-- Identity and composition for higher lenses

{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}

import Equality.Path as P

module Lens.Non-dependent.Higher.Combinators
  {e⁺} (eq :  {a p}  P.Equality-with-paths a p e⁺) where

open P.Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

import Bi-invertibility
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude as P hiding (id) renaming (_∘_ to _⊚_)

open import Bijection equality-with-J as Bij using (_↔_)
open import Category equality-with-J as C using (Category; Precategory)
import Circle eq as Circle
open import Equality.Path.Isomorphisms eq
open import Equivalence equality-with-J as Eq
  using (_≃_; Is-equivalence)
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)
open import H-level equality-with-J as H-level
open import H-level.Closure equality-with-J
open import H-level.Truncation.Propositional eq as Trunc
open import Surjection equality-with-J using (_↠_)
open import Univalence-axiom equality-with-J

open import Lens.Non-dependent.Higher eq
import Lens.Non-dependent.Traditional eq as Traditional
open import Lens.Non-dependent.Traditional.Combinators eq as TC
  using (Naive-category; Univalent)

    a b c d : Level
    A B C   : Type a

-- Lens combinators

-- The definition of the identity lens is unique, if the get
-- function is required to be the identity (assuming univalence).

id-unique :
  {A : Type a} 
  Univalence a 
  (l₁ l₂ : Lens A A) 
  Lens.get l₁  P.id 
  Lens.get l₂  P.id 
  l₁  l₂
id-unique {A = A} univ l₁ l₂ get-l₁≡id get-l₂≡id =   $⟨ trans get-l₁≡id (sym get-l₂≡id) 
  _≃_.to (_≃_.from f l₁′)  _≃_.to (_≃_.from f l₂′)  ↝⟨ Eq.lift-equality ext 
  _≃_.from f l₁′  _≃_.from f l₂′                    ↝⟨ _≃_.to $ Eq.≃-≡ (inverse f) {x = l₁′} {y = l₂′} 
  l₁′  l₂′                                          ↝⟨ cong proj₁ ⟩□
  l₁  l₂                                            
  open Lens

  f : (A  A)  ( λ (l : Lens A A)  Is-equivalence (Lens.get l))
  f = ≃-≃-Σ-Lens-Is-equivalence-get univ

  is-equiv :
    (l : Lens A A) 
    get l  P.id  Is-equivalence (get l)
  is-equiv _ get≡id =
      (ext⁻¹ $ sym get≡id)
      (_≃_.is-equivalence Eq.id)

  l₁′ l₂′ :  λ (l : Lens A A)  Is-equivalence (Lens.get l)
  l₁′ = l₁ , is-equiv l₁ get-l₁≡id
  l₂′ = l₂ , is-equiv l₂ get-l₂≡id

-- The result of composing two lenses is unique if the codomain type
-- is inhabited whenever it is merely inhabited, and we require that
-- the resulting setter function is defined in a certain way
-- (assuming univalence).

∘-unique :
  let open Lens in
  {A : Type a} {C : Type c} 
  Univalence (a  c) 
  ( C   C) 
  ((comp₁ , _) (comp₂ , _) :
      λ (comp : Lens B C  Lens A B  Lens A C) 
        l₁ l₂ a c 
         set (comp l₁ l₂) a c  set l₂ a (set l₁ (get l₂ a) c)) 
  comp₁  comp₂
∘-unique {A = A} {C = C} univ ∥C∥→C
         (comp₁ , set₁) (comp₂ , set₂) =
  ⟨ext⟩ λ l₁  ⟨ext⟩ λ l₂ 
    lenses-equal-if-setters-equal univ
      (comp₁ l₁ l₂) (comp₂ l₁ l₂)  _  ∥C∥→C) $
      ⟨ext⟩ λ a  ⟨ext⟩ λ c 
        set (comp₁ l₁ l₂) a c           ≡⟨ set₁ _ _ _ _ 
        set l₂ a (set l₁ (get l₂ a) c)  ≡⟨ sym $ set₂ _ _ _ _ ⟩∎
        set (comp₂ l₁ l₂) a c           
  open Lens

-- Identity lens.

