-- A large class of algebraic structures satisfies the property that
-- isomorphic instances of a structure are equal (assuming univalence)

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

-- This code has been superseded by more recent developments. See
-- README.agda.

-- This module has been developed in collaboration with Thierry
-- Coquand.

open import Equality

module Univalence-axiom.Isomorphism-implies-equality
  {reflexive} (eq :  {a p}  Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where

open import Bijection eq
open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open import Equivalence eq as Eq
open import Extensionality eq
open import H-level eq
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Logical-equivalence
open import Prelude
open import Univalence-axiom eq

-- N-ary functions

-- N-ary functions.

_^_⟶_ : Type    Type  Type
A ^ zero   B = B
A ^ suc n  B = A  A ^ n  B

-- N-ary function morphisms.

Is-_-ary-morphism :
  (n : ) {A B : Type}  A ^ n  A  B ^ n  B  (A  B)  Type
Is- zero  -ary-morphism f₁ f₂ m = m f₁  f₂
Is- suc n -ary-morphism f₁ f₂ m =
   x  Is- n -ary-morphism (f₁ x) (f₂ (m x)) m


  -- If _↔_.to m is a morphism, then _↔_.from m is also a morphism.

  from-also-_-ary-morphism :
    (n : ) {A B : Type} (f₁ : A ^ n  A) (f₂ : B ^ n  B) (m : A  B) 
    Is- n -ary-morphism f₁ f₂ (_↔_.to m) 
    Is- n -ary-morphism f₂ f₁ (_↔_.from m)
  from-also- zero  -ary-morphism f₁ f₂ m is = _↔_.to-from m is
  from-also- suc n -ary-morphism f₁ f₂ m is = λ x 
    from-also- n -ary-morphism (f₁ (from x)) (f₂ x) m
      (subst  y  Is- n -ary-morphism (f₁ (from x)) (f₂ y) to)
             (right-inverse-of x)
             (is (from x)))
    where open _↔_ m

-- Changes the type of an n-ary function.

cast : {A₁ A₂ : Type}  A₁  A₂   n  A₁ ^ n  A₁  A₂ ^ n  A₂
cast A₁≃A₂ zero    = _≃_.to A₁≃A₂
cast A₁≃A₂ (suc n) = λ f x  cast A₁≃A₂ n (f (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂ x))


  -- Cast simplification lemma.

  cast-id :
    {A : Type} 
    (∀ n  Function-extensionality′ A  _  A ^ n  A)) 
     n (f : A ^ n  A)  cast Eq.id n f  f
  cast-id ext zero    f = refl f
  cast-id ext (suc n) f = ext n $ λ x  cast-id ext n (f x)

  -- We can express cast as an instance of subst (assuming
  -- extensionality and univalence).

  cast-is-subst :
    (∀ {A : Type} n  Function-extensionality′ A  _  A ^ n  A)) 
    {A₁ A₂ : Type}
    (univ : Univalence′ A₁ A₂)
    (A₁≃A₂ : A₁  A₂) (n : ) (f : A₁ ^ n  A₁) 
    cast A₁≃A₂ n f  subst  C  C ^ n  C) (≃⇒≡ univ A₁≃A₂) f
  cast-is-subst ext univ A₁≃A₂ n =
       A  A ^ n  A)
       A≃B f  cast A≃B n f)
      (cast-id ext n)

  -- If there is an isomorphism from f₁ to f₂, then the corresponding
  -- instance of cast maps f₁ to f₂ (assuming extensionality).

  cast-isomorphism :
    {A₁ A₂ : Type} 
    (∀ n  Function-extensionality′ A₂  _  A₂ ^ n  A₂)) 
    (A₁≃A₂ : A₁  A₂)
    (n : ) (f₁ : A₁ ^ n  A₁) (f₂ : A₂ ^ n  A₂) 
    Is- n -ary-morphism f₁ f₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂) 
    cast A₁≃A₂ n f₁  f₂
  cast-isomorphism ext A₁≃A₂ zero    f₁ f₂ is = is
  cast-isomorphism ext A₁≃A₂ (suc n) f₁ f₂ is = ext n $ λ x 
    cast A₁≃A₂ n (f₁ (from x))  ≡⟨ cast-isomorphism ext A₁≃A₂ n _ _ (is (from x)) 
    f₂ (to (from x))            ≡⟨ cong f₂ (right-inverse-of x) ⟩∎
    f₂ x                        
    where open _≃_ A₁≃A₂

  -- Combining the results above we get the following: if there is an
  -- isomorphism from f₁ to f₂, then the corresponding instance of
  -- subst maps f₁ to f₂ (assuming extensionality and univalence).

