-- Grammars defined as functions from non-terminals to productions

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Grammar.Non-terminal where

open import Algebra
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Bool.Properties
open import Data.Char
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.List hiding (unfold)
open import Data.List.Properties
open import Data.Maybe hiding (_>>=_)
open import Data.Maybe.Effectful as MaybeC
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product as Product
open import Data.Unit
open import Effect.Monad
open import Function
open import Level using (Lift; lift)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_; _≢_)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Tactic.MonoidSolver

  module LM {A : Set} = Monoid (++-monoid A)
  open module MM {f} = RawMonadPlus (MaybeC.monadPlus {f = f})
    using ()
    renaming (_<$>_ to _<$>M_; _⊛_ to _⊛M_;
              _>>=_ to _>>=M_; _∣_ to _∣M_)

open import Utilities

-- Grammars

-- Productions. (Note that productions can contain choices.)

infix  30 _⋆
infixl 20 _⊛_ _<⊛_
infixl 15 _>>=_
infixl 10 _∣_

data Prod (NT : Set  Set₁) : Set  Set₁ where
  !      :  {A}  NT A  Prod NT A
  fail   :  {A}  Prod NT A
  return :  {A}  A  Prod NT A
  token  : Prod NT Char
  tok    : Char  Prod NT Char
  _⊛_    :  {A B}  Prod NT (A  B)  Prod NT A  Prod NT B
  _<⊛_   :  {A B}  Prod NT A  Prod NT B  Prod NT A
  _>>=_  :  {A B}  Prod NT A  (A  Prod NT B)  Prod NT B
  _∣_    :  {A}  Prod NT A  Prod NT A  Prod NT A
  _⋆     :  {A}  Prod NT A  Prod NT (List A)

-- Grammars.

Grammar : (Set  Set₁)  Set₁
Grammar NT =  A  NT A  Prod NT A

-- An empty non-terminal type.

Empty-NT : Set  Set₁
Empty-NT _ = Lift _ 

-- A corresponding grammar.

empty-grammar : Grammar Empty-NT
empty-grammar _ (lift ())

-- Production combinators

-- Map.

infixl 20 _<$>_ _<$_

_<$>_ :  {NT A B}  (A  B)  Prod NT A  Prod NT B
f <$> p = return f  p

_<$_ :  {NT A B}  A  Prod NT B  Prod NT A
x <$ p = return x <⊛ p

-- Various sequencing operators.

infixl 20 _⊛>_
infixl 15 _>>_

_>>_ :  {NT A B}  Prod NT A  Prod NT B  Prod NT B
p₁ >> p₂ =  _ x  x) <$> p₁  p₂

_⊛>_ :  {NT A B}  Prod NT A  Prod NT B  Prod NT B
_⊛>_ = _>>_

-- Kleene plus.

infix 30 _+

_+ :  {NT A}  Prod NT A  Prod NT (List A)
p + = _∷_ <$> p  p 

-- Elements separated by something.

infixl 18 _sep-by_

_sep-by_ :  {NT A B}  Prod NT A  Prod NT B  Prod NT (List A)
g sep-by sep = _∷_ <$> g  (sep >> g) 

-- A production for tokens satisfying a given predicate.

if-true :  {NT} (b : Bool)  Prod NT (T b)
if-true true  = return tt
if-true false = fail

sat :  {NT} (p : Char  Bool)  Prod NT ( λ t  T (p t))
sat p = token >>= λ t  _,_ t <$> if-true (p t)

-- A production for whitespace.

whitespace :  {NT}  Prod NT Char
whitespace = tok ' '  tok '\n'

-- A production for a given string.

string :  {NT}  List Char  Prod NT (List Char)
string []      = return []
string (t  s) = _∷_ <$> tok t  string s

-- A production for the given string, possibly followed by some
-- whitespace.

