-- Semi-heterogeneous vector equality

module Data.Vec.Equality where

open import Data.Vec
open import Data.Nat using (suc)
open import Data.Function
open import Relation.Binary
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PropEq
open PropEq using (_≡_)

module Equality (S : Setoid) where

  private module SS = Setoid S
  open SS using () renaming (_≈_ to _≊_; carrier to A)

  infix 4 _≈_

  data _≈_ :  {}  Vec A  
              {}  Vec A   Set where
    []-cong  : []  []
    _∷-cong_ :  { } {xs¹ : Vec A }
                 { } {xs² : Vec A }
                 (x¹≈x² :   ) (xs¹≈xs² : xs¹  xs²) 
                   xs¹    xs²

  length-equal :  {} {xs¹ : Vec A }
                   {} {xs² : Vec A } 
                 xs¹  xs²    
  length-equal []-cong        = PropEq.refl
  length-equal (_ ∷-cong eq₂) = PropEq.cong suc $ length-equal eq₂

  refl :  {n} (xs : Vec A n)  xs  xs
  refl []       = []-cong
  refl (x  xs) = SS.refl ∷-cong refl xs

  sym :  {n m} {xs : Vec A n} {ys : Vec A m} 
        xs  ys  ys  xs
  sym []-cong                = []-cong
  sym (x¹≡x² ∷-cong xs¹≈xs²) = SS.sym x¹≡x² ∷-cong sym xs¹≈xs²

  trans :  {n m l} {xs : Vec A n} {ys : Vec A m} {zs : Vec A l} 
          xs  ys  ys  zs  xs  zs
  trans []-cong            []-cong            = []-cong
  trans (x≈y ∷-cong xs≈ys) (y≈z ∷-cong ys≈zs) =
    SS.trans x≈y y≈z ∷-cong trans xs≈ys ys≈zs

  _++-cong_ :  {n₁¹ n₂¹} {xs₁¹ : Vec A n₁¹} {xs₂¹ : Vec A n₂¹}
                {n₁² n₂²} {xs₁² : Vec A n₁²} {xs₂² : Vec A n₂²} 
              xs₁¹  xs₁²  xs₂¹  xs₂² 
              xs₁¹ ++ xs₂¹  xs₁² ++ xs₂²
  []-cong          ++-cong eq₃ = eq₃
  (eq₁ ∷-cong eq₂) ++-cong eq₃ = eq₁ ∷-cong (eq₂ ++-cong eq₃)

module DecidableEquality (D : DecSetoid) where

  private module DS = DecSetoid D
  open DS using () renaming (_≟_ to _≟′_ ; carrier to A)
  open Equality DS.setoid
  open import Relation.Nullary

  _≟_ :  {n m} (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec A m)  Dec (xs  ys)
  _≟_ []       []       = yes []-cong
  _≟_ []       (y  ys) = no (λ())
  _≟_ (x  xs) []       = no (λ())
  _≟_ (x  xs) (y  ys) with xs  ys | x ≟′ y
  ... | yes xs≈ys | yes x≊y = yes (x≊y ∷-cong xs≈ys)
  ... | no ¬xs≈ys | _       = no helper
    helper : ¬ (x  xs  y  ys)
    helper (_ ∷-cong xs≈ys) = ¬xs≈ys xs≈ys
  ... | _         | no ¬x≊y = no helper
    helper : ¬ (x  xs  y  ys)
    helper (x≊y ∷-cong _) = ¬x≊y x≊y

module HeterogeneousEquality {A : Set} where

  import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as HetEq
  open HetEq using (_≅_)
  open Equality (PropEq.setoid A)

  to-≅ :  {n m} {xs : Vec A n} {ys : Vec A m} 
         xs  ys  xs  ys
  to-≅ []-cong                      = HetEq.refl
  to-≅ (PropEq.refl ∷-cong xs¹≈xs²) with length-equal xs¹≈xs²
  ... | PropEq.refl = HetEq.cong (_∷_ _) $ to-≅ xs¹≈xs²