  subst-isomorphism :
    (∀ {A : Type} n  Function-extensionality′ A  _  A ^ n  A)) 
    {A₁ A₂ : Type}
    (univ : Univalence′ A₁ A₂)
    (A₁≃A₂ : A₁  A₂)
    (n : ) (f₁ : A₁ ^ n  A₁) (f₂ : A₂ ^ n  A₂) 
    Is- n -ary-morphism f₁ f₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂) 
    subst  A  A ^ n  A) (≃⇒≡ univ A₁≃A₂) f₁  f₂
  subst-isomorphism ext univ A₁≃A₂ n f₁ f₂ is =
    subst  A  A ^ n  A) (≃⇒≡ univ A₁≃A₂) f₁  ≡⟨ sym $ cast-is-subst ext univ A₁≃A₂ n f₁ 
    cast A₁≃A₂ n f₁                              ≡⟨ cast-isomorphism ext A₁≃A₂ n f₁ f₂ is ⟩∎

-- A class of algebraic structures

-- An algebraic structure universe.


  -- Codes for structures.

  infixl 5 _+operator_ _+axiom_

  data Structure : Type₁ where
    empty : Structure

    -- N-ary functions.
    _+operator_ : Structure  (n : )  Structure

    -- Arbitrary /propositional/ axioms.
    _+axiom_ : (s : Structure)
               (P :  λ (P : (A : Type)   s  A  Type) 
                       A s  Is-proposition (P A s)) 

  -- Interpretation of the codes.

  ⟦_⟧ : Structure  Type  Type₁
   empty                  A =  _ 
   s +operator n          A =  s  A × (A ^ n  A)
   s +axiom (P , P-prop)  A = Σ ( s  A) (P A)

-- Top-level interpretation.

⟪_⟫ : Structure  Type₁
 s  =   s 

-- Morphisms.

Is-structure-morphism :
  (s : Structure) 
  {A B : Type}   s  A   s  B 
  (A  B)  Type
Is-structure-morphism empty           _          _          m = 
Is-structure-morphism (s +axiom _)    (s₁ , _)   (s₂ , _)   m =
  Is-structure-morphism s s₁ s₂ m
Is-structure-morphism (s +operator n) (s₁ , op₁) (s₂ , op₂) m =
  Is-structure-morphism s s₁ s₂ m × Is- n -ary-morphism op₁ op₂ m

-- Isomorphisms.

Isomorphism : (s : Structure)   s    s   Type
Isomorphism s (A₁ , s₁) (A₂ , s₂) =
   λ (m : A₁  A₂)  Is-structure-morphism s s₁ s₂ (_↔_.to m)


  -- If _↔_.to m is a morphism, then _↔_.from m is also a morphism.

  from-also-structure-morphism :
    (s : Structure) 
    {A B : Type} {s₁ :  s  A} {s₂ :  s  B} 
    (m : A  B) 
    Is-structure-morphism s s₁ s₂ (_↔_.to m) 
    Is-structure-morphism s s₂ s₁ (_↔_.from m)
  from-also-structure-morphism empty           m = _
  from-also-structure-morphism (s +axiom _)    m =
    from-also-structure-morphism s m
  from-also-structure-morphism (s +operator n) m =
    Σ-map (from-also-structure-morphism s m)
          (from-also- n -ary-morphism _ _ m)

  -- Isomorphic structures are equal (assuming univalence).

  isomorphic-equal :
    Univalence′ (Type ²/≡) Type 
    Univalence lzero 
    (s : Structure) (s₁ s₂ :  s ) 
    Isomorphism s s₁ s₂  s₁  s₂
  isomorphic-equal univ₁ univ₂
    s (A₁ , s₁) (A₂ , s₂) (m , is) =

    (A₁ , s₁)  ≡⟨ Σ-≡,≡→≡ A₁≡A₂ (lemma s s₁ s₂ is) ⟩∎
    (A₂ , s₂)  

    open _↔_ m

    -- Extensionality follows from univalence.

    ext : {A : Type} {B : A  Type}  Function-extensionality′ A B
    ext = dependent-extensionality′ univ₁  _  univ₂)

    -- The presence of the bijection implies that the structure's
    -- underlying types are equal (due to univalence).

