-- List-related properties

-- Note that the lemmas below could be generalised to work with other
-- equalities than _≡_.

module Data.List.Properties where

open import Data.List as List
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Function
import Data.Product as Prod; open Prod hiding (map)
import Data.Sum as Sum; open Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
import Relation.Binary.EqReasoning as Eq
open import Algebra
open import Relation.Binary.FunctionLifting
open import Category.Monad
open RawMonad List.monad

∷-injective :  {A} {x y xs ys} 
              (List A  x  xs)  (y  ys)  (x  y) × (xs  ys)
∷-injective refl = (refl , refl)

right-identity-unique :  {A} (xs : List A) {ys} 
                        xs  xs ++ ys  ys  []
right-identity-unique []       refl = refl
right-identity-unique (x  xs) eq   =
  right-identity-unique xs (proj₂ (∷-injective eq))

-- Map, sum, and append.

map-++-commute :  {a b} (f : a  b) xs ys 
                 map f (xs ++ ys)  map f xs ++ map f ys
map-++-commute f []       ys = refl
map-++-commute f (x  xs) ys =
  cong (_∷_ (f x)) (map-++-commute f xs ys)

sum-++-commute :  xs ys  sum (xs ++ ys)  sum xs + sum ys
sum-++-commute []       ys = refl
sum-++-commute (x  xs) ys = begin
  x + sum (xs ++ ys)
                         ≡⟨ cong (_+_ x) (sum-++-commute xs ys) 
  x + (sum xs + sum ys)
                         ≡⟨ sym $ +-assoc x _ _ 
  (x + sum xs) + sum ys
  open CommutativeSemiring commutativeSemiring hiding (_+_; sym)
  open ≡-Reasoning

-- Various properties about folds.

foldr-universal :  {a b} (h : List a  b) f e 
                  (h []  e) 
                  (∀ x xs  h (x  xs)  f x (h xs)) 
                  h  foldr f e
foldr-universal h f e base step []       = base
foldr-universal h f e base step (x  xs) = begin
  h (x  xs)
    ≡⟨ step x xs 
  f x (h xs)
    ≡⟨ cong (f x) (foldr-universal h f e base step xs) 
  f x (foldr f e xs)
  where open ≡-Reasoning

foldr-fusion :  {a b c} (h : b  c)
                 {f : a  b  b} {g : a  c  c} (e : b) 
               (∀ x y  h (f x y)  g x (h y)) 
               h  foldr f e  foldr g (h e)
foldr-fusion h {f} {g} e fuse =
  foldr-universal (h  foldr f e) g (h e) refl
                   x xs  fuse x (foldr f e xs))

idIsFold :  {a}  id {a = List a}  foldr _∷_ []
idIsFold = foldr-universal id _∷_ [] refl  _ _  refl)

++IsFold :  {a} (xs ys : List a) 
           xs ++ ys  foldr _∷_ ys xs
++IsFold xs ys =
    xs ++ ys
  ≡⟨ cong  xs  xs ++ ys) (idIsFold xs) 
    foldr _∷_ [] xs ++ ys
  ≡⟨ foldr-fusion  xs  xs ++ ys) []  _ _  refl) xs 
    foldr _∷_ ([] ++ ys) xs
  ≡⟨ refl 
    foldr _∷_ ys xs
  where open ≡-Reasoning

mapIsFold :  {a b} {f : a  b} 
            map f  foldr  x ys  f x  ys) []
mapIsFold {f = f} =
    map f
  ≈⟨ cong (map f)  idIsFold 
    map f  foldr _∷_ []
  ≈⟨ foldr-fusion (map f) []  _ _  refl) 
    foldr  x ys  f x  ys) []
  where open Eq (_ →-setoid _)

concat-map :  {a b} {f : a  b} 
             concat  map (map f)  map f  concat
concat-map {f = f} =
    concat  map (map f)
  ≈⟨ cong concat  mapIsFold 
    concat  foldr  xs ys  map f xs  ys) []
  ≈⟨ foldr-fusion concat []  _ _  refl) 
    foldr  ys zs  map f ys ++ zs) []
  ≈⟨ sym 
     foldr-fusion (map f) []  ys zs  map-++-commute f ys zs) 
    map f  concat
  where open Eq (_ →-setoid _)

map-compose :  {a b c} {g : b  c} {f : a  b} 
              map (g  f)  map g  map f
map-compose {g = g} {f} =
    map (g  f)
  ≈⟨ cong (map (g  f))  idIsFold 
    map (g  f)  foldr _∷_ []
  ≈⟨ foldr-fusion (map (g  f)) []  _ _  refl) 
    foldr  a y  g (f a)  y) []
  ≈⟨ sym  foldr-fusion (map g) []  _ _  refl) 
    map g  foldr  a y  f a  y) []
  ≈⟨ cong (map g)  sym  mapIsFold 
    map g  map f
  where open Eq (_ →-setoid _)

