-- Homotopy groups of pointed types

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

import Equality.Path as P

module Pointed-type.Homotopy-group
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Equality.Groupoid equality-with-J
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J
open import Group equality-with-J as G using (Group; Abelian; _≃ᴳ_)
open import H-level equality-with-J
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation eq as T
open import Pointed-type equality-with-J as PT
  using (Pointed-type; _≃ᴮ_; Ω; Ω[_])

    a p q : Level
    P     : Pointed-type p
    n     : 

-- Homotopy-group-[1+ n ] P is the (1+n)-th homotopy group of the
-- pointed type P.
-- This definition is taken from the HoTT book.

Homotopy-group-[1+_] :   Pointed-type a  Group a
Homotopy-group-[1+ n ] P = λ where
    .Group.Carrier         Carrier
    .Group.Carrier-is-set  Carrier-is-set
    .Group._∘_             _∘′_
    .Group.id              id′
    .Group._⁻¹             _⁻¹
    .Group.left-identity   left-identity
    .Group.right-identity  right-identity
    .Group.assoc           assoc
    .Group.left-inverse    left-inverse
    .Group.right-inverse   right-inverse
  Carrier =  proj₁ (Ω[ 1 + n ] P) ∥[1+ 1 ]
  _∘′_    = ∥∥-zip trans
  id′     =  refl _ 
  _⁻¹     = ∥∥-map sym


    Carrier-is-set : Is-set Carrier
    Carrier-is-set = truncation-has-correct-h-level 1

    left-identity : (x : Carrier)  (id′ ∘′ x)  x
    left-identity = T.elim λ where
      .T.∣∣ʳ _       cong ∣_∣ $ trans-reflˡ _
      .T.h-levelʳ _  mono₁ 2 $ truncation-has-correct-h-level 1

    right-identity : (x : Carrier)  (x ∘′ id′)  x
    right-identity = T.elim λ where
      .T.∣∣ʳ _       cong ∣_∣ $ trans-reflʳ _
      .T.h-levelʳ _  mono₁ 2 $ truncation-has-correct-h-level 1

    assoc : (x y z : Carrier)  (x ∘′ (y ∘′ z))  ((x ∘′ y) ∘′ z)
    assoc = T.elim λ where
      .T.h-levelʳ _  Π-closure ext 2 λ _ 
                      Π-closure ext 2 λ _ 
                      mono₁ 2 $ truncation-has-correct-h-level 1
      .T.∣∣ʳ _       T.elim λ where
        .T.h-levelʳ _  Π-closure ext 2 λ _ 
                        mono₁ 2 $ truncation-has-correct-h-level 1
        .T.∣∣ʳ _       T.elim λ where
          .T.h-levelʳ _  mono₁ 2 $ truncation-has-correct-h-level 1
          .T.∣∣ʳ _       cong ∣_∣ $ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ _

    left-inverse : (x : Carrier)  ((x ⁻¹) ∘′ x)  id′
    left-inverse = T.elim λ where
      .T.∣∣ʳ _       cong ∣_∣ $ trans-symˡ _
      .T.h-levelʳ _  mono₁ 2 $ truncation-has-correct-h-level 1

    right-inverse : (x : Carrier)  (x ∘′ (x ⁻¹))  id′
    right-inverse = T.elim λ where
      .T.∣∣ʳ _       cong ∣_∣ $ trans-symʳ _
      .T.h-levelʳ _  mono₁ 2 $ truncation-has-correct-h-level 1

-- The fundamental group of a pointed type.
-- This definition is taken from the HoTT book.

Fundamental-group : Pointed-type a  Group a
Fundamental-group = Homotopy-group-[1+ 0 ]

-- The n-th homotopy group of a pointed type is abelian when n is at
-- least two.
-- (This result is stated in the HoTT book.)

abelian :  n  Abelian (Homotopy-group-[1+ suc n ] P)
abelian n = T.elim λ where
  .T.h-levelʳ _  Π-closure ext 2 λ _ 
                  mono₁ 2 $ truncation-has-correct-h-level 1
  .T.∣∣ʳ p       T.elim λ where
    .T.h-levelʳ _  mono₁ 2 $ truncation-has-correct-h-level 1
    .T.∣∣ʳ q       cong ∣_∣ $ Ω[2+n]-commutative n p q

-- If there is a based equivalence between P and Q, then their
-- homotopy groups are isomorphic.

≃ᴮ→≃ᴳ :
   (P : Pointed-type p) (Q : Pointed-type q) n 
  P ≃ᴮ Q  Homotopy-group-[1+ n ] P ≃ᴳ Homotopy-group-[1+ n ] Q
≃ᴮ→≃ᴳ P Q n P≃Q = λ where
    ∥∥-cong (proj₁ (PT.Ω[ suc n ]-cong-≃ᴮ P≃Q))
  .G.Homomorphic.homomorphic  T.elim λ where
    .T.h-levelʳ _  Π-closure ext 2 λ _ 
                    mono₁ 2 $ truncation-has-correct-h-level 1
    .T.∣∣ʳ _       T.elim λ where
      .T.h-levelʳ _  mono₁ 2 $ truncation-has-correct-h-level 1
      .T.∣∣ʳ _       cong ∣_∣ (PT.Ω[1+ n ]-cong-≃ᴮ-trans P≃Q)

-- Homotopy-group-[1+ n ] commutes with PT._×_/G._×_.