    A₁≡A₂ : A₁  A₂
    A₁≡A₂ = _≃_.from (≡≃≃ univ₂) $ ↔⇒≃ m

    -- We can lift subst-isomorphism to structures by recursion on
    -- structure codes.

    lemma : (s : Structure)
            (s₁ :  s  A₁) (s₂ :  s  A₂) 
            Is-structure-morphism s s₁ s₂ to 
            subst  s  A₁≡A₂ s₁  s₂
    lemma empty _ _ _ = refl _

    lemma (s +axiom (P , P-prop)) (s₁ , ax₁) (s₂ , ax₂) is =
      subst  A  Σ ( s  A) (P A)) A₁≡A₂ (s₁ , ax₁)  ≡⟨ push-subst-pair′  s  (uncurry P) (lemma s s₁ s₂ is) 
      (s₂ , _)                                          ≡⟨ cong (_,_ s₂) $ P-prop _ _ _ _ ⟩∎
      (s₂ , ax₂)                                        

    lemma (s +operator n) (s₁ , op₁) (s₂ , op₂) (is-s , is-o) =
      subst  A   s  A × (A ^ n  A)) A₁≡A₂ (s₁ , op₁)  ≡⟨ push-subst-pair′  s   { (A , _)  A ^ n  A }) (lemma s s₁ s₂ is-s) 

      (s₂ , subst₂  { (A , _)  A ^ n  A }) A₁≡A₂
                   (lemma s s₁ s₂ is-s) op₁)                ≡⟨ cong (_,_ s₂) $ subst₂-proj₁  A  A ^ n  A) 

      (s₂ , subst  A  A ^ n  A) A₁≡A₂ op₁)              ≡⟨ cong (_,_ s₂) $ subst-isomorphism  _  ext) univ₂ (↔⇒≃ m) n op₁ op₂ is-o ⟩∎
      (s₂ , op₂)                                            

-- Some example structures

-- Example: magmas.

magma : Structure
magma = empty +operator 2

Magma : Type₁
Magma =  magma 


  -- An unfolding of Magma.

  Magma-unfolded : Magma   λ (A : Type)   _  × (A  A  A)
  Magma-unfolded = refl _

-- Example: semigroups. The definition uses extensionality to prove
-- that the axioms are propositional. Note that one axiom states that
-- the underlying type is a set. This assumption is used to prove that
-- the other axiom is propositional.

semigroup : Extensionality lzero lzero  Structure
semigroup ext =

    (  A _  Is-set A)
    , is-set-prop

  +operator 2

    (  { _ (_ , _∙_) 
            x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z) })
    , assoc-prop

  is-set-prop = λ _ _  H-level-propositional ext 2

  assoc-prop = λ { _ ((_ , A-set) , _) 
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

Semigroup : Extensionality lzero lzero  Type₁
Semigroup ext =  semigroup ext 


  -- An unfolding of Semigroup.

  Semigroup-unfolded :
    (ext : Extensionality lzero lzero) 
    Semigroup ext  Σ
      Type                                       λ A  Σ (Σ (Σ ( _ ) λ _ 
      Is-set A                                 ) λ _ 
      A  A  A                                ) λ { (_ , _∙_) 
       x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z) }
  Semigroup-unfolded _ = refl _

-- Example: abelian groups.

abelian-group : Extensionality lzero lzero  Structure
abelian-group ext =

  -- The underlying type is a set.
    (  A _  Is-set A)
    , is-set-prop

  -- The binary group operation.
  +operator 2

  -- Commutativity.
    (  { _ (_ , _∙_) 
            x y  (x  y)  (y  x) })
    , comm-prop

  -- Associativity.
    (  { _ ((_ , _∙_) , _) 
            x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z) })
    , assoc-prop

  -- Identity.
  +operator 0

  -- Left identity.
    (  { _ ((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) 
            x  (e  x)  x })
    , left-identity-prop

  -- Right identity.
    (  { _ (((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) , _) 
            x  (x  e)  x })
    , right-identity-prop

  -- Inverse.
  +operator 1

  -- Left inverse.
    (  { _ (((((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) , _) , _) , _⁻¹) 
            x  ((x ⁻¹)  x)  e })
    , left-inverse-prop

  -- Right inverse.
    (  { _ ((((((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) , _) , _) , _⁻¹) , _) 
            x  (x  (x ⁻¹))  e })
    , right-inverse-prop

  is-set-prop = λ _ _  H-level-propositional ext 2

  comm-prop =
    λ { _ ((_ , A-set) , _) 
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

  assoc-prop =
    λ { _ (((_ , A-set) , _) , _) 
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

  left-identity-prop =
    λ { _ (((((_ , A-set) , _) , _) , _) , _) 
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

  right-identity-prop =
    λ { _ ((((((_ , A-set) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) 
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

  left-inverse-prop =
    λ { _ ((((((((_ , A-set) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) 
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

  right-inverse-prop =
    λ { _ (((((((((_ , A-set) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) , _) 
      Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

Abelian-group : Extensionality lzero lzero  Type₁
Abelian-group ext =  abelian-group ext 


  -- An unfolding of Abelian-group. Note that the inner structure is
  -- left-nested.

