-- Operations on and properties of decidable relations

module Relation.Nullary.Decidable where

open import Relation.Nullary
open import Data.Function
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Product using (_,_)

decToBool :  {P}  Dec P  Bool
decToBool (yes _) = true
decToBool (no  _) = false

True :  {P}  Dec P  Set
True Q = T (decToBool Q)

False :  {P}  Dec P  Set
False Q = T (not (decToBool Q))

witnessToTruth :  {P} {Q : Dec P}  True Q  P
witnessToTruth {Q = yes p} _  = p
witnessToTruth {Q = no  _} ()

map :  {P Q}  P  Q  Dec P  Dec Q
map (to , from) (yes p) = yes (to p)
map (to , from) (no ¬p) = no (¬p  from)