-- Applicative structures

module SimplyTyped.ApplicativeStructure where

open import SimplyTyped.TypeSystem

record ApplicativeStructure : Set1 where
    -- Semantic domains.

    Dom : TmLike

    -- Interpretations of variables, abstractions and applications.

    Var :  {Γ τ}  Γ  τ  Dom Γ τ
    Lam :  {Γ σ τ}  Dom (Γ  σ) τ  Dom Γ (σ  τ)
    App :  {Γ σ τ}  Dom Γ (σ  τ)  Dom Γ σ  Dom Γ τ

  -- Given an applicative structure a term can easily be interpreted.
  -- (Yes, this module just encodes a fold.)

  ⟦_⟧ :  {Γ τ}  Γ  τ  Dom Γ τ
   var x    = Var x
   ƛ t      = Lam  t 
   t₁ · t₂  = App  t₁   t₂