  Abelian-group-unfolded :
    (ext : Extensionality lzero lzero) 
    Abelian-group ext  Σ
      Type                                       λ A  Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ (Σ ( _ ) λ _ 
      Is-set A                                 ) λ _ 
      A  A  A                                ) λ {        (_ , _∙_) 
       x y  (x  y)  (y  x)               }) λ {       ((_ , _∙_) , _) 
       x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z) }) λ _ 
      A                                        ) λ {     ((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) 
       x  (e  x)  x                       }) λ {    (((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) , _) 
       x  (x  e)  x                       }) λ _ 
      A  A                                    ) λ {  (((((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) , _) , _) , _⁻¹) 
       x  ((x ⁻¹)  x)  e                  }) λ { ((((((((_ , _∙_) , _) , _) , e) , _) , _) , _⁻¹) , _) 
       x  (x  (x ⁻¹))  e                  }

  Abelian-group-unfolded _ = refl _

-- Right-nested structures

-- Right-nested structures are arguably easier to define (see the
-- example below). However, the following class of right-nested
-- structures is in some sense different from the class above. Take
-- "operator 0 f : Structureʳ Bool", for instance. The /shape/ of f op
-- can vary depending on whether the operator op is true or false.
-- One could perhaps avoid this issue by only considering values of
-- type ∀ A → Structureʳ A. However, it is not obvious how to convert
-- elements of this type to elements of type Structure in a
-- meaning-preserving way. Furthermore it seems to be awkward to
-- define things like Is-structure-isomorphism when using values of
-- type ∀ A → Structureʳ A (see the definition of
-- Is-structure-isomorphismʳ below).

-- Codes. (Note that these structures are defined for a single
-- underlying type.)

data Structureʳ (A : Type) : Type₁ where
  empty : Structureʳ A

  -- N-ary functions.
  operator : (n : )
             (s : A ^ n  A  Structureʳ A) 
             Structureʳ A

  -- Arbitrary /propositional/ axioms.
  axiom : (P : Type)
          (P-prop : Is-proposition P)
          (s : P  Structureʳ A) 
          Structureʳ A

-- Interpretation of the codes.

⟦_⟧ʳ : {A : Type}  Structureʳ A  Type₁
 empty            ⟧ʳ =  _ 
 operator n s     ⟧ʳ =  λ op   s op ⟧ʳ
 axiom P P-prop s ⟧ʳ =  λ p    s p  ⟧ʳ

-- Top-level interpretation.

⟪_⟫ʳ : (∀ A  Structureʳ A)  Type₁
 s ⟫ʳ =  λ A   s A ⟧ʳ

-- The property of being an isomorphism.

Is-structure-isomorphismʳ :
  (s :  A  Structureʳ A) 
  {A B : Type}   s A ⟧ʳ   s B ⟧ʳ 
  A  B  Type
Is-structure-isomorphismʳ s {A} {B} S₁ S₂ m =
  helper (s A) (s B) S₁ S₂
  helper : (s₁ : Structureʳ A) (s₂ : Structureʳ B) 
            s₁ ⟧ʳ   s₂ ⟧ʳ  Type
  helper empty            empty            _          _          = 
  helper (operator n₁ s₁) (operator n₂ s₂) (op₁ , S₁) (op₂ , S₂) =
    ( λ (eq : n₁  n₂) 
       Is- n₁ -ary-morphism
         op₁ (subst  n  B ^ n  B) (sym eq) op₂) (_↔_.to m)) ×
    helper (s₁ op₁) (s₂ op₂) S₁ S₂
  helper (axiom P₁ _ s₁) (axiom P₂ _ s₂) (p₁ , S₁) (p₂ , S₂) =
    helper (s₁ p₁) (s₂ p₂) S₁ S₂

  helper empty               (operator n s₂)     _ _ = 
  helper empty               (axiom P P-prop s₂) _ _ = 
  helper (operator n s₁)     empty               _ _ = 
  helper (operator n s₁)     (axiom P P-prop s₂) _ _ = 
  helper (axiom P P-prop s₁) empty               _ _ = 
  helper (axiom P P-prop s₁) (operator n s₂)     _ _ = 

-- Example: semigroups.

semigroupʳ :
  Extensionality lzero lzero 
   A  Structureʳ A
semigroupʳ ext A =
  axiom (Is-set A)

        (H-level-propositional ext 2)

        λ A-set 

  operator 2 λ _∙_ 

  axiom (∀ x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z))

        (Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
         Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 
         Π-closure ext 1 λ _ 

        λ _ 


Semigroupʳ : Extensionality lzero lzero  Type₁
Semigroupʳ ext =  semigroupʳ ext ⟫ʳ


  -- An unfolding of Semigroupʳ.

  Semigroupʳ-unfolded :
    (ext : Extensionality lzero lzero) 
    Semigroupʳ ext 
     λ (A   : Type) 
     λ (_   : Is-set A) 
     λ (_∙_ : A  A  A) 
     λ (_   :  x y z  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z)) 
  Semigroupʳ-unfolded _ = refl _