-- Strings

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible #-}

module String where

open import Prelude

-- Helper code used below


  -- A variant of Maybe that matches the Haskell Maybe type.

  data HMaybe (A : Type) : Type where
    Nothing : HMaybe A
    Just    : A  HMaybe A

  {-# COMPILE GHC HMaybe = data Maybe (Nothing | Just) #-}

  -- A conversion function.

  hmaybe-to-maybe :  {A}  HMaybe A  Maybe A
  hmaybe-to-maybe Nothing  = nothing
  hmaybe-to-maybe (Just x) = just x

-- Operations on strings

-- Implemented using the FFI. These operations do not compute at
-- compile-time, and are only supported by the GHC backend.

  import qualified Data.Text


  -- Tries to parse the given string as a natural number. Accepts
  -- whatever the Haskell Read instance for Integer accepts, except
  -- for negative numbers.

  parseℕ : String  Maybe 
  parseℕ = hmaybe-to-maybe  parseℕ′

      parseℕ′ : String  HMaybe 

{-# COMPILE GHC parseℕ′ =
  \s -> case reads (Data.Text.unpack s) of
          { [(x, "")] | x >= 0 -> Just (x :: Integer)
          ; _                  -> Nothing

-- Turns natural numbers into strings.

  prettyℕ :   String

{-# COMPILE GHC prettyℕ =
  \n -> Data.Text.pack (show (n :: Integer))