-- Some tactics aimed at making equational reasoning proofs more
-- readable

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Tactic.By where

import Agda.Builtin.Bool as B
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using (_==_)

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Prelude

open import List equality-with-J
open import Monad equality-with-J
open import Reflection equality-with-J

-- The by tactic


  -- Constructs a "cong" function (like cong and cong₂ in Equality)
  -- for functions with the given name and the given number of
  -- arguments.

  make-cong-called : Name    TC 
  make-cong-called cong n =
    declareDef (varg cong) the-type  >>= λ _ 
    defineFun cong (the-clause  [])
    the-type : Type
    the-type = levels (suc n)
      arguments :     List (Arg Term)
      arguments delta (suc m) = varg (var (3 * m + 1 + delta) []) 
                                arguments delta m
      arguments delta zero    = []

      equalities :   Type
      equalities (suc m) =
        pi (harg (var (m + 2 + 3 * (n  suc m)) [])) $ abs "x" $
        pi (harg (var (m + 3 + 3 * (n  suc m)) [])) $ abs "y" $
        pi (varg (def (quote _≡_)
                      (varg (var 1 []) 
                       varg (var 0 [])  []))) $ abs "x≡y" $
           equalities m
      equalities zero =
        def (quote _≡_)
            (varg (var (3 * n) (arguments 1 n)) 
             varg (var (3 * n) (arguments 0 n)) 

      function-type :   Type
      function-type (suc m) = pi (varg (var n []))
                                 (abs "_" (function-type m))
      function-type zero    = var n []

      types :   Type
      types (suc m) = pi (harg (agda-sort (set (var n [])))) $ abs "A" $
                         types m
      types zero    = pi (varg (function-type n)) $ abs "f" $
                         equalities n

      levels :   Type
      levels (suc n) = pi (harg (def (quote Level) [])) $ abs "a" $
                          levels n
      levels zero    = types (suc n)

    the-clause : Clause
    the-clause =
      clause (varg (var "f")  replicate n (varg (con (quote refl) [])))
             (con (quote refl) [])

  unquoteDecl cong₃  = make-cong-called cong₃   3
  unquoteDecl cong₄  = make-cong-called cong₄   4
  unquoteDecl cong₅  = make-cong-called cong₅   5
  unquoteDecl cong₆  = make-cong-called cong₆   6
  unquoteDecl cong₇  = make-cong-called cong₇   7
  unquoteDecl cong₈  = make-cong-called cong₈   8
  unquoteDecl cong₉  = make-cong-called cong₉   9
  unquoteDecl cong₁₀ = make-cong-called cong₁₀ 10

  -- Constructs a "cong" function (like cong and cong₂ in Equality)
  -- for functions with the given number of arguments. The name of the
  -- constructed function is returned (for 1 and 2 the functions in
  -- Equality are returned). The cong functions for functions with 3
  -- up to 10 arguments are cached to avoid creating lots of copies of
  -- the same functions.

  make-cong :   TC Name
  make-cong  1 = return (quote cong)
  make-cong  2 = return (quote cong₂)
  make-cong  3 = return (quote cong₃)
  make-cong  4 = return (quote cong₄)
  make-cong  5 = return (quote cong₅)
  make-cong  6 = return (quote cong₆)
  make-cong  7 = return (quote cong₇)
  make-cong  8 = return (quote cong₈)
  make-cong  9 = return (quote cong₉)
  make-cong 10 = return (quote cong₁₀)
  make-cong n  =
    freshName "cong"        >>= λ cong 
    make-cong-called cong n >>= λ _ 
    return cong

  -- The computation apply-to-metas A t tries to apply the term t to
  -- as many fresh meta-variables as possible (based on its type, A).
  -- The type of the resulting term is returned.

  apply-to-metas : Type  Term  TC (Type × Term)
  apply-to-metas A t =
    compute-args fuel [] A >>= λ args 
    apply A t args
    -- Fuel, used to ensure termination.

    fuel : 
    fuel = 100


      compute-args :   List (Arg Term)  Type  TC (List (Arg Term))
      compute-args zero _ _ =
        typeError (strErr "apply-to-metas failed"  [])
      compute-args (suc n) args τ =
        reduce τ               >>= λ τ 
        compute-args′ n args τ

      compute-args′ :   List (Arg Term)  Type  TC (List (Arg Term))
      compute-args′ n args (pi a@(arg i _) (abs _ τ)) =
        extendContext a $
        compute-args n (arg i unknown  args) τ
      compute-args′ n args (meta x _) = blockOnMeta x
      compute-args′ n args _          = return (reverse args)