symbol :  {NT}  List Char  Prod NT (List Char)
symbol s = string s <⊛ whitespace 

-- Semantics

infix 4 [_]_∈_·_

data [_]_∈_·_ {NT : Set  Set₁} (g : Grammar NT) :
               {A}  A  Prod NT A  List Char  Set₁ where
  !-sem      :  {A} {nt : NT A} {x s} 
               [ g ] x  g A nt · s  [ g ] x  ! nt · s
  return-sem :  {A} {x : A}  [ g ] x  return x · []
  token-sem  :  {t}  [ g ] t  token · [ t ]
  tok-sem    :  {t}  [ g ] t  tok t · [ t ]
  ⊛-sem      :  {A B} {p₁ : Prod NT (A  B)} {p₂ : Prod NT A}
                 {f x s₁ s₂} 
               [ g ] f  p₁ · s₁  [ g ] x  p₂ · s₂ 
               [ g ] f x  p₁  p₂ · s₁ ++ s₂
  <⊛-sem     :  {A B} {p₁ : Prod NT A} {p₂ : Prod NT B} {x y s₁ s₂} 
               [ g ] x  p₁ · s₁  [ g ] y  p₂ · s₂ 
               [ g ] x  p₁ <⊛ p₂ · s₁ ++ s₂
  >>=-sem    :  {A B} {p₁ : Prod NT A} {p₂ : A  Prod NT B}
                 {x y s₁ s₂} 
               [ g ] x  p₁ · s₁  [ g ] y  p₂ x · s₂ 
               [ g ] y  p₁ >>= p₂ · s₁ ++ s₂
  left-sem   :  {A} {p₁ p₂ : Prod NT A} {x s} 
               [ g ] x  p₁ · s  [ g ] x  p₁  p₂ · s
  right-sem  :  {A} {p₁ p₂ : Prod NT A} {x s} 
               [ g ] x  p₂ · s  [ g ] x  p₁  p₂ · s
  ⋆-[]-sem   :  {A} {p : Prod NT A} 
               [ g ] []  p  · []
  ⋆-+-sem    :  {A} {p : Prod NT A} {xs s} 
               [ g ] xs  p + · s  [ g ] xs  p  · s

-- Cast lemma.

cast :  {NT g A} {p : Prod NT A} {x s₁ s₂} 
       s₁  s₂  [ g ] x  p · s₁  [ g ] x  p · s₂
cast P.refl = id

-- Semantics combinators

<$>-sem :  {NT} {g : Grammar NT} {A B} {f : A  B} {x p s} 
          [ g ] x  p · s  [ g ] f x  f <$> p · s
<$>-sem x∈ = ⊛-sem return-sem x∈

<$-sem :  {NT g A B} {p : Prod NT B} {x : A} {y s} 
         [ g ] y  p · s  [ g ] x  x <$ p · s
<$-sem y∈ = <⊛-sem return-sem y∈

>>-sem :  {NT g A B} {p₁ : Prod NT A} {p₂ : Prod NT B} {x y s₁ s₂} 
         [ g ] x  p₁ · s₁  [ g ] y  p₂ · s₂ 
         [ g ] y  p₁ >> p₂ · s₁ ++ s₂
>>-sem x∈ y∈ = ⊛-sem (⊛-sem return-sem x∈) y∈

⊛>-sem :  {NT g A B} {p₁ : Prod NT A} {p₂ : Prod NT B} {x y s₁ s₂} 
         [ g ] x  p₁ · s₁  [ g ] y  p₂ · s₂ 
         [ g ] y  p₁ ⊛> p₂ · s₁ ++ s₂
⊛>-sem = >>-sem

+-sem :  {NT g A} {p : Prod NT A} {x xs s₁ s₂} 
        [ g ] x  p · s₁  [ g ] xs  p  · s₂ 
        [ g ] x  xs  p + · s₁ ++ s₂
+-sem x∈ xs∈ = ⊛-sem (⊛-sem return-sem x∈) xs∈

⋆-∷-sem :  {NT g A} {p : Prod NT A} {x xs s₁ s₂} 
          [ g ] x  p · s₁  [ g ] xs  p  · s₂ 
          [ g ] x  xs  p  · s₁ ++ s₂
⋆-∷-sem x∈ xs∈ = ⋆-+-sem (+-sem x∈ xs∈)