id : Block "id"  Lens A A
id {A = A}  = record
  { R         =  A 
  ; equiv     = A          ↔⟨ inverse ∥∥×↔ ⟩□
                 A  × A  
  ; inhabited = P.id

-- Composition of lenses.
-- Note that the domains are required to be at least as large as the
-- codomains; this should match many use-cases. Without this
-- restriction I failed to find a satisfactory definition of
-- composition. (I suspect that if Agda had had cumulativity, then
-- the domain and codomain could have lived in the same universe
-- without any problems.)
-- The composition operation matches on the lenses to ensure that it
-- does not unfold when applied to neutral lenses.
-- See also Lens.Non-dependent.Equivalent-preimages.⟨_⟩_⊚_.

infix 9 ⟨_,_⟩_∘_

⟨_,_⟩_∘_ :
   a b {A : Type (a  b  c)} {B : Type (b  c)} {C : Type c} 
  Lens B C  Lens A B  Lens A C
⟨_,_⟩_∘_ _ _ {A = A} {B} {C} l₁@( _ , _ , _ ) l₂@( _ , _ , _ ) =
    { R         = R l₂ × R l₁
    ; equiv     = A                  ↝⟨ equiv l₂ 
                  R l₂ × B           ↝⟨ F.id ×-cong equiv l₁ 
                  R l₂ × (R l₁ × C)  ↔⟨ ×-assoc ⟩□
                  (R l₂ × R l₁) × C  
    ; inhabited = ∥∥-map (get l₁)  inhabited l₂  proj₁
  open Lens

-- The composition operation implements set in a certain way.

∘-set :
  let open Lens in
   ℓa ℓb {A : Type (ℓa  ℓb  c)} {B : Type (ℓb  c)} {C : Type c}
  (l₁ : Lens B C) (l₂ : Lens A B) a c 
  set ( ℓa , ℓb  l₁  l₂) a c  set l₂ a (set l₁ (get l₂ a) c)
∘-set _ _  _ , _ , _   _ , _ , _  _ _ = refl _

-- A variant of composition for lenses between types with the same
-- universe level.

infixr 9 _∘_

_∘_ :
  {A B C : Type a} 
  Lens B C  Lens A B  Lens A C
l₁  l₂ =  lzero , lzero  l₁  l₂

-- Other definitions of composition match ⟨_,_⟩_∘_, if the codomain
-- type is inhabited whenever it is merely inhabited, and the
-- resulting setter function is defined in a certain way (assuming
-- univalence).

composition≡∘ :
  let open Lens in
   a b {A : Type (a  b  c)} {B : Type (b  c)} {C : Type c} 
  Univalence (a  b  c) 
  ( C   C) 
  (comp : Lens B C  Lens A B  Lens A C) 
  (∀ l₁ l₂ a c 
     set (comp l₁ l₂) a c  set l₂ a (set l₁ (get l₂ a) c)) 
  comp   a , b ⟩_∘_
composition≡∘ _ _ univ ∥C∥→C comp set-comp =
  ∘-unique univ ∥C∥→C (comp , set-comp)
    (_ , λ {  _ , _ , _   _ , _ , _  _ _  refl _ })

-- Identity and composition form a kind of precategory (assuming
-- univalence).

associativity :
   a b c
    {A : Type (a  b  c  d)} {B : Type (b  c  d)}
    {C : Type (c  d)} {D : Type d} 
  Univalence (a  b  c  d) 
  (l₁ : Lens C D) (l₂ : Lens B C) (l₃ : Lens A B) 
   a  b , c  l₁  ( a , b  l₂  l₃) 
   a , b  c  ( b , c  l₁  l₂)  l₃
associativity _ _ _ univ  _ , _ , _   _ , _ , _   _ , _ , _  =
  _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₁  univ)
           (Eq.↔⇒≃ (inverse ×-assoc) , λ _  refl _)

left-identity :
   bi a {A : Type (a  b)} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  (l : Lens A B) 
   a , lzero  id bi  l  l
left-identity  _ {B = B} univ l@( _ , _ , _ ) =
  _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₁  univ)
    ( (R ×  B   ↔⟨ lemma ⟩□
       R          )
    , λ _  refl _
  open Lens l