  -- The tactic refine A t goal tries to use the term t (of type A),
  -- applied to as many fresh meta-variables as possible (based on its
  -- type), to solve the given goal. If this fails, then an attempt is
  -- made to solve the goal using "sym (t metas)" instead.

  refine : Type  Term  Term  TC Term
  refine A t goal =
    apply-to-metas A t    >>= λ { (_ , t) 
    catchTC (try false t) $
    catchTC (try true  t) $
    typeError (strErr "refine failed"  []) }
    with-sym : Bool  Term  Term
    with-sym true  t = def (quote sym) (varg t  [])
    with-sym false t = t

    try : Bool  Term  TC Term
    try use-sym t =
      unify t′ goal >>= λ _ 
      return t′
      t′ = with-sym use-sym t

  -- The call by-tactic t goal tries to use (non-dependent) "cong"
  -- functions, reflexivity and t (via refine) to solve the given goal
  -- (which must be an equality).
  -- The constructed term is returned.

  by-tactic :  {a} {A : Set a}  A  Term  TC Term
  by-tactic {A = A} t goal =
    quoteTC A >>= λ A 
    quoteTC t >>= λ t 
    by-tactic′ fuel A t goal
    -- Fuel, used to ensure termination. (Termination could perhaps be
    -- proved in some way, but using fuel was easier.)

    fuel : 
    fuel = 100

    -- The tactic's main loop.

    by-tactic′ :   Type  Term  Term  TC Term
    by-tactic′ zero    _ _ _    = typeError
                                    (strErr "by: no more fuel"  [])
    by-tactic′ (suc n) A t goal =
      inferType goal               >>= λ goal-type 
      reduce goal-type             >>= λ goal-type 
      block-if-meta goal-type      >>= λ _ 
      catchTC (try-refl goal-type) $
      catchTC (refine A t goal)    $
      try-cong goal-type
      -- Error messages.

      ill-formed failure : {A : Set}  TC A
      ill-formed = typeError (strErr "by: ill-formed goal"  [])
      failure    = typeError (strErr "by failed"  [])

      -- Blocks if the goal type is not sufficiently concrete. Raises
      -- a type error if the goal type is not an equality.

      block-if-meta : Type  TC 
      block-if-meta (meta m _)                            = blockOnMeta m
        (def (quote _≡_)
             (_  _  arg _ (meta m _)  _))              = blockOnMeta m
        (def (quote _≡_)
             (_  _  _  arg _ (meta m _)  _))          = blockOnMeta m
      block-if-meta (def (quote _≡_) (_  _  _  _  _)) = return _
      block-if-meta _                                     = ill-formed

      -- Tries to solve the goal using reflexivity.

      try-refl : Type  TC Term
      try-refl (def (quote _≡_) (a  A  arg _ lhs  _)) =
        unify t′ goal >>= λ _ 
        return t′
        t′ = con (quote refl) (a  A  harg lhs  [])
      try-refl _ = ill-formed

      -- Tries to solve the goal using one of the "cong" functions.

      try-cong : Term  TC Term
      try-cong (def (quote _≡_) (_  _  arg _ y  arg _ z  [])) =
        heads y z                              >>= λ { (head , ys , zs) 
        arguments ys zs                        >>= λ args 
        make-cong (length args)                >>= λ cong 
        let t = def cong (varg head  args) in
        unify t goal                           >>= λ _ 
        return t                               }
        -- Checks if the heads are equal. If they are, then the
        -- function figures out how many arguments are equal, and
        -- returns the (unique) head applied to these arguments, plus
        -- two lists containing the remaining arguments.

        heads : Term  Term 
                TC (Term × List (Arg Term) × List (Arg Term))
        heads = λ
          { (def y ys) (def z zs)  helper (primQNameEquality y z)
                                           (def y) (def z) ys zs
          ; (con y ys) (con z zs)  helper (primQNameEquality y z)
                                           (con y) (con z) ys zs
          ; (var y ys) (var z zs)  helper (y == z)
                                           (var y) (var z) ys zs
          ; _          _           failure
          find-equal-arguments :
            List (Arg Term)  List (Arg Term) 
            List (Arg Term) × List (Arg Term) × List (Arg Term)
          find-equal-arguments []       zs       = [] , [] , zs
          find-equal-arguments ys       []       = [] , ys , []
          find-equal-arguments (y  ys) (z  zs) with eq-Arg y z
          ... | false = [] , y  ys , z  zs
          ... | true  with find-equal-arguments ys zs
          ...   | (es , ys′ , zs′) = y  es , ys′ , zs′

          helper : B.Bool  _  _  _  _  _
          helper B.false y z _  _  =
            typeError (strErr "by: distinct heads:" 
                       termErr (y [])  termErr (z [])  [])
          helper B.true  y _ ys zs =
            let es , ys′ , zs′ = find-equal-arguments ys zs in
            return (y es , ys′ , zs′)