⋆-⋆-sem :  {NT g A} {p : Prod NT A} {xs₁ xs₂ s₁ s₂} 
          [ g ] xs₁  p  · s₁  [ g ] xs₂  p  · s₂ 
          [ g ] xs₁ ++ xs₂  p  · s₁ ++ s₂
⋆-⋆-sem ⋆-[]-sem xs₂∈ = xs₂∈
⋆-⋆-sem (⋆-+-sem (⊛-sem (⊛-sem {s₂ = s₁} return-sem x∈) xs₁∈)) xs₂∈ =
  cast (P.sym $ LM.assoc s₁ _ _)
       (⋆-∷-sem x∈ (⋆-⋆-sem xs₁∈ xs₂∈))

+-∷-sem :  {NT g A} {p : Prod NT A} {x xs s₁ s₂} 
          [ g ] x  p · s₁  [ g ] xs  p + · s₂ 
          [ g ] x  xs  p + · s₁ ++ s₂
+-∷-sem x∈ xs∈ = +-sem x∈ (⋆-+-sem xs∈)

+-⋆-sem :  {NT g A} {p : Prod NT A} {xs₁ xs₂ s₁ s₂} 
          [ g ] xs₁  p + · s₁  [ g ] xs₂  p  · s₂ 
          [ g ] xs₁ ++ xs₂  p + · s₁ ++ s₂
+-⋆-sem (⊛-sem (⊛-sem {s₂ = s₁} return-sem x∈) xs₁∈) xs₂∈ =
  cast (P.sym $ LM.assoc s₁ _ _)
       (+-sem x∈ (⋆-⋆-sem xs₁∈ xs₂∈))

sep-by-sem-singleton :
   {NT g A B} {p : Prod NT A} {sep : Prod NT B} {x s} 
  [ g ] x  p · s  [ g ] [ x ]  p sep-by sep · s
sep-by-sem-singleton x∈ =
  cast (proj₂ LM.identity _) (⊛-sem (<$>-sem x∈) ⋆-[]-sem)

sep-by-sem-∷ :
   {NT g A B} {p : Prod NT A} {sep : Prod NT B} {x y xs s₁ s₂ s₃} 
  [ g ] x  p · s₁  [ g ] y  sep · s₂  [ g ] xs  p sep-by sep · s₃ 
  [ g ] x  xs  p sep-by sep · s₁ ++ s₂ ++ s₃
sep-by-sem-∷ {s₂ = s₂} x∈ y∈ (⊛-sem (⊛-sem return-sem x′∈) xs∈) =
  ⊛-sem (<$>-sem x∈)
        (cast (LM.assoc s₂ _ _) (⋆-∷-sem (>>-sem y∈ x′∈) xs∈))

if-true-sem :  {NT} {g : Grammar NT} {b}
              (t : T b)  [ g ] t  if-true b · []
if-true-sem {b = true}  _  = return-sem
if-true-sem {b = false} ()

sat-sem :  {NT} {g : Grammar NT} {p t}
          (pt : T (p t))  [ g ] (t , pt)  sat p · [ t ]
sat-sem pt = >>=-sem token-sem (<$>-sem (if-true-sem pt))

whitespace-sem-space :  {NT} {g : Grammar NT} 
                       [ g ] ' '  whitespace · [ ' ' ]
whitespace-sem-space = left-sem tok-sem

whitespace-sem-newline :  {NT} {g : Grammar NT} 
                         [ g ] '\n'  whitespace · [ '\n' ]
whitespace-sem-newline = right-sem tok-sem

string-sem :  {NT} {g : Grammar NT} {s} 
             [ g ] s  string s · s
string-sem {s = []}    = return-sem
string-sem {s = t  s} = ⊛-sem (<$>-sem tok-sem) string-sem

symbol-sem :  {NT} {g : Grammar NT} {s s′ s″} 
             [ g ] s″  whitespace  · s′  [ g ] s  symbol s · s ++ s′
symbol-sem s″∈ = <⊛-sem string-sem s″∈

-- Some production transformers

-- Replaces all non-terminals with non-terminal-free productions.

