-- This approach appears to be both awkward to use and non-trivial to
-- understand

module Deterministic.ShortestExtension where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Colist
open import Coinduction
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Empty
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open import Deterministic.Expr

-- Trace[ e ]⊑ ms means that the trace of e is a prefix of ms.

open import Deterministic.Incorrect public
  using (nop; tick) renaming (_HasTrace_ to Trace[_]⊑_)

-- Note that the trace is the shortest extension of the trace.

infix 4 _HasTrace_

_HasTrace_ : Semantics
e HasTrace ms = Trace[ e ]⊑ ms × (∀ {ms′}  Trace[ e ]⊑ ms′  ms  ms′)

-- Examples

Trace[nops]⊑[] : Trace[ nops ]⊑ []
Trace[nops]⊑[] = nop ( Trace[nops]⊑[])

possible : nops HasTrace []
possible = (Trace[nops]⊑[] , λ _  [])

impossible :  {m ms}  ¬ nops HasTrace (m  ms)
impossible ht with proj₂ ht Trace[nops]⊑[]
... | ()

ok : ticks HasTrace scissors
ok = (prefix , λ {_}  shortest)
  prefix : Trace[ ticks ]⊑ scissors
  prefix = tick ( prefix)

  shortest :  {ms}  Trace[ ticks ]⊑ ms  scissors  ms
  shortest (tick x) =    shortest ( x)