-- Some results that could not be placed in Function-universe because
-- they make use of --sized-types

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --sized-types #-}

open import Equality

module Function-universe.Size
  {reflexive} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where

open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq

open import Prelude
open import Prelude.Size

import Bijection eq as B
open import Equivalence eq as Eq using (_≃_)
open import Function-universe eq

    S   : Size-universe
    p q : Level
    P   : S  Type p
    k   : Kind

-- Π-types with something from the size universe in the domain can be
-- expressed using something from Type in the domain.

Π-size-≃ :
  ((i : S)  P i) 
  ((i : S in-type)  P (size i))
Π-size-≃ = Eq.↔→≃
   p i  p (size i))
   p i  p (record { size = i }))

-- Implicit Π-types with something from the size universe in the
-- domain can be expressed using something from Type in the domain.

implicit-Π-size-≃ :
  ({i : S}  P i) 
  ({i : S in-type}  P (size i))
implicit-Π-size-≃ = Eq.↔→≃
   p {i}  p {size i})
   p {i}  p {record { size = i }})

-- Implicit Π-types with something from the size universe in the
-- domain are equivalent to explicit Π-types.

implicit-Π-size-≃-Π-size :
  ({i : S}  P i)  ((i : S)  P i)
implicit-Π-size-≃-Π-size {P} =
  (∀ {i}  P i)         ↔⟨ implicit-Π-size-≃ 
  (∀ {i}  P (size i))  ↔⟨ B.implicit-Π↔Π 
  (∀ i  P (size i))    ↔⟨ inverse Π-size-≃ ⟩□
  (∀ i  P i)           

-- A preservation lemma for Π-types with something from the size
-- universe in the domain.

∀-size-cong :
  {P : S  Type p} {Q : S  Type q} 
  Extensionality? k lzero (p  q) 
  (∀ i  P i ↝[ k ] Q i) 
  (∀ i  P i) ↝[ k ] (∀ i  Q i)
∀-size-cong {P} {Q} ext P↝Q =
  (∀ i  P i)         ↔⟨ Π-size-≃ 
  (∀ i  P (size i))  ↝⟨ ∀-cong ext  i  P↝Q (size i)) 
  (∀ i  Q (size i))  ↔⟨ inverse Π-size-≃ ⟩□
  (∀ i  Q i)         

-- A preservation lemma for implicit Π-types with something from the
-- size universe in the domain.

implicit-∀-size-cong :
  {P : S  Type p} {Q : S  Type q} 
  Extensionality? k lzero (p  q) 
  (∀ {i}  P (size i) ↝[ k ] Q (size i)) 
  (∀ {i}  P i) ↝[ k ] (∀ {i}  Q i)
implicit-∀-size-cong {P} {Q} ext P↝Q =
  (∀ {i}  P i)         ↔⟨ implicit-Π-size-≃ 
  (∀ {i}  P (size i))  ↝⟨ implicit-∀-cong ext P↝Q 
  (∀ {i}  Q (size i))  ↔⟨ inverse implicit-Π-size-≃ ⟩□
  (∀ {i}  Q i)