-- The torus, defined as a HIT

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

-- This module is based on the discussion of the torus in the HoTT
-- book.

-- The module is parametrised by a notion of equality. The higher
-- constructors of the HIT defining the torus use path equality, but
-- the supplied notion of equality is used for many other things.

import Equality.Path as P

module Torus
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq hiding (elim)

open import Prelude

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Circle eq as Circle using (𝕊¹; base; loopᴾ)

    a p : Level
    A   : Set a
    P   : A  Set p

-- The torus


  -- The torus.

  data  : Set where
    base hub      : 
    loop₁ᴾ loop₂ᴾ : base P.≡ base
    spokeᴾ        : (x : 𝕊¹)  rimᴾ x P.≡ hub


    -- A synonym used to work around an Agda restriction.

    base′ = base

  -- A function used to define the spoke constructor.
  -- Note that this function is defined using Circle.recᴾ, not
  -- Circle.rec.

  rimᴾ : 𝕊¹  
  rimᴾ = Circle.recᴾ base loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ᴾ

  -- A loop.

  loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ᴾ : base′ P.≡ base′
  loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ᴾ =
    base  P.≡⟨ loop₁ᴾ 
    base  P.≡⟨ loop₂ᴾ 
    base  P.≡⟨ P.sym loop₁ᴾ 
    base  P.≡⟨ P.sym loop₂ᴾ ⟩∎

-- The constructors (and loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ᴾ) expressed using _≡_ instead of
-- paths.

loop₁ : base  base
loop₁ = _↔_.from ≡↔≡ loop₁ᴾ

loop₂ : base  base
loop₂ = _↔_.from ≡↔≡ loop₂ᴾ

loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ : base  base
loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ = _↔_.from ≡↔≡ loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ᴾ

spoke : (x : 𝕊¹)  rimᴾ x  hub
spoke = _↔_.from ≡↔≡  spokeᴾ

-- A variant of rimᴾ, defined using Circle.rec and loop₁₂₋₁₋₂.

rim : 𝕊¹  
rim = Circle.rec base loop₁₂₋₁₋₂

-- The functions rim and rimᴾ are pointwise equal.

rim≡rimᴾ :  x  rim x  rimᴾ x
rim≡rimᴾ = Circle.elim
  (refl _)
  (subst  x  rim x  rimᴾ x) Circle.loop (refl _)           ≡⟨ subst-in-terms-of-trans-and-cong 

   trans (sym (cong rim Circle.loop))
     (trans (refl _) (cong rimᴾ Circle.loop))                  ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $ trans-reflˡ _ 

   trans (sym (cong rim Circle.loop)) (cong rimᴾ Circle.loop)  ≡⟨ cong₂ (trans  sym) Circle.rec-loop lemma 

   trans (sym loop₁₂₋₁₋₂) loop₁₂₋₁₋₂                           ≡⟨ trans-symˡ _ ⟩∎

   refl _                                                      )
   lemma =
     cong rimᴾ Circle.loop             ≡⟨ cong≡cong 
     _↔_.from ≡↔≡ (P.cong rimᴾ loopᴾ)  ≡⟨⟩
     _↔_.from ≡↔≡ loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ᴾ          ≡⟨⟩

-- Eliminators expressed using paths

-- A dependent eliminator, expressed using paths.

record Elimᴾ₀ (P :   Set p) : Set p where
    baseʳ  : P base
    loop₁ʳ : P.[  i  P (loop₁ᴾ i)) ] baseʳ  baseʳ
    loop₂ʳ : P.[  i  P (loop₂ᴾ i)) ] baseʳ  baseʳ

  -- A dependent path.

  loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ʳ : P.[  i  P (loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ᴾ i)) ] baseʳ  baseʳ
  loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ʳ =
    baseʳ  P.≡⟨        loop₁ʳ ⟩[ P ]
    baseʳ  P.≡⟨        loop₂ʳ ⟩[ P ]
    baseʳ  P.≡⟨ P.hsym loop₁ʳ ⟩[ P ]
    baseʳ  P.≡⟨ P.hsym loop₂ʳ ⟩∎h

  -- A special case of elimᴾ, used in the type of elimᴾ.

