-- Some results related to the For-iterated-equality predicate
-- transformer

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Equality

module For-iterated-equality
  {c⁺} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c⁺) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bijection eq as Bijection using (_↔_)
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Function-universe eq as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level eq
open import List eq
open import Nat eq
open import Surjection eq as Surj using (_↠_)

    a b  p q : Level
    A B       : Set a
    P Q R     : Set p  Set p
    x y       : A
    k         : Kind
    n         : 

-- Some lemmas related to nested occurrences of For-iterated-equality

-- Nested uses of For-iterated-equality can be merged.

For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality′ :
  {A : Set a} 
  Extensionality? k a a 
   m n 
  For-iterated-equality m (For-iterated-equality n P) A ↝[ k ]
  For-iterated-equality (m + n) P A
For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality′ _ zero _ = F.id

For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality′ {P = P} {A = A}
                                             ext (suc m) n =
  ((x y : A) 
   For-iterated-equality m (For-iterated-equality n P) (x  y))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                     For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality′ ext m n) ⟩□
  ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality (m + n) P (x  y))          

-- A variant of the previous result.

For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality :
  {A : Set a} 
  Extensionality? k a a 
   m n 
  For-iterated-equality m (For-iterated-equality n P) A ↝[ k ]
  For-iterated-equality (n + m) P A
For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality {P = P} {A = A}
                                            ext m n =
  For-iterated-equality m (For-iterated-equality n P) A  ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-For-iterated-equality′ ext m n 
  For-iterated-equality (m + n) P A                      ↝⟨ ≡⇒↝ _ $ cong  n  For-iterated-equality n P A) (+-comm m) ⟩□
  For-iterated-equality (n + m) P A                      

-- Preservation lemmas for For-iterated-equality

-- A preservation lemma for the predicate.

For-iterated-equality-cong₁ :
  {P Q : Set   Set } 
  Extensionality? k   
  (∀ {A}  P A ↝[ k ] Q A) 
  For-iterated-equality n P A ↝[ k ] For-iterated-equality n Q A
For-iterated-equality-cong₁ _ zero P↝Q = P↝Q

For-iterated-equality-cong₁ {A = A} {P = P} {Q = Q} ext (suc n) P↝Q =
  ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                       For-iterated-equality-cong₁ ext n P↝Q) ⟩□
  ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n Q (x  y))  

-- Preservation lemmas for both the predicate and the type.

For-iterated-equality-cong-→ :
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  P A  Q B) 
  A  B 
  For-iterated-equality n P A  For-iterated-equality n Q B
For-iterated-equality-cong-→ zero P↝Q A↠B = P↝Q A↠B

For-iterated-equality-cong-→ {P = P} {Q = Q} {A = A} {B = B}
                             (suc n) P↝Q A↠B =
  ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y))  ↝⟨ (Π-cong-contra-→ (_↠_.from A↠B) λ _  Π-cong-contra-→ (_↠_.from A↠B) λ _ 
                                                       For-iterated-equality-cong-→ n P↝Q $ Surj.↠-≡ A↠B) ⟩□
  ((x y : B)  For-iterated-equality n Q (x  y))  

For-iterated-equality-cong :
  {P : Set p  Set p} {Q : Set q  Set q} 
  Extensionality? k (p  q) (p  q) 
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  P A ↝[ k ] Q B) 
  A  B 
  For-iterated-equality n P A ↝[ k ] For-iterated-equality n Q B
For-iterated-equality-cong _ zero P↝Q A↔B = P↝Q A↔B

For-iterated-equality-cong {A = A} {B = B} {P = P} {Q = Q}
                           ext (suc n) P↝Q A↔B =
  ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y))  ↝⟨ (Π-cong ext A↔B λ _  Π-cong ext A↔B λ _ 
                                                       For-iterated-equality-cong ext n P↝Q $ inverse $ _≃_.bijection $
                                                       Eq.≃-≡ $ from-isomorphism A↔B) ⟩□
  ((x y : B)  For-iterated-equality n Q (x  y))  

-- Some "closure properties" for the type


  -- A lemma.

  lift≡lift↔ : lift { = } x  lift y  x  y
  lift≡lift↔ = inverse $ _≃_.bijection $ Eq.≃-≡ $ Eq.↔⇒≃ Bijection.↑↔

-- Closure properties for ⊤.