foldr-cong :  {a b} {f₁ f₂ : a  b  b} {e₁ e₂ : b} 
             (∀ x y  f₁ x y  f₂ x y)  e₁  e₂ 
             foldr f₁ e₁  foldr f₂ e₂
foldr-cong {f₁ = f₁} {f₂} {e} f₁≗₂f₂ refl =
    foldr f₁ e
  ≈⟨ cong (foldr f₁ e)  idIsFold 
    foldr f₁ e  foldr _∷_ []
  ≈⟨ foldr-fusion (foldr f₁ e) []  x xs  f₁≗₂f₂ x (foldr f₁ e xs)) 
    foldr f₂ e
  where open Eq (_ →-setoid _)

map-cong :  {a b} {f g : a  b}  f  g  map f  map g
map-cong {f = f} {g} f≗g =
    map f
  ≈⟨ mapIsFold 
    foldr  x ys  f x  ys) []
  ≈⟨ foldr-cong  x ys  cong₂ _∷_ (f≗g x) refl) refl 
    foldr  x ys  g x  ys) []
  ≈⟨ sym  mapIsFold 
    map g
  where open Eq (_ →-setoid _)

-- Take, drop, and splitAt.

take++drop :  {a} n (xs : List a)  take n xs ++ drop n xs  xs
take++drop zero    xs       = refl
take++drop (suc n) []       = refl
take++drop (suc n) (x  xs) =
  cong  xs  x  xs) (take++drop n xs)

splitAt-defn :  {a} n  splitAt {a} n  < take n , drop n >
splitAt-defn zero    xs       = refl
splitAt-defn (suc n) []       = refl
splitAt-defn (suc n) (x  xs) with splitAt n xs | splitAt-defn n xs
... | (ys , zs) | ih = cong (Prod.map (_∷_ x) id) ih

-- TakeWhile, dropWhile, and span.

takeWhile++dropWhile :  {a} (p : a  Bool) (xs : List a) 
                       takeWhile p xs ++ dropWhile p xs  xs
takeWhile++dropWhile p []       = refl
takeWhile++dropWhile p (x  xs) with p x
... | true  = cong (_∷_ x) (takeWhile++dropWhile p xs)
... | false = refl

span-defn :  {a} (p : a  Bool) 
            span p  < takeWhile p , dropWhile p >
span-defn p []       = refl
span-defn p (x  xs) with p x
... | true  = cong (Prod.map (_∷_ x) id) (span-defn p xs)
... | false = refl

-- Partition.

partition-defn :  {a} (p : a  Bool) 
                 partition p  < filter p , filter (not  p) >
partition-defn p []       = refl
partition-defn p (x  xs)
 with p x | partition p xs | partition-defn p xs
...  | true  | (ys , zs) | eq = cong (Prod.map (_∷_ x) id) eq
...  | false | (ys , zs) | eq = cong (Prod.map id (_∷_ x)) eq

-- Inits, tails, and scanr.

scanr-defn :  {a b} (f : a  b  b) (e : b) 
             scanr f e  map (foldr f e)  tails
scanr-defn f e []             = refl
scanr-defn f e (x  [])       = refl
scanr-defn f e (x₁  x₂  xs)
  with scanr f e (x₂  xs) | scanr-defn f e (x₂  xs)
...  | [] | ()
...  | y  ys | eq with ∷-injective eq
...        | y≡fx₂⦇f⦈xs , _ = cong₂  z zs  f x₁ z  zs) y≡fx₂⦇f⦈xs eq

scanl-defn :  {a b} (f : a  b  a) (e : a) 
             scanl f e  map (foldl f e)  inits
scanl-defn f e []       = refl
scanl-defn f e (x  xs) = cong (_∷_ e) (begin
     scanl f (f e x) xs
  ≡⟨ scanl-defn f (f e x) xs 
     map (foldl f (f e x)) (inits xs)
  ≡⟨ refl 
     map (foldl f e  (_∷_ x)) (inits xs)
  ≡⟨ map-compose (inits xs) 
     map (foldl f e) (map (_∷_ x) (inits xs))
  where open ≡-Reasoning

-- Length.

length-map :  {A B} (f : A  B) xs 
             length (map f xs)  length xs
length-map f []       = refl
length-map f (x  xs) = cong suc (length-map f xs)

length-gfilter :  {A B} (p : A  Maybe B) xs 
                 length (gfilter p xs)  length xs
length-gfilter p []       = z≤n
length-gfilter p (x  xs) with p x
length-gfilter p (x  xs) | just y  = s≤s (length-gfilter p xs)
length-gfilter p (x  xs) | nothing = ≤-step (length-gfilter p xs)

-- _∈_.