  lemma : R ×  B   R
  lemma = record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { to   = proj₁
        ; from = λ r  r , inhabited r
      ; right-inverse-of = refl
    ; left-inverse-of = λ { (r , _) 
        cong  x  r , x) $ truncation-is-proposition _ _ }

right-identity :
   bi a {A : Type (a  b)} {B : Type b} 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  (l : Lens A B) 
   lzero , a  l  id bi  l
right-identity  _ {A = A} univ l@( _ , _ , _ ) =
  _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₁  univ)
    ( ( A  × R  ↔⟨ lemma ⟩□
       R          )
    , λ _  refl _
  open Lens l

  lemma :  A  × R  R
  lemma = record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { to   = proj₂
        ; from = λ r    ∥∥-map  b  _≃_.from equiv (r , b))
                                (inhabited r)
                       , r
      ; right-inverse-of = refl
    ; left-inverse-of = λ { (_ , r) 
        cong  x  x , r) $ truncation-is-proposition _ _ }

-- Isomorphisms expressed using lens quasi-inverses

  module B {a} (b : Block "id") =
    Bi-invertibility equality-with-J (Type a) Lens (id b) _∘_
  module BM {a} (b : Block "id") (univ : Univalence a) = B.More
    (left-identity b _ univ)
    (right-identity b _ univ)
    (associativity _ _ _ univ)

-- A form of isomorphism between types, expressed using lenses.

open B public
  using ()
  renaming (_≅_ to [_]_≅_;
            Has-quasi-inverse to Has-quasi-inverse)

-- Lenses with quasi-inverses can be converted to equivalences.

≅→≃ :  b  [ b ] A  B  A  B
  (l@( _ , _ , _ ) , l⁻¹@( _ , _ , _ ) , l∘l⁻¹≡id , l⁻¹∘l≡id) =
  Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
    { surjection = record
      { logical-equivalence = record
        { to   = get l
        ; from = get l⁻¹
      ; right-inverse-of = λ b  cong  l  get l b) l∘l⁻¹≡id
    ; left-inverse-of = λ a  cong  l  get l a) l⁻¹∘l≡id
  open Lens

-- There is a split surjection from [ b ] A ≅ B to A ≃ B (assuming
-- univalence).

≅↠≃ :
  {A B : Type a}
  (b : Block "id") 
  Univalence a 
  ([ b ] A  B)  (A  B)
≅↠≃ {A = A} {B = B} b univ = record
  { logical-equivalence = record
    { to   = ≅→≃ b
    ; from = from b
  ; right-inverse-of = ≅→≃∘from b
  from :  b  A  B  [ b ] A  B
  from b A≃B = l , l⁻¹ , l∘l⁻¹≡id b , l⁻¹∘l≡id b
    l   = ≃→lens′ A≃B
    l⁻¹ = ≃→lens′ (inverse A≃B)

    l∘l⁻¹≡id :  b  l  l⁻¹  id b
    l∘l⁻¹≡id  = _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₁  univ)
      ( ( A  ×  B   ↝⟨ Eq.⇔→≃
                             (×-closure 1 truncation-is-proposition
                              b  ∥∥-map (_≃_.from A≃B) b , b) 
          B           )
      , λ _  cong₂ _,_
               (truncation-is-proposition _ _)
               (_≃_.right-inverse-of A≃B _)

    l⁻¹∘l≡id :  b  l⁻¹  l  id b
    l⁻¹∘l≡id  = _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₁  univ)
      ( ( B  ×  A   ↝⟨ Eq.⇔→≃
                             (×-closure 1 truncation-is-proposition
                              a  ∥∥-map (_≃_.to A≃B) a , a) 
          A           )
      , λ _  cong₂ _,_
                (truncation-is-proposition _ _)
                (_≃_.left-inverse-of A≃B _)

  ≅→≃∘from :  b A≃B  ≅→≃ b (from b A≃B)  A≃B
  ≅→≃∘from  _ = Eq.lift-equality ext (refl _)

-- There is not necessarily a split surjection from
-- Is-equivalence (Lens.get l) to Has-quasi-inverse l, if l is a
-- lens between types in the same universe (assuming univalence).