For-iterated-equality-↑-⊤ :
  Extensionality? k   
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  P A ↝[ k ] P B) 
  P (  ) ↝[ k ] For-iterated-equality n P (  )
For-iterated-equality-↑-⊤ _ zero _ = F.id

For-iterated-equality-↑-⊤ {P = P} ext (suc n) resp =
  P ( _ )                                                ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-↑-⊤ ext n resp 
  For-iterated-equality n P ( _ )                        ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong ext n resp $
                                                              inverse lift≡lift↔ F.∘ inverse tt≡tt↔⊤ F.∘ Bijection.↑↔ 
  For-iterated-equality n P (lift tt  lift tt)            ↝⟨ inverse-ext?  ext  drop-⊤-left-Π ext Bijection.↑↔) ext 
  ((y :  _ )  For-iterated-equality n P (lift tt  y))  ↝⟨ inverse-ext?  ext  drop-⊤-left-Π ext Bijection.↑↔) ext ⟩□
  ((x y :  _ )  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y))      

For-iterated-equality-⊤ :
  Extensionality? k lzero lzero 
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  P A ↝[ k ] P B) 
  P  ↝[ k ] For-iterated-equality n P 
For-iterated-equality-⊤ {P = P} ext n resp =
  P                                 ↝⟨ resp (inverse Bijection.↑↔) 
  P ( _ )                          ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-↑-⊤ ext n resp 
  For-iterated-equality n P ( _ )  ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong ext n resp Bijection.↑↔ ⟩□
  For-iterated-equality n P         

-- Closure properties for ⊥.

For-iterated-equality-suc-⊥ :
  {P : Set p  Set p} 
  Extensionality? k p p 
   n   ↝[ k ] For-iterated-equality (suc n) P 
For-iterated-equality-suc-⊥ {P = P} ext n =
                                                  ↝⟨ inverse-ext? Π⊥↔⊤ ext ⟩□
  ((x y : )  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y))  

For-iterated-equality-⊥ :
  {P : Set p  Set p} 
  Extensionality? k p p 
   ↝[ k ] P  
   ↝[ k ] For-iterated-equality n P 
For-iterated-equality-⊥ _   zero      = id
For-iterated-equality-⊥ ext (suc n) _ =
  For-iterated-equality-suc-⊥ ext n

-- A closure property for Π.

For-iterated-equality-Π :
  {A : Set a} {B : A  Set b} 
  Extensionality a b 
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  Q A  Q B) 
  ({A : Set a} {B : A  Set b} 
   (∀ x  P (B x))  Q (∀ x  B x)) 
  (∀ x  For-iterated-equality n P (B x)) 
  For-iterated-equality n Q (∀ x  B x)
For-iterated-equality-Π _ zero _ hyp = hyp

For-iterated-equality-Π {Q = Q} {P = P} {B = B} ext (suc n) resp hyp =
  (∀ x (y z : B x)  For-iterated-equality n P (y  z))              ↝⟨  hyp _ _ _  hyp _ _ _) 
  (∀ (f g :  x  B x) x  For-iterated-equality n P (f x  g x))    ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  For-iterated-equality-Π ext n resp hyp) 
  ((f g :  x  B x)  For-iterated-equality n Q (∀ x  f x  g x))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  For-iterated-equality-cong _ n resp $
                                                                         from-isomorphism $ Eq.extensionality-isomorphism ext) ⟩□
  ((f g :  x  B x)  For-iterated-equality n Q (f  g))            

-- A closure property for Σ.

