-- Unary relations (variant for Set₁)

-- I want universe polymorphism.

module Relation.Unary1 where

-- Unary relations

Pred : Set  Set₂
Pred a = a  Set₁

-- Unary relations can be seen as sets

-- I.e., they can be seen as subsets of the universe of discourse.

 module Dummy {a : Set} -- The universe of discourse.

  -- Set membership.

  infix 4 _∈_

  _∈_ : a  Pred a  Set₁
  x  P = P x

  -- The property of being universal.

  Universal : Pred a  Set₁
  Universal P =  x  x  P

  -- P ⊆ Q means that P is a subset of Q. _⊆′_ is a variant of _⊆_.

  infix 4 _⊆_ _⊇_ _⊆′_ _⊇′_

  _⊆_ : Pred a  Pred a  Set₁
  P  Q =  {x}  x  P  x  Q

  _⊆′_ : Pred a  Pred a  Set₁
  P ⊆′ Q =  x  x  P  x  Q

  _⊇_ : Pred a  Pred a  Set₁
  Q  P = P  Q

  _⊇′_ : Pred a  Pred a  Set₁
  Q ⊇′ P = P ⊆′ Q

open Dummy public