-- Up-to techniques via

{-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}

module Up-to.Via where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude
open import Prelude.Size

open import Bijection equality-with-J as Bijection using (_↔_)
open import Extensionality equality-with-J
open import Function-universe equality-with-J as F hiding (id; _∘_)

open import Indexed-container
open import Indexed-container.Combinators
  hiding (id) renaming (_∘_ to _⊚_)
open import Relation
open import Up-to

-- The property of being an up-to technique via another (or the same)
-- relation transformer. This is an adaptation of Definition 6.3.25 in
-- Pous and Sangiorgi's "Enhancements of the bisimulation proof
-- method".

Up-to-technique-via :
   {} {I : Type } 
  Container I I  Trans  I  Trans  I  Type (lsuc )
Up-to-technique-via C F G =
  Extensive G
  (∀ R  R   C  (F R)  G R   C  (G R))

-- If F is an up-to technique via G, then F is an up-to technique.
-- A corresponding result is mentioned by Pous and Sangiorgi right
-- after Definition 6.3.25.

up-to-via→up-to :
   {} {I : Type } {C : Container I I} {F G} 
  Up-to-technique-via C F G  Up-to-technique C F
up-to-via→up-to {C = C} {F} {G} up-to {R} =
  R   C  (F R)    ↝⟨ proj₂ up-to _ 
  G R   C  (G R)  ↝⟨ unfold C 
  G R  ν C         ↝⟨  hyp {_} x  hyp (proj₁ up-to R x)) ⟩□
  R  ν C           

-- If F is an up-to technique, then F is an up-to technique via
-- _∪ ν C ∞.

up-to→up-to-via :
   {} {I : Type } {C : Container I I} {F} 
  Up-to-technique C F  Up-to-technique-via C F (_∪ ν C )
up-to→up-to-via {C = C} {F} up-to =
       R          ⊆⟨ inj₁ ⟩∎
       R  ν C   )
  , λ R 
      R   C  (F R)                ↝⟨ up-to 
      R  ν C                       ↝⟨  hyp {_} 

          R  ν C                             ⊆⟨ [ hyp {_} , id ] 
          ν C                                 ⊆⟨ ν-out _ 
           C  (ν C )                        ⊆⟨ map C inj₂ ⟩∎
           C  (R  ν C )                    ) 

      R  ν C    C  (R  ν C )  

-- A lemma that corresponds to Pous and Sangiorgi's Lemma 6.3.27: If G
-- satisfies certain properties, then Up-to-technique-via C F is
-- closed under G ∘_.

up-to-via-∘ :
   {} {I : Type } {C : Container I I} {F G H} 
  Extensive G 
  (∀ R  R   C  R  G R   C  (G R)) 
  Up-to-technique-via C F H 
  Up-to-technique-via C F (G  H)
up-to-via-∘ {C = C} {F} {G} {H} extensive pres up-to =
       R        ⊆⟨ proj₁ up-to _ 
       H R      ⊆⟨ extensive _ ⟩∎
       G (H R)  )
  , λ R 
      R   C  (F R)            ↝⟨ proj₂ up-to _ 
      H R   C  (H R)          ↝⟨ pres _ ⟩□
      G (H R)   C  (G (H R))  


  -- If the container F is an up-to technique via a symmetric relation
  -- transformer, then ν ⟷[ C ⊚ F ] ∞ is contained in ν ⟷[ C ] ∞. This
  -- result corresponds to Pous and Sangiorgi's Proposition 6.3.28.

  up-to-via→ν-∘⊆ν :
     {} {I : Type } {C : Container (I × I) (I × I)} {F G} 
    Symmetric swap G 
    Up-to-technique-via C  F  G 
    ν ⟷[ C  F ]   ν ⟷[ C ] 
  up-to-via→ν-∘⊆ν symm up-to = up-to-via²→ν-∘⊆ν refl symm up-to up-to

  -- A generalisation of the result above.

