-- An example: A non-terminating program that runs in bounded stack
-- space

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Lambda.Interpreter.Stack-sizes.Example where

open import Colist as C
open import Conat hiding (pred)
open import Equality.Propositional as E using (refl)
open import Prelude

open import Function-universe E.equality-with-J hiding (id; _∘_)
open import Monad E.equality-with-J
open import Nat E.equality-with-J
open import Vec.Data E.equality-with-J

open import Delay-monad
open import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity as D using (later; force)

open import Upper-bounds

import Lambda.Delay-crash-trace as DCT
import Lambda.Interpreter
import Lambda.Interpreter.Stack-sizes

open DCT.Delay-crash-trace

-- This module uses a name type with a single inhabitant, allowing
-- (and requiring) the definition and use of one named definition.

open import Lambda.Syntax 

open Closure Tm

-- A definition that calls itself repeatedly using a tail call.

def :   Tm 1
def tt = call tt (con true)

-- The two interpreters are instantiated with this definition.

open Lambda.Interpreter def
module I = Lambda.Interpreter.Stack-sizes def

-- A top-level term to get things going.

go : Tm 0
go = call tt (con true)

-- The semantics of go is the non-terminating computation never.

go-loops :  {i}  D.[ i ]  go  []  never
go-loops = later λ { .force  go-loops }

-- Colists used to analyse the stack space usage of go.

loop-sizes :  {i}  Colist  i
loop-sizes = 1 ∷′ 2  λ { .force  loop-sizes }

go-sizes : Colist  
go-sizes = 0 ∷′ 1 ∷′ loop-sizes

-- When go is interpreted (starting with an empty stack) the stack
-- sizes that are encountered match the sizes in go-sizes.

stack-sizes-go∼go-sizes :  {i}  C.[ i ] I.stack-sizes go  go-sizes
stack-sizes-go∼go-sizes =
  I.numbers (I.⟦ go  [] false) 0                                     C.∼⟨ ∷∼∷′ 
  0 ∷′ I.numbers (I.[ id , pred ] lam (def tt) []  con true) 1       C.∼⟨ (refl  λ { .force  ∷∼∷′ }) 
  0 ∷′ 1 ∷′ I.numbers (I.⟦ def tt  ρ true >>= tell pred  return) 1  C.∼⟨ (refl  λ { .force  refl  λ { .force  numbers-loop∼loop-sizes _ }}) 
  0 ∷′ 1 ∷′ loop-sizes                                                C.∼⟨⟩
  go-sizes                                                            C.∎
  ρ = con true  []

  numbers-loop∼loop-sizes :
     {i} k  C.[ i ] I.numbers (I.⟦ def tt  ρ true >>= k) 1  loop-sizes
  numbers-loop∼loop-sizes k =
    I.numbers (I.⟦ def tt  ρ true >>= k) 1                                 C.∼⟨ ∷∼∷′ 
    1 ∷′ I.numbers (I.[ pred , id ] lam (def tt) []  con true >>= k) 2     C.∼⟨ (refl  λ { .force  ∷∼∷′ }) 
    1 ∷′ 2 ∷′ I.numbers (I.⟦ def tt  ρ true >>= tell id  return >>= k) 1  C.∼⟨ (refl  λ { .force  refl  λ { .force  I.numbers-cong (
                                                                                  DCT.symmetric (DCT.associativity (I.⟦ def tt  ρ true) _ _)) }}) 
    1 ∷′ 2 ∷′ I.numbers (I.⟦ def tt  ρ true >>= tell id  k) 1             C.∼⟨ (refl  λ { .force  refl  λ { .force 
                                                                                  numbers-loop∼loop-sizes _ }}) 
    1 ∷′ 2 ∷′ loop-sizes                                                    C.∼⟨ (refl  λ { .force  C.symmetric-∼ ∷∼∷′ }) 
    loop-sizes                                                              C.∎

-- The least upper bound of go-sizes is 2.

lub-go-sizes-2 : LUB go-sizes  2 
lub-go-sizes-2 =
  lub-∷ʳ zero (lub-∷ʳ 1≤2 lub-loop-sizes-2)
  1≤2 = suc λ { .force  zero }

  2∷[] = λ { .force  2 ∷′ [] }

  cycle-1-2∷[]∼loop-sizes :
     {i}  C.[ i ] cycle 1 2∷[]  loop-sizes
  cycle-1-2∷[]∼loop-sizes =
    refl  λ { .force  refl  λ { .force  cycle-1-2∷[]∼loop-sizes }}

  lub-loop-sizes-2 : LUB loop-sizes  2 
  lub-loop-sizes-2 =          $⟨ lub-∷ʳ 1≤2 (lub-∷ˡ zero lub-[]) 
    LUB (1  2∷[])  2       ↝⟨ lub-cycle 
    LUB (cycle 1 2∷[])  2   ↝⟨ LUB-∼ cycle-1-2∷[]∼loop-sizes (Conat.reflexive-∼ _) ⟩□
    LUB loop-sizes  2       

-- The maximum stack size encountered when running go (starting with
-- an empty stack) is 2.

go-bounded-stack : LUB (I.stack-sizes go)  2 
go-bounded-stack =
  LUB-∼ (C.symmetric-∼ stack-sizes-go∼go-sizes)
        (Conat.reflexive-∼ _)