-- Containers, based on the work of Abbott and others

{-# OPTIONS --universe-polymorphism #-}

module Data.Container where

open import Data.Product as Prod hiding (map)
open import Function renaming (id to ⟨id⟩; _∘_ to _⟨∘⟩_)
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_)
open import Function.Inverse as Inv using (_⇿_; module Inverse)
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary using (Setoid; module Setoid)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
  using (_≡_; _≗_; refl)
open import Relation.Unary using (_⊆_)

-- Containers

-- A container is a set of shapes, and for every shape a set of
-- positions.

infix 5 _◃_

record Container ( : Level) : Set (suc ) where
  constructor _◃_
    Shape    : Set 
    Position : Shape  Set 

open Container public

-- The semantics ("extension") of a container.

⟦_⟧ :  {}  Container   Set   Set 
 C  X = Σ[ s  Shape C ] (Position C s  X)

-- Equality, parametrised on an underlying relation.

Eq :  {c } {C : Container c} {X Y : Set c} 
     (X  Y  Set )   C  X   C  Y  Set (c  )
Eq {C = C} _≈_ (s , f) (s′ , f′) =
  Σ[ eq  s  s′ ] (∀ p  f p  f′ (P.subst (Position C) eq p))


  -- Note that, if propositional equality were extensional, then
  -- Eq _≡_ and _≡_ would coincide.

  Eq⇒≡ :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} {xs ys :  C  X} 
         P.Extensionality c c  Eq _≡_ xs ys  xs  ys
  Eq⇒≡ {C = C} {X} ext (s≡s′ , f≈f′) = helper s≡s′ f≈f′
    helper : {s s′ : Shape C} (eq : s  s′) 
             {f  : Position C s   X}
             {f′ : Position C s′  X} 
             (∀ p  f p  f′ (P.subst (Position C) eq p)) 
             _≡_ {A =  C  X} (s , f) (s′ , f′)
    helper refl f≈f′ = P.cong (_,_ _) (ext f≈f′)

setoid :  {}  Container   Setoid    Setoid  
setoid C X = record
  { Carrier       =  C  X.Carrier
  ; _≈_           = _≈_
  ; isEquivalence = record
    { refl  = (refl , λ _  X.refl)
    ; sym   = sym
    ; trans = λ {_ _ zs}  trans zs
  module X = Setoid X

  _≈_ = Eq X._≈_

  sym : {xs ys :  C  X.Carrier}  xs  ys  ys  xs
  sym (eq , f) = helper eq f
    helper : {s s′ : Shape C} (eq : s  s′) 
             {f  : Position C s   X.Carrier}
             {f′ : Position C s′  X.Carrier} 
             (∀ p  X._≈_ (f p) (f′ $ P.subst (Position C) eq p)) 
             (s′ , f′)  (s , f)
    helper refl eq = (refl , X.sym ⟨∘⟩ eq)

  trans :  {xs ys :  C  X.Carrier} zs  xs  ys  ys  zs  xs  zs
  trans zs (eq₁ , f₁) (eq₂ , f₂) = helper eq₁ eq₂ (proj₂ zs) f₁ f₂
    helper : {s s′ s″ : Shape C} (eq₁ : s  s′) (eq₂ : s′  s″) 
             {f  : Position C s   X.Carrier}
             {f′ : Position C s′  X.Carrier} 
             (f″ : Position C s″  X.Carrier) 
             (∀ p  X._≈_ (f  p) (f′ $ P.subst (Position C) eq₁ p)) 
             (∀ p  X._≈_ (f′ p) (f″ $ P.subst (Position C) eq₂ p)) 
             (s , f)  (s″ , f″)
    helper refl refl _ eq₁ eq₂ = (refl , λ p  X.trans (eq₁ p) (eq₂ p))

-- Functoriality

-- Containers are functors.

map :  {c} {C : Container c} {X Y}  (X  Y)   C  X   C  Y
map f = Prod.map ⟨id⟩  g  f ⟨∘⟩ g)

module Map where

  identity :  {c} {C : Container c} X 
             let module X = Setoid X in
             (xs :  C  X.Carrier)  Eq X._≈_ (map ⟨id⟩ xs) xs
  identity {C = C} X xs = Setoid.refl (setoid C X)

  composition :  {c} {C : Container c} {X Y} Z 
                let module Z = Setoid Z in
                (f : Y  Z.Carrier) (g : X  Y) (xs :  C  X) 
                Eq Z._≈_ (map f (map g xs)) (map (f ⟨∘⟩ g) xs)
  composition {C = C} Z f g xs = Setoid.refl (setoid C Z)

-- Container morphisms

-- Representation of container morphisms.

record _⇒_ {c} (C₁ C₂ : Container c) : Set c where
    shape    : Shape C₁  Shape C₂
    position :  {s}  Position C₂ (shape s)  Position C₁ s

open _⇒_ public

-- Interpretation of _⇒_.