For-iterated-equality-Σ :
  {A : Set a} {B : A  Set b} 
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  R A  R B) 
  ({A : Set a} {B : A  Set b} 
   P A  (∀ x  Q (B x))  R (Σ A B)) 
  For-iterated-equality n P A 
  (∀ x  For-iterated-equality n Q (B x)) 
  For-iterated-equality n R (Σ A B)
For-iterated-equality-Σ zero _ hyp = hyp

For-iterated-equality-Σ {R = R} {P = P} {Q = Q} {A = A} {B = B}
  (suc n) resp hyp = curry (

  ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y)) ×
  ((x : A) (y z : B x)  For-iterated-equality n Q (y  z))            ↝⟨  (hyp₁ , hyp₂) _ _  hyp₁ _ _ , λ _  hyp₂ _ _ _) 

  (((x₁ , x₂) (y₁ , y₂) : Σ A B) 
   For-iterated-equality n P (x₁  y₁) ×
   (∀ p  For-iterated-equality n Q (subst B p x₂  y₂)))              ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  uncurry $
                                                                           For-iterated-equality-Σ n resp hyp) 
  (((x₁ , x₂) (y₁ , y₂) : Σ A B) 
   For-iterated-equality n R ( λ (p : x₁  y₁)  subst B p x₂  y₂))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _ 
                                                                           For-iterated-equality-cong _ n resp Bijection.Σ-≡,≡↔≡) ⟩□
  ((x y : Σ A B)  For-iterated-equality n R (x  y))                  )

-- A closure property for _×_.

For-iterated-equality-× :
  {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  R A  R B) 
  ({A : Set a} {B : Set b}  P A  Q B  R (A × B)) 
  For-iterated-equality n P A 
  For-iterated-equality n Q B 
  For-iterated-equality n R (A × B)
For-iterated-equality-× zero _ hyp = hyp

For-iterated-equality-× {R = R} {P = P} {Q = Q} {A = A} {B = B}
  (suc n) resp hyp = curry (

  ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y)) ×
  ((x y : B)  For-iterated-equality n Q (x  y))      ↝⟨  (hyp₁ , hyp₂) _ _  hyp₁ _ _ , hyp₂ _ _) 

  (((x₁ , x₂) (y₁ , y₂) : A × B) 
   For-iterated-equality n P (x₁  y₁) ×
   For-iterated-equality n Q (x₂  y₂))                ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _  uncurry $
                                                           For-iterated-equality-× n resp hyp) 
  (((x₁ , x₂) (y₁ , y₂) : A × B) 
   For-iterated-equality n R (x₁  y₁ × x₂  y₂))      ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  ∀-cong _ λ _ 
                                                           For-iterated-equality-cong _ n resp ≡×≡↔≡) ⟩□
  ((x y : A × B)  For-iterated-equality n R (x  y))  )

-- A closure property for ↑.

For-iterated-equality-↑ :
  {A : Set a} {Q : Set (a  )  Set (a  )} 
  Extensionality? k (a  ) (a  ) 
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  P A ↝[ k ] Q B) 
  For-iterated-equality n P A ↝[ k ]
  For-iterated-equality n Q (  A)
For-iterated-equality-↑ ext n resp =
  For-iterated-equality-cong ext n resp (inverse Bijection.↑↔)

-- Closure properties for W.

For-iterated-equality-W-suc :
  {A : Set a} {B : A  Set b} 
  Extensionality b (a  b) 
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  Q A  Q B) 
  ({A : Set b} {B : A  Set (a  b)} 
   (∀ x  Q (B x))  Q (∀ x  B x)) 
  ({A : Set a} {B : A  Set (a  b)} 
   P A  (∀ x  Q (B x))  Q (Σ A B)) 
  For-iterated-equality (suc n) P A 
  For-iterated-equality (suc n) Q (W A B)
For-iterated-equality-W-suc {Q = Q} {P = P} {B = B}
  ext n resp hyp-Π hyp-Σ fie = lemma
  lemma :  x y  For-iterated-equality n Q (x  y)
  lemma (sup x f) (sup y g) =                                        $⟨  p i  lemma (f i) _) 