¬Is-equivalence-get↠Has-quasi-inverse :
  (b : Block "id") 
  Univalence a 
  ¬ ({A B : Type a}
     (l : Lens A B) 
     Is-equivalence (Lens.get l)  Has-quasi-inverse b l)
¬Is-equivalence-get↠Has-quasi-inverse b univ surj =
                                    $⟨ ⊤-contractible 
  Contractible                     ↝⟨ H-level.respects-surjection lemma₃ 0 
  Contractible ((z : Z)  z  z)    ↝⟨ mono₁ 0 
  Is-proposition ((z : Z)  z  z)  ↝⟨ ¬-prop ⟩□
  open Lens

  Z,¬-prop = Circle.¬-type-of-refl-propositional
  Z        = proj₁ Z,¬-prop
  ¬-prop   = proj₂ Z,¬-prop

  lemma₂ :
    ( λ (eq : R (id b)  R (id b)) 
       (∀ z  _≃_.to eq (remainder (id b) z)  remainder (id b) z)
       ((z : Z)  get (id b) z  get (id b) z)) 
    ((z : Z)  z  z)
  lemma₂  =
    ( λ (eq :  Z    Z ) 
       ((z : Z)  _≃_.to eq  z    z )
       ((z : Z)  z  z))                   ↔⟨ (∃-cong λ _  drop-⊤-left-Σ $ _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                Π-closure ext 0 λ _ 
                                                +⇒≡ truncation-is-proposition) 

    ( Z    Z ) × ((z : Z)  z  z)     ↔⟨ drop-⊤-left-Σ $ _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                 (Eq.left-closure ext 0 truncation-is-proposition)
                                                 F.id ⟩□
    ((z : Z)  z  z)                       

  lemma₃ =
                                                                   ↔⟨ inverse $ _⇔_.to contractible⇔↔⊤ $
                                                                         (Eq.propositional ext _)
                                                                         (_≃_.is-equivalence Eq.id) 

    Is-equivalence P.id                                             ↔⟨ ≡⇒↝ equivalence $ cong Is-equivalence $
                                                                       unblock b  b  _  get (id b)) (refl _) 

    Is-equivalence (get (id b))                                     ↝⟨ surj (id b) 

    Has-quasi-inverse b (id b)                                      ↔⟨ BM.Has-quasi-inverse≃id≡id-domain b univ
                                                                         (id b , left-identity b _ univ _ , right-identity b _ univ _) 

    id b  id b                                                     ↔⟨ equality-characterisation₂  univ 

    ( λ (eq : R (id b)  R (id b)) 
       (∀ z  _≃_.to eq (remainder (id b) z)  remainder (id b) z)
       (∀ z  get (id b) z  get (id b) z))                         ↔⟨ lemma₂ b ⟩□

    ((z : Z)  z  z)                                               

-- See also ≃≃≅ below.

-- Equivalences expressed using bi-invertibility for lenses

-- A form of equivalence between types, expressed using lenses.

open B public
  using ()
  renaming (_≊_ to [_]_≊_;
            Has-left-inverse to Has-left-inverse;
            Has-right-inverse to Has-right-inverse;
            Is-bi-invertible to Is-bi-invertible)
open BM public
  using ()
  renaming (equality-characterisation-≊ to equality-characterisation-≊)

-- Lenses with left inverses have propositional remainder types.

has-left-inverse→remainder-propositional :
  (b : Block "id")
  (l : Lens A B) 
  Has-left-inverse b l 
  Is-proposition (Lens.R l)
   l@( _ , _ , _ ) (l⁻¹@( _ , _ , _ ) , l⁻¹∘l≡id) =
                                $⟨ get≡id→remainder-propositional
                                     (l⁻¹  l)
                                      a  cong (flip get a) l⁻¹∘l≡id) 
  Is-proposition (R (l⁻¹  l))  ↔⟨⟩
  Is-proposition (R l × R l⁻¹)  ↝⟨ H-level-×₁ (∥∥-map (remainder l⁻¹)  inhabited l) 1 ⟩□
  Is-proposition (R l)          
  open Lens

-- Lenses with right inverses have propositional remainder types.