replace :  {NT A}  (∀ {A}  NT A  Prod Empty-NT A) 
          Prod NT A  Prod Empty-NT A
replace f (! nt)      = f nt
replace f fail        = fail
replace f (return x)  = return x
replace f token       = token
replace f (tok x)     = tok x
replace f (p₁  p₂)   = replace f p₁  replace f p₂
replace f (p₁ <⊛ p₂)  = replace f p₁ <⊛ replace f p₂
replace f (p₁ >>= p₂) = replace f p₁ >>= λ x  replace f (p₂ x)
replace f (p₁  p₂)   = replace f p₁  replace f p₂
replace f (p )       = replace f p 

-- A lemma relating the resulting production with the original one in
-- case every non-terminal is replaced by fail.

replace-fail :
   {NT A g} (p : Prod NT A) {x s} 
  [ empty-grammar ] x  replace  _  fail) p · s 
  [ g             ] x                       p · s
replace-fail (! nt)      ()
replace-fail fail        ()
replace-fail (return x)  return-sem      = return-sem
replace-fail token       token-sem       = token-sem
replace-fail (tok t)     tok-sem         = tok-sem
replace-fail (p₁  p₂)   (⊛-sem f∈ x∈)   = ⊛-sem   (replace-fail p₁ f∈) (replace-fail p₂     x∈)
replace-fail (p₁ <⊛ p₂)  (<⊛-sem x∈ y∈)  = <⊛-sem  (replace-fail p₁ x∈) (replace-fail p₂     y∈)
replace-fail (p₁ >>= p₂) (>>=-sem x∈ y∈) = >>=-sem (replace-fail p₁ x∈) (replace-fail (p₂ _) y∈)
replace-fail (p₁  p₂)   (left-sem  x∈)  = left-sem  (replace-fail p₁ x∈)
replace-fail (p₁  p₂)   (right-sem x∈)  = right-sem (replace-fail p₂ x∈)
replace-fail (p )       ⋆-[]-sem        = ⋆-[]-sem
replace-fail (p )       (⋆-+-sem xs∈)   = ⋆-+-sem (replace-fail (p +) xs∈)

-- Unfolds every non-terminal. At most n /nested/ unfoldings are
-- performed.

unfold :  {NT A}  (n : )  Grammar NT  Prod NT A  Prod NT A
unfold zero    g p           = p
unfold (suc n) g (! nt)      = unfold n g (g _ nt)
unfold n       g fail        = fail
unfold n       g (return x)  = return x
unfold n       g token       = token
unfold n       g (tok x)     = tok x
unfold n       g (p₁  p₂)   = unfold n g p₁  unfold n g p₂
unfold n       g (p₁ <⊛ p₂)  = unfold n g p₁ <⊛ unfold n g p₂
unfold n       g (p₁ >>= p₂) = unfold n g p₁ >>= λ x  unfold n g (p₂ x)
unfold n       g (p₁  p₂)   = unfold n g p₁  unfold n g p₂
unfold n       g (p )       = unfold n g p 

-- Unfold is semantics-preserving.

unfold-to :  {NT A} {g : Grammar NT} {x s} n (p : Prod NT A) 
            [ g ] x  p · s  [ g ] x  unfold n g p · s
unfold-to zero    p           x∈              = x∈
unfold-to (suc n) (! nt)      (!-sem x∈)      = unfold-to n _ x∈
unfold-to (suc n) fail        x∈              = x∈
unfold-to (suc n) (return x)  x∈              = x∈
unfold-to (suc n) token       x∈              = x∈
unfold-to (suc n) (tok x)     x∈              = x∈
unfold-to (suc n) (p₁  p₂)   (⊛-sem f∈ x∈)   = ⊛-sem (unfold-to (suc n) p₁ f∈)
                                                      (unfold-to (suc n) p₂ x∈)
unfold-to (suc n) (p₁ <⊛ p₂)  (<⊛-sem x∈ y∈)  = <⊛-sem (unfold-to (suc n) p₁ x∈)
                                                       (unfold-to (suc n) p₂ y∈)
unfold-to (suc n) (p₁ >>= p₂) (>>=-sem x∈ y∈) = >>=-sem (unfold-to (suc n) p₁ x∈)
                                                        (unfold-to (suc n) (p₂ _) y∈)
unfold-to (suc n) (p₁  p₂)   (left-sem x∈)   = left-sem  (unfold-to (suc n) p₁ x∈)
unfold-to (suc n) (p₁  p₂)   (right-sem x∈)  = right-sem (unfold-to (suc n) p₂ x∈)
unfold-to (suc n) (p )       ⋆-[]-sem        = ⋆-[]-sem
unfold-to (suc n) (p )       (⋆-+-sem xs∈)   = ⋆-+-sem (unfold-to (suc n) (p +) xs∈)

