-- Code for converting Vec₁ n A → B to and from n-ary functions

-- I want universe polymorphism.

module Data.Vec.N-ary1 where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Vec1
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality1

-- N-ary functions

N-ary :   Set1  Set1  Set1
N-ary zero    A B = B
N-ary (suc n) A B = A  N-ary n A B

-- Conversion

curryⁿ :  {n A B}  (Vec₁ A n  B)  N-ary n A B
curryⁿ {zero}  f = f []
curryⁿ {suc n} f = λ x  curryⁿ  xs  f (x  xs))

_$ⁿ_ :  {n A B}  N-ary n A B  (Vec₁ A n  B)
f $ⁿ []       = f
f $ⁿ (x  xs) = f x $ⁿ xs

-- N-ary function equality

Eq :  {A B} n  (B  B  Set1)  (f g : N-ary n A B)  Set1
Eq zero    _∼_ f g = f  g
Eq (suc n) _∼_ f g =  x  Eq n _∼_ (f x) (g x)

-- Some lemmas

-- The two functions are inverses.

left-inverse :  {n A B} (f : Vec₁ A n  B) 
                xs  curryⁿ f $ⁿ xs ≡₁ f xs
left-inverse f []       = refl
left-inverse f (x  xs) = left-inverse  xs  f (x  xs)) xs

data Lift {A : Set1} (R : A  A  Set) x y : Set1 where
  lift : R x y  Lift R x y

right-inverse :  {A B} n (f : N-ary n A B) 
                Eq n (Lift _≡₁_) (curryⁿ (_$ⁿ_ {n} f)) f
right-inverse zero    f = lift refl
right-inverse (suc n) f = λ x  right-inverse n (f x)

-- Conversion preserves equality.

curryⁿ-pres :  {n A B _∼_} (f g : Vec₁ A n  B) 
              (∀ xs  f xs  g xs) 
              Eq n _∼_ (curryⁿ f) (curryⁿ g)
curryⁿ-pres {zero}  f g hyp = hyp []
curryⁿ-pres {suc n} f g hyp = λ x 
  curryⁿ-pres  xs  f (x  xs))  xs  g (x  xs))
               xs  hyp (x  xs))

curryⁿ-pres⁻¹ :  {n A B _∼_} (f g : Vec₁ A n  B) 
                Eq n _∼_ (curryⁿ f) (curryⁿ g) 
                 xs  f xs  g xs
curryⁿ-pres⁻¹ f g hyp []       = hyp
curryⁿ-pres⁻¹ f g hyp (x  xs) =
  curryⁿ-pres⁻¹  xs  f (x  xs))  xs  g (x  xs)) (hyp x) xs

appⁿ-pres :  {n A B _∼_} (f g : N-ary n A B) 
            Eq n _∼_ f g 
            (xs : Vec₁ A n)  (f $ⁿ xs)  (g $ⁿ xs)
appⁿ-pres f g hyp []       = hyp
appⁿ-pres f g hyp (x  xs) = appⁿ-pres (f x) (g x) (hyp x) xs

appⁿ-pres⁻¹ :  {n A B _∼_} (f g : N-ary n A B) 
              ((xs : Vec₁ A n)  (f $ⁿ xs)  (g $ⁿ xs)) 
              Eq n _∼_ f g
appⁿ-pres⁻¹ {zero}  f g hyp = hyp []
appⁿ-pres⁻¹ {suc n} f g hyp = λ x 
  appⁿ-pres⁻¹ (f x) (g x)  xs  hyp (x  xs))