        -- Tries to prove that the argument lists are equal.

        arguments : List (Arg Term)  List (Arg Term) 
                    TC (List (Arg Term))
        arguments [] []                             = return []
        arguments (arg (arg-info visible _) y  ys)
                  (arg (arg-info visible _) z  zs) =
                   -- Relevance is ignored.

          checkType unknown
            (def (quote _≡_) (varg y  varg z  [])) >>= λ goal 
          by-tactic′ n A t goal                      >>= λ t 
          arguments ys zs                            >>= λ args 
          return (varg t  args)

        -- Hidden and instance arguments are ignored.

        arguments (arg (arg-info hidden _) _  ys) zs    = arguments ys zs
        arguments (arg (arg-info instance′ _) _  ys) zs = arguments ys zs
        arguments ys (arg (arg-info hidden _) _  zs)    = arguments ys zs
        arguments ys (arg (arg-info instance′ _) _  zs) = arguments ys zs

        arguments _ _ = failure

      try-cong _ = ill-formed


  -- The call by t tries to use t (along with congruence, reflexivity
  -- and symmetry) to solve the goal, which must be an equality.

  by :  {a} {A : Set a}  A  Term  TC 
  by t goal =
    by-tactic t goal >>= λ _ 
    return _

  -- If by t would have been successful, then debug-by t raises an
  -- error message that includes the term that would have been
  -- constructed by by.

  debug-by :  {a} {A : Set a}  A  Term  TC 
  debug-by t goal =
    by-tactic t goal                                        >>= λ t 
    typeError (strErr "Term found by by:"  termErr t  [])

-- A definition that provides no information. Intended to be used
-- together with the by tactic: "by definition".

definition : 
definition = _

-- The ⟨by⟩ tactic

-- The tactic ⟨by⟩ t is intended for use with goals of the form
-- C [ ⟨ e₁ ⟩ ] ≡ e₂ (with some limitations). The tactic tries to
-- generate the term cong (λ x → C [ x ]) t′, where t′ is t applied to
-- as many meta-variables as possible (based on its type), and if that
-- term fails to unify with the goal type, then the term
-- cong (λ x → C [ x ]) (sym t′) is generated instead.

-- Used to mark the subterms that should be rewritten.
-- The idea to mark subterms in this way is taken from Bradley Hardy,
-- who used it in the Holes library
-- (https://github.com/bch29/agda-holes).

⟨_⟩ :  {a} {A : Set a}  A  A
⟨_⟩ = id

{-# NOINLINE ⟨_⟩ #-}


  -- A non-macro variant of ⟨by⟩ that returns the (first) constructed
  -- term.

  ⟨by⟩-tactic :  {a} {A : Set a}  A  Term  TC Term
  ⟨by⟩-tactic {A = A} t goal =
    quoteTC A                               >>= λ A 
    reduce A                                >>= λ A 
    quoteTC t                               >>= λ t 
    apply-to-metas A t                      >>= λ { (A , t) 
    inferType goal                          >>= λ goal-type 
    reduce goal-type                        >>= λ goal-type 
    construct-context goal-type             >>= λ f 
    construct-terms goal-type A t f         >>= λ { (t₁ , t₂) 
    catchTC (unify t₁ goal) (unify t₂ goal) >>= λ _ 
    return t₁                               }}
    construct-terms : Type  Type  Term  Term  TC (Term × Term)
      (def (quote _≡_) (harg b  harg B  _))
      (def (quote _≡_) (harg a  harg A  varg lhs  varg rhs  []))
      t f =
      return ( term (harg lhs  harg rhs  varg t  [])
             , term (harg rhs  harg lhs 
                     varg (def (quote sym) (varg t  []))  [])
      term = λ args  def (quote cong)
                          (harg a  harg b  harg A  harg B 
                           varg f  args)

    construct-terms _ (meta m _) _ _ = blockOnMeta m
    construct-terms _ _          _ _ =
      typeError (strErr "⟨by⟩: ill-formed proof"  [])


      -- The natural number is the variable that should be used for
      -- the hole.

