-- A counterexample: The number of steps taken by the uninstrumented
-- interpreter is not, in general, linear in the number of steps taken
-- by the virtual machine for the corresponding compiled program

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Prelude

import Lambda.Syntax

module Lambda.Interpreter.Steps.Counterexample
  {Name : Set}
  (open Lambda.Syntax Name)
  (def : Name  Tm 1)

open import Conat
  hiding ([_]_∼_; step-∼) renaming (_+_ to _⊕_; _*_ to _⊛_)
import Equality.Propositional as E

open import Monad E.equality-with-J hiding (_⊛_)
import Nat E.equality-with-J as Nat
open import Vec.Data E.equality-with-J

open import Delay-monad
open import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity

open import Lambda.Delay-crash
open import Lambda.Interpreter def
open import Lambda.Compiler def
open import Lambda.Virtual-machine comp-name
open import Lambda.Virtual-machine.Instructions Name hiding (crash)

open Closure Tm

-- The uninstrumented interpreter does not provide a suitable cost
-- measure, in the sense that there is a family of programs for which
-- the running "time" (number of steps) of the corresponding compiled
-- programs on the virtual machine is not linear in the running time
-- on the interpreter.

not-suitable-cost-measure :
   λ (t :   Tm 0) 
    ¬  λ k₁   λ k₂   n 
      [  ] steps (exec  comp₀ (t n) , [] , [] ) 
             k₁    k₂   steps ( t n  [])
not-suitable-cost-measure =
  t , λ { (k₁ , k₂ , hyp)  Nat.+≮ 2 $ ⌜⌝-mono⁻¹ (
     3 + k₁                                ∼⟨ symmetric-∼ (steps-exec-t∼ k₁) ⟩≤
    steps (exec  comp₀ (t k₁) , [] , [] )  ≤⟨ hyp k₁ 
     k₁    k₂   steps ( t k₁  [])    ∼⟨ ( k₁  ∎∼) +-cong (_ ∎∼) *-cong steps⟦t⟧∼0 k₁ ⟩≤
     k₁    k₂   zero                   ∼⟨ (_ ∎∼) +-cong *-right-zero ⟩≤
     k₁   zero                            ∼⟨ +-right-identity _ ⟩≤
     k₁                                    ∎≤) }
  -- A family of programs.

  t :   Tm 0
  t zero    = con true · con true
  t (suc n) = con true · t n

  -- The semantics of every program in this family is strongly
  -- bisimilar to crash.

  ⟦t⟧∼crash :  {i} n  [ i ]  t n  []  crash
  ⟦t⟧∼crash zero    = crash  
  ⟦t⟧∼crash (suc n) =
     t (suc n)  []            ∼⟨⟩
     t n  [] >>= con true ∙_  ∼⟨ ⟦t⟧∼crash n >>=-cong  _  _ ) 
    crash >>= con true ∙_       ∼⟨⟩

  -- Thus these programs all terminate (unsuccessfully) in zero steps.

  steps⟦t⟧∼0 :  {i} n  Conat.[ i ] steps ( t n  [])  zero
  steps⟦t⟧∼0 = steps-cong  ⟦t⟧∼crash

  -- However, running the compiled program corresponding to t n on the
  -- virtual machine takes 3 + n steps.

  steps-exec-t∼ :
     {i} n 
    Conat.[ i ] steps (exec  comp₀ (t n) , [] , [] )   3 + n 
  steps-exec-t∼ = lemma
    lemma :
       {i c s} n 
      Conat.[ i ] steps (exec  comp false (t n) c , s , [] ) 
                   3 + n 
    lemma zero    = suc λ { .force 
                    suc λ { .force 
                    suc λ { .force 
                    zero }}}
    lemma (suc n) = suc λ { .force  lemma n }