-- Termination

{-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}

open import Prelude

module Delay-monad.Termination {a} {A : Type a} where

open import Equality.Propositional
open import Logical-equivalence using (_⇔_)
open import Prelude.Size

open import Bijection equality-with-J using (_↔_)
open import Double-negation equality-with-J
open import Monad equality-with-J

open import Delay-monad
open import Delay-monad.Bisimilarity hiding (_∎; step-≡ˡ)

-- Termination predicates.

Terminates : Size  Delay A   A  Type a
Terminates i x y = [ i ] now y  x

infix 4 _⇓_

_⇓_ : Delay A   A  Type a
_⇓_ = Terminates 

-- Terminates i is pointwise isomorphic to Terminates ∞.
-- Note that Terminates carves out an "inductive fragment" of [_]_≈_:
-- the only "coinductive" constructor, later, does not target
-- Terminates.

Terminates↔⇓ :  {i x y}  Terminates i x y  x  y
Terminates↔⇓ = record
  { surjection = record
    { logical-equivalence = record
      { to   = to
      ; from = from _
    ; right-inverse-of = to∘from
  ; left-inverse-of = from∘to
  to :  {i x y}  Terminates i x y  x  y
  to now        = now
  to (laterʳ p) = laterʳ (to p)

  from :  i {x y}  x  y  Terminates i x y
  from _ now        = now
  from _ (laterʳ p) = laterʳ (from _ p)

  to∘from :  {i x y} (p : x  y)  to (from i p)  p
  to∘from now        = refl
  to∘from (laterʳ p) = cong laterʳ (to∘from p)

  from∘to :  {i x y} (p : Terminates i x y)  from i (to p)  p
  from∘to now        = refl
  from∘to (laterʳ p) = cong laterʳ (from∘to p)

-- The termination relation respects weak bisimilarity.
-- This function cannot be made size-preserving in its second argument
-- (unless A is uninhabited), see Delay-monad.Bisimilarity.Negative.

⇓-respects-≈ :  {i x y z} 
               Terminates i x z  x  y  Terminates i y z
⇓-respects-≈ = transitive-≈-now

-- If a computation does not terminate, then it is weakly bisimilar
-- to never.

¬⇓→⇑ :  {i} x  ¬ ( λ y  x  y)  [ i ] never  x
¬⇓→⇑ (now   x) ¬⇓ = ⊥-elim (¬⇓ (_ , now))
¬⇓→⇑ (later x) ¬⇓ = later λ { .force  ¬⇓→⇑ _ (¬⇓  Σ-map id laterʳ) }

-- In the double-negation monad every computation is weakly
-- bisimilar to either never or now something.

¬¬[⇑⊎⇓] :  x  ¬¬ (never  x   λ y  x  y)
¬¬[⇑⊎⇓] x = [ inj₂ , inj₁  ¬⇓→⇑ _ ] ⟨$⟩ excluded-middle

-- If A is a set, then the termination predicate is propositional.

Terminates-propositional :
  Is-set A   {i x y}  Is-proposition (Terminates i x y)
Terminates-propositional A-set {i} = λ p q  irr p q refl
  irr :
     {x y y′}
    (p : [ i ] now y   x)
    (q : [ i ] now y′  x)
    (y≡y′ : y  y′) 
    subst (([ i ]_≈ x)  now) y≡y′ p  q
  irr         (laterʳ p) (laterʳ q) refl = cong laterʳ (irr p q refl)
  irr {y = y} now        now        y≡y  =
    subst (([ i ]_≈ now y)  now) y≡y  now  ≡⟨ cong  eq  subst (([ i ]_≈ now y)  now) eq _) (A-set y≡y refl) 
    subst (([ i ]_≈ now y)  now) refl now  ≡⟨⟩

-- If x terminates with y and z, then y is equal to z.

termination-value-unique :
   {i x y z}  Terminates i x y  Terminates i x z  y  z
termination-value-unique now        now        = refl
termination-value-unique (laterʳ p) (laterʳ q) =
  termination-value-unique p q

-- If A is a set, then ∃ λ y → x ⇓ y is propositional.

∃-Terminates-propositional :
  Is-set A   {i x}  Is-proposition ( (Terminates i x))
∃-Terminates-propositional A-set (y₁ , x⇓y₁) (y₂ , x⇓y₂) =
    (termination-value-unique x⇓y₁ x⇓y₂)
    (Terminates-propositional A-set _ _)