has-right-inverse→remainder-propositional :
  (b : Block "id")
  (l : Lens A B) 
  Has-right-inverse b l 
  Is-proposition (Lens.R l)
   l@( _ , _ , _ ) (l⁻¹@( _ , _ , _ ) , l∘l⁻¹≡id) =
                                $⟨ get≡id→remainder-propositional
                                     (l  l⁻¹)
                                      a  cong (flip get a) l∘l⁻¹≡id) 
  Is-proposition (R (l  l⁻¹))  ↔⟨⟩
  Is-proposition (R l⁻¹ × R l)  ↝⟨ H-level-×₂ (∥∥-map (remainder l⁻¹)  inhabited l) 1 ⟩□
  Is-proposition (R l)          
  open Lens

-- There is an equivalence between A ≃ B and [ b ] A ≊ B (assuming
-- univalence).

≃≃≊ :
  {A B : Type a}
  (b : Block "id") 
  Univalence a 
  (A  B)  ([ b ] A  B)
≃≃≊ {A = A} {B = B} b univ = Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = to b
      ; from = from b
    ; right-inverse-of = to∘from b
  ; left-inverse-of = from∘to b
  open Lens

  to :  b  A  B  [ b ] A  B
  to b = B.≅→≊ b  _↠_.from (≅↠≃ b univ)

  from :  b  [ b ] A  B  A  B
  from b = _↠_.to (≅↠≃ b univ)  _↠_.from (BM.≅↠≊ b univ)

  to∘from :  b A≊B  to b (from b A≊B)  A≊B
  to∘from b A≊B =
    _≃_.from (equality-characterisation-≊ b univ _ _) $
    _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₂ b univ)
      ( ∥B∥≃R  b A≊B
      , lemma₁ b A≊B
      , lemma₂ b A≊B
    l′ :  b (A≊B : [ b ] A  B)  Lens A B
    l′ b A≊B = proj₁ (to b (from b A≊B))

    ∥B∥≃R :  b (A≊B@(l , _) : [ b ] A  B)   B   R l
    ∥B∥≃R b (l , (l-inv@(l⁻¹ , _) , _)) = Eq.⇔→≃
      (Trunc.rec R-prop (remainder l  get l⁻¹))
      (inhabited l)
      R-prop = has-left-inverse→remainder-propositional b l l-inv

    lemma₁ :
       b (A≊B@(l , _) : [ b ] A  B) a 
      _≃_.to (∥B∥≃R b A≊B) (remainder (l′ b A≊B) a)  remainder l a
      ( l@( _ , _ , _ )
      , (l⁻¹@( _ , _ , _ ) , l⁻¹∘l≡id)
      , ( _ , _ , _  , _)
      ) a =
      remainder l (get l⁻¹ (get l a))  ≡⟨⟩
      remainder l (get (l⁻¹  l) a)    ≡⟨ cong  l′  remainder l (get l′ a)) l⁻¹∘l≡id 
      remainder l (get (id ) a)       ≡⟨⟩
      remainder l a                    

    lemma₂ :
       b (A≊B@(l , _) : [ b ] A  B) a 
      get (l′ b A≊B) a  get l a
      ( _ , _ , _  , ( _ , _ , _  , _) , ( _ , _ , _  , _)) _ =
      refl _

  from∘to :
     b A≃B 
    _↠_.to (≅↠≃ b univ) (_↠_.from (BM.≅↠≊ b univ)
      (B.≅→≊ b (_↠_.from (≅↠≃ b univ) A≃B))) 
  from∘to  _ = Eq.lift-equality ext (refl _)

-- The right-to-left direction of ≃≃≊ maps bi-invertible lenses to
-- their getter functions.

to-from-≃≃≊≡get :
  (b : Block "id")
  (univ : Univalence a)
  (A≊B@(l , _) : [ b ] A  B) 
  _≃_.to (_≃_.from (≃≃≊ b univ) A≊B)  Lens.get l
   _ ( _ , _ , _  , ( _ , _ , _  , _) , ( _ , _ , _  , _)) =
  refl _

-- A variant of ≃≃≊ that works even if A and B live in different
-- universes.
-- This variant came up in a discussion with Andrea Vezzosi.

