ≈W  xs₂) 
              m  suc n  x  xs₁ ≈W x  xs₂

    -- Programs.

    data _∣_∣_≈P_ :     Stream A  Stream A  Set where

      -- WHNFs are programs.
                :  {m n xs₁ xs₂} (xs₁≈xs₂ : m  n  xs₁ ≈W xs₂) 
                   m  n  xs₁ ≈P xs₂

      -- Various congruences.
      _∷_        :  x {xs₁ xs₂ m n} (xs₁≈xs₂ : m  n   xs₁ ≈P  xs₂) 
                   m  suc n  x  xs₁ ≈P x  xs₂
      _⋎-cong_   :  {xs₁ xs₂ ys₁ ys₂}
                   (xs₁≈xs₂ : 1  1  xs₁ ≈P xs₂)
                   (ys₁≈ys₂ : 0  1  ys₁ ≈P ys₂) 
                   1  2  xs₁  ys₁ ≈P xs₂  ys₂
      evens-cong :  {xs₁ xs₂}
                   (xs₁≈xs₂ : 1  1  xs₁ ≈P xs₂) 
                   0  1  evens xs₁ ≈P evens xs₂
      odds-cong  :  {xs₁ xs₂}
                   (xs₁≈xs₂ : 1  2  xs₁ ≈P xs₂) 
                   0  1  odds xs₁ ≈P odds xs₂

      -- Equational reasoning.
      _≈⟨_⟩_     :  xs₁ {xs₂ xs₃ m n}
                   (xs₁≈xs₂ : m  n  xs₁ ≈P xs₂)
                   (xs₂≈xs₃ : m  n  xs₂ ≈P xs₃) 
                   m  n  xs₁ ≈P xs₃
      _∎         :  {n m} xs  m  n  xs ≈P xs

      -- If we have already produced 1 + n elements of the last chunk,
      -- then it is safe to pretend that we have only produced n
      -- elements.
      shift      :  {n m xs₁ xs₂} (xs₁≈xs₂ : m  suc n  xs₁ ≈P xs₂) 
                   m  n  xs₁ ≈P xs₂

      -- A variation of the statement we want to prove.
      goal′      :  {φ₁ φ₂ xs₁ xs₂}
                   (s₁ : SatisfiesEquation φ₁)
                   (s₂ : SatisfiesEquation φ₂)
                   (xs₁≈xs₂ : 0  1  xs₁ ≈P xs₂) 
                   1  1  rhs φ₁ xs₁ ≈P rhs φ₂ xs₂

  -- The equality language is complete.

  completeW :  {n m xs ys}  xs  ys  m  n  xs ≈W ys
  completeW {zero}  xs≈ys       = reset (  (completeW xs≈ys))
  completeW {suc n} (x  xs≈ys) = x  completeW ( xs≈ys)

  -- If we can prove that the equality language is sound, then the
  -- following lemma implies the intended result.

  goal :  {φ₁ φ₂ xs₁ xs₂}
         (s₁ : SatisfiesEquation φ₁) (s₂ : SatisfiesEquation φ₂) 
         0  1  xs₁ ≈P xs₂  1  1  φ₁ xs₁ ≈P φ₂ xs₂
  goal {φ₁} {φ₂} {xs₁} {xs₂} s₁ s₂ xs₁≈xs₂ =
    φ₁ xs₁      ≈⟨  (completeW (s₁ xs₁)) 
    rhs φ₁ xs₁  ≈⟨ goal′ s₁ s₂ xs₁≈xs₂ 
    rhs φ₂ xs₂  ≈⟨  (completeW (S.sym (s₂ xs₂))) 
    φ₂ xs₂      

  -- Some lemmas about weak head normal forms.

  evens-congW : {xs₁ xs₂ : Stream A} 
                1  1  xs₁ ≈W xs₂  0  1  evens xs₁ ≈W evens xs₂
  evens-congW (x  reset xs₁≈xs₂) =
    x  reset ( odds-cong ( xs₁≈xs₂))

  reflW :  xs {m} n  m  n  xs ≈W xs
  reflW xs       zero    = reset ( (xs ))
  reflW (x  xs) (suc n) = x  reflW ( xs) n

  transW :  {xs ys zs m n} 
           m  n  xs ≈W ys  m  n  ys ≈W zs  m  n  xs ≈W zs
  transW (x  xs≈ys)   (.x  ys≈zs)  = x  transW xs≈ys ys≈zs
  transW (reset xs≈ys) (reset ys≈zs) =
    reset ( (_ ≈⟨  xs≈ys   ys≈zs))

  shiftW :  n {m xs₁ xs₂} 
           m  suc n  xs₁ ≈W xs₂  m  n  xs₁ ≈W xs₂
  shiftW zero    (x  reset xs₁≈xs₂) = reset ( (x  shift ( xs₁≈xs₂)))
  shiftW (suc n) (x        xs₁≈xs₂) = x  shiftW n xs₁≈xs₂

  -- Every program can be transformed into WHNF.

  whnf :  {xs ys m n}  m  n  xs ≈P ys  m  n  xs ≈W ys
  whnf ( xs≈ys) = xs≈ys

  whnf (x  xs₁≈xs₂) = x  whnf xs₁≈xs₂

  whnf (xs₁≈xs₂ ⋎-cong ys₁≈ys₂) with whnf xs₁≈xs₂ | whnf ys₁≈ys₂
  ... | x  reset xs₁≈xs₂′ | y  reset ys₁≈ys₂′ =
    x  y  reset ( (shift ( xs₁≈xs₂′) ⋎-cong  ys₁≈ys₂′))

  whnf (evens-cong xs₁≈xs₂) = evens-congW (whnf xs₁≈xs₂)

  whnf (odds-cong xs₁≈xs₂) with whnf xs₁≈xs₂
  ... | x  xs₁≈xs₂′ = evens-congW xs₁≈xs₂′

  whnf (xs₁ ≈⟨ xs₁≈xs₂  xs₂≈xs₃) = transW (whnf xs₁≈xs₂) (whnf xs₂≈xs₃)
  whnf (xs )                     = reflW xs _

  whnf (shift xs₁≈xs₂) = shiftW _ (whnf xs₁≈xs₂)

  whnf (goal′ s₁ s₂ xs₁≈xs₂) with whnf xs₁≈xs₂
  ... | (x  reset xs₁≈xs₂′) =
    x  reset ( (goal s₁ s₂ (evens-cong (goal s₁ s₂ xs₁≈xs₂))

  -- Soundness follows by a corecursive repetition of the whnf
  -- procedure.

  ⟦_⟧W :  {xs ys m n}  m  n  xs ≈W ys  xs  ys
   reset ys≈zs ⟧W with whnf ( ys≈zs)
  ... | x  ys≈zs′ = x    ys≈zs′ ⟧W
   x  ys≈zs   ⟧W = x    ys≈zs ⟧W

  ⟦_⟧P :  {xs ys m n}  m  n  xs ≈P ys  xs  ys
   xs≈ys ⟧P =  whnf xs≈ys ⟧W

-- Wrapping up.

solution : Statement
solution s₁ s₂ s =  goal s₁ s₂ (s ) ⟧P
  where open Solution