  elimᴾ-rimᴾ : (x : 𝕊¹)  P (rimᴾ x)
  elimᴾ-rimᴾ = Circle.elimᴾ (P  rimᴾ) baseʳ loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ʳ

record Elimᴾ (P :   Set p) : Set p where
    elimᴾ₀ : Elimᴾ₀ P

  open Elimᴾ₀ elimᴾ₀ public

    hubʳ   : P hub
    spokeʳ : (x : 𝕊¹)  P.[  i  P (spokeᴾ x i)) ] elimᴾ-rimᴾ x  hubʳ

elimᴾ : Elimᴾ P  (x : )  P x
elimᴾ {P = P} e = helper
  module E = Elimᴾ e

  helper : (x : )  P x
  helper = λ where
    base                  E.baseʳ
    hub                   E.hubʳ
    (loop₁ᴾ i)            E.loop₁ʳ i
    (loop₂ᴾ i)            E.loop₂ʳ i
    (spokeᴾ base i)       E.spokeʳ base i
    (spokeᴾ (loopᴾ j) i)  E.spokeʳ (loopᴾ j) i

-- The special case is a special case.

elimᴾ-rimᴾ≡elimᴾ-rimᴾ :
  (e : Elimᴾ P) (x : 𝕊¹)  elimᴾ e (rimᴾ x)  Elimᴾ.elimᴾ-rimᴾ e x
elimᴾ-rimᴾ≡elimᴾ-rimᴾ _ = Circle.elimᴾ _ (refl _)  _  refl _)

-- A non-dependent eliminator, expressed using paths.

Recᴾ : Set a  Set a
Recᴾ A = Elimᴾ  _  A)

recᴾ : Recᴾ A    A
recᴾ = elimᴾ

-- Eliminators

-- A dependent eliminator.

record Elim (P :   Set p) : Set p where
    baseʳ  : P base
    loop₁ʳ : subst P loop₁ baseʳ  baseʳ
    loop₂ʳ : subst P loop₂ baseʳ  baseʳ

  -- An instance of Elimᴾ₀ P.

  elimᴾ₀ : Elimᴾ₀ P
  elimᴾ₀ = λ where
    .Elimᴾ₀.baseʳ   baseʳ
    .Elimᴾ₀.loop₁ʳ  subst≡→[]≡ loop₁ʳ
    .Elimᴾ₀.loop₂ʳ  subst≡→[]≡ loop₂ʳ

  -- A special case of elim, used in the type of elim.

  elim-rimᴾ : (x : 𝕊¹)  P (rimᴾ x)
  elim-rimᴾ = Elimᴾ₀.elimᴾ-rimᴾ elimᴾ₀

    hubʳ   : P hub
    spokeʳ : (x : 𝕊¹)  subst P (spoke x) (elim-rimᴾ x)  hubʳ

  -- The eliminator.

  elim : (x : )  P x
  elim = elimᴾ λ where
    .Elimᴾ.elimᴾ₀  elimᴾ₀
    .Elimᴾ.hubʳ    hubʳ
    .Elimᴾ.spokeʳ  subst≡→[]≡  spokeʳ

  -- The special case is a special case.

  elim-rimᴾ≡elim-rimᴾ : (x : 𝕊¹)  elim (rimᴾ x)  elim-rimᴾ x
  elim-rimᴾ≡elim-rimᴾ = elimᴾ-rimᴾ≡elimᴾ-rimᴾ _

  -- A variant of spokeʳ with a slightly different type.

  spokeʳ′ : (x : 𝕊¹)  subst P (spoke x) (elim (rimᴾ x))  hubʳ
  spokeʳ′ = Circle.elimᴾ _ (spokeʳ base)  i  spokeʳ (loopᴾ i))

  -- Computation rules.

  elim-loop₁ : dcong elim loop₁  loop₁ʳ
  elim-loop₁ = dcong-subst≡→[]≡ (refl _)

  elim-loop₂ : dcong elim loop₂  loop₂ʳ
  elim-loop₂ = dcong-subst≡→[]≡ (refl _)

  elim-spoke : (x : 𝕊¹)  dcong elim (spoke x)  spokeʳ′ x
  elim-spoke = Circle.elimᴾ _
    (dcong-subst≡→[]≡ (refl _))
     _  dcong-subst≡→[]≡ (refl _))

-- A non-dependent eliminator.