    (∀ p i  For-iterated-equality n Q (f i  g (subst B p i)))      ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  For-iterated-equality-Π ext n resp hyp-Π) 

    (∀ p  For-iterated-equality n Q (∀ i  f i  g (subst B p i)))  ↝⟨ fie _ _ ,_ 

    For-iterated-equality n P (x  y) ×
    (∀ p  For-iterated-equality n Q (∀ i  f i  g (subst B p i)))  ↝⟨ uncurry $ For-iterated-equality-Σ n resp hyp-Σ 

    For-iterated-equality n Q
      ( λ (p : x  y)   i  f i  g (subst B p i))                ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong _ n resp $ _≃_.bijection $ Eq.W-≡,≡≃≡ ext ⟩□

    For-iterated-equality n Q (sup x f  sup y g)                    

For-iterated-equality-W :
  {A : Set a} {B : A  Set b} 
  Extensionality b (a  b) 
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  Q A  Q B) 
  ({A : Set b} {B : A  Set (a  b)} 
   (∀ x  Q (B x))  Q (∀ x  B x)) 
  ({A : Set a} {B : A  Set (a  b)} 
   P A  (∀ x  Q (B x))  Q (Σ A B)) 
  (P A  Q (W A B)) 
  For-iterated-equality n P A 
  For-iterated-equality n Q (W A B)
For-iterated-equality-W _   zero    _    _     _     hyp-W = hyp-W
For-iterated-equality-W ext (suc n) resp hyp-Π hyp-Σ _     =
  For-iterated-equality-W-suc ext n resp hyp-Π hyp-Σ

-- Closure properties for _⊎_.

For-iterated-equality-⊎-suc :
  {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  P A  P B) 
  For-iterated-equality (suc n) P ( b A) 
  For-iterated-equality (suc n) P ( a B) 
  For-iterated-equality (suc n) P (A  B)
For-iterated-equality-⊎-suc {P = P} n resp hyp-⊥ fie-A fie-B = λ where
  (inj₁ x) (inj₁ y)                             $⟨ fie-A (lift x) (lift y) 
    For-iterated-equality n P (lift x  lift y)  ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong _ n resp (Bijection.≡↔inj₁≡inj₁ F.∘ lift≡lift↔) ⟩□
    For-iterated-equality n P (inj₁ x  inj₁ y)  

  (inj₂ x) (inj₂ y)                             $⟨ fie-B (lift x) (lift y) 
    For-iterated-equality n P (lift x  lift y)  ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong _ n resp (Bijection.≡↔inj₂≡inj₂ F.∘ lift≡lift↔) ⟩□
    For-iterated-equality n P (inj₂ x  inj₂ y)  

  (inj₁ x) (inj₂ y)                             $⟨ hyp-⊥ 
    P                                           ↝⟨  hyp  For-iterated-equality-⊥ _ n  _  hyp) _) 
    For-iterated-equality n P                   ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong _ n resp (inverse Bijection.≡↔⊎) ⟩□
    For-iterated-equality n P (inj₁ x  inj₂ y)  

  (inj₂ x) (inj₁ y)                             $⟨ hyp-⊥ 
    P                                           ↝⟨  hyp  For-iterated-equality-⊥ _ n  _  hyp) _) 
    For-iterated-equality n P                   ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong _ n resp (inverse Bijection.≡↔⊎) ⟩□
    For-iterated-equality n P (inj₂ x  inj₁ y)  

For-iterated-equality-⊎ :
  {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  P A  P B) 
  (P ( b A)  P ( a B)  P (A  B)) 
  For-iterated-equality n P ( b A) 
  For-iterated-equality n P ( a B) 
  For-iterated-equality n P (A  B)
For-iterated-equality-⊎ zero    _    _     hyp-⊎ = hyp-⊎
For-iterated-equality-⊎ (suc n) resp hyp-⊥ _     =
  For-iterated-equality-⊎-suc n resp hyp-⊥

-- Closure properties for List.

