-- Results relating different instances of certain axioms related to
-- equality

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Equality.Instances-related where

import Bijection
open import Equality
import Equivalence
import Function-universe
import H-level
import H-level.Closure
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude
import Surjection

  module E (e⁺ :  e  Equivalence-relation⁺ e) where
    open Reflexive-relation′
            e  Equivalence-relation⁺.reflexive-relation (e⁺ e))

-- All families of equality types that satisfy certain axioms are
-- pointwise isomorphic. One of the families are used to define what
-- "isomorphic" means.
-- The isomorphisms map reflexivity to reflexivity in both directions.
-- Hofmann and Streicher prove something similar in "The groupoid
-- interpretation of type theory".

all-equality-types-isomorphic :
   {e₁ e₂}
  (eq₁ :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p e₁)
  (eq₂ :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p e₂) 
  let open Bijection eq₁ in
   {a} {A : Type a} 
   λ (iso : {x y : A}  E._≡_ e₁ x y  E._≡_ e₂ x y) 
    (∀ {x}  E._≡_ e₂ (_↔_.to   iso (E.refl e₁ x)) (E.refl e₂ x)) ×
    (∀ {x}  E._≡_ e₁ (_↔_.from iso (E.refl e₂ x)) (E.refl e₁ x))
all-equality-types-isomorphic {c₁} {c₂} eq₁ eq₂ =
      { surjection = record
        { logical-equivalence = record
          { to   = to c₂ eq₁
          ; from = to c₁ eq₂
        ; right-inverse-of = to c₁ eq₂  to∘to _ _ eq₂ eq₁
      ; left-inverse-of = to∘to _ _ eq₁ eq₂
  , to-refl c₂ eq₁
  , to-refl c₁ eq₂
  open E
  open module Eq {c} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c) =
    Equality-with-J′ eq hiding (_≡_; refl)

  to :  {c₁} c₂ (eq₁ :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c₁)
       {a} {A : Type a} {x y : A} 
       _≡_ c₁ x y  _≡_ c₂ x y
  to c₂ eq₁ {x = x} x≡y = subst eq₁ (_≡_ c₂ x) x≡y (refl c₂ x)

  to-refl :
     {c₁} c₂ (eq₁ :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c₁)
    {a} {A : Type a} {x : A} 
    _≡_ c₂ (to c₂ eq₁ (refl c₁ x)) (refl c₂ x)
  to-refl c₂ eq₁ = to c₂ eq₁ $ subst-refl eq₁ (_≡_ c₂ _) _

  to∘to :  c₁ c₂
          (eq₁ :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c₁)
          (eq₂ :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p c₂) 
           {a} {A : Type a} {x y : A} (x≡y : _≡_ c₁ x y) 
          _≡_ c₁ (to c₁ eq₂ (to c₂ eq₁ x≡y)) x≡y
  to∘to c₁ c₂ eq₁ eq₂ = elim eq₁
     {x y} x≡y  _≡_ c₁ (to c₁ eq₂ (to c₂ eq₁ x≡y)) x≡y)
     x  to c₁ eq₂ (to c₂ eq₁ (refl c₁ x))  ≡⟨ cong eq₁ (to c₁ eq₂) (subst-refl eq₁ (_≡_ c₂ x) (refl c₂ x)) 
           to c₁ eq₂ (refl c₂ x)              ≡⟨ to c₁ eq₂ $ subst-refl eq₂ (_≡_ c₁ x) (refl c₁ x) ⟩∎
           refl c₁ x                          )
    open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq₁
      using (step-≡; finally)

module _ {congruence⁺}
         (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p congruence⁺)

  open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
  open Function-universe eq hiding (_∘_) renaming (id to ⟨id⟩)
  open H-level.Closure eq
  open Surjection eq using (_↠_)

    open module Eq = Equivalence eq using (_≃_)


    -- The type Equality-with-J₀ a p reflexive-relation is
    -- contractible (given the assumptions in the telescope above, and
    -- assuming extensionality). A slight variant of this observation
    -- came up in a discussion between Thierry Coquand, Simon Huber
    -- and Nicolai Kraus. The proof is based on one due to Nicolai
    -- Kraus.

    Equality-with-J-contractible :
       {a p} 
      Extensionality (lsuc (a  p)) (a  lsuc p) 
      Contractible (Equality-with-J₀ a p  _  reflexive-relation))
    Equality-with-J-contractible {a} {p} ext =                        $⟨ contr 
      Contractible ((A : Type a) (P : I A  Type p)
                    (d :  x  P (to x))  Singleton d)               ↝⟨ H-level.respects-surjection eq surj 0 

      Contractible (Equality-with-J₀ a p  _  reflexive-relation))  
      I : Type a  Type a
      I A =  λ (x : A)   λ (y : A)  x  y

      to :  {A}  A  I A
      to x = x , x , refl x

      ≃I :  {A}  A  I A
      ≃I = Eq.↔⇒≃ (record
        { surjection = record
          { logical-equivalence = record
            { to   = to
            ; from = proj₁
          ; right-inverse-of = λ q 
              let x , y , x≡y = q in
              cong (x ,_) $
                Σ-≡,≡→≡ x≡y
                        (subst (x ≡_) x≡y (refl x)  ≡⟨ sym trans-subst 
                         trans (refl x) x≡y         ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ x≡y ⟩∎
                         x≡y                        )
        ; left-inverse-of = refl

      contr :
        Contractible ((A : Type a) (P : I A  Type p)
                      (d :  x  P (to x))  Singleton d)
      contr =
        Π-closure          (lower-extensionality (lsuc p) lzero    ext) 0 λ _ 
        Π-closure          (lower-extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc p) ext) 0 λ _ 
        Π-closure          (lower-extensionality _        (lsuc p) ext) 0 λ _ 
        singleton-contractible _

      surj :
        ((A : Type a) (P : I A  Type p)
         (d :  x  P (to x))  Singleton d) 
        Equality-with-J₀ a p  _  reflexive-relation)
      surj =
        ((A : Type a) (P : I A  Type p)
         (d :  x  P (to x))  Singleton d)                    ↔⟨⟩

