-- Simplified XML documents

-- This example is based on (but not identical to) one in Wadler's "A
-- prettier printer".

module Examples.XML where

open import Coinduction
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Char
open import Data.List as List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.NonEmpty as List⁺ using (_∷_)
open import Data.Product
import Data.String as String
open import Data.Unit
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)

open import Examples.Identifier
open import Grammar.Infinite as Grammar using (Grammar)
open import Pretty using (Pretty-printer)
open import Renderer
open import Utilities

-- Text.

is-text-char : Char  Bool
is-text-char t =
  ('A' ≤?C t)  (t ≤?C 'Z')
  ('a' ≤?C t)  (t ≤?C 'z')
  ('0' ≤?C t)  (t ≤?C '9')
  List.any (_==_ t) (String.toList ":./ \n")

Text : Set
Text = List ( λ (t : Char)  T (is-text-char t))

text-g : Grammar Text
text-g = sat _ 
  where open Grammar

text-printer : Pretty-printer text-g
text-printer = map⋆ (sat is-text-char)
  where open Pretty


  data XML : Set where
    elt : Identifier  List Att  List XML  XML
    txt : Text  XML

  data Att : Set where
    att : Identifier  Text  Att

module _ where

  open Grammar


    -- The following grammar is ambiguous: a sequence of txt elements can
    -- be parsed in several different ways.

    xml : Grammar XML
    xml = (start-of-element >>= λ { (t , atts) 
           elt t atts <$> (
               [] <$ string′ "/"
                  string′ ">"
                ⊛> xmls
               <⊛  symbol′ "</"
               <⊛  symbol (List.map proj₁ (List⁺.toList t)))}) <⊛
          symbol′ ">"
         txt <$> text-g <⊛ whitespace 

    start-of-element : Grammar (Identifier × List Att)
    start-of-element = _,_ <$ symbol′ "<"  identifier  attrs

    xmls : Grammar (List XML)
    xmls = whitespace  ⊛>  xml 

    attrs : Grammar (List Att)
    attrs = [] <$ whitespace 
           List⁺.toList <$> (whitespace + ⊛> attr +)

    attr : Grammar Att
    attr = att <$> identifier
               <⊛  whitespace 
               <⊛  symbol′ "="
               <⊛  string′ "\""
               <⊛  symbol′ "\""

open Pretty


  xml-printer : Pretty-printer xml
  xml-printer (elt t atts []) =
    left ((start-of-element-printer (t , atts) 
           <$> left (<$ text))
          <⊛ symbol)
  xml-printer (elt t atts xs) =
    left ((start-of-element-printer (t , atts) 
           <$> right (text ⊛> xmls-printer xs <⊛ symbol <⊛ symbol))
          <⊛ symbol)
  xml-printer (txt t) =
    -- Wadler pretty-prints text items in a different way. (The
    -- grammar that I use does not allow me to modify the amount of
    -- whitespace in the same way as Wadler.)
    right (<$> text-printer t <⊛ nil-⋆)

  start-of-element-printer : Pretty-printer start-of-element
  start-of-element-printer (t , atts) =
    <$ symbol  identifier-printer t  attrs-printer atts

  attrs-printer : Pretty-printer attrs
  attrs-printer []       = left (<$ nil-⋆)
  attrs-printer (a  as) =
    right (<$> group (nest 2 line
                      final-line 4
                        (nest 2 (map+-fill 2 attr-printer (a  as))) 0))

  attr-printer : Pretty-printer attr
  attr-printer (att n v) =
    <$> identifier-printer n
    <⊛  nil-⋆
    <⊛  symbol
    <⊛  text
       text-printer v
    <⊛  symbol

  -- The following definition uses "fill+ 3 (to-docs x xs)" (along
  -- with the auxiliary definition of to-docs) rather than
  -- "map+-fill 3 xml-printer (x ∷ xs)" because the latter piece of
  -- code makes the termination checker complain.

  xmls-printer : Pretty-printer xmls
  xmls-printer []       = nil-⋆ ⊛> nil-⋆
  xmls-printer (x  xs) =
    group (nest 2 line⋆
           final-line-+⋆ 5 (nest 2 (fill+ 3 (to-docs x xs))) 0)
    to-docs :  x xs  Docs xml (x  xs)
    to-docs x []        = [ xml-printer x ]
    to-docs x (x′  xs) = xml-printer x  to-docs x′ xs

example : XML
example = elt (str⁺ "p")
              (att (str⁺ "color") (str "red") 
               att (str⁺ "font") (str "Times") 
               att (str⁺ "size") (str "10")  [])
              (txt (str "Here is some") 
               elt (str⁺ "em")
                   (txt (str "emphasized")  []) 
               txt (str "text.") 
               txt (str "Here is a") 
               elt (str⁺ "a")
                   (att (str⁺ "href") (str "http://www.eg.com/")  [])
                   (txt (str "link")  []) 
               txt (str "elsewhere.")  [])

test₁ : render 30 (xml-printer example) 
        "<p\n  color=\"red\" font=\"Times\"\n  size=\"10\"\n>\n  Here is some\n  <em> emphasized </em> text.\n  Here is a\n  <a\n    href=\"http://www.eg.com/\"\n  > link </a>\n  elsewhere.\n</p>"
test₁ = refl

test₂ : render 60 (xml-printer example) 
        "<p color=\"red\" font=\"Times\" size=\"10\" >\n  Here is some <em> emphasized </em> text. Here is a\n  <a href=\"http://www.eg.com/\" > link </a> elsewhere.\n</p>"
test₂ = refl