-- An alternative (non-standard) coinductive definition of weak
-- bisimilarity

-- This definition is based on the function "wb" in Section 6.5.1 of
-- Pous and Sangiorgi's "Enhancements of the bisimulation proof
-- method".

{-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}

open import Labelled-transition-system

module Bisimilarity.Weak.Alternative {} (lts : LTS ) where

open import Prelude

import Bisimilarity
import Bisimilarity.Equational-reasoning-instances
open import Equational-reasoning

open LTS lts

-- We get weak bisimilarity by instantiating strong bisimilarity with
-- a different LTS.

  module WB = Bisimilarity (weak lts)

open WB public
  using ( ⟨_,_⟩
        ; [_]_≡_
        ; [_]_≡′_
        ; Extensionality
        ; force
        ; left-to-right
        ; right-to-left
  renaming ( _∼_         to _≈_
           ; _∼′_        to _≈′_
           ; [_]_∼_      to [_]_≈_
           ; [_]_∼′_     to [_]_≈′_
           ; _⟶⟨_⟩ʳˡ_    to _⇒⟨_⟩ʳˡ_
           ; _[_]⟶⟨_⟩ʳˡ_ to _[_]⇒⟨_⟩ʳˡ_

infix -3 lr-result-with-action lr-result-without-action

lr-result-without-action = WB.lr-result-without-action
lr-result-with-action    = WB.lr-result-with-action

syntax lr-result-without-action p′≈q′   q q⟶q′ = p′≈q′      ⇐⟨ q⟶q′  q
syntax lr-result-with-action    p′≈q′ μ q q⟶q′ = p′≈q′ [ μ ]⇐⟨ q⟶q′  q

-- Strongly bisimilar processes are weakly bisimilar.

  module SB = Bisimilarity lts

open SB using (_∼_; _∼′_; [_]_∼_; [_]_∼′_; force)


  ∼⇒≈ :  {i p q}  p  q  [ i ] p  q
  ∼⇒≈ {i} = λ p∼q 
     lr p∼q
    , Σ-map id (Σ-map id symmetric)  lr (symmetric p∼q)
    lr :  {p p′ q μ} 
         p  q  p [ μ ]⇒̂ p′ 
          λ q′  q [ μ ]⇒̂ q′ × [ i ] p′ ≈′ q′
    lr p∼q p⇒̂p′ =
      Σ-map id (Σ-map id ∼⇒≈′) (SB.strong-is-weak⇒̂ p∼q p⇒̂p′)

  ∼⇒≈′ :  {i p q}  p  q  [ i ] p ≈′ q
  force (∼⇒≈′ p∼q) = ∼⇒≈ p∼q

∼⇒≈″ :  {p q}  p ∼′ q  p ≈′ q
force (∼⇒≈″ p∼′q) = ∼⇒≈ (force p∼′q)

-- TODO: I suspect that the size isn't necessarily preserved: A weak
-- proof of a given size might require a strong proof which is much
-- larger, because a single weak transition might correspond to a
-- large number of strong transitions. I guess this has to be proved
-- for a particular LTS, or with certain assumptions about the LTS.