⟪_⟫ :  {c} {C₁ C₂ : Container c} 
      C₁  C₂   {X}   C₁  X   C₂  X
 m  xs = (shape m (proj₁ xs) , proj₂ xs ⟨∘⟩ position m)

module Morphism where

  -- Naturality.

  Natural :  {c} {C₁ C₂ : Container c} 
            (∀ {X}   C₁  X   C₂  X)  Set (suc c)
  Natural {c} {C₁} m =
     {X} (Y : Setoid c c)  let module Y = Setoid Y in
    (f : X  Y.Carrier) (xs :  C₁  X) 
    Eq Y._≈_ (m $ map f xs) (map f $ m xs)

  -- Natural transformations.

  NT :  {c} (C₁ C₂ : Container c)  Set (suc c)
  NT C₁ C₂ =  λ (m :  {X}   C₁  X   C₂  X)  Natural m

  -- Container morphisms are natural.

  natural :  {c} {C₁ C₂ : Container c}
            (m : C₁  C₂)  Natural  m 
  natural {C₂ = C₂} m Y f xs = Setoid.refl (setoid C₂ Y)

  -- In fact, all natural functions of the right type are container
  -- morphisms.

  complete :  {c} {C₁ C₂ : Container c} 
             (nt : NT C₁ C₂) 
              λ m  (X : Setoid c c) 
                     let module X = Setoid X in
                     (xs :  C₁  X.Carrier) 
                     Eq X._≈_ (proj₁ nt xs) ( m  xs)
  complete (nt , nat) =
    (m , λ X xs  nat X (proj₂ xs) (proj₁ xs , ⟨id⟩))
    m = record { shape    = λ  s   proj₁ (nt (s , ⟨id⟩))
               ; position = λ {s}  proj₂ (nt (s , ⟨id⟩))

  -- Identity.

  id :  {c} (C : Container c)  C  C
  id _ = record {shape = ⟨id⟩; position = ⟨id⟩}

  -- Composition.

  infixr 9 _∘_

  _∘_ :  {c} {C₁ C₂ C₃ : Container c}  C₂  C₃  C₁  C₂  C₁  C₃
  f  g = record
    { shape    = shape    f ⟨∘⟩ shape    g
    ; position = position g ⟨∘⟩ position f

  -- Identity and composition commute with ⟪_⟫.

  id-correct :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} 
                id C  {X}  ⟨id⟩
  id-correct xs = refl

  ∘-correct :  {c} {C₁ C₂ C₃ : Container c}
              (f : C₂  C₃) (g : C₁  C₂) {X : Set c} 
               f  g  {X}  ( f  ⟨∘⟩  g )
  ∘-correct f g xs = refl

-- Linear container morphisms

record _⊸_ {c} (C₁ C₂ : Container c) : Set c where
    shape⊸    : Shape C₁  Shape C₂
    position⊸ :  {s}  Position C₂ (shape⊸ s)  Position C₁ s

  morphism : C₁  C₂
  morphism = record
    { shape    = shape⊸
    ; position = _⟨$⟩_ (Inverse.to position⊸)

  ⟪_⟫⊸ :  {X}   C₁  X   C₂  X
  ⟪_⟫⊸ =  morphism 

open _⊸_ public using (shape⊸; position⊸; ⟪_⟫⊸)

-- All and any

-- All.

 :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} 
    (X  Set c)  ( C  X  Set c)
 P (s , f) =  p  P (f p)

□-map :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} {P Q : X  Set c} 
        P  Q   {C = C} P   Q
□-map P⊆Q = _⟨∘⟩_ P⊆Q

-- Any.

 :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} 
    (X  Set c)  ( C  X  Set c)
 P (s , f) =  λ p  P (f p)

◇-map :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} {P Q : X  Set c} 
        P  Q   {C = C} P   Q
◇-map P⊆Q = Prod.map ⟨id⟩ P⊆Q

-- Membership.

infix 4 _∈_

_∈_ :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} 
      X   C  X  Set c
x  xs =  (_≡_ x) xs

-- Bag and set equality. Two containers xs and ys are equal when
-- viewed as sets if, whenever x ∈ xs, we also have x ∈ ys, and vice
-- versa. They are equal when viewed as bags if, additionally, the
-- sets x ∈ xs and x ∈ ys have the same size. For alternative but
-- equivalent definitions of bag and set equality, see
-- Data.Container.AlternativeBagAndSetEquality.

open Inv public
  using (Kind) renaming (inverse to bag; equivalent to set)

[_]-Equality :  {}  Kind  Container   Set   Setoid  
[ k ]-Equality C X = Inv.InducedEquivalence₂ k (_∈_ {C = C} {X = X})

infix 4 _≈[_]_

_≈[_]_ :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} 
          C  X  Kind   C  X  Set c
xs ≈[ k ] ys = Setoid._≈_ ([ k ]-Equality _ _) xs ys