-- "Finite" sets indexed on coinductive "natural" numbers

module Data.Cofin where

open import Coinduction
import Data.Conat as Conat; open Conat using (Coℕ; suc; ∞ℕ)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc)

-- The type

-- Note that Cofin ∞ℕ is /not/ finite. Note also that this is not a
-- coinductive type, but it is indexed on a coinductive type.

data Cofin : Coℕ  Set where
  zero :  {n}  Cofin (suc n)
  suc  :  {n} (i : Cofin ( n))  Cofin (suc n)

-- Some operations

fromℕ :   Cofin ∞ℕ
fromℕ zero    = zero
fromℕ (suc n) = suc (fromℕ n)

toℕ :  {n}  Cofin n  
toℕ zero    = zero
toℕ (suc i) = suc (toℕ i)

fromFin :  {n}  Fin n  Cofin (Conat.fromℕ n)
fromFin zero    = zero
fromFin (suc i) = suc (fromFin i)

toFin :  n  Cofin (Conat.fromℕ n)  Fin n
toFin zero    ()
toFin (suc n) zero    = zero
toFin (suc n) (suc i) = suc (toFin n i)