Homotopy-group-[1+_]-× :
   n (P : Pointed-type p) (Q : Pointed-type q) 
  Homotopy-group-[1+ n ] (P PT.× Q) ≃ᴳ
  (Homotopy-group-[1+ n ] P G.× Homotopy-group-[1+ n ] Q)
Homotopy-group-[1+ n ]-× P Q = λ where
       proj₁ (Ω[ 1 + n ] (P PT.× Q)) ∥[1+ 1 ]                           ↝⟨ T.∥∥-cong (proj₁ PT.Ω[ 1 + n ]-×) 
       proj₁ (Ω[ 1 + n ] P) × proj₁ (Ω[ 1 + n ] Q) ∥[1+ 1 ]             ↝⟨ inverse T.∥∥×∥∥≃∥×∥ ⟩□
       proj₁ (Ω[ 1 + n ] P) ∥[1+ 1 ] ×  proj₁ (Ω[ 1 + n ] Q) ∥[1+ 1 ]  
    .G.Homomorphic.homomorphic  T.elim λ where
      .T.h-levelʳ _  Π-closure ext 2 λ _  s
      .T.∣∣ʳ p  T.elim λ where
        .T.h-levelʳ _  s
        .T.∣∣ʳ q 
          Σ-map ∣_∣ ∣_∣ (_≃_.to (proj₁ PT.Ω[ 1 + n ]-×) (trans p q))  ≡⟨ cong (Σ-map ∣_∣ ∣_∣) PT.Ω[1+ n ]-×-trans ⟩∎

          (Σ-map ∣_∣ ∣_∣ $ Σ-zip trans trans
             (_≃_.to (proj₁ PT.Ω[ 1 + n ]-×) p)
             (_≃_.to (proj₁ PT.Ω[ 1 + n ]-×) q))                      
  s =
    mono₁ 2 $
    ×-closure 2
      (truncation-has-correct-h-level 1)
      (truncation-has-correct-h-level 1)

-- Homotopy-group-[1+ n ]′ P s is the (1+n)-th homotopy group of the
-- pointed type P.
-- The definition does not use set truncation. Instead a certain loop
-- space is required to be a set.

Homotopy-group-[1+_]′ :
   n (P : Pointed-type a)  Is-set (proj₁ (Ω[ 1 + n ] P))  Group a
Homotopy-group-[1+ n ]′ P s = λ where
    .Group.Carrier         Carrier
    .Group.Carrier-is-set  Carrier-is-set
    .Group._∘_             _∘′_
    .Group.id              id′
    .Group._⁻¹             _⁻¹
    .Group.left-identity   left-identity
    .Group.right-identity  right-identity
    .Group.assoc           assoc
    .Group.left-inverse    left-inverse
    .Group.right-inverse   right-inverse
  Carrier = proj₁ (Ω[ 1 + n ] P)
  _∘′_    = trans
  id′     = refl _
  _⁻¹     = sym


    Carrier-is-set : Is-set Carrier
    Carrier-is-set = s

    left-identity : (x : Carrier)  (id′ ∘′ x)  x
    left-identity _ = trans-reflˡ _

    right-identity : (x : Carrier)  (x ∘′ id′)  x
    right-identity _ = trans-reflʳ _

    assoc : (x y z : Carrier)  (x ∘′ (y ∘′ z))  ((x ∘′ y) ∘′ z)
    assoc _ _ _ = sym $ trans-assoc _ _ _

    left-inverse : (x : Carrier)  ((x ⁻¹) ∘′ x)  id′
    left-inverse _ = trans-symˡ _

    right-inverse : (x : Carrier)  (x ∘′ (x ⁻¹))  id′
    right-inverse _ = trans-symʳ _

-- The fundamental group of a pointed type.
-- The definition does not use set truncation. Instead a certain loop
-- space is required to be a set.

Fundamental-group′ :
  (P : Pointed-type a)  Is-set (proj₁ (Ω P))  Group a
Fundamental-group′ = Homotopy-group-[1+ 0 ]′

-- Homotopy-group-[1+ n ]′ P s is isomorphic to
-- Homotopy-group-[1+ n ] P.

Homotopy-group-[1+]′≃ᴳHomotopy-group-[1+] :
  {s : Is-set (proj₁ (Ω[ 1 + n ] P))} 
  Homotopy-group-[1+ n ]′ P s ≃ᴳ Homotopy-group-[1+ n ] P
Homotopy-group-[1+]′≃ᴳHomotopy-group-[1+] {s = s} = λ where
    inverse $ Eq.↔⇒≃ $ _⇔_.to T.+⇔∥∥↔  {_ _}  s)
  .G.Homomorphic.homomorphic p q 
     trans p q   ≡⟨⟩
     trans p q