≃≃≊′ :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
  (b-id : Block "id") 
  Univalence (a  b) 
  (A  B)  ([ b-id ]  b A   a B)
≃≃≊′ {a = a} {b = b} {A = A} {B = B} b-id univ =
  A  B                   ↔⟨ inverse $ Eq.≃-preserves-bijections ext Bij.↑↔ Bij.↑↔ 
   b A   a B           ↝⟨ ≃≃≊ b-id univ ⟩□
  [ b-id ]  b A   a B  

-- The right-to-left direction of ≃≃≊′ maps bi-invertible lenses to a
-- variant of their getter functions.

to-from-≃≃≊′≡get :
  {A : Type a} {B : Type b}
  (b-id : Block "id")
  (univ : Univalence (a  b)) 
  (A≊B@(l , _) : [ b-id ]  b A   a B) 
  _≃_.to (_≃_.from (≃≃≊′ b-id univ) A≊B)  lower  Lens.get l  lift
   _ ( _ , _ , _  , ( _ , _ , _  , _) , ( _ , _ , _  , _)) =
  refl _

-- The getter function of a bi-invertible lens is an equivalence
-- (assuming univalence).

Is-bi-invertible→Is-equivalence-get :
  {A : Type a}
  (b : Block "id") 
  Univalence a 
  (l : Lens A B) 
  Is-bi-invertible b l  Is-equivalence (Lens.get l)
  b@ univ l@( _ , _ , _ )
  is-bi-inv@(( _ , _ , _  , _) , ( _ , _ , _  , _)) =
  _≃_.is-equivalence (_≃_.from (≃≃≊ b univ) (l , is-bi-inv))

-- If l is a lens between types in the same universe, then there is an
-- equivalence between "l is bi-invertible" and "the getter of l is an
-- equivalence" (assuming univalence).

Is-bi-invertible≃Is-equivalence-get :
  {A B : Type a}
  (b : Block "id") 
  Univalence a 
  (l : Lens A B) 
  Is-bi-invertible b l  Is-equivalence (Lens.get l)
Is-bi-invertible≃Is-equivalence-get b univ l = Eq.⇔→≃
  (BM.Is-bi-invertible-propositional b univ l)
  (Eq.propositional ext _)
  (Is-bi-invertible→Is-equivalence-get b univ l)

     let l′ = ≃→lens′ Eq.⟨ get l , is-equiv  in

                            $⟨ proj₂ (_≃_.to (≃≃≊ b univ) Eq.⟨ _ , is-equiv ) 
     Is-bi-invertible b l′  ↝⟨ subst (Is-bi-invertible b) (sym $ get-equivalence→≡≃→lens′ univ l is-equiv) ⟩□
     Is-bi-invertible b l   )
  open Lens

-- If A is a set, then there is an equivalence between [ b ] A ≊ B and
-- [ b ] A ≅ B (assuming univalence).

≊≃≅ :
  {A B : Type a}
  (b : Block "id") 
  Univalence a 
  Is-set A 
  ([ b ] A  B)  ([ b ] A  B)
≊≃≅ b univ A-set =
  ∃-cong λ _ 
      b univ
      (Is-set-closed-domain univ A-set)

-- A category

-- If A is a set, then there is an equivalence between A ≃ B and
-- [ b ] A ≅ B (assuming univalence).

≃≃≅ :
  {A B : Type a}
  (b : Block "≃≃≅") 
  Univalence a 
  Is-set A 
  (A  B)  ([ b ] A  B)
≃≃≅ {A = A} {B = B} b@ univ A-set =
  A  B        ↝⟨ ≃≃≊ b univ 
  [ b ] A  B  ↝⟨ ≊≃≅ b univ A-set ⟩□
  [ b ] A  B  

-- The equivalence ≃≃≅ maps identity to identity.

≃≃≅-id≡id :
  {A : Type a}
  (b : Block "≃≃≅") (univ : Univalence a) (A-set : Is-set A) 
  proj₁ (_≃_.to (≃≃≅ b univ A-set) F.id)  id b
≃≃≅-id≡id  univ _ =
  _↔_.from (equality-characterisation₁  univ)
    (F.id , λ _  refl _)

-- Lenses between sets in the same universe form a precategory
-- (assuming univalence).