        ((A : Type a) (P : I A  Type p)
         (d :  x  P (to x)) 
          λ (j : (x : A)  P (to x))  j  d)                  ↔⟨ (∀-cong (lower-extensionality (lsuc p) lzero ext) λ _ 
                                                                              ∀-cong (lower-extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc p) ext) λ _ 
                                                                              ∀-cong (lower-extensionality _ (lsuc p) ext) λ _ 
                                                                              ∃-cong λ _  inverse $
                                                                              Eq.extensionality-isomorphism (lower-extensionality _ _ ext)) 
        ((A : Type a) (P : I A  Type p)
         (d :  x  P (to x)) 
          λ (j : (x : A)  P (to x))  (x : A)  j x  d x)    ↔⟨ (∀-cong (lower-extensionality (lsuc p) lzero ext) λ _ 
                                                                              ∀-cong (lower-extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc p) ext) λ _ 
                                                                              ∀-cong (lower-extensionality _ (lsuc p) ext) λ _  inverse $
                                                                              Σ-cong (inverse $ Π-cong (lower-extensionality _ _ ext)
                                                                                                       ≃I λ _  ⟨id⟩ {k = equivalence}) λ _ 
                                                                              ⟨id⟩ {k = equivalence}) 
        ((A : Type a) (P : I A  Type p)
         (d :  x  P (to x)) 
          λ (j : (q : I A)  P q)  (x : A)  j (to x)  d x)  ↔⟨ (∀-cong (lower-extensionality (lsuc p) lzero ext) λ _ 
                                                                              ∀-cong (lower-extensionality (lsuc a) (lsuc p) ext) λ _ 
        ((A : Type a) (P : I A  Type p) 
          λ (j : (d :  x  P (to x)) 
                  (q : I A)  P q) 
             (d :  x  P (to x))
             (x : A)  j d (to x)  d x)                        ↔⟨ (∀-cong (lower-extensionality (lsuc p) lzero ext) λ _ 
        ((A : Type a) 
          λ (j : (P : I A  Type p) (d :  x  P (to x)) 
                  (q : I A)  P q) 
             (P : I A  Type p) (d :  x  P (to x))
             (x : A)  j P d (to x)  d x)                      ↔⟨ ΠΣ-comm 

        ( λ (J : (A : Type a) (P : I A  Type p)
                  (d :  x  P (to x)) 
                  (q : I A)  P q) 
             (A : Type a) (P : I A  Type p)
             (d :  x  P (to x))
             (x : A)  J A P d (to x)  d x)                    ↝⟨ record
                                                                     { logical-equivalence = record
                                                                       { to   = uncurry λ J   record
                                                                                  { elim      = λ P r x≡y 
                                                                                                  J _ (P  proj₂  proj₂) r (_ , _ , x≡y)
                                                                                  ; elim-refl = λ P r   _ (P  proj₂  proj₂) r _
                                                                       ; from = λ eq 
                                                                              A P d q  Equality-with-J₀.elim eq
                                                                                             x≡y  P (_ , _ , x≡y)) d (proj₂ (proj₂ q)))
                                                                           ,  A P d x  Equality-with-J₀.elim-refl eq
                                                                                             x≡y  P (_ , _ , x≡y)) d)
                                                                     ; right-inverse-of = refl
                                                                     } ⟩□
        Equality-with-J₀ a p  _  reflexive-relation)         


    -- A related example. It had been suggested that the two proofs
    -- proof₁ and proof₂ below might not be provably equal, but Simon
    -- Huber managed to prove that they are (using a slightly
    -- different type for elim-refl).

    module _ {a p} {A : Type a}
             (P : A  Type p)
             {x : A} (y : P x) where

      subst′ : {x y : A} (P : A  Type p)  x  y  P x  P y
      subst′ P = elim  {u v} _  P u  P v)  _ p  p)

      subst′-refl≡id : {x : A} (P : A  Type p)  subst′ P (refl x)  id
      subst′-refl≡id P = elim-refl  {u v} _  P u  P v)  _ p  p)

      proof₁ proof₂ :
        subst′ P (refl x) (subst′ P (refl x) y)  subst′ P (refl x) y

      proof₁ = cong (_$ subst′ P (refl x) y) (subst′-refl≡id P)

      proof₂ = cong (subst′ P (refl x)) (cong (_$ y) (subst′-refl≡id P))

      proof₁≡proof₂ : proof₁  proof₂
      proof₁≡proof₂ =
        subst  (s : Singleton id) 
                  y  cong (_$ proj₁ s y) (proj₂ s) 
                       cong (proj₁ s) (cong (_$ y) (proj₂ s)))

              (id                , refl id           ≡⟨ proj₂ (singleton-contractible _) _ ⟩∎
               subst′ P (refl x) , subst′-refl≡id P  )

                 cong (_$ y) (refl id)            ≡⟨ cong-id _ ⟩∎
                 cong id (cong (_$ y) (refl id))  )