  up-to-via²→ν-∘⊆ν :
     {} {I : Type } {C₁ C₂ : Container I I} {F₁ F₂ G} {f : I  I} 
    f  f  id 
    Symmetric f G 
    Up-to-technique-via C₁  F₁  G 
    Up-to-technique-via C₂  F₂  G 
    ν (C₁  F₁  reindex f (C₂  F₂))   ν (C₁  reindex f C₂) 
  up-to-via²→ν-∘⊆ν {} {I} {C₁} {C₂} {F₁} {F₂} {G} {f}
                   inv symm up-to₁ up-to₂ =
                                                       $⟨  {_}  ν-out _) 
    R   C₁  F₁  reindex f (C₂  F₂)  R            ↝⟨ ⊆-congʳ _ $ ⟦⊗⟧↔ _ (C₁  F₁) (reindex f (C₂  F₂)) 
    R   C₁  F₁  R   reindex f (C₂  F₂)  R      ↝⟨ from-isomorphism implicit-ΠΣ-comm F.∘
                                                          implicit-∀-cong _ (from-isomorphism ΠΣ-comm) 
    R   C₁  F₁  R × R   reindex f (C₂  F₂)  R  ↝⟨ Σ-map lemma₁ lemma₂ 
    G R   C₁  (G R) × G R   reindex f C₂  (G R)  ↝⟨ _⇔_.from (from-isomorphism implicit-ΠΣ-comm F.∘
                                                                    implicit-∀-cong _ (from-isomorphism ΠΣ-comm)) 
    G R   C₁  (G R)   reindex f C₂  (G R)        ↝⟨ _⇔_.from $ ⊆-congʳ _ $ ⟦⊗⟧↔ _ C₁ (reindex f C₂) 
    G R   C₁  reindex f C₂  (G R)                  ↝⟨ unfold (C₁  reindex f C₂) 
    G R  ν (C₁  reindex f C₂)                       ↝⟨  hyp {_} x  hyp (proj₁ up-to₁ R x)) ⟩□
    R  ν (C₁  reindex f C₂)                         
    R = ν (C₁  F₁  reindex f (C₂  F₂)) 

    I↔I : I  I
    I↔I = Bijection.bijection-from-involutive-family
             _ _  f)  _ _  ext⁻¹ inv) tt tt

    ∘⊆⇔⊆∘ : {S₁ S₂ : Rel  I}  S₁  f  S₂  S₁  S₂  f
    ∘⊆⇔⊆∘ {S₁ = S₁} {S₂} =
      (∀ {p}  S₁ (f p)  S₂ p)  ↔⟨ Bijection.implicit-Π↔Π 
      (∀ p  S₁ (f p)  S₂ p)    ↝⟨ Π-cong _ I↔I  _  →-cong _ F.id (≡⇒↝ _ $ cong S₂ $ ext⁻¹ (sym inv) _)) 
      (∀ p  S₁ p  S₂ (f p))    ↔⟨ inverse Bijection.implicit-Π↔Π ⟩□
      (∀ {p}  S₁ p  S₂ (f p))  

    lemma₁ =
      R   C₁  F₁  R      ↝⟨ ⊆-congʳ _ (⟦∘⟧↔ _ C₁) 
      R   C₁  ( F₁  R)  ↝⟨ proj₂ up-to₁ _ ⟩□
      G R   C₁  (G R)     

    lemma₂ =
      R   reindex f (C₂  F₂)  R    ↝⟨ ⊆-congʳ _ $ ⟦reindex⟧↔ _ (C₂  F₂) 
      R   C₂  F₂  (R  f)  f      ↝⟨ ⊆-congʳ _ (⟦∘⟧↔ _ C₂) 
      R   C₂  ( F₂  (R  f))  f  ↝⟨ _⇔_.from ∘⊆⇔⊆∘ 
      R  f   C₂  ( F₂  (R  f))  ↝⟨ proj₂ up-to₂ _ 
      G (R  f)   C₂  (G (R  f))   ↝⟨ involution→other-symmetry G inv symm _ ⊆-cong-→ ⟦⟧-cong _ C₂ (symm _) 
      G R  f   C₂  (G R  f)       ↝⟨ _⇔_.to ∘⊆⇔⊆∘ 
      G R   C₂  (G R  f)  f       ↝⟨ _⇔_.from $ ⊆-congʳ _ $ ⟦reindex⟧↔ _ C₂ 
      G R   reindex f C₂  (G R)     

-- If F is monotone and compatible, then F is an up-to technique via
-- F ^ω_. This result corresponds to Pous and Sangiorgi's
-- Theorem 6.3.26.

monotone→compatible→up-to-via :
   {} {I : Type } {C : Container I I} {F} 
  Monotone F 
  Compatible C F  Up-to-technique-via C F (F ^ω_)
monotone→compatible→up-to-via {C = C} {F} mono comp =
       R       ⊆⟨ 0 ,_ ⟩∎
       F  R  )
  , λ R R⊆ 
      F  R          ⊆⟨ compatible→^ω-post-fixpoint _ mono comp R⊆ ⟩∎
       C  (F  R)