record Rec (A : Set a) : Set a where
    baseʳ  : A
    loop₁ʳ : baseʳ  baseʳ
    loop₂ʳ : baseʳ  baseʳ

  -- An instance of Elimᴾ₀ P.

  elimᴾ₀ : Elimᴾ₀  _  A)
  elimᴾ₀ = λ where
    .Elimᴾ₀.baseʳ   baseʳ
    .Elimᴾ₀.loop₁ʳ  _↔_.to ≡↔≡ loop₁ʳ
    .Elimᴾ₀.loop₂ʳ  _↔_.to ≡↔≡ loop₂ʳ

  -- A special case of recᴾ, used in the type of rec.

  rec-rimᴾ : 𝕊¹  A
  rec-rimᴾ = Elimᴾ₀.elimᴾ-rimᴾ elimᴾ₀

    hubʳ   : A
    spokeʳ : (x : 𝕊¹)  rec-rimᴾ x  hubʳ

  -- The eliminator.

  rec :   A
  rec = recᴾ λ where
    .Elimᴾ.elimᴾ₀  elimᴾ₀
    .Elimᴾ.hubʳ    hubʳ
    .Elimᴾ.spokeʳ  _↔_.to ≡↔≡  spokeʳ

  -- The special case is a special case.

  rec-rimᴾ≡rec-rimᴾ : (x : 𝕊¹)  rec (rimᴾ x)  rec-rimᴾ x
  rec-rimᴾ≡rec-rimᴾ = elimᴾ-rimᴾ≡elimᴾ-rimᴾ _

  -- A variant of spokeʳ with a slightly different type.

  spokeʳ′ : (x : 𝕊¹)  rec (rimᴾ x)  hubʳ
  spokeʳ′ = Circle.elimᴾ _ (spokeʳ base)  i  spokeʳ (loopᴾ i))

  -- Computation rules.

  rec-loop₁ : cong rec loop₁  loop₁ʳ
  rec-loop₁ = cong-≡↔≡ (refl _)

  rec-loop₂ : cong rec loop₂  loop₂ʳ
  rec-loop₂ = cong-≡↔≡ (refl _)

  rec-spoke : (x : 𝕊¹)  cong rec (spoke x)  spokeʳ′ x
  rec-spoke = Circle.elimᴾ _
    (cong-≡↔≡ (refl _))
     _  cong-≡↔≡ (refl _))

-- Some lemmas

-- The remaining results are not taken from the HoTT book.

-- One can express loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ using loop₁ and loop₂.

loop₁₂₋₁₋₂≡ :
  loop₁₂₋₁₋₂  trans (trans loop₁ loop₂) (sym (trans loop₂ loop₁))
loop₁₂₋₁₋₂≡ =
  _↔_.from ≡↔≡ loop₁₂₋₁₋₂ᴾ                                        ≡⟨⟩

  _↔_.from ≡↔≡
    (P.trans loop₁ᴾ (P.trans loop₂ᴾ
                       (P.trans (P.sym loop₁ᴾ) (P.sym loop₂ᴾ))))  ≡⟨ sym trans≡trans 

  trans loop₁
    (_↔_.from ≡↔≡ (P.trans loop₂ᴾ
                     (P.trans (P.sym loop₁ᴾ) (P.sym loop₂ᴾ))))    ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $ sym trans≡trans 

  trans loop₁
    (trans loop₂
       (_↔_.from ≡↔≡ (P.trans (P.sym loop₁ᴾ) (P.sym loop₂ᴾ))))    ≡⟨ cong  eq  trans loop₁ (trans loop₂ eq)) $ sym trans≡trans 

  trans loop₁
    (trans loop₂
       (trans (_↔_.from ≡↔≡ (P.sym loop₁ᴾ))
          (_↔_.from ≡↔≡ (P.sym loop₂ᴾ))))                         ≡⟨ cong₂  p q  trans loop₁ (trans loop₂ (trans p q)))
                                                                       (sym sym≡sym)
                                                                       (sym sym≡sym) 

  trans loop₁ (trans loop₂ (trans (sym loop₁) (sym loop₂)))       ≡⟨ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ _ 

  trans (trans loop₁ loop₂) (trans (sym loop₁) (sym loop₂))       ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $ sym $ sym-trans _ _ ⟩∎

  trans (trans loop₁ loop₂) (sym (trans loop₂ loop₁))