For-iterated-equality-List-suc :
  {A : Set a} 
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  P A  P B) 
  P ( a ) 
  (∀ {A B}  P A  P B  P (A × B)) 
  For-iterated-equality (suc n) P A 
  For-iterated-equality (suc n) P (List A)
For-iterated-equality-List-suc {P = P} n resp hyp-⊤ hyp-⊥ hyp-× fie = λ where
  [] []                                 $⟨ hyp-⊤ 
    P ( _ )                            ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-↑-⊤ _ n resp 
    For-iterated-equality n P ( _ )    ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong _ n resp (inverse []≡[]↔⊤ F.∘ Bijection.↑↔) ⟩□
    For-iterated-equality n P ([]  [])  

  (x  xs) (y  ys)                             $⟨ For-iterated-equality-List-suc n resp hyp-⊤ hyp-⊥ hyp-× fie xs ys 
    For-iterated-equality n P (xs  ys)          ↝⟨ fie _ _ ,_ 

    For-iterated-equality n P (x  y) ×
    For-iterated-equality n P (xs  ys)          ↝⟨ uncurry $ For-iterated-equality-× n resp hyp-× 

    For-iterated-equality n P (x  y × xs  ys)  ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong _ n resp (inverse ∷≡∷↔≡×≡) ⟩□

    For-iterated-equality n P (x  xs  y  ys)  

  [] (y  ys)                               $⟨ hyp-⊥ 
    P                                       ↝⟨  hyp  For-iterated-equality-⊥ _ n  _  hyp) _) 
    For-iterated-equality n P               ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong _ n resp (inverse []≡∷↔⊥) ⟩□
    For-iterated-equality n P ([]  y  ys)  

  (x  xs) []                               $⟨ hyp-⊥ 
    P                                       ↝⟨  hyp  For-iterated-equality-⊥ _ n  _  hyp) _) 
    For-iterated-equality n P               ↝⟨ For-iterated-equality-cong _ n resp (inverse ∷≡[]↔⊥) ⟩□
    For-iterated-equality n P (x  xs  [])  

For-iterated-equality-List :
  {A : Set a} 
  (∀ {A B}  A  B  P A  P B) 
  P ( a ) 
  (∀ {A B}  P A  P B  P (A × B)) 
  (P A  P (List A)) 
  For-iterated-equality n P A 
  For-iterated-equality n P (List A)
For-iterated-equality-List zero _ _ _ _ hyp-List = hyp-List

For-iterated-equality-List (suc n) resp hyp-⊤ hyp-⊥ hyp-× _ =
  For-iterated-equality-List-suc n resp hyp-⊤ hyp-⊥ hyp-×

-- Some "closure properties" for the predicate

-- For-iterated-equality commutes with certain type constructors
-- (assuming extensionality).

For-iterated-equality-commutes :
  Extensionality? k   
  (F : Set   Set ) 
  ({A : Set } {P : A  Set } 
   F (∀ x  P x) ↝[ k ]  x  F (P x)) 
  F (For-iterated-equality n P A) ↝[ k ]
  For-iterated-equality n (F  P) A
For-iterated-equality-commutes _ _ zero _ = F.id

For-iterated-equality-commutes {P = P} {A = A} ext F (suc n) hyp =
  F ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y))            ↝⟨ hyp 
  ((x : A)  F ((y : A)  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y)))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  hyp) 
  ((x y : A)  F (For-iterated-equality n P (x  y)))          ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  For-iterated-equality-commutes ext F n hyp) ⟩□
  ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n (F  P) (x  y))        

-- A variant of the previous lemma.

