-- Expressions and other shared code

module NonDeterministic.Expr where

open import Coinduction
open import Data.Colist

-- Messages.

data UserMsg : Set where
   : UserMsg
   : UserMsg
   : UserMsg

data ExternalMsg : Set where
   : ExternalMsg

data Msg : Set where
  user : (m : UserMsg)  Msg
  ext  : (m : ExternalMsg)  Msg

-- Unannotated expressions.

data Expr : Set where
  -- Does not emit a message and continues with e.
  nop  : (e :  Expr)  Expr
  -- Emits the message m and continues with e.
  tick : (m : UserMsg) (e :  Expr)  Expr

-- Traces.

Trace : Set
Trace = Colist Msg

-- Semantics.

Semantics : Set1
Semantics = Expr  Trace  Set

-- Examples

scissors : Trace
scissors = user   ( scissors)

nops : Expr
nops = nop ( nops)

ticks : Expr
ticks = tick  ( ticks)