-- The Agda standard library
-- Literals used in the reflection machinery

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Reflection.AST.Literal where

open import Data.Bool.Base   using (Bool; true; false)
import Data.Char as Char     using (_≟_)
import Data.Float as Float   using (_≟_)
import Data.Nat as         using (_≟_)
import Data.String.Properties as String using (_≟_)
import Data.Word as Word     using (_≟_)
import Reflection.AST.Meta as Meta
import Reflection.AST.Name as Name
open import Relation.Nullary                           using (yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable                 using (map′; isYes)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions                using (DecidableEquality)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_; refl; cong)

-- Re-exporting the builtin type and constructors

open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection public
  using ( Literal )
open Literal public

-- Decidable equality

meta-injective :  {x y}  meta x  meta y  x  y
meta-injective refl = refl

nat-injective :  {x y}  nat x  nat y  x  y
nat-injective refl = refl

word64-injective :  {x y}  word64 x  word64 y  x  y
word64-injective refl = refl

float-injective :  {x y}  float x  float y  x  y
float-injective refl = refl

char-injective :  {x y}  char x  char y  x  y
char-injective refl = refl

string-injective :  {x y}  string x  string y  x  y
string-injective refl = refl

name-injective :  {x y}  name x  name y  x  y
name-injective refl = refl

infix 4 _≟_
_≟_ : DecidableEquality Literal
nat x  nat x₁ = map′ (cong nat) nat-injective (x ℕ.≟ x₁)
nat x  word64 x₁ = no  ())
nat x  float x₁ = no  ())
nat x  char x₁ = no  ())
nat x  string x₁ = no  ())
nat x  name x₁ = no  ())
nat x  meta x₁ = no  ())
word64 x  word64 x₁ = map′ (cong word64) word64-injective (x Word.≟ x₁)
word64 x  nat x₁ = no  ())
word64 x  float x₁ = no  ())
word64 x  char x₁ = no  ())
word64 x  string x₁ = no  ())
word64 x  name x₁ = no  ())
word64 x  meta x₁ = no  ())
float x  nat x₁ = no  ())
float x  word64 x₁ = no  ())
float x  float x₁ = map′ (cong float) float-injective (x Float.≟ x₁)
float x  char x₁ = no  ())
float x  string x₁ = no  ())
float x  name x₁ = no  ())
float x  meta x₁ = no  ())
char x  nat x₁ = no  ())
char x  word64 x₁ = no  ())
char x  float x₁ = no  ())
char x  char x₁ = map′ (cong char) char-injective (x Char.≟ x₁)
char x  string x₁ = no  ())
char x  name x₁ = no  ())
char x  meta x₁ = no  ())
string x  nat x₁ = no  ())
string x  word64 x₁ = no  ())
string x  float x₁ = no  ())
string x  char x₁ = no  ())
string x  string x₁ = map′ (cong string) string-injective (x String.≟ x₁)
string x  name x₁ = no  ())
string x  meta x₁ = no  ())
name x  nat x₁ = no  ())
name x  word64 x₁ = no  ())
name x  float x₁ = no  ())
name x  char x₁ = no  ())
name x  string x₁ = no  ())
name x  name x₁ = map′ (cong name) name-injective (x Name.≟ x₁)
name x  meta x₁ = no  ())
meta x  nat x₁ = no  ())
meta x  word64 x₁ = no  ())
meta x  float x₁ = no  ())
meta x  char x₁ = no  ())
meta x  string x₁ = no  ())
meta x  name x₁ = no  ())
meta x  meta x₁ = map′ (cong meta) meta-injective (x Meta.≟ x₁)

infix 4 _≡ᵇ_

_≡ᵇ_ : Literal  Literal  Bool
l ≡ᵇ l′ = isYes (l  l′)