For-iterated-equality-commutes-← :
  Extensionality? k   
  (F : Set   Set ) 
  ({A : Set } {P : A  Set } 
   (∀ x  F (P x)) ↝[ k ] F (∀ x  P x)) 
  For-iterated-equality n (F  P) A ↝[ k ]
  F (For-iterated-equality n P A)
For-iterated-equality-commutes-← _ _ zero _ = F.id

For-iterated-equality-commutes-← {P = P} {A = A} ext F (suc n) hyp =
  ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n (F  P) (x  y))        ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _  For-iterated-equality-commutes-← ext F n hyp) 
  ((x y : A)  F (For-iterated-equality n P (x  y)))          ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  hyp) 
  ((x : A)  F ((y : A)  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y)))  ↝⟨ hyp ⟩□
  F ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y))            

-- For-iterated-equality commutes with certain binary type
-- constructors (assuming extensionality).

For-iterated-equality-commutes₂ :
  Extensionality? k   
  (F : Set   Set   Set ) 
  ({A : Set } {P Q : A  Set } 
   F (∀ x  P x) (∀ x  Q x) ↝[ k ]  x  F (P x) (Q x)) 
  F (For-iterated-equality n P A) (For-iterated-equality n Q A) ↝[ k ]
  For-iterated-equality n  A  F (P A) (Q A)) A
For-iterated-equality-commutes₂ _ _ zero _ = F.id

For-iterated-equality-commutes₂ {P = P} {A = A} {Q = Q}
                                ext F (suc n) hyp =
  F ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y))
    ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n Q (x  y))                    ↝⟨ hyp 

  ((x : A)  F ((y : A)  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y))
               ((y : A)  For-iterated-equality n Q (x  y)))          ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  hyp) 

  ((x y : A)  F (For-iterated-equality n P (x  y))
                 (For-iterated-equality n Q (x  y)))                  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                           For-iterated-equality-commutes₂ ext F n hyp) ⟩□
  ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n  A  F (P A) (Q A)) (x  y))  

-- A variant of the previous lemma.

For-iterated-equality-commutes₂-← :
  Extensionality? k   
  (F : Set   Set   Set ) 
  ({A : Set } {P Q : A  Set } 
   (∀ x  F (P x) (Q x)) ↝[ k ] F (∀ x  P x) (∀ x  Q x)) 
  For-iterated-equality n  A  F (P A) (Q A)) A ↝[ k ]
  F (For-iterated-equality n P A) (For-iterated-equality n Q A)
For-iterated-equality-commutes₂-← _ _ zero _ = F.id

For-iterated-equality-commutes₂-← {P = P} {Q = Q} {A = A}
                                  ext F (suc n) hyp =
  ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n  A  F (P A) (Q A)) (x  y))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  ∀-cong ext λ _ 
                                                                           For-iterated-equality-commutes₂-← ext F n hyp) 
  ((x y : A)  F (For-iterated-equality n P (x  y))
                 (For-iterated-equality n Q (x  y)))                  ↝⟨ (∀-cong ext λ _  hyp) 

  ((x : A)  F ((y : A)  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y))
               ((y : A)  For-iterated-equality n Q (x  y)))          ↝⟨ hyp ⟩□

  F ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n P (x  y))
    ((x y : A)  For-iterated-equality n Q (x  y))                    

-- Some corollaries of For-iterated-equality-commutes₂.

For-iterated-equality-commutes-× :
  {A : Set a} 
  Extensionality? k a a 
  For-iterated-equality n P A × For-iterated-equality n Q A ↝[ k ]
  For-iterated-equality n  A  P A × Q A) A
For-iterated-equality-commutes-× ext n =
  For-iterated-equality-commutes₂ ext _×_ n
    (from-isomorphism $ inverse ΠΣ-comm)

For-iterated-equality-commutes-⊎ :
  For-iterated-equality n P A  For-iterated-equality n Q A 
  For-iterated-equality n  A  P A  Q A) A
For-iterated-equality-commutes-⊎ n =
  For-iterated-equality-commutes₂ _ _⊎_ n [ inj₁ ∘_ , inj₂ ∘_ ]