-- Some omniscience principles

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Omniscience where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Double-negation equality-with-J
open import Equality.Decision-procedures equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import Nat equality-with-J

-- I don't know who first stated LPO and WLPO, or who first proved
-- various properties about these principles.

-- The limited principle of omniscience.

LPO : Set
LPO = (f :   Bool)  (∀ n  f n  false)  ( λ n  f n  true)

-- The weak limited principle of omniscience.

WLPO : Set
WLPO = (f :   Bool)  Dec (∀ n  f n  false)

-- WLPO is propositional (assuming extensionality).

WLPO-propositional :
  Extensionality lzero lzero 
  Is-proposition WLPO
WLPO-propositional ext =
  Π-closure ext 1 λ f 
  Dec-closure-propositional ext
    (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
     Bool-set _ _)

-- LPO implies WLPO.

  ⊎-map id
        (uncurry λ n fn≡true ∀n→fn≡false  Bool.true≢false (
           true   ≡⟨ sym fn≡true 
           f n    ≡⟨ ∀n→fn≡false n ⟩∎
           false  ))
        (LPO f)

-- WLPO follows from excluded middle (assuming extensionality).
-- This follows from LPO→WLPO and LEM→LPO (see below), but this proof
-- is less complicated.

LEM→WLPO : Extensionality lzero lzero  Excluded-middle lzero  WLPO
LEM→WLPO ext em = λ _  em (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                            Bool-set _ _)


  -- There is a propositional property that is logically equivalent to
  -- LPO (assuming extensionality).
  -- I think that Escardo has proved some variant of this property. The
  -- proof below uses a technique suggested by Exercise 3.19 in the HoTT
  -- book.

  LPO⇔propositional :
    Extensionality lzero lzero 
     λ (P : Set)  Is-proposition P × (LPO  P)
  LPO⇔propositional ext =
    let P , P-prop , LPO⇔ = LPO⇔propositional′ ext in

      (∀ f  P f  ¬ P f)
    , (Π-closure ext 1 λ f 
         (flip _$_) (P-prop f) (¬-propositional ext))
    , LPO⇔

  -- A variant of the previous property.

  LPO⇔propositional′ :
    Extensionality lzero lzero 
     λ (P : (  Bool)  Set) 
      (∀ f  Is-proposition (P f)) ×
      (LPO   f  P f  ¬ P f)
  LPO⇔propositional′ ext =
    , P-prop
    , (((f :   Bool)  (∀ n  f n  false)  ( λ n  f n  true))  ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _ 
                                                                            record { to = ≡false→¬P; from = ¬P→≡false }
                                                                            record { to = ≡true→P; from = Σ-map id proj₁ }) 
       ((f :   Bool)  ¬ P f  P f)                                 ↝⟨ (∀-cong _ λ _  from-bijection ⊎-comm) ⟩□
       ((f :   Bool)  P f  ¬ P f)                                 )
    P = λ (f :   Bool) 
           λ n  f n  true ×  {m}  m < n  f m  false

    P-prop :  f  Is-proposition (P f)
    P-prop f =
      _⇔_.from propositional⇔irrelevant λ where
        (n₁ , fn₁≡true , <n₁→≡false) (n₂ , fn₂≡true , <n₂→≡false) 
            (case n₁ <⊎≡⊎> n₂ of λ where
              (inj₁ n₁<n₂)         ⊥-elim (Bool.true≢false (
                                      true   ≡⟨ sym fn₁≡true 
                                      f n₁   ≡⟨ <n₂→≡false n₁<n₂ ⟩∎
                                      false  ))
              (inj₂ (inj₁ n₁≡n₂))  n₁≡n₂
              (inj₂ (inj₂ n₁>n₂))  ⊥-elim (Bool.true≢false (
                                      true   ≡⟨ sym fn₂≡true 
                                      f n₂   ≡⟨ <n₁→≡false n₁>n₂ ⟩∎
                                      false  )))
            (_⇔_.to propositional⇔irrelevant
               (×-closure 1
                  (Bool-set _ _)
                  (implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                   Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
                   Bool-set _ _))
               _ _)

    ¬P→≡false :  {f}  ¬ (P f)  (∀ n  f n  false)
    ¬P→≡false {f} ¬Pf =
      well-founded-elim _ λ n hyp 
        case inspect (f n) of λ where
          (false , fn≡false)  fn≡false
          (true  , fn≡true)   ⊥-elim (¬Pf (n , fn≡true , hyp))

    ≡false→¬P :  {f}  (∀ n  f n  false)  ¬ (P f)
    ≡false→¬P {f} ≡false (n , ≡true , _) = Bool.true≢false (
      true   ≡⟨ sym ≡true 
      f n    ≡⟨ ≡false n ⟩∎
      false  )

    ≡true→P :  {f}  ( λ n  f n  true)  P f
    ≡true→P {f} (n , fn≡true) =
      helper (≤→≤↑ (zero≤ _))  o<0  ⊥-elim (≮0 _ o<0))
      helper :  {m}  m ≤↑ n  (∀ {o}  o < m  f o  false)  P f
      helper     (≤↑-refl refl) <→≡false = n , fn≡true , <→≡false
      helper {m} (≤↑-step m<n)  <→≡false with inspect (f m)
      ... | true  , fm≡true  = m , fm≡true , <→≡false
      ... | false , fm≡false = helper m<n λ o<1+m 
        case ≤→≤↑ o<1+m of λ where
          (≤↑-refl refl)     fm≡false
          (≤↑-step 1+o<1+m)  <→≡false (pred-mono (≤↑→≤ 1+o<1+m))

-- LPO follows from excluded middle (assuming extensionality).

LEM→LPO : Extensionality lzero lzero  Excluded-middle lzero  LPO
LEM→LPO ext =
  let P , P-prop , LPO⇔P = LPO⇔propositional′ ext in

  ({P : Set}  Is-proposition P  Dec P)  ↝⟨ _∘ P-prop 
  (∀ f  P f  ¬ P f)                     ↝⟨ _⇔_.from LPO⇔P ⟩□