      context-term :   Term  TC Term
      context-term n = λ where
        (def f args)   if eq-Name f (quote ⟨_⟩)
                        then return (var n [])
                        else def f ⟨$⟩ context-args n args
        (var x args)   var (weaken-var n 1 x) ⟨$⟩ context-args n args
        (con c args)   con c ⟨$⟩ context-args n args
        (lam v t)      lam v ⟨$⟩ context-abs n t
        (pi a b)       pi ⟨$⟩ context-arg n a  context-abs n b
        (meta m _)     blockOnMeta m
        t              return (weaken-term n 1 t)

      context-abs :   Abs Term  TC (Abs Term)
      context-abs n (abs s t) = abs s ⟨$⟩ context-term (suc n) t

      context-arg :   Arg Term  TC (Arg Term)
      context-arg n (arg i t) = arg i ⟨$⟩ context-term n t

      context-args :   List (Arg Term)  TC (List (Arg Term))
      context-args n = λ where
        []        return []
        (a  as)  _∷_ ⟨$⟩ context-arg n a  context-args n as

    construct-context : Term  TC Term
    construct-context (def (quote _≡_) (_  _  varg lhs  _  [])) =
      context-term 0 lhs >>= λ body 
      return (lam visible (abs "x" body))

    construct-context (meta m _) = blockOnMeta m
    construct-context _          =
      typeError (strErr "⟨by⟩: ill-formed goal"  [])


  -- The ⟨by⟩ tactic.

  ⟨by⟩ :  {a} {A : Set a}  A  Term  TC 
  ⟨by⟩ t goal =
    ⟨by⟩-tactic t goal >>= λ _ 
    return _

  -- If ⟨by⟩ t would have been successful, then debug-⟨by⟩ t raises an
  -- error message that includes the (first) term that would have been
  -- constructed by ⟨by⟩.

  debug-⟨by⟩ :  {a} {A : Set a}  A  Term  TC 
  debug-⟨by⟩ t goal =
    ⟨by⟩-tactic t goal                                        >>= λ t 
    typeError (strErr "Term found by ⟨by⟩:"  termErr t  [])

-- Some unit tests


  module Tests
    (assumption : 48  42)
    (lemma      :  n  n + 8  n + 2)
    (f          :       )

    g :       
    g zero    _ _ = 12
    g (suc _) _ _ = 12

    fst :  {a b} {A : Set a} {B : A  Set b} 
          Σ A B  A
    fst = proj₁

    {-# NOINLINE fst #-}

    -- Tests for by.

    module By where

      test₁ : 40 + 2  42
      test₁ = by definition

      test₂ : 48  42  42  48
      test₂ eq = by eq

      test₃ : (f :   )  f 42  f 48
      test₃ f = by assumption

      test₄ : (f :   )  f 48  f 42
      test₄ f = by assumption

      test₅ : (f :     )  f 42 48  f 48 42
      test₅ f = by assumption

      test₆ : (f :       )  f 42 45 48  f 48 45 42
      test₆ f = by assumption

      test₇ : f 48 (f 42 45 48) 42  f 48 (f 48 45 42) 48
      test₇ = by assumption

      test₈ :  n  g n (g n 45 48) 42  g n (g n 45 42) 48
      test₈ n = by assumption

      test₉ : (f :   )  f 42  f 48
      test₉ f = by (lemma 40)

      test₁₀ : (f :   )  f 42  f 48
      test₁₀ f = by  (_ : )  assumption)

      test₁₁ : (f :  ×    × )  (∀ x  f x  x) 
               fst (f (12 , 73))  fst {B = λ _  } (12 , 73)
      test₁₁ _ hyp = by hyp

    -- Tests for ⟨by⟩.

    module ⟨By⟩ where

      test₁ :  40 + 2   42
      test₁ = ⟨by⟩ refl

      test₂ : 48  42   42   48
      test₂ eq = ⟨by⟩ eq

      test₃ : (f :   )  f  42   f 48
      test₃ f = ⟨by⟩ assumption

      test₄ : (f :   )  f  48   f 42
      test₄ f = ⟨by⟩ assumption

      test₅ : (f :     )  f  42   42   f 48 48
      test₅ f = ⟨by⟩ assumption

      test₆ : (f :       )  f  48  45  48   f 42 45 42
      test₆ f = ⟨by⟩ assumption

      test₇ : f  48  (f  48  45  48 )  48   f 42 (f 42 45 42) 42
      test₇ = ⟨by⟩ assumption

      test₈ :  n  g n (g n 45  48 )  48   g n (g n 45 42) 42
      test₈ n = ⟨by⟩ assumption

      test₉ : (f :   )  f  42   f 48
      test₉ f = ⟨by⟩ (lemma 40)

      test₁₀ : (f :   )  f  42   f 48
      test₁₀ f = ⟨by⟩  (_ : )  assumption)

      test₁₁ : (f :  ×    × )  (∀ x  f x  x) 
               fst  f (12 , 73)   fst {B = λ _  } (12 , 73)
      test₁₁ _ hyp = ⟨by⟩ hyp

      test₁₂ : 48  42 
               _≡_ {A =   }  x  x +  42 )  x  x + 48)
      test₁₂ hyp = ⟨by⟩ hyp