unfold-from :  {NT A} {g : Grammar NT} {x s} n (p : Prod NT A) 
              [ g ] x  unfold n g p · s  [ g ] x  p · s
unfold-from zero    p           x∈              = x∈
unfold-from (suc n) (! nt)      x∈              = !-sem (unfold-from n _ x∈)
unfold-from (suc n) fail        x∈              = x∈
unfold-from (suc n) (return x)  x∈              = x∈
unfold-from (suc n) token       x∈              = x∈
unfold-from (suc n) (tok x)     x∈              = x∈
unfold-from (suc n) (p₁  p₂)   (⊛-sem f∈ x∈)   = ⊛-sem (unfold-from (suc n) p₁ f∈)
                                                        (unfold-from (suc n) p₂ x∈)
unfold-from (suc n) (p₁ <⊛ p₂)  (<⊛-sem x∈ y∈)  = <⊛-sem (unfold-from (suc n) p₁ x∈)
                                                         (unfold-from (suc n) p₂ y∈)
unfold-from (suc n) (p₁ >>= p₂) (>>=-sem x∈ y∈) = >>=-sem (unfold-from (suc n) p₁ x∈)
                                                          (unfold-from (suc n) (p₂ _) y∈)
unfold-from (suc n) (p₁  p₂)   (left-sem x∈)   = left-sem  (unfold-from (suc n) p₁ x∈)
unfold-from (suc n) (p₁  p₂)   (right-sem x∈)  = right-sem (unfold-from (suc n) p₂ x∈)
unfold-from (suc n) (p )       ⋆-[]-sem        = ⋆-[]-sem
unfold-from (suc n) (p )       (⋆-+-sem xs∈)   = ⋆-+-sem (unfold-from (suc n) (p +) xs∈)

-- Nullability

-- A production is nullable (with respect to a given grammar) if the
-- empty string is a member of the language defined by the production.

Nullable :  {NT A}  Grammar NT  Prod NT A  Set₁
Nullable g p =  λ x  [ g ] x  p · []

-- Nullability is not decidable, not even for productions without
-- non-terminals. If nullability were decidable, then we could decide
-- if a given function of type ℕ → Bool always returns false.

nullability-not-decidable :
  (∀ {A} (p : Prod Empty-NT A)  Dec (Nullable empty-grammar p)) 
  (f :   Bool)  Dec (∀ n  f n  false)
nullability-not-decidable dec f = goal
  p : Prod Empty-NT 
  p = return tt  >>= λ tts 
      let n = length tts in
      if f n then return n else fail

  true-lemma :  {n s}  [ empty-grammar ] n  p · s  f n  true
  true-lemma (>>=-sem {x = tts} _ _)
    with f (length tts) | P.inspect f (length tts)
  true-lemma (>>=-sem _ return-sem) | true  | P.[ fn≡true ] = fn≡true
  true-lemma (>>=-sem _ ())         | false | _

  no-lemma :  {n}  f n  true  ¬ (∀ n  f n  false)
  no-lemma {n} ≡true ≡false with begin
    true   ≡⟨ P.sym ≡true 
    f n    ≡⟨ ≡false n 
    where open P.≡-Reasoning
  ... | ()

  to-tts :   List 
  to-tts n = replicate n tt

  n∈₁ :  n  [ empty-grammar ] to-tts n  return tt  · []
  n∈₁ zero    = ⋆-[]-sem
  n∈₁ (suc n) = ⋆-∷-sem return-sem (n∈₁ n)

  n∈₂ :  n  f n  true 
        let n′ = length (replicate n tt) in
        [ empty-grammar ] n  if f n′ then return n′ else fail · []
  n∈₂ n fn≡true rewrite length-replicate n {x = tt} | fn≡true =

  yes-lemma :  n  ¬ ([ empty-grammar ] n  p · [])  f n  true
  yes-lemma n n∉ fn≡true = n∉ (>>=-sem (n∈₁ n) (n∈₂ n fn≡true))

  goal : Dec (∀ n  f n  false)
  goal with dec p
  ... | yes (_ , n∈) = no (no-lemma (true-lemma n∈))
  ... | no ¬[]∈      = yes λ n  ¬-not (yes-lemma n (¬[]∈  -,_))