  precategory′ :
    Block "id" 
    Univalence a 
    C.Precategory′ (lsuc a) (lsuc a)
  precategory′ {a = a} b univ =
      Set a
    ,  (A , A-set) (B , _) 
           Lens A B
         , Is-set-closed-domain univ A-set)
    , id b
    , _∘_
    , left-identity b lzero univ _
    , right-identity b lzero univ _
    ,  {_ _ _ _ l₁ l₂ l₃} 
         associativity lzero lzero lzero univ l₃ l₂ l₁)

precategory :
  Block "precategory" 
  Univalence a 
  Precategory (lsuc a) (lsuc a)
precategory  univ .C.Precategory.precategory =
  block λ b  precategory′ b univ

-- Lenses between sets in the same universe form a category
-- (assuming univalence).

category :
  Block "category" 
  Univalence a 
  Category (lsuc a) (lsuc a)
category  univ =
  block λ b 
     _ _  univ)
    (proj₂ $ precategory′ b univ)
     (_ , A-set) _  ≃≃≅ b univ A-set)
     (_ , A-set)  ≃≃≅-id≡id b univ A-set)

-- The precategory defined here is equal to the one defined in
-- Traditional, if the latter one is lifted (assuming univalence).

precategory≡precategory :
  (b : Block "precategory") 
  Univalence (lsuc a) 
  (univ : Univalence a) 
  precategory b univ 
  C.lift-precategory-Hom _ TC.precategory
precategory≡precategory  univ⁺ univ =
  block λ b 
  _↔_.to (C.equality-characterisation-Precategory ext univ⁺ univ⁺)
    ( F.id
    ,  (X , X-set) (Y , _) 
         Lens X Y                    ↔⟨ Lens↔Traditional-lens b univ X-set 
         Traditional.Lens X Y        ↔⟨ inverse Bij.↑↔ ⟩□
          _ (Traditional.Lens X Y)  )
    ,  (_ , X-set)  cong lift $ _↔_.from
         (Traditional.equality-characterisation-for-sets X-set)
         (refl _))
    ,  (_ , X-set) (_ , Y-set) _ (lift l₁) (lift l₂) 
         cong lift (∘-lemma b X-set Y-set l₁ l₂))
  ∘-lemma :
     b (A-set : Is-set A) (B-set : Is-set B)
    (l₁ : Traditional.Lens B C) (l₂ : Traditional.Lens A B) 
      (_↠_.from (Lens↠Traditional-lens b B-set) l₁ 
       _↠_.from (Lens↠Traditional-lens b A-set) l₂) 
    l₁ TC.∘ l₂
  ∘-lemma  A-set _ _ _ =
    _↔_.from (Traditional.equality-characterisation-for-sets A-set)
      (refl _)

-- The category defined here is equal to the one defined in
-- Traditional, if the latter one is lifted (assuming univalence).

category≡category :
  (b : Block "category") 
  Univalence (lsuc a) 
  (univ : Univalence a) 
  category b univ 
  C.lift-category-Hom _ (TC.category univ)
category≡category b univ⁺ univ =
  _↔_.from (C.≡↔precategory≡precategory ext)
    (Category.precategory (category b univ)        ≡⟨ lemma b 

     precategory b univ                            ≡⟨ precategory≡precategory b univ⁺ univ ⟩∎

       (C.lift-category-Hom _ (TC.category univ))  )
  lemma :
    Category.precategory (category b univ) 
    precategory b univ
  lemma  = refl _

-- Types in a fixed universe and higher lenses between them form a
-- naive category (assuming univalence).

naive-category :
  Block "id" 
  Univalence a 
  Naive-category (lsuc a) (lsuc a)
naive-category {a = a} b univ =
    Type a
  , Lens
  , id b
  , _∘_
  , left-identity b lzero univ
  , right-identity b lzero univ
  , associativity lzero lzero lzero univ

-- This category is univalent.
-- An anonymous reviewer asked if something like this could be proved,
-- given ≃≃≊. The proof of this result is due to Andrea Vezzosi.

univalent :
  (b : Block "id")
  (univ : Univalence a) 
  Univalent (naive-category b univ)
univalent b univ =
  BM.≡≃≊→Univalence-≊ b univ λ {A B} 
    A  B        ↝⟨ ≡≃≃ univ 
    A  B        ↝⟨ ≃≃≊ b univ ⟩□
    [ b ] A  B