∈-++ˡ :  {A} {x : A} {xs ys}  x  xs  x  xs ++ ys
∈-++ˡ here         = here
∈-++ˡ (there x∈xs) = there (∈-++ˡ x∈xs)

∈-++ʳ :  {A} {x : A} xs {ys}  x  ys  x  xs ++ ys
∈-++ʳ []       x∈ys = x∈ys
∈-++ʳ (x  xs) x∈ys = there (∈-++ʳ xs x∈ys)

++-∈ :  {A} {x : A} xs {ys}  x  xs ++ ys  x  xs  x  ys
++-∈ []       x∈ys             = inj₂ x∈ys
++-∈ (x  xs) here             = inj₁ here
++-∈ (x  xs) (there x∈xs++ys) = Sum.map there id (++-∈ xs x∈xs++ys)

∈-map :  {A B} {f : A  B} {x xs} 
        x  xs  f x  map f xs
∈-map here         = here
∈-map (there x∈xs) = there (∈-map x∈xs)

map-∈ :  {A B} {f : A  B} {fx} xs 
        fx  map f xs   λ x  x  xs × f x  fx
map-∈ []       ()
map-∈ (x  xs) here           = (x , here , refl)
map-∈ (x  xs) (there fx∈fxs) =
  Prod.map id (Prod.map there id) (map-∈ xs fx∈fxs)

∈-concat :  {A} {x : A} {xs xss} 
           x  xs  xs  xss  x  concat xss
∈-concat x∈xs here                    = ∈-++ˡ x∈xs
∈-concat x∈xs (there {y = ys} xs∈xss) = ∈-++ʳ ys (∈-concat x∈xs xs∈xss)

concat-∈ :  {A} {x : A} xss 
           x  concat xss   λ xs  x  xs × xs  xss
concat-∈ []               ()
concat-∈ ([]        xss) x∈cxss         = Prod.map id (Prod.map id there)
                                             (concat-∈ xss x∈cxss)
concat-∈ ((x  xs)  xss) here           = (x  xs , here , here)
concat-∈ ((y  xs)  xss) (there x∈cxss) with concat-∈ (xs  xss) x∈cxss
... | (.xs , x∈xs , here)         = (y  xs , there x∈xs , here)
... | (ys  , x∈ys , there ys∈xss) = (ys     , x∈ys       , there ys∈xss)

∈->>= :  {A B} (f : A  List B) {x y xs} 
        x  xs  y  f x  y  (xs >>= f)
∈->>= f x∈xs y∈fx = ∈-concat y∈fx (∈-map x∈xs)

>>=-∈ :  {A B} (f : A  List B) {y} xs 
        y  (xs >>= f)   λ x  x  xs × y  f x
>>=-∈ f xs y∈xs>>=f with Prod.map id (Prod.map id (map-∈ xs)) $
                           concat-∈ (map f xs) y∈xs>>=f
>>=-∈ f xs y∈xs>>=f | (.(f x) , y∈fx , (x , x∈xs , refl)) =
  (x , x∈xs , y∈fx)

∈-⊛ :  {A B} {fs : List (A  B)} {xs f x} 
      f  fs  x  xs  f x  fs  xs
∈-⊛ f∈xs x∈xs = ∈->>= _ f∈xs (∈->>= _ x∈xs here)

⊛-∈ :  {A B} (fs : List (A  B)) xs {fx} 
      fx  fs  xs  ∃₂ λ f x  f  fs × x  xs × f x  fx
⊛-∈ fs xs fx∈fs⊛xs with >>=-∈ _ fs fx∈fs⊛xs
⊛-∈ fs xs fx∈fs⊛xs | (f , f∈fs , fx∈) with >>=-∈ _ xs fx∈
⊛-∈ fs xs fx∈fs⊛xs | (f , f∈fs , fx∈) | (x , x∈xs , here) =
  (f , x , f∈fs , x∈xs , refl)
⊛-∈ fs xs fx∈fs⊛xs | (f , f∈fs , fx∈) | (x , x∈xs , there ())

any-∈ :  {A} (p : A  Bool) xs 
        any p xs  true   λ x  x  xs × p x  true
any-∈ p []       ()
any-∈ p (x  xs) eq with inspect (p x)
any-∈ p (x  xs) eq | true  with-≡ eq′  = (x , here , sym eq′)
any-∈ p (x  xs) eq | false with-≡ eq′  with p x
any-∈ p (x  xs) eq | false with-≡ refl | .false =
  Prod.map id (Prod.map there id) (any-∈ p xs eq)

∈-any :  {A x} (p : A  Bool) {xs} 
        x  xs  p x  true  any p xs  true
∈-any p (here {x = x})       eq   with p x
∈-any p here                 refl | .true = refl
∈-any p (there {y = y} x∈xs) eq   with p y
∈-any p (there {y = y} x∈xs) eq   | true  = refl
∈-any p (there {y = y} x∈xs) eq   | false = ∈-any p x∈xs eq