-- However, we can implement a procedure that either proves that a
-- production is nullable, or returns "don't know" as the answer.
-- Note that, in the case of bind, the second argument is only applied
-- to one input—the first argument could give rise to infinitely many
-- results (as in the example above).
-- Note also that no attempt is made to memoise non-terminals—the
-- grammar could consist of an infinite number of non-terminals.
-- Instead the grammar is unfolded a certain number of times (n).
-- Memoisation still seems like a useful heuristic, but requires that
-- equality of non-terminals is decidable.

nullable? :  {NT A} (n : ) (g : Grammar NT) (p : Prod NT A) 
            Maybe (Nullable g p)
nullable? {NT} n g p =
  Product.map id (unfold-from n _) <$>M null? (unfold n g p)
  null? :  {A} (p : Prod NT A)  Maybe (Nullable g p)
  null? (! nt)        = nothing
  null? fail          = nothing
  null? token         = nothing
  null? (tok t)       = nothing
  null? (return x)    = just (x , return-sem)
  null? (p )         = just ([] , ⋆-[]-sem)
  null? (p₁  p₂)     = Product.zip _$_   ⊛-sem  <$>M null? p₁ ⊛M null? p₂
  null? (p₁ <⊛ p₂)    = Product.zip const <⊛-sem <$>M null? p₁ ⊛M null? p₂
  null? (p₁ >>= p₂)   = null? p₁                  >>=M λ { (x , x∈) 
                        null? (p₂ x)              >>=M λ { (y , y∈) 
                        just (y , >>=-sem x∈ y∈)  }}
  null? (p₁  p₂)     = (Product.map id left-sem  <$>M null? p₁)
                        (Product.map id right-sem <$>M null? p₂)

-- Detecting the whitespace combinator

-- A predicate for the whitespace combinator.

data Is-whitespace {NT} :  {A}  Prod NT A  Set₁ where
  is-whitespace : Is-whitespace whitespace

-- Detects the whitespace combinator.

is-whitespace? :  {NT A} (p : Prod NT A)  Maybe (Is-whitespace p)
is-whitespace? {NT} (tok ' '  p) = helper p P.refl
  helper :  {A} (p : Prod NT A) (eq : A  Char) 
           Maybe (Is-whitespace (tok ' '  P.subst (Prod NT) eq p))
  helper (tok '\n') P.refl = just is-whitespace
  helper _          _      = nothing

is-whitespace? _ = nothing

-- Trailing whitespace

-- A predicate for productions that can "swallow" extra trailing
-- whitespace.

Trailing-whitespace :  {NT A}  Grammar NT  Prod NT A  Set₁
Trailing-whitespace g p =
   {x s}  [ g ] x  p <⊛ whitespace  · s  [ g ] x  p · s

-- A heuristic procedure that either proves that a production can
-- swallow trailing whitespace, or returns "don't know" as the answer.

trailing-whitespace :
   {NT A} (n : ) (g : Grammar NT) (p : Prod NT A) 
  Maybe (Trailing-whitespace g p)
trailing-whitespace {NT} n g p =
  convert  unfold-lemma <$>M trailing? (unfold n g p)
  -- An alternative formulation of Trailing-whitespace.

