-- The double-negation monad

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Equality

module Double-negation
  {reflexive} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where

open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude

open import Bijection eq using (_↔_)
open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open import Equivalence eq hiding (id; _∘_)
open import Excluded-middle eq
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Monad eq

-- The double-negation monad, defined using a wrapper type to make
-- instance resolution easier.

infix 3 ¬¬_

record ¬¬_ {a} (A : Type a) : Type a where
  constructor wrap
    run : ¬ ¬ A

open ¬¬_ public

-- An extra universe-polymorphic variant of map.

map′ :
   {a b} {@0 A : Type a} {@0 B : Type b} 
  (A  B)  ¬¬ A  ¬¬ B
run (map′ f ¬¬a) = λ ¬b  run ¬¬a  a  ¬b (f a))

-- Instances.


  double-negation-monad :  {}  Raw-monad  (A : Type )  ¬¬ A)
  run (Raw-monad.return double-negation-monad x)   = _$ x
  run (Raw-monad._>>=_  double-negation-monad x f) =
    join (map′ (run  f) x)
    join :  {a} {A : Type a}  ¬¬ ¬ A  ¬ A
    join ¬¬¬a = λ a  run ¬¬¬a  ¬a  ¬a a)


  proof-irrelevant :  {a} {A : Type a} {x y : ¬¬ A} 
                     Extensionality a lzero  x  y
  proof-irrelevant ext =
    cong wrap $ apply-ext ext λ _  ⊥-propositional _ _

monad :  {} 
        Extensionality  lzero 
        Monad  (A : Type )  ¬¬ A)
Monad.raw-monad      (monad _)         = double-negation-monad
Monad.left-identity  (monad ext) _ _   = proof-irrelevant ext
Monad.right-identity (monad ext) _     = proof-irrelevant ext
Monad.associativity  (monad ext) _ _ _ = proof-irrelevant ext

-- The following variant of excluded middle is provable.

excluded-middle :  {a} {@0 A : Type a}  ¬¬ Dec A
run excluded-middle ¬[a⊎¬a] = ¬[a⊎¬a] (no λ a  ¬[a⊎¬a] (yes a))

-- The following variant of Peirce's law is provable.

call/cc :  {a w} {@0 A : Type a} {Whatever : Type w} 
          ((A  Whatever)  ¬¬ A)  ¬¬ A
run (call/cc hyp) ¬a = run (hyp  a  ⊥-elim (¬a a))) ¬a

-- If one can prove that the empty type is inhabited in the
-- double-negation monad, then the empty type is inhabited.

¬¬¬⊥ :  {}  ¬ (¬¬ ( { = }))
¬¬¬⊥ ¬¬⊥ = run ¬¬⊥ ⊥-elim

-- If the double-negation of a negation can be proved, then the
-- negation itself can be proved.

¬¬¬→¬ :  {a} {A : Type a}  ¬¬ ¬ A  ¬ A
¬¬¬→¬ ¬¬¬a = λ a  ¬¬¬⊥ (¬¬¬a >>= λ ¬a  ⊥-elim (¬a a))

-- Excluded middle and double-negation elimination

-- Double-negation elimination (roughly as stated in the HoTT book).

Double-negation-elimination : ( : Level)  Type (lsuc )
Double-negation-elimination p =
  {P : Type p}  Is-proposition P  ¬¬ P  P

-- Double-negation elimination is propositional (assuming
-- extensionality).

Double-negation-elimination-propositional :
  Extensionality (lsuc )  
  Is-proposition (Double-negation-elimination )
Double-negation-elimination-propositional ext =
  implicit-Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
  Π-closure (lower-extensionality _ lzero ext) 1 λ P-prop 
  Π-closure (lower-extensionality _ lzero ext) 1 λ _ 

-- Excluded middle implies double-negation elimination.

Excluded-middle→Double-negation-elimination :
   {}  Excluded-middle   Double-negation-elimination 
Excluded-middle→Double-negation-elimination em P-prop ¬¬p =
  [ id , ⊥-elim  run ¬¬p ] (em P-prop)

-- Excluded middle is pointwise equivalent to double-negation
-- elimination (assuming extensionality).

Excluded-middle≃Double-negation-elimination :
  Extensionality (lsuc ) (lsuc ) 
  Excluded-middle   Double-negation-elimination 
Excluded-middle≃Double-negation-elimination ext =
  _↔_.to (⇔↔≃ ext
                 (lower-extensionality lzero _ ext))
                 (lower-extensionality lzero _ ext)))
       { to   = Excluded-middle→Double-negation-elimination
       ; from = λ dne P-prop 
                  dne (Dec-closure-propositional
                         (lower-extensionality _ _ ext) P-prop)