  Trailing-whitespace′ :  {NT A}  Grammar NT  Prod NT A  Set₁
  Trailing-whitespace′ g p =
     {x s₁ s₂ s} 
    [ g ] x  p · s₁  [ g ] s  whitespace  · s₂ 
    [ g ] x  p · s₁ ++ s₂

  convert :  {NT A} {g : Grammar NT} {p : Prod NT A} 
            Trailing-whitespace′ g p  Trailing-whitespace g p
  convert t (<⊛-sem x∈ w) = t x∈ w

  ++-lemma :  s₁ {s₂}  (s₁ ++ s₂) ++ []  (s₁ ++ []) ++ s₂
  ++-lemma _ = solve (++-monoid Char)

  unfold-lemma : Trailing-whitespace′ g (unfold n g p) 
                 Trailing-whitespace′ g p
  unfold-lemma t x∈ white = unfold-from n _ (t (unfold-to n _ x∈) white)

  ⊛-return-lemma :
     {A B} {p : Prod NT (A  B)} {x} 
    Trailing-whitespace′ g p 
    Trailing-whitespace′ g (p  return x)
  ⊛-return-lemma t (⊛-sem {s₁ = s₁} f∈ return-sem) white =
    cast (++-lemma s₁) (⊛-sem (t f∈ white) return-sem)

  +-lemma :
     {A} {p : Prod NT A} 
    Trailing-whitespace′ g p 
    Trailing-whitespace′ g (p +)
  +-lemma t (⊛-sem (⊛-sem {s₂ = s₁} return-sem x∈) ⋆-[]-sem) white =
    cast (++-lemma s₁) (+-sem (t x∈ white) ⋆-[]-sem)
  +-lemma t (⊛-sem (⊛-sem {s₂ = s₁} return-sem x∈) (⋆-+-sem xs∈))
          white =
    cast (P.sym $ LM.assoc s₁ _ _)
         (+-∷-sem x∈ (+-lemma t xs∈ white))

  ⊛-⋆-lemma :
     {A B} {p₁ : Prod NT (List A  B)} {p₂ : Prod NT A} 
    Trailing-whitespace′ g p₁ 
    Trailing-whitespace′ g p₂ 
    Trailing-whitespace′ g (p₁  p₂ )
  ⊛-⋆-lemma t₁ t₂ (⊛-sem {s₁ = s₁} f∈ ⋆-[]-sem) white =
    cast (++-lemma s₁) (⊛-sem (t₁ f∈ white) ⋆-[]-sem)
  ⊛-⋆-lemma t₁ t₂ (⊛-sem {s₁ = s₁} f∈ (⋆-+-sem xs∈)) white =
    cast (P.sym $ LM.assoc s₁ _ _)
         (⊛-sem f∈ (⋆-+-sem (+-lemma t₂ xs∈ white)))

  ⊛-∣-lemma :  {A B} {p₁ : Prod NT (A  B)} {p₂ p₃ : Prod NT A} 
              Trailing-whitespace′ g (p₁  p₂) 
              Trailing-whitespace′ g (p₁  p₃) 
              Trailing-whitespace′ g (p₁  (p₂  p₃))
  ⊛-∣-lemma t₁₂ t₁₃ {s₂ = s₃}
    (⊛-sem {f = f} {x = x} {s₁ = s₁} {s₂ = s₂} f∈ (left-sem x∈))
    with f x | (s₁ ++ s₂) ++ s₃ | t₁₂ (⊛-sem f∈ x∈) white
  ... | ._ | ._ | ⊛-sem f∈′ x∈′ = ⊛-sem f∈′ (left-sem x∈′)
  ⊛-∣-lemma t₁₂ t₁₃ {s₂ = s₃}
    (⊛-sem {f = f} {x = x} {s₁ = s₁} {s₂ = s₂} f∈ (right-sem x∈))
    with f x | (s₁ ++ s₂) ++ s₃ | t₁₃ (⊛-sem f∈ x∈) white
  ... | ._ | ._ | ⊛-sem f∈′ x∈′ = ⊛-sem f∈′ (right-sem x∈′)

  ⊛-lemma :  {A B} {p₁ : Prod NT (A  B)} {p₂ : Prod NT A} 
            Trailing-whitespace′ g p₂ 
            Trailing-whitespace′ g (p₁  p₂)
  ⊛-lemma t₂ (⊛-sem {s₁ = s₁} f∈ x∈) white =
    cast (P.sym $ LM.assoc s₁ _ _)
         (⊛-sem f∈ (t₂ x∈ white))

  <⊛-return-lemma :
     {A B} {p : Prod NT A} {x : B} 
    Trailing-whitespace′ g p 
    Trailing-whitespace′ g (p <⊛ return x)
  <⊛-return-lemma t (<⊛-sem {s₁ = s₁} f∈ return-sem) white =
    cast (++-lemma s₁) (<⊛-sem (t f∈ white) return-sem)

  <⊛-⋆-lemma :
     {A B} {p₁ : Prod NT A} {p₂ : Prod NT B} 
    Is-whitespace p₂ 
    Trailing-whitespace′ g (p₁ <⊛ p₂ )
  <⊛-⋆-lemma is-whitespace (<⊛-sem {s₁ = s₁} x∈ white₁) white₂ =
    cast (P.sym $ LM.assoc s₁ _ _)
         (<⊛-sem x∈ (⋆-⋆-sem white₁ white₂))

  <⊛-lemma :  {A B} {p₁ : Prod NT A} {p₂ : Prod NT B} 
             Trailing-whitespace′ g p₂ 
             Trailing-whitespace′ g (p₁ <⊛ p₂)
  <⊛-lemma t₂ (<⊛-sem {s₁ = s₁} f∈ x∈) white =
    cast (P.sym $ LM.assoc s₁ _ _)
         (<⊛-sem f∈ (t₂ x∈ white))

  fail->>=-lemma :  {A B} {p : A  Prod NT B} 
                   Trailing-whitespace′ g (fail >>= p)
  fail->>=-lemma (>>=-sem () _)

  return->>=-lemma :  {A B} {p : A  Prod NT B} {x} 
                     Trailing-whitespace′ g (p x) 
                     Trailing-whitespace′ g (return x >>= p)
  return->>=-lemma t (>>=-sem return-sem y∈) white =
    >>=-sem return-sem (t y∈ white)

  tok->>=-lemma :  {A} {p : Char  Prod NT A} {t} 
                  Trailing-whitespace′ g (p t) 
                  Trailing-whitespace′ g (tok t >>= p)
  tok->>=-lemma t (>>=-sem tok-sem y∈) white =
    >>=-sem tok-sem (t y∈ white)

  ∣-lemma :  {A} {p₁ p₂ : Prod NT A} 
            Trailing-whitespace′ g p₁ 
            Trailing-whitespace′ g p₂ 
            Trailing-whitespace′ g (p₁  p₂)
  ∣-lemma t₁ t₂ (left-sem  x∈) white = left-sem  (t₁ x∈ white)
  ∣-lemma t₁ t₂ (right-sem x∈) white = right-sem (t₂ x∈ white)

  trailing? :  {A} (p : Prod NT A) 
              Maybe (Trailing-whitespace′ g p)
  trailing? fail             = just  ())
  trailing? (p  return x)   = ⊛-return-lemma <$>M trailing? p
  trailing? (p₁  p₂ )      = ⊛-⋆-lemma <$>M trailing? p₁ ⊛M trailing? p₂
  trailing? (p₁  (p₂  p₃)) = ⊛-∣-lemma <$>M trailing? (p₁  p₂)
                                           ⊛M trailing? (p₁  p₃)
  trailing? (p₁  p₂)        = ⊛-lemma <$>M trailing? p₂
  trailing? (p <⊛ return x)  = <⊛-return-lemma <$>M trailing? p
  trailing? (p₁ <⊛ p₂ )     = <⊛-⋆-lemma <$>M is-whitespace? p₂
  trailing? (p₁ <⊛ p₂)       = <⊛-lemma <$>M trailing? p₂
  trailing? (fail >>= p)     = just fail->>=-lemma
  trailing? (return x >>= p) = return->>=-lemma <$>M trailing? (p x)
  trailing? (tok t >>= p)    = tok->>=-lemma <$>M trailing? (p t)
  trailing? (p₁  p₂)        = ∣-lemma <$>M trailing? p₁ ⊛M trailing? p₂
  trailing? _                = nothing


  -- A unit test.

  test : T (is-just (trailing-whitespace
                       0 empty-grammar (